Organization General Information (DN) (Ohio Extracts)

Tool Search: OH Extracts

The Ohio Organization General Information (DN) extract reports groups of information regarding building and district information. 

Screenshot of the Organization General Information (DN) extract editor.  Ohio State Extract Editor: Organization General Information (DN)

Report Logic

Each attribute within each group reports a record. Records should be sorted by group and by calendar. Calendar and state-excluded records will be reported. A record reports for each day with a Date Event for each State Grade. Duplicate records are not reported for days with multiple events. 

Assessment Group Attribute Codes

ASMTFG3ELAFall 3rd Grade ELA assessment
ASMTSPRELASpring English Language Arts (all grades, including EOC)
ASMTSPRMSSSpring Math, Science, Social Studies (all grades, including EOC)

Calendar Group Attribute Codes

For Day Events of DBLZZARD, a record reports for each Day with that Event. A separate record reports for each Grade Level that is not marked as State Exclude. If an Attendance Pattern is entered, a record reports for each Attendance Pattern entered for a Grade Level.

For all other attributes, for each Day Event of the reported attribute, each grade level not marked state-exclude reports a record, and within that, a record reports each unique Attendance Pattern.




Full day taken for calamity situations.


Full unplanned day not in session, excluding calamity days.


Full planned days not in session, such as holidays and breaks.
C_HRSLNGTHCan be used for a calamity makeup day added to a scheduled day, or for other reasons.
C_HSHRTNOPHours in session when the day was shortened for an unplanned reason other than weather, such as early dismissals, late starts, or mid-day interruptions.
C_HSHRTPLNHours in session when the day was shortened for a planned reason other than weather, such as teacher professional days and parent-teacher conference days. Reports days where both students and staff are expected to attend. Hours are reported in the Teacher Days code if a day only includes staff.
C_HSHRTWEAHours in session when the day was interrupted by weather.
C_PRFLMEETStaff professional meeting day, full or partial.
C_PTCONFRCParent-teacher conference day, full or partial.
C_YWKDAYMNFor students who are not expected to be in attendance every Monday during the school year.
C_YWKDAYTUFor students who are not expected to be in attendance every Tuesday during the school year.
C_YWKDAYWDFor students who are not expected to be in attendance every Wednesday during the school year.
C_YWKDAYTHFor students who are not expected to be in attendance every Thursday during the school year.
C_YWKDAYFRFor students who are not expected to be in attendance every Friday during the school year.
C_YWKDAYSAFor students who are expected to be in attendance every Saturday during the school year.
C_YWKDAYSUFor students who are expected to be in attendance every Sunday during the school year.
C_HRSWKENDFor students who attend on a Saturday or Sunday that is not in the regular schedule, such as make-up days. 

College Credit Plus Group Attribute Codes

CCPDENIALSCount of CCP students denied participation because they did not give notice of CCP participation by the deadline.
CCPREIMBCTCount of students who failed or dropped a course, and districts sought reimbursement from the student for the course cost.
CCPRESTITUTotal dollar amount a district is seeking for CCP reimbursement due to a dropped or failed course for all students (rounded to the nearest dollar).

District Group Attribute Codes

LEAPRVHARDThe district provides computer hardware (desktops, laptops, tablets, etc.) to all students in one or more grade levels so that they can complete schoolwork at their primary residence.
TFRPSESCYSThe district provides preschool special education services for resident children and has authorized the Department to transfer funds for preschool special education students.
TFRPSESCNOAn Educational Service Center (ESC) provides preschool special education services for resident children, but the district has not authorized the Department to transfer funds for preschool special education students to the ESC that provides those services.
LCLWELLPOLLocal Wellness Policy.
LEAPRVWIFIIndication of Wi-Fi accessibility to students outside of the building.

The core curriculum and instructional materials used for English language arts in grades preschool through five.

The reading intervention programs used in grades preschool through twelve.

PBISIMPSTGNumber of months at Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Implementation Stage

The initial delivery model used in the district at the start of the school year and each date when the delivery model changes.

DSTRCTSFTW is used to report the primary software used by the district to organize and maintain EMIS submission data.

Financial Group Attribute Codes

CENOFFSQFTSquare footage of the central office
BLDGSQFEETSquare footage of a building
LUNCHRMPCTPercentage of meals served for the building
TRANSPTPCTPercent of students in the district bused for the building

Initial Eye Exam Group Attribute Codes

EYEREQCNTANumber of students with an IIEP written within the stated time frame.
EYERECCNTBNumber of students with an IIEP written within the stated time frame who received an eye exam within three months of beginning services.
EYENRCCNT1Number of students with an IIEP written within the stated time frame who received an eye exam more than three months after beginning services.

