Student Education Organization Associations (Georgia v3.6.1)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This association represents student information that is specific to a student’s relationship with an Education Organization. 

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Reports a record when an enrollment is created for a person and the enrollment overlaps the configured year.

  • Do not report a record if the any of the following exclusions are present:
    • Enrollment State Exclude
    • Enrollment No Show
    • Enrollment Grade Exclude from State Reporting
    • Calendar Exclude
    • School Exclude

A DELETE/POST is performed if the data element being altered is part of the resource's natural key. A PUT is performed otherwise.

  • When the following information on a student's identity record is changed:

    • Identity ID (New Identity record)
    • Race/Ethnicity (checkboxes)
    • "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?"
    • Gender
    • Home Primary Language
    • US Entry Type
  • When the following information on a student's household location is changed:

    • Household Location ID (New Household Location)
    • Mailing
    • Private
  • When the following information on a student's household membership is changed:

    • Household Membership ID (New Household Membership)
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Private
  • When the following information on an address the student is associated with is changed:

    • Address ID (New Address)
    • PO Box
    • Number
    • Prefix
    • Street
    • Tag
    • Direction
    • Apt
    • City
    • State
    • Zip
  • When the following information on a student's demographics page is changed:

    • Student State ID
  • When the following information on a student's enrollment is changed:

    • Enrollment ID (New Enrollment)
    • State Exclude
    • No Show
    • SST
    • Special Needs
    • Title III Served
    • Dual Language Immersion (DLI)
    • Dexter Mosely
    • US Schools < 3 Years
    • Migrant Indicator
    • Immigrant Participation Program
    • 21st Century Served?
    • Child Find
    • Capstone Project
    • Alternative Math Sequence
    • CCAE
    • CRI
    • STEAM/STEM Participant?
    • Migrant Indicator
    • Environment
    • Pre-K Program Code
    • Bi-Lit Language 1
    • Bi-Lit Language 2
    • Bi-Lit Language 3
    • Resident County
    • Resident District
  • When the following information changes on a student's ACS/GAA record:

    • ID (New ACS/GAA record)
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • ACS/GAA (Yes/No dropdown)
  • When the following information changes on a student's EL Services record:

    • EL Services ID (New EL Service record)
    • Start Date
    • End Date
  • When the following information changes on a student's Graduation tab:

    • Diploma Seal
    • Method
    • Diploma Type
    • Grad Program
  • When the following information changes on a student's or their parent's Military Connections tab:

    • ID (New Military Connection record)
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Status
  • When the following information changes on a student's parent:

    • Home Primary Language
    • Guardian
    • Emergency Priority
  • When the following information changes on a student's SPED State Reporting record:
    • Receives All IEP
    • Program Start Date
    • Program End Date
  • When all reportable enrollments are deleted for the person.
  • When the enrollment is excluded in some way.

Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the Resource Toggle and Trigger logic of this object.


Business Rule

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Business Rule

Post/DeleteNatural Key Change:  If the District Number/Ed-Fi District Number changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the LEA ID Change triggers.   If an Ed-Fi ID changes, this will happen with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
DeleteCascading Deletes:  N/A - no dependent resources

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


The record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with.

  • The enrollment must overlap with the scope year to report.
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

When using data in Campus that has a single date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year:  Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years:  The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year: The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years: The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years: The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Digital EquityPrimary Learning Device Away from School
Primary Learning Device Provider
Primary Learning Device Access
Internet Access Type in Residence
Internet Performance in Residence
Race DescriptorRace/Ethnicity
Student Languages OverrideHome Primary Language
Student Characteristic DescriptorParental Status Code
Economic Disadvantaged
Tribal Affiliation DescriptorsIdentity Tribe
Military Family DescriptorsEnrollment Military Family Code
Gender Identity DescriptorsIdentity Gender Identity

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.


