CTEERS Extract (Wisconsin)

Tool Search: CTEERS Extract

The Career and Technical Education Enrollment Reporting System (CTEERS) allows districts to submit enrollment information which impacts a district’s CPA funding or CPA grant projects. Enrollment information collected by CTEERS is also used to fulfill data needed for the state mandated Federal Performance Report. Failure to complete information for the Federal Performance Report could result in a district losing their financial grant for the reporting year.

The CTEERS extract is reported  on July 15.

Screenshot of CTEERS Extract Editor.CTEERS Extract Editor 

Report Logic

Student Enrollment Records

Students must have an enrollment on or before the entered Effective Date in order to report.

  • Withdrawn students report.
  • Only enrollments within the district are considered. If the student has a value that is NOT NULL in the School Override field, that school number will not be reported.
  • The school where CTE courses were take reports.

A record for each student enrolled in grades 11-13 report.

  • Students in grade 13 must be 17 years of age or older to be included. Age is calculated as of September 1 of the year the report is being generated. Students over the age of 22 are not reported in grade 13.
  • When a student is enrolled in multiple schools, the student reports for the school at which he/she was last enrolled.

When a student has multiple enrollments at the same school, only one record is reported for the student's Primary enrollment.

  • If the student has multiple primary enrollments in the selected calendars, the school in which the student was last enrolled reports, based on the latest enrollment start date that does NOT have an end date. If all primary enrollments are ended, the enrollment with the latest enrollment end date reports.
  • If no primary enrollment exists, the secondary enrollment record is used.

State Exclude

Students do not report, regardless of the logic listed above, when:

  • The student's enrollment record is marked as state exclude.
  • The grade level of enrollment is marked as state exclude.
  • The calendar of enrollment is marked as state exclude.


Information reported on the CTEERs extract is based on data  available on the student's CTE record.  Additional logic information is as follows:

Characteristic Value

If the Characteristic field on the student's CTEERS tab has data, information will be pulled from that field. If the Characteristic field is null, the following logic is used:



Campus Location


The CTEERS Effective Date falls within the student's Locked Education Plan that contains the student's Primary Disability that is not N: Not Disabled.

Special Education > Documents > Plan


A value of L reports the student meets the following criteria:

  • EL is marked on the Characteristic field on the CTE tab.
  • English Proficiency OVERRIDE field is options 1-5 (if field has a code of 6 or 7, L is not reported)
  • The most recent assessment as of the effective date on the report that has a type of LPF and a result of 1-6.0.
  • The most recent LID (LEP or EL for Identification) assessment as of the effective date on the report with a result of 1-6.0.

English Learners (EL) > English Proficiency Override


This code will report if the Academically Disadvantaged checkbox is marked on the student's CTE tab.

CTEERS > Academically Disadvantaged


If the student's Disadvantaged - Economic checkbox is selected on the student's CTE tool, this value is reported. Otherwise, the student's Eligibility record of F: Free or R: Reduced from the first day of school through the effective date of the report value reports. If the student has more than one Eligibility record, the latest record will be reported.

FRAM > Eligibility


This code will be reported when the student does not meet the criteria for codes H, L, A and/or E.


Completion and Participation Code Logic

When the following fields are null on the student's CTE tab, an X will report on the CTEERS extract:

Compulsory School Attendance

Youth Options Attendance

Adv. Standing Cred - Particip

Adv. Standing Cred - Completion

Transcripted Cred - Particip

Transcripted Cred - Completion

Youth Apprentice - Particip

Youth Apprentice - Completion

University - Particip

University - Completion

Post Grad Prep

When the Post HS Career Prep field on the student's CTEERS tab is null, a value of 4 will be reported for the Post Grad Prep column on the extract. 

