Staff Template (New Mexico)


Tool Search: Staff Template

The Staff Template is used to report a current view of the staff population.

Screenshot of Staff Template Editor.Staff Template Editor

Report Logic

  • To report, staff must meet the following requirements:
    • Be active.
    • The District Employment record must have a Qualification Code of C, N or S.
    • The staff member must have a district assignment record tied to a school that is tied to the selected calendar AND the assignment must be the staff's primary assignment record.

  • The primary assignment record is determined by the greatest FTE of all assignment records in the given school and calendar year. To determine the greatest FTE, Campus uses the following logic:
    • Campus compares all Employment assignment records where the

      • Employment Assignment Start Date is null or is < = effective date AND

      • Employment Assignment End Date is null or is > = Last Year 120 Day Date AND

      • the assignment is selected from the max FTE or 0 (if there is no employment assignment FTE value)

    • If there are two Max FTE values that are the same, Campus reports the FTE with the minimum school ID.

Report Editor

Extract TypeA dropdown list of all available extracts.
Reporting Period Effective Date

The date for which the report is effective. The default date is today's date.

Reporting DateThe collection period for the extract.
Last Year 120 DayThe date of last year's 120th day. The report includes all staff with a district employment record within the 120 Day date and the Reporting Date.
Include Administrative (Non School) StaffSelect Yes or No to include or exclude non school staff in the report. If you select Yes, employment records with the Qualification Code T or R report.


The format in which the report will generate. Options include HTML, Comma Separated and XML.
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Report Example

Screenshot of Staff Template Record.Staff Template Record

Report Layout

ElementLogicType, Format, and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
District Code

A three character district code.

Numeric, 3 digits


District Information > State District Number

Staff IDThe staff member's social security number.Numeric, 12 digitsIdentity.ssnDemographics > SSN
 Filler 3 -5 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Middle InitialThe staff member's middle initial. If one does not exist, this element reports blank.Alphanumeric, 1 characterIdentity.middleNameIdentities > Legal Middle Name
 Filler 7 - 13 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Location Code

The state school number.

Location Code 000 reports for Staff with Qualification Status of T or R.

Numeric, 5 digitsSchool.numberSchool Information > State School Number
 Filler 15 - 19 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Gender Code

The gender code for the staff member: M or F.

If the Staff Qualification Code is C, N, S or T, the gender code reports. Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterIdentity.genderIdentities > Gender
Ethnic Code Short

The ethnicity code assigned to the staff member.

Valid Values

  • C: Caucasian
  • B: Black or African American
  • A: Asian
  • I: American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Alphanumeric, 1 characterRaceEthnicity.codeIdentities > Race Ethnicity
 Filler 22 - 32 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Original Hire Date

The date the staff member was first hired. The Teacher Start Year reports from the staff's oldest district employment record.

If the Teacher Start Year is blank, the Start Date from the same Employment record reports.

Date field, 10 characters


Employment. teachingStartYearDistrict Employment > Teaching Start Year
 Filler 34 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Staff Start Date Current School YearThe date the staff member’s contract started for the current school year.

Date field, 10 characters


District Employment > Start Date
Exit Date

The date the staff member’s contract ended. This element reports a date when a Termination Code is selected on the employment record.


Date field, 10 characters



District Employment > End Date
 Filler 37 - 38 N\AN\AN\AN\A

Years Experience

The number of years that the staff member has been employed by any school district in any state as a teacher or principal (includes the current district).

To calculate this value, Campus takes the difference between the Original Hire Date and the Effective date then adds the Teaching Years Modifier to this value.

This element only reports for Principal codes 14-19 OR the following Teacher codes: 00, 20-23, 25, 28, 30, 73-75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103-104, 106, 110, 110S, and 139-140.

Numeric, 2 digits

 Employment. teachingStartYear 


District Employment > Teaching Start Year

District Employment > Employment Information > Yrs Experience In District

Birth DateThe month, day, and year on which the staff member was born.

Date field, 10 characters


Identity.birthDateIdentities > Birth Date
 Filler 41 - 42 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Years Experience In District

The number of years that the staff member has been employed by the current school district as a teacher or principal.

If the Yrs Experience in District field is blank, Campus reports the difference between the Original Hire Date and the Effective date.

This element only reports for Principal codes 14-19 OR the following Teacher codes: 00, 20-23, 25, 28, 30, 73-75, 94, 96, 97, 101, 103-104, 106, 110, 110S, and 139-140.