Object Key Data Source


Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus Table

Ed-Fi Action





The primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Reports Disabilities

identityPutReports Hispanic or Latino, Gender, Home Primary Language, US Entry Type.
personPutReports the Ed-FI ID.
contactPutReports the Telephone and Email information.
householdlocationPutDetermines if address is marked as Mailing or Private.
householdmemberPutDetermines household membership with Start Date, End Date, Private.
addressPutPO Box, Number, Prefix, Street, Tag, Direction, Apt, City, State, Zip
raceethnicityPutReports Races.
plantypePutReports Indicators.
planPutReports Disabilities, Indicators.
planstatePutReports Disabilities.
programsPutReports any Characteristic created in Flags.
programparticipationPutReports any Characteristic created in Flags.
Title1PutReports Neglected or Delinquent.
ImpactAidEmploymentPutReports Parent in Military.
relatedpairPutGuardian checkbox for contact information and Parent in Military.
section504PutReports Section 504 Handicapped.
homelessPutReports Homeless, Unaccompanied Youth, Runaway.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Education Organization Association resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirement and Business RulesM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field

Report State District Number.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Local Education Agencies resource.

  • educationOrganizationId = District Ed-Fi Number
MSystem Administration > Resources > District Information > District Ed-Fi NumberDistrict.entityID
studentReferenceA unique alphanumeric code assigned to a student.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Students resource.

addressesThe set of elements that describes an address, including the street address, city, state, and ZIP code.

Reports the below data elements in an array for the address marked as "Mailing" with the earliest membership start date. Do not report addresses marked as "Private":

  • addressTypeDescriptor
    • Reports as Home (Hard-Coded)
  • stateAbbreviationDescriptor
    • Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value being reported for State
  • apartmentRoomSuiteNumber
    • Reports the Apt
  • city
    • Reports the City
  • postalCode
    • Reports the Zip Code
  • streetNumberName
    • Reports as: PO Box + Number + Street + Tag + Prefix + Dir

Household Addresses > Mailing

Household Membership > Start Date

Household Addresses > Start Date

Households > Address Info > State, Apt, City, Zip Code, PO Box, Number, Street, Tag, Prefix, Dir












disabilitiesThe disability condition(s) that best describes an individual’s impairment, as determined by evaluation(s) conducted by the education organization.

Reports the following data elements in an array:

  • disabilityDescriptor
    • Report the Area of Exceptionality on Enrollment.
    • Does not report if Area of Exceptionality is NULL.
  • orderOfDisability
    • Report 1 (Hard-Coded).
    • Does not report if Area of Exceptionality is NULL.
CEnrollment > Area of Exceptionalityenrollment.disability1
hispanicLatinoEthnicityAn indication that the individual traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race. The term, "Spanish origin," can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino."
  • Report True when "*Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" is set to Yes on the current Identity record.
  • Report False in all other situations.
MCensus > People > Identities > Is the Individual Hispanic or Latino?identity.hispanicEthnicity
languagesThe language(s) the individual uses to communicate. It is strongly recommended that entries use only ISO 639-3 language codes.

Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Home Primary Language.
  • Report default value if saved on the Attribute and the standard code matches an Ed-Fi Code
  • Else, report default LanguageDescriptor#008 (English)
MCensus > People > Identity > Home Primary LanguageIdentity.homePrimaryLanguage
racesThe general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies. The data model allows for multiple entries so that each individual can specify all appropriate races.

Reports the below data elements in an array:

  • raceDescriptor = Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to each race checkbox that is checked in the current Identity record.
MCensus > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity




sexDescriptorA person's gender.
  • Report the following based on the value selected in the droplist
    • Female report Female
    • Male report Male
    • All other values, report Not Selected
MCensus > People > Identities > Genderidentity.Gender
studentCharacteristicsReflects important characteristics of the student’s home situation: Displaced Homemaker, Immigrant, Migratory, Military Parent, Pregnant Teen, Single Parent, and Unaccompanied Youth.