When the Post Grad Plans field on the Graduation tab has a value and the Post HS Career Prep field on the CTE tab is null, the following values may report:

Graduation - Post Grad Plans
 Graduation > Post Grad Plans

CTEERS Extract - Post Grad Prep
WI State Reporting > CTEERS Extract

CTEERS Tool - Post HS Career Prep




2v: Vocational/Technical College


Non-Baccalaureate Prep

4Y: Four-Year College or University


Baccalaureate Prep

UD: Undecided



1t: Job Training Program


Career Prep

MI: Military


Career Prep

EP: Employment


Career Prep

SE: Seeking Employment


Career Prep

OT: Other


Career Prep

NR: No Response


Career Prep

CTE Participant

Reports as a Y from the CTE Participant check box if the check box is marked on the student's CTEERS tab. If the CTE Participant check box is not marked this field reports from the student's course roster for the school year. If the student is scheduled into a course with SCED Subject Area 10-21 in the calendar selected, Y will report for the CTE Participant for the calendar. When multiple calendars are selected, CTE Participant will report Y even if the course is taken in a school other than the reporting school number.

Report Editor



Effective Date

The CTEERS Extract Editor requires the entry of an Effective Date.  This date is defaulted to the current date and will return active students as of the entered date.  Dates are entered in mmddyy format, or use the calendar icon to select a date.


The report can be generated in either a State Format (CSV), HTML, or Detail Format (CSV).  When submitting data to DPI, use the State Format option. To review data prior to state submission, use the HTML format option. 


Users are required to select calendars to include on the report.  Multiple calendars can be selected.

Calendars can be selected by active year, by school or by year.

Student Selection

Select students to include on the report by choosing either a Grade level of enrollment for the students or an Ad hoc Filter.

  • To include students in all grade levels, choose All Students in the Grade Level options.
  • Selecting an existing ad hoc filter reports only those students or courses included in those filters, if they meet the reporting requirements of the report.
Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to immediately display the results of the selected extract type/period. For a larger data set, use the Submit to Batch button. This allows the selection of a specific time in which the extract generates (after school hours). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date in mmddyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  2. Select the Format of the extract.
  3. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  4. Select the students to include in the report by choosing either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
  5. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

The file name will report as YYYY-CTE-DistrictName.csv, where CTE is a hard-coded value. 

Screenshot of CTEERS Extract in State Format (CSV).CTEERS Extract - State Format (CSV)  

Screenshot of CTEERS Extract in HTML Format.CTEERS Extract - HTML Format  

  Screenshot of CTEERS Extract in Detail Format (CSV).CTEERS Extract - Detail Format (CSV)    

Report Layouts

State Format Report Layout

Data Element



District Number

A unique state-defined number assigned to each district.

Numeric, 4 digits

District Information > State District Number


School Number

A code assigned and maintained by the local school district that is unique for each school in the district.

Numeric, 4 digits

School Information > State School Number


Resident District

The district in which the student resides.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Student Number

State-assigned student identification number.

When the student number is more than 10 digits, the value will be truncated to meet the 10-digit length.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > State ID



Grade level of student's enrollment. Valid grade level codes include 11, 12 or 13.

Grade 13 is for CTEERS only. When marked on the State Reporting Enrollment Record, this value reports regardless of what is selected in the Grade field on the General Enrollment Record editor.

Numeric, 2

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade


Last Name

The legal last name of the student.

  • Punctuation other than hyphens or apostrophes will not be reported. 
  • Suffixes (Jr., III, etc.) will be reported after the last name.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Demographics > Last Name


Demographics > Suffix


First Name

The legal first name of the student.

Punctuation other than hyphens or apostrophes will not be reported.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > First Name


Birth Date

The month, day and year on which the student was born.

Date field, 6 digits (MMDDYY)

Demographics > Birth Date



The classification of a student as being male or female.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Demographics > Gender


Race Ethnicity

The race(s) of the reported student.

A maximum of six codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

See the Race Ethnicity table for more information.

