Early Warning - Study Guide

Early Warning discovers relationships between your students' educational records and their enrollment outcomes, and helps you find students at risk of not persisting to graduation. The tool uses data already in Campus and is integrated with your existing caseload lists. You'll be able to view students' risk histories and discover what categories of risk are most important for each student.

Early Warning 

What is Early Warning?

The Early Warning tool automatically discovers statistical relationships between educational records and enrollment outcomes. Early Warning uses these evidence-based risk factors to estimate each student's likelihood of a positive enrollment outcome (matriculation or graduation) versus a negative enrollment outcome, such as dropping out of school. See the full documentation below.



What is GRAD Score?

The Graduation Related Analytic Data (GRAD) score summarizes a student’s educational record with a single number to indicate their likelihood of promotion to the next grade level. GRAD scores measure factors predictive of dropping out of school and factors indicative of a student's persistence to the next grade level or to graduation.


Early Warning Student Detail

Selecting a student in the Student List will display demographic information (student number, birth date, GRAD Score, etc.), a GRAD Score History Graph, and separate cards detailing each category score.