Medical Group Attribute Codes

INHLRUSAGEThe total number of state-procured inhalers used each day.
GLCGNUSAGEThe number of state-procured glucagon doses used each day.
DIBTSENRLDThe number of enrolled students with diabetes.
DIBTSERRORThe number of errors with the administration of diabetes medication during the current school year.
EPHNPHUSAGEThe total number of state-procured epi-pens used each day.

Physical Education Group Attribute Codes

PHYSEDLMKGCount of students at the limited level in the KG-02 grade band
PHYSEDPFKGCount of students at the proficient level in the KG-02 grade band
PHYSEDADKGCount of students at the advanced level in the KG-02 grade band
PHYSEDNEKGCount of students not evaluated in the KG-02 grade band
PHYSEDLM03Count of students at the limited level in the 03-05 grade band
PHYSEDPF03Count of students at the proficient level in the 03-05 grade band
PHYSEDAD03Count of students at the advanced level in the 03-05 grade band
PHYSEDNE03Count of students at the advanced level in the 03-05 grade band
PHYSEDLM06Count of students at the limited level in the 06-08 grade band
PHYSEDPF06Count of students at the proficient level in the 06-08 grade band
PHYSEDAD06Count of students at the advanced level in the 06-08 grade band
PHYSEDNE06Count of students not evaluated in the 06-08 grade band
PHYSEDLM09Count of students at the limited level in the 09-12 grade band
PHYSEDPF09Count of students at the proficient level in the 09-12 grade band
PHYSEDAD09Count of students at the advanced level in the 09-12 grade band
PHYSEDNE09Count of students not evaluated in the 09-12 grade band

Student Group Attribute Codes

STUKGBRDAYThe date by which the student is required to be 5 years old for kindergarten admittance.
STUHOMESCLCount of home-schooled resident students.

Used to report the count of all-day kindergarten students who pay tuition and are eligible for free lunch.


Reports the count of all-day kindergarten students who pay tuition and are eligible for reduced-price lunch.


Used to report the maximum amount charged to all-day kindergarten students for fees.


Reports the maximum amount charged to all-day kindergarten students for tuition.

STUNPNTSRVCount of resident and non-resident nonpublic students who are in grades K-12 within district boundaries eligible for special education services but not being served by the district.
STUNPNTELGCount of resident and non-resident nonpublic students who are in grades K-12 within district boundaries evaluated and determined ineligible for special education services
STUPSTCBTRCount of preschool transition conferences held by 3rd birthday, no disability suspected, no additional evaluation
STUPSTCATRCount of preschool transition conferences held after 3rd birthday, no disability suspected, no additional evaluation

Generating the Extract

  1. Select the Organization General Information (DN) Extract Type.
  2. Use the Group field to indicate the attribute for which to generate a report. Use the Ctrl key to select one or more attributes. The attribute within each group reports a record. Records are sorted by group and by calendar.
  3. Select the appropriate Reporting Period for the selected Group.
  4. Enter the desired Date Range in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icons and selecting dates. Indicates date range from which the report will extract data.
  5. Select the extract Format. Select the State Format (Fixed Width) option for submission to the state. To review data before submission, select any of the other available formats.
  6. Select which calendar(s) to include within the extract. Information regarding the selected group for the school(s) in the selected calendar(s) will appear in the report. Calendars may be listed by active year, school, or year by selecting the appropriate radio button.
  7. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will be generated. Users can submit an Organization General Information (DN) report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. See the Batch Queue article for more information about submitting a report to the batch queue.

Extract Layout

Element  Name

Description & Format

Campus Location


Filler - 8 characters


Sort Type Code

Identifies the record type. This will always report as DN for the Organization General Information extract.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Not Dynamically Stored

Filler 2

Filler - 1 character


Fiscal Year

Identifies the end of the school year. The fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th.

Date Field, 4 characters, CCYY

Calendar Setup > School Years Setup > End 


Reporting Period Code

The reporting period from which the data is being pulled.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

OH State Reporting > OH Extracts > Reporting Period

Not Dynamically Stored

District IRN

Identifies the district's state-assigned six-digit information retrieval number. 

  1. When District IRN Override is NOT = null, reports the value entered in the District IRN Override field.
  2. When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in State District Number.


