Standards Portfolio (Progress Monitor)

This tool is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering.

Location: Progress Monitor > Portfolio

The Standards Portfolio displays all grades received for standards across the student's school career, tracking student progress towards proficiency on standards over time. Users must have appropriate tool rights to view data from previous calendars. 

This tool is available in the Progress Monitor and in Student Information. In the Progress Monitor, the course must have at least one standard aligned for the button to display.

Screenshot highlighting the Portfolio button below each student's name in the Progress Monitor. Open the Standards Portfolio from the Progress Monitor.

Click Screenshot of the Portfolio button.  to view all grades given for standards across a student's school career. Teachers must have the appropriate tool rights to view data for previous calendars. This view allows teachers to track student progress towards proficiency on standards in previous courses, as well as progress on standards aligned to the current section.

Screenshot of the Portfolio listing standards and grades for the student. 

The Portfolio allows teachers to view student progress on standards across years and courses. 


Upon opening the Portfolio, the view is filtered to the current course. Filter data by Year, by Course, by whether the student received a Passing or Failing score, or by Standard. These filters are specific to the student. For example, only courses the student has taken are listed.

Teachers can saveScreenshot of the save button.  a filter to return to it later, or access filters created by others in the Standards tool. For example, this image shows a saved filter that shows instances where the student received a failing grade on English Language Arts standards:

Screenshot showing the portfolio with a saved filter selected. 

Save useful filters or access those saved by administrators. 

Export filter results to an Excel file or a PDF using the options above the standards table.

Standards & Grades

Standards are listed based on the filter options selected. The Grade displayed is the posted grade the student received for the standard in that course, with in info button to view the rubric used. If the student received multiple grades for a standard in that course, the most recent posted grade is shown. The grade level, year, and course are also shown.

Click on a header to sort results or click and drag a header above the table to group results.

Screenshot highlighting the Year and Course column headers that can be clicked and dragged to group the standards list.

Click and drag column headers to group the standards list. 

Assignment Scores & Grades

Click on a standard to view assignment scores that contributed to the grade. In the graph that displays, assignment scores are indicated by Screenshot of the circle icon. and posted term grades by Screenshot of the posted grade triangle icon. . Hover over an assignment to the name of the assignment, score, and due date. Hover over a term grade to view the term, course, posted date, and teacher.

Assignments are listed below the graph. To display, an assignment must have a grading alignment to the standard. Click an assignment name to view read-only details for the assignment. Click the timestamp in the submissions column to view work submitted by the student.





