Assignment Overview

Tool Search: Assignment Overview

The Assignment Overview provides a list of all assignments in a section, grouped by Standard/Task and Category.

To view assignments, select a Term and then a Section in that term at the top of the tool.

Screenshot of the Assignment Overview with all assignments listed for the selected Section and Term.  The Assignment Overview groups assignments by Standard/Task and Category. 

Assignment Overview tool rights grant full access to this tool.

Click an assignment to view a read-only version of it. From the assignment, you can edit it or create a new one. See the Assignments & Resources article for more information. Assignments that are not included in grade calculation are prepended by an *. 

Filtering the Assignment Overview

Click Filter to view the filtering options for which Terms, Standards, and Grading Tasks display in the overview. A blue dot appears in the Filter button when a filter is set.

Screenshot of the Filter Options, by Term, Standards, or Grading Tasks.  Filter the overview by Term, Standards, and/or Grading Tasks.