    • When District IRN Override is NOT = null, the value is reported in the District IRN Override field.
    • When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in State District Number.
    • When District IRN Override isNOT = null, reports the value entered into the District IRN Override field.
    • When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in State District Number.

Numeric, 6 digits

District Information > District Detail > State District Number


Organization IRN

Identifies the six-digit information retrieval number of the organization. When reporting a Medical Group, reports the information retrieval number of the district.

  1. When District IRN Override is NOT = null, the value is reported in the District IRN Override field.
  2. When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in State District Number.


    • When District IRN Override is NOT = null, the value is reported in the District IRN Override field.
    • When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in State District Number.
    • When District IRN Override is NOT = null, the value is reported in the District IRN Override field.
    • When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in State District Number.

Numeric, 6 digits

School Information > School Detail > State School Number 

District Information > District Detail > State District Number


Attribute Name

Identifies an attribute of the group selected on the extract editor. Each attribute within the selected group reports for the selected calendar(s). 


This field is reused and can have multiple meanings depending upon the group selected on the extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Day Setup > Day Detail > Day Events


Attribute Date

Identifies the attribute's date of occurrence.

Date Field, 8 characters, CCYYMMDD

Day Setup > Day Detail > Date

Attribute Text

Identifies additional text associated with the reported attribute name.

For the Calendar Group, attributes report the State Grade Level + the Attendance Pattern Code. If the Attendance Pattern is null, reports as **. 

For the District Group:

  • EDUMODELDB : Reports delivery model: 5DAYIN, REMOTE or HYBRID.
  • LCLWELLPOL: Reports whether or not there is a presence of a local wellness policy
    1. If the field contains a value, report the code.
    2. If the code is null, do not report
  • LEAPRVHARD: Reports the grade or grade range of students for whom hardware is provided. If a district provides hardware to students in a single grade or a contiguous grade range, then only one record must be reported. For example, a district providing hardware to students in grades 3 through 7 should report a single record with “3–7".
    1. Reports grades (P, K, 1-12, 23)
    2. P, K, and 23 should each report a separate record
    3. Consecutive grades from 1 to 12 may be reported as a single record. For example, if grades 1, 2, and 3 are checked, 1-3 should be reported as a single record.
  • LEAPRVWIFI: Reports spaces
  • PBISIMPSTG: Reports level of implementation (A, B, C, D, E or F)
    1. If A: Not Yet Begun contains a value, report A
    2. If B: Exploration and Adoption, report B
    3. If C: Installation, report C
    4. If D: Initial Implementation, report D
    5. If E: Full Implementation, report E
    6. If F: Innovation and Sustainability, report F
    • When District IRN Overrideis NOT = null, reports the code selected.
    • When District IRN Override NOT = null, the value is reported in the District IRN Override field.
    • When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in State District Number.
    • When District IRN Override is NOT = null, the value is reported in the District IRN Override field.
    • When District IRN Override = null, reports entry in State District Number.

For the Student Group:

  • STUKGBRDAY: Date the student is required to be 5 years old to be admitted into kindergarten. Reports A or B.
  • All other Student Group Attirubutes spaces report.

The Medical Group reports a blank space.

Spaces report for the Assessment, College Credit Plus, Financial, Initial Eye Exam, and Physical Education Evaluation Groups.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

Day Setup > Day Detail > Comments


Attribute Number

For the Calendar Group, the DBLZZARD attribute calculates as follows: If the Day Event has Instruction Minutes entered, report the Instruction Minutes entered divided by 60. If Instruction Minutes is null, reports as described below. 

For the Calendar Group, the DBLZZARD, HRSLNGTH, HSHRTNOP, HSHRTPLN, and HRSWKEND attributes are calculated as the Start Time of the day minus the End Time of the day minus Lunch Minutes, divided by 60. For the HSHRTNOP, HRSLNGTH, HSHRTWEA, and HRHRTPLN calendar events, if the Day Event has Instructional Minutes entered, reports that value divided by 60, otherwise based on the calculation above.

For the Calendar Group, the PRFLMEET and PTCONFRC attributes calculate as the day event Duration divided by 60. 

For the Medical Group: 

  • DIBTSERROR: Reports the total number of times that Diabetes Medication Error was marked for a Health Office Visit.
  • DIBTSENRLD: Reports the total number of students who have a health condition with "diabetes" in the description that is active on the extract Effective Date.
  • GLCGNUSAE: Reports the total number of doses administered for doses where the Medication Classification is 15: Glucagon State Purchased. Does not report if Medication Doses is null.
  • EPNHUSAGE: Reports the total number of doses administered for doses where the Medication Classification is 14: Epi-Pen State Purchased. Does not report if Medication Doses is null.
  • INHLRUSAGE: Reports the total number of doses administered for doses where the Medication Classification is 13: Inhaler State Purchased. Does not report if Medication Doses is null.