Alphanumeric, up to 6 characters

Demographics > Race Ethnicity



Defines whether the student is considered Handicapped, an English Learner (EL), Disadvantaged or Regular.

A maximum of four codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

See the Characteristic Value for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

CTEERS > Characteristic


Special Education > Documents

FRAM > Eligibility

English Learners (EL) > EL Services

Single Parent

Defines whether the student is unmarried or separated from a spouse and has sole or joint custody of a minor child or children during the reporting period.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Single Parent


Student Progress

Defines whether or not the student achieved sufficient credits during the reporting year or move on to the next grade level for the next reporting year or graduate during the current reporting year.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Student Progress

CTEERS .studentProgress

Career Plan

Defines whether or not student has a written career plan on file.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Career Plan


Post Grad Prep

Represents the student’s informed selected educational program based upon the student’s future planned post-high school outcome.

See the Post Grad Prep section for more information.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Post HS Career Prep


Graduation > Post Grad Plans

CTE Participant

Reports whether or not student was enrolled in one or more vocational courses during the reporting year.

See the CTE Participant section for more information.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > CTE Participant


 Courses > NCES Data > SCED Subject Area

Program Area

Describes if the student participated in coursework while enrolled in a vocational program during the reporting year. Valid options are:

  • A  - Ag and Natural Resource
  • B - Business and Info Tech
  • H - Health Science
  • M - Marketing
  • T - Technology and Engineering
    A maximum of six codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

Bit field, 

1 digit

CTEERS > Program Area Participant


CTE Concentrator

Reports whether or not the student was enrolled in a minimum of one vocational course during the school year which was part of a coherent sequence of three or more courses leading to the student’s vocational career objective. Options are:

  • N - No
  • 1 - Concentrator in POS
  • 2 - Concentrator not in POS
    If N, cells 19-22 will report blank.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > CTE Concentrator


Instructional Area

Reports the instructional area code of the CTE concentrator corresponding to the focus of the student’s planned secondary vocational coherent sequence of courses.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

CTEERS > Instructional Area Code


Non-Certificated Learning Methodology

Reports the learning method based upon the student's school-supervised vocational method of instruction. Valid options are:

  • 1 - Co-op
  • 2 - Supervised Occupational Experience
  • 3 - Simulation
  • 4 - Internship
  • 5 - Other
  • 6 - None
    Multiple codes are separated by tildes (~).

Numeric, 6 digits

CTEERS > Non-Certificated Learning Methodology


Certificated Learning Methodology

Reports whether or not the student participated in a vocational program which offered a certificate upon completion of the program.  Valid options are:

  • 1 - Youth Apprenticeship Program
  • 2 - State Certified Coop Edu Skill Standards Program
  • 3 - Employability Skills Certificate Program
  • 4 - Business/Industry Certification Program
  • 5 - None
    Multiple codes are separated by tildes (~).

Numeric, 4 digits

CTEERS > Certificated Learning Methodology


Certificated Learning 

Reports the student’s certificated completion status during the reporting year. Options are:

  • 1 - Met Reqs, Awarded Certificate
  • 2 - Continuing in Program
  • 3 - Left Program
  • 4 - Completed, no certificate

Numeric, 1 digit

CTEERS > Certificated Completion


Completion Status

Reports the student's status at the end of the reporting year. Options are:

  • A1 - Continuing
  • B1 - Transferred
  • C1 - Completed and Graduated
  • D1 - Graduated, Program not Completed
  • D2 - Dropped Out
  • D3 - Died

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Completion Status


Compulsory School

Reports the two place alpha code of the technical college the student attended for the reason of compulsory school attendance pursuant to §118.15(1) Wisconsin Stature.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Compulsory School Attendance


Youth Options

Reports the two-character alphabetic code of the technical college or university the student attended for reason of Youth Options persuant to §118.55 Wisconsin Stature where an approved DPI form PI-8700 is on file at the secondary district.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > Youth Options Attendance


