Course Codes Import (Kansas)

Tool Search: Course Codes Import

The Course Codes Import File provides the state with the ability to maintain longitudinal student records electronically, transmit course taking information from one student information system to another, meet reporting requirements, reduce the cost and burden of transcript studies and use course taking information in research and evaluation of student outcomes.

screenshot of the course code import tool

Report Logic

One unique record per course is included in each import file.

Districts need to establish Local Subject Area Codes prior to creating this file. That Subject Area Code is then assigned to the course.

Upload a Course Import File

  1. Locate the file from the state to be uploaded by clicking the Browse button. The file must be in tab delimited format.
  2. When found, click the Upload button. The courses will import and a Results displays, listing any issues that were encountered with the import and successful course changes.

The following information is imported to the Course tab.

  • Qualified Admissions - Q (meets the standards for Qualified Admissions), E (meets the standards for an "Elective" Qualified Admissions), or N (does not meet the standards for Qualified Admissions)
  • State Subject Code - Imports to the Subject Area Code and the State Code Field
  • State Course Identifier - Data imports to the State Code field
  • State Course Title - Data imports to the Course Name field 
  • State Course Descriptor - Data imports to the Comments field

Import File Layout


District ID 

Data is not imported. 

Reports the state-assigned district number. 

Numeric, 5 digits

District Information > State District Number

Local Subject Area

Data is not imported. 

Reports the description of district-assigned course subject area code.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

Course > Custom Data Elements > Local Subject Area Code

Local Subject Area Code

Data is not imported. 

Reports the code of the district-assigned course subject area code.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Course > Custom Data Elements > Local Subject Area Code

Local Course Identifier

Data is not imported. 

District-assigned course number. This field is used for validation purposes with the State Course Identifier.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Scheduling > Course > Course > Number

Local Course Title 

Data is not imported. 

District-assigned name of the course.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Name

Local Course Descriptor 

Data is not imported. 

Text entry on the course editor's Description field, providing a summary of the course and what the students are taught and perhaps identifying curriculum.

Alphanumeric, 2000 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Description

Course Level 

Indicates the academic rigor of the course. Options are:

  • B - Basic/Remedial
  • G - General (default value)
  • E - Enriched/Advanced
  • H - Honors
  • X - no specified level of rigor

Any existing data is overwritten in this field, based on the most recent import.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Level


Data is not imported. 

Reports the calculated number of credits from the grading task. Any value over 9.99 reports as 9.99.

Numeric, 3 digits (X.XX)

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Grade Tasks


Total number of courses in a sequence of courses. For example, a Wood Shop course may have two parts and the first part taken is Sequence 1, and a Sequence Total of 2.

Numeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Sequence

Sequence TotalReflects the total number of classes the sequence officers.

Numeric, 1 character
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Sequence Total

Grade Level 

State grade level for which the class is taught.

Any existing data is overwritten in this field, based on the most recent import.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Level

Targeted Program 

Reports the targeted program identifier. Options are:

  • S - Special Ed
  • E - ESOL
  • G - General (default value)
  • M - Migrant
  • A - At Risk

Any existing data is overwritten in this field, based on the most recent import.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Targeted Program

Delivery Type 

Indicates how the curriculum was delivered to the student. Options are:

  • V - Virtual
  • D - Distance
  • G - General (default value)
  • M - Self-contained Multi
  • S - Self-contained Single

Any existing data is overwritten in this field, based on the most recent import.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Delivery Type

College/Career Type 

Reports the College/Career Type. Options are:

  • N: Not dual credit (Default Value)
  • D: Dual credit
  • F: CTE credit funded in an approved program
  • X: CTE credit not funded in an approved program
  • C: CTE approved program/college cred
  • L: CTE not funded in approved program/college cred
  • E: CTE Explore course not funded in approved program

Any existing data is overwritten in this field, based on the most recent import.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course > College/Career Type

Qualified Admissions YearData is not imported. N/A
Qualified Admissions

State designation of whether or not a given course meets the guidelines for Qualified Admissions Status.

Value cannot be modified from the course tab; it is only updated via the Course Codes Import.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling > Courses > Course Information > Qualified Admissions
State Subject Area

Data is not imported. 

Imports the standardized course subject code descriptions for high school, middle school and/or elementary schools.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters

Scheduling > Courses > Course Information > Subject Area Code
State Subject CodeImports the standardized course subject codes for high school, middle school and/or elementary schools.

Numeric, 2 digits
Scheduling > Courses > Course Information > Subject Area Code

State Course Identifier 

Imports the last three digits from the State Code.

Numeric, 3 digits

Scheduling > Courses > Course > State Code

State Course TitleImports the state course title.

Alphanumeric, no character limit
Scheduling > Courses > Course Information > State Course Title
State Course DescriptorImports the district's description of the course.

Alphanumeric, no character limit
Scheduling > Courses > Course Information > Comments
 Effective Date  Data is not imported.N/A 
 Expiration Date  Data is not imported.N/A