For the College Credit Plus Group:

  • CCPDENIALS: Reports count of CCP students denied participation because they did not give notice of CCP participation by the deadline
  • CCPREIMBCT: Reports count of students who failed or dropped a course, and districts sought reimbursement from the student for the cost of the course
  • CCPRESTITU: Reports the total dollar amount a district is seeking for CCP reimbursement due to a dropped or failed course for all students (rounded to the nearest dollar) 

For the District Group:

  • PBISIMPSTG: Reports the number of months at the reported state
  • All other attributes report as 0000000000.

For the Financial Group:

  • BLDGSQFEET: Reports Building Square Feet
  • CENOFFSQFT: Reports Central Office Square Feet
  • LUNCHRMPCT: Reports the percentage of meals served for the building.
  • TRANSPTPCT: Reports the percentage of students in the district bused for the building.

For the Initial Eye Exam Group:

  • EYENRCCNT1: Reports the number of students with an IIEP written within the stated time frame who received an eye exam more than three months after beginning services.
  • EYERECCNTB: Reports the number of students with an IIEP written within the stated time frame who received an eye exam within three months of beginning services.

  • EYEREQCNTA: Reports the number of students with an IIEP written within the stated time frame.

For the Physical Education Evaluation Group:

  • PHYSED**KG: Reports evaluation not conducted at this grade band for the building.
  • PHYSEDNEKG: Reports a count of students at the not evaluated level in the KG-02 grade band.
  • PHYSEDADKG: Reports a count of students at the advanced level in the KG-02 grade band.
  • PHYSEDPFKG: Reports a count of students at the proficient level in the KG-02 grade band
  • PHYSEDLMKG: Reports a count of students at the limited level in the KG-02 grade band.
  • PHYSED**03: Reports evaluation not conducted at this grade band for the building.
  • PHYSEDNE03: Reports a count of students at the not evaluated level in the 03-05 grade band.
  • PHYSEDAD03: Reports a count of students at the advanced level in the 03-05 grade band.
  • PHYSEDPF03: Reports a count of students at the proficient level in the 03-05 grade band.
  • PHYSEDLM03: Reports a count of students at the limited level in the 03-05 grade band.
  • PHYSED**06: Reports evaluation not conducted at this grade band for the building.
  • PHYSEDNE06: Reports a count of students at the not evaluated level in the 06-08 grade band.
  • PHYSEDAD06: Reports a count of students at the advanced level in the 06-08 grade band.
  • PHYSEDPF06: Reports a count of students at the proficient level in the 06-08 grade band.
  • PHYSEDLM06: Reports a count of students at the limited level in the 06-08 grade band.
  • PHYSED**09: Reports evaluation not conducted at this grade band for the building.
  • PHYSEDNE09: Reports a count of students at the not evaluated level in the 09-12 grade band.
  • PHYSEDAD09: Reports a count of students at the advanced level in the 09-12 grade band.
  • PHYSEDPF09: Reports a count of students at the proficient level in the 09-12 grade band.
  • PHYSEDLM09: Reports a count of students at the limited level in the 09-12 grade band.
For the Student Group:
  • STUPSTCBTR: Reports the count of resident and non-resident nonpublic students who are in grades K-12 within district boundaries and are eligible for special education services but are not being served by the district.
  • STUPSTCATR: Reports the count of resident and non-resident nonpublic students in grades K-12 within district boundaries who are eligible for special education services but are not being served by the district.
  • STUNPNTSRV: Reports count of resident and non-resident nonpublic students who are in grades K-12 within district boundaries eligible for special education services but not being served by the district.
  • STUNPNTELG: Reports the count of resident and non-resident nonpublic students in grades K-12 within district boundaries who are eligible for special education services but are not being served by the district.
  • STUKGBRDAY: Reports 000000.
  • STUHOMESCL: Reports the count of homeschooled resident students.

All other attributes report as 0000000000.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Day Setup > Day Detail Day Events > Type


Medicaid Group: 

Medication Name Setup > Classification

Health > Health Office Visits > Medication Doses

Previous Version

Organization General Information (DN) (Ohio Extracts) [.2243 - .2307]
Organization General Information (DN) (Ohio Extracts) [.2211 - .2239]