Adv. Standing

Reports the two letter code of the technical college the student attended for participated in articulated course(s) for advanced standing during the reporting year that would enable the student to be eligible for technical college credit upon enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Adv Standing Cred - Participation


Adv. Standing

Reports whether or not the student fulfilled requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) for advanced standing during the reporting year that would enable the student to be eligible for technical college credit upon enrollment.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > Adv Standing Cred - Completion



Reports the two letter code of the technical college the student attended for participation in articulated course(s) for transcripted (dual) technical college credit during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Transcripted Cred - Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) for transcripted (dual) technical college credit that the student participated in during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS >Transcripted Cred - Completion



Reports the two letter code of the technical college or 4-digit university code of the school the student participated in articulated course(s) related to youth apprenticeship for transcripted (dual) credit or advanced standing during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > Youth Apprentice - Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) related to youth apprenticeship for transcripted (dual) credit or advanced standing with a technical college or university the student participated in during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > Youth Apprentice - Completion



Reports the four digit university code of the school the student participated in course(s) for transcripted (dual) credit during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > University- Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the course(s) for transcripted (dual) credit during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > University-Completion


HTML Format Report Layout

Data Element



District Number

A unique state-defined number assigned to each district.

Numeric, 4 digits

District Information > State District Number


School Number

A code assigned and maintained by the local school district that is unique for each school in the district.

Numeric, 4 digits

School Information > State School Number


Resident District

The district in which the student resides.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Student Number

State-assigned student identification number.

When the student number is more than 10 digits, the value will be truncated to meet the 10-digit length.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > State ID



Grade level of student's enrollment. Valid grade level codes include 11, 12 or 13.

Grade 13 is for CTEERS only. When marked on the State Reporting Enrollment Record, this value reports regardless of what is selected in the Grade field on the General Enrollment Record editor.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade


Last Name

The legal last name of the student.

  • Punctuation other than hyphens or apostrophes will not be reported. 
  • Suffixes (Jr., III, etc.) will be reported after the last name.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Demographics > Last Name


Demographics > Suffix


First Name

The legal first name of the student.

Punctuation other than hyphens or apostrophes will not be reported.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > First Name


Birth Date

The month, day and year on which the student was born.

Date field, 6 digits (MMDDYY)

Demographics > Birth Date



The classification of a student as being male or female.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Demographics > Gender


Race Ethnicity

The race(s) of the reported student.

A maximum of six codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

See the Race Ethnicity table for more information.

Alphanumeric, up to 6 characters

Demographics > Race Ethnicity



Defines whether the student is considered Handicapped, English Learners (EL), Disadvantaged or Regular.

A maximum of four codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

See the Characteristic Value for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

CTEERS > Characteristic


Special Education > Documents

FRAM > Eligibility

English Learners (EL) > EL Services

Single Parent

Defines whether the student is unmarried or separated from a spouse and has sole or joint custody of a minor child or children during the reporting period.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Single Parent


Student Progress

Defines whether or not the student achieved sufficient credits during the reporting year or move on to the next grade level for the next reporting year or graduate during the current reporting year.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Student Progress

CTEERS .studentProgress

Career Plan

Defines whether or not student has a written career plan on file.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Career Plan


Post Grad Prep

Represents the student’s informed selected educational program based upon the student’s future planned post-high school outcome.

See the Post Grad Prep section for more information.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Post HS Career Prep


Graduation > Post Grad Plans

CTE Participant

Reports whether or not student was enrolled in one or more vocational courses during the reporting year.