Report a studentCharacteristicDescriptor for every area that satisfies reporting logic in the table below:

Parent in MilitaryA Military Connections record that overlaps the reporting enrollment exists with a Status mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Parent in Military" AND where the record is for a person that is a Guardian of the student.
Student Support Team ParticipantSST checkbox on Enrollment is checked.
Single ParentSpecial Needs on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Single Parent".
Extended School Year ServicesExtended Year on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Extended School Year Services".
Parent in ReservesA Military Connections record that overlaps the reporting enrollment exists with a Status mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Parent in Reserves" AND where the record is for a person that is a Guardian of the student.
Instructed using ACSAn ACS (GAA) record on the SpEd State Reporting tab that overlaps the reporting enrollment with an ACS (GAA) of value Y: Yes exists.
ESOL Student Served with Title III FundsTitle III Served on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "ESOL Student Served with Title III Funds".
Dual ImmersionDual Language Immersion (DLI) on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of " Dual Immersion".
Dexter Mosely HomeschooledDexter Mosely on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of " Dexter Mosely Homeschooled".
US School Less Than 3 Years

US Schools < 3 Years checkbox on Enrollment is checked.

Migrant Priority For ServicesMigrant Indicator on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Migrant Priority For Services".
Immigrant Program ParticipantImmigrant Participation Program on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Immigrant Program Participation".
SB2 - Dual EnrollmentGrad Program on Graduation is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "SB2 - Dual Enrollment".
21st Century Served21st Century Served? on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "21st Century Served".
Bi-Literacy Diploma SealDiploma Seal on Graduation is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Bi-Literacy Diploma Seal".
Civic Engagement Diploma SealDiploma Seal on Graduation is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Civic Engagement Diploma Seal".
Fine Arts Diploma SealDiploma Seal on Graduation is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Fine Arts Diploma Seal".
International Skills Diploma SealDiploma Seal on Graduation is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "International Skills Diploma Seal".
Child FindChild Find on Enrollment is set to a value that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Code of "Child Find".

Parent in Military:
Census > People > Military Connections
Census > People > Relationships > Guardian

Student Support Team Participant:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > SST

Single Parent:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Needs

Extended School Year Services:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Extended Year

Parent in Reserves:
Census > People > Military Connections
Census > People > Relationships > Guardian

Instructed using ACS:
Student Information > Special Ed > State Reporting

ESOL Student Served with Title III Funds:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Title III Served

Dual Immersion:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

Dexter Mosely Homeschooled:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Dexter Mosely

US School Less Than 3 Years:
Census > People > Demographics > Date Entered US School

Migrant Priority For Services:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Migrant Indicator

Immigrant Program Participant:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Immigrant Participation Program

SB2 - Dual Enrollment:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Grad Program

21st Century Served:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > 21st Century Served?

Bi-Literacy Diploma Seal:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Seal

Civic Engagement Diploma Seal:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Seal

Fine Arts Diploma Seal:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Seal

International Skills Diploma Seal:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Seal

Child Find:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Child Find

Parent in Military:

Student Support Team Participant:

Single Parent:

Extended School Year Services:

Parent in Reserves:

Instructed using ACS:

ESOL Student Served with Title III Funds:

Dual Immersion:

Dexter Mosely Homeschooled:

US School Less Than 3 Years:

Migrant Priority For Services:

Immigrant Program Participant:

SB2 - Dual Enrollment:

21st Century Served:

Bi-Literacy Diploma Seal:

Civic Engagement Diploma Seal:

Fine Arts Diploma Seal:

International Skills Diploma Seal:

Child Find:


Indicator(s) or metric(s) computed for the student (e.g., at risk) to influence more effective education or direct specific interventions.

Report an indicatorName and indicator value for all rows of the table below:

Capstone Project
  • Report Y if "Capstone Project" checkbox on Enrollment is checked.
  • Report if "Capstone Project" is NULL AND the student is in grades 9-12.
  • Do not report in all other situations.
Alternate Math Sequence
  • Report Y if "Alternative Math Sequence" checkbox on Enrollment is checked.
  • Report N if "Alternative Math Sequence" is NULL (unchecked) AND the student is in grades 10-12.
  • Do not report in all other situations.
CCAE Participant
  • Report Y if "CCAE" checkbox on Enrollment is checked.
  • Report N if "CCAE" is NULL (unchecked) AND the student is in grades 9-12.
  • Do not report in all other situations.
Career Technical Instruction
  • Report Y if "CTI" checkbox on Enrollment is checked.
  • Report N if "CTI" is NULL (unchecked) AND the student is in grades 9-12 AND "Special Ed Status on Enrollment is Y: Yes.
  • Do not report