Numeric, 2 digits Employment.
District Employment > Employment Information > Yrs Experience In District
 Filler 44 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Highest Degree Earned

If the staff member's Qualification Status Code is C, the highest degree earned by the staff member reports. Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Valid Values

  • D: Doctorate
  • E: Educ Specialist
  • M: Masters
  • B: Bachelors
  • A: Associate
  • N: Non-Degree
Alphanumeric, 1 character Employment.
District Employment > Highest Degree Earned
 Filler 46 - 47 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Staff Qualification Status

General descriptor of the position in which a staff member is qualified to work.

Valid Values

  • C: Certified Personnel

  • N: Non-certified Personnel

  • S: Substitute Teacher (Long Term)

  • T: Substitute Teacher (Short Term)

  • R: Contracted Related Service Provider

District Employment > Employment Info > Qualification Status
 Filler 49 - 51 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Annual Salary

Gross pay for one FTE before deductions in whole dollars. To report, the staff member's Staff Qualification Status must be C or N. Otherwise, this element reports blank.

Numeric, 10 digitsEmployment.salaryDistrict Employment > Salary
 Filler 53 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Termination Code

Identifies the reason why the staff member left the district.

Valid Values

  • 01: Left NM and teaching in other state
  • 02: Left for reasons other than retirement
  • 03: Left to teach in private school in NM
  • 04: Went to other pub/charter NM district
  • 05: Took non-teaching position in district
  • 06: Died
  • 07: Retired
  • 08: Personal Reasons
Numeric, 6 digits Employment.
District Employment > Exit Reason
 Filler 55 - 64 N\AN\AN\AN\A
First Name LongThe staff member's first name.Alphanumeric, 60 charactersIdentity.firstNameIdentities > First Name
Last Name LongThe staff member's last name.Alphanumeric, 60 charactersIdentity.lastNameIdentities > Last Name
 Filler 67 - 68 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Hispanic Indicator

Indicates whether the staff member identifies with an ethnicity of Hispanic/Latino.

The element reports Yes or No.

Alphanumeric, 1 characterIdentity.raceEthnicityIdentities > Race/Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?
Race Ethnicity Subgroup

The primary New Mexico Tribe or Pueblo with which the staff member is affiliated or enrolled.

Valid Values

  • 0: Not Applicable
  • 1: Acoma
  • 2: Cochiti
  • 3: Isleta
  • 4: Jemez
  • 5: Jicarilla Apache
  • 6: Laguna
  • 7: Mescalero Apache
  • 8: Nambe
  • 9: Navajo
  • 10: Picuris
  • 11: Pojoaque
  • 12: San Felipe
  • 13: San Ildefonso
  • 14: Ohkay Owingeh
  • 15: Sandia
Numeric, 2 digits Identity.tribe Demographics > Tribe
Highest Degree InstitutionInstitution or state in which the staff member earned their Highest Degree. To report, the staff member's Staff Qualification Status must be C. Otherwise, this element reports blank.Alphanumeric, 30 characters Employment.institution
District Employment > Highest Degree Institution
Baccalaureate DegreeInstitution or state in which the staff member earned Baccalaureate Degree. See the following Baccalaureate Degree Codes for more information.Alphanumeric, 30 characters Employment.institution
District Employment > Baccalaureate Degree Institution
 Filler 73 - 75 N\AN\AN\AN\A
Work EmailThe staff member's email address.Alphanumeric, 80 charactersContact.emailDemographics > Personal Contact Information > Email
 Filler 77 N\AN\AN\AN\A

Race 2 Code

Race 3 Code

Race 4 Code

Race 5 Code

If the staff member has additional race/ethnicity selections, the value(s) report in these elements. Otherwise, these elements report blank.

Valid Values

  • C: Caucasian
  • B: Black or African American
  • A: Asian
  • I: American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Identity.raceEthnicityDemographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity

Baccalaureate Degree Codes

9District of Columbia
30New Hampshire
31New Jersey
32New York
33North Carolina
34North Dakota
39Rhode Island
40South Carolina
41South Dakota
48West Virginia
51Outside USA
55University of New Mexico
56New Mexico State University
57New Mexico Highlands University
58Western New Mexico University
59Eastern New Mexico University
60New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
61University of Albuquerque
62College of Santa Fe
63College of the Southwest
64St. John's College
65New Mexico Military Institute
66College of Artesia
67Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute
68Institute of American Indian Art
69Luna Vocational-Technical Institute
70Navajo Community College
71New Mexico Junior College
72Northern New Mexico Community College
73San Juan College
74Santa Fe Community College
75Mesa Technical College
76Clovis Community College
77Southwestern College (Santa Fe)
78Wayland Baptist University
79University of Phoenix
80Western Governor's University