See the CTE Participant section for more information.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > VE Participant


Scheduling > Courses > NCES Data > SCED Subject Area

Program Area

Describes if the student participated in coursework while enrolled in a vocational program during the reporting year. Valid options are:

  • A  - Ag and Natural Resource
  • B - Business and Info Tech
  • H - Health Science
  • M - Marketing
  • T - Technology and Engineering
    A maximum of six codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > Program Area Participant


CTE Concentrator

Reports whether or not the student was enrolled in a minimum of one vocational course during the school year which was part of a coherent sequence of three or more courses leading to the student’s vocational career objective. Options are:

  • N - No
  • 1 - Concentrator in POS
  • 2 - Concentrator not in POS
    If N, cells 19-22 will report blank.

Bit field, 1 digit

CTEERS > CTE Concentrator


Instructional Area

Reports the instructional area code of the CTE concentrator corresponding to the focus of the student’s planned secondary vocational coherent sequence of courses.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

CTEERS > Instructional Area Code


Non-Certificated Learning Methodology

Reports the learning method based upon the student's school-supervised vocational method of instruction. Valid options are:

  • 1 - Co-op
  • 2 - Supervised Occupational Experience
  • 3 - Simulation
  • 4 - Internship
  • 5 - Other
  • 6 - None
    Multiple codes are separated by tildes (~).

Numeric, 6 digits

CTEERS > Non-Certificated Learning Methodology


Certificated Learning Methodology

Reports whether or not the student participated in a vocational program which offered a certificate upon completion of the program.  Valid options are:

  • 1 - Youth Apprenticeship Program
  • 2 - State Certified Coop Edu Skill Standards Program
  • 3 - Employability Skills Certificate Program
  • 4 - Business/Industry Certification Program
  • 5 - None
    Multiple codes are separated by tildes (~).

Numeric, 4 digits

CTEERS > Certificated Learning Methodology


Certificated Learning 

Reports the student’s certificated completion status during the reporting year. Options are:

  • 1 - Met Reqs, Awarded Certificate
  • 2 - Continuing in Program
  • 3 - Left Program
  • 4 - Completed, no certificate

Numeric, 1 digit

CTEERS > Certificated Completion


Completion Status

Reports the student's status at the end of the reporting year. Options are:

  • A1 - Continuing
  • B1 - Transferred
  • C1 - Completed and Graduated
  • D1 - Graduated, Program not Completed
  • D2 - Dropped Out
  • D3 - Died

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Completion Status


Compulsory School

Reports the two place alpha code of the technical college the student attended for the reason of compulsory school attendance pursuant to §118.15(1) Wisconsin Stature.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Compulsory School Attendance


Youth Options

Reports the two-character alphabetic code of the technical college or university the student attended for reason of Youth Options persuant to §118.55 Wisconsin Stature where an approved DPI form PI-8700 is on file at the secondary district.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > Youth Options Attendance


Adv. Standing

Reports the two letter code of the technical college the student attended for participated in articulated course(s) for advanced standing during the reporting year that would enable the student to be eligible for technical college credit upon enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Adv Standing Cred - Participation


Adv. Standing

Reports whether or not the student fulfilled requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) for advanced standing during the reporting year that would enable the student to be eligible for technical college credit upon enrollment.

Valid values include Y, N or X.


1 character

CTEERS > Adv Standing Cred - Completion



Reports the two letter code of the technical college the student attended for participation in articulated course(s) for transcripted (dual) technical college credit during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Transcripted Cred - Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) for transcripted (dual) technical college credit that the student participated in during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > Transcripted Cred - Completion

CTEERS.transcript Completion


Reports the two letter code of the technical college or 4-digit university code of the school the student participated in articulated course(s) related to youth apprenticeship for transcripted (dual) credit or advanced standing during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > Youth Apprentice - Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) related to youth apprenticeship for transcripted (dual) credit or advanced standing with a technical college or university the student participated in during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.


1 character

CTEERS > Youth Apprentice - Completion



Reports the four digit university code of the school the student participated in course(s) for transcripted (dual) credit during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > University- Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the course(s) for transcripted (dual) credit during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > University- Completion


Detail Format Report Layout

Data Element



District Number

A unique state-defined number assigned to each district.

Numeric, 4 digits

District Information > State District Number


School Number

A code assigned and maintained by the local school district that is unique for each school in the district.

Numeric, 4 digits

School Information > State School Number


School NameReports the student's school of enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters
School Information > State School Name


Resident District

The district in which the student resides.

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Student Number

State-assigned student identification number.

When the student number is more than 10 digits, the value will be truncated to meet the 10-digit length.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID



Grade level of student's enrollment. Valid grade level codes include 11, 12 or 13.

Grade 13 is for CTEERS only. When marked on the State Reporting Enrollment Record, this value reports regardless of what is selected in the Grade field on the General Enrollment Record editor.

Numeric, 2 digits

Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade


Enrollment TypeReports the student's enrollment type - Primary (P), Partial (S), or Special Ed Services (N).

Alphabetic, 1 character
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Service Type

Enrollment Start DateReports the start date of the student's enrollment.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > Start Date

Enrollment End DateReports the end date of the student's enrollment.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > End Date

Enrollment End StatusReports the end status of the student's enrollment.

3 characters
Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > End Status


Last Name

The legal last name of the student.

  • Punctuation other than hyphens or apostrophes will not be reported. 
  • Suffixes (Jr., III, etc.) will be reported after the last name.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Demographics > Last Name


Demographics > Suffix


First Name

The legal first name of the student.

Punctuation other than hyphens or apostrophes will not be reported.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Demographics > First Name


Birth Date

The month, day and year on which the student was born.

Date field, 6 digits (MMDDYY)

Demographics > Birth Date



The classification of a student as being male or female.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)

Demographics > Gender


Race Ethnicity

The race(s) of the reported student.

A maximum of six codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

See the Race Ethnicity table for more information.

Alphanumeric, up to 6 characters

Demographics > Race Ethnicity



Defines whether the student is considered Handicapped, English Learners (EL), Disadvantaged or Regular.

A maximum of four codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

See the Characteristic Value for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

CTEERS > Characteristic


Single Parent

Defines whether the student is unmarried or separated from a spouse and has sole or joint custody of a minor child or children during the reporting period.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

CTEERS > Single Parent


Student Progress

Defines whether or not the student achieved sufficient credits during the reporting year or move on to the next grade level for the next reporting year or graduate during the current reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

CTEERS > Student Progress

CTEERS .studentProgress

Career Plan

Defines whether or not student has a written career plan on file.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

CTEERS > Career Plan


Post Grad Prep

Represents the student’s informed selected educational program based upon the student’s future planned post-high school outcome.

See the Post Grad Prep section for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

CTEERS > Post HS Career Prep


Graduation > Post Grad Plans

CTE Participant

Reports whether or not student was enrolled in one or more vocational courses during the reporting year.

See the CTE Participant section for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

CTEERS > VE Participant


Courses > NCES Data > SCED Subject Area

Program Area

Describes if the student participated in coursework while enrolled in a vocational program during the reporting year. Valid options are:

  • A  - Ag and Natural Resource
  • B - Business and Info Tech
  • H - Health Science
  • M - Marketing
  • T - Technology and Engineering
    A maximum of six codes may be reported. Multiple reported codes display with a tilde (~) between each code.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

CTEERS > Program Area Participant


CTE Concentrator

Reports whether or not the student was enrolled in a minimum of one vocational course during the school year which was part of a coherent sequence of three or more courses leading to the student’s vocational career objective. Options are:

  • N - No
  • 1 - Concentrator in POS
  • 2 - Concentrator not in POS

If N, cells 19-22 will report blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (Y or N)

CTEERS > CTE Concentrator


Instructional Area

Reports the instructional area code of the CTE concentrator corresponding to the focus of the student’s planned secondary vocational coherent sequence of courses.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters

CTEERS > Instructional Area Code


Non-Certificated Learning Methodology

Reports the learning method based upon the student's school-supervised vocational method of instruction. Valid options are:

  • 1 - Co-op
  • 2 - Supervised Occupational Experience
  • 3 - Simulation
  • 4 - Internship
  • 5 - Other
  • 6 - None
    Multiple codes are separated by tildes (~).

Numeric, 6 digits

CTEERS > Non-Certificated Learning Methodology


Certificated Learning Methodology

Reports whether or not the student participated in a vocational program which offered a certificate upon completion of the program.  Valid options are:

  • 1 - Youth Apprenticeship Program
  • 2 - State Certified Coop Edu Skill Standards Program
  • 3 - Employability Skills Certificate Program
  • 4 - Business/Industry Certification Program
  • 5 - None
    Multiple codes are separated by tildes (~).

Numeric, 4 digits

CTEERS > Certificated Learning Methodology


Certificated Learning 

Reports the student’s certificated completion status during the reporting year. Options are:

  • 1 - Met Reqs, Awarded Certificate
  • 2 - Continuing in Program
  • 3 - Left Program
  • 4 - Completed, no certificate

Numeric, 1 digit

CTEERS > Certificated Completion

CTEERS. completionStatus

Completion Status

Reports the student's status at the end of the reporting year. Options are:

  • A1 - Continuing
  • B1 - Transferred
  • C1 - Completed and Graduated
  • D1 - Graduated, Program not Completed
  • D2 - Dropped Out
  • D3 - Died

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Completion Status

CTEERS. completionStatus

Compulsory School

Reports the two place alpha code of the technical college the student attended for the reason of compulsory school attendance pursuant to §118.15(1) Wisconsin Stature.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Compulsory School Attendance


Youth Options

Reports the two-character alphabetic code of the technical college or university the student attended for reason of Youth Options persuant to §118.55 Wisconsin Stature where an approved DPI form PI-8700 is on file at the secondary district.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > Youth Options Attendance


Adv. Standing

Reports the two letter code of the technical college the student attended for participated in articulated course(s) for advanced standing during the reporting year that would enable the student to be eligible for technical college credit upon enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Adv Standing Cred - Participation


Adv. Standing

Reports whether or not the student fulfilled requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) for advanced standing during the reporting year that would enable the student to be eligible for technical college credit upon enrollment.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > Adv Standing Cred - Completion

CTEERS.adv StandingCompletion


Reports the two letter code of the technical college the student attended for participation in articulated course(s) for transcripted (dual) technical college credit during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

CTEERS > Transcripted Cred - Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) for transcripted (dual) technical college credit that the student participated in during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > Transcripted Cred - Completion

CTEERS.transcript Completion


Reports the two letter code of the technical college or 4-digit university code of the school the student participated in articulated course(s) related to youth apprenticeship for transcripted (dual) credit or advanced standing during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > Youth Apprentice - Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the articulated course(s) related to youth apprenticeship for transcripted (dual) credit or advanced standing with a technical college or university the student participated in during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > Youth Apprentice - Completion



Reports the four digit university code of the school the student participated in course(s) for transcripted (dual) credit during the reporting year.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

CTEERS > University- Participation



Reports whether or not the student fulfilled the requirements for high school credit for any of the course(s) for transcripted (dual) credit during the reporting year.

Valid values include Y, N or X.

Alphabetic, 1 character

CTEERS > University- Completion


Race Ethnicity

The following Race/Ethnicity codes are available:








Black/African American


American Indian/Alaska Native


Pacific Islander/Hawaiian



The following defines reporting logic for this field:

  • A minimum of one Race/Ethnicity code must be selected for each student. If one code is reported, the student must not be considered Hispanic.
  • If the student is considered Hispanic, a minimum of two codes will be reported, with a tilde (~) separating the codes (i.e., H~I).
  • If the student is considered to be multiple ethnicities, a maximum of six codes will be reported, with each ethnicity separated by a tilde (~) (i.e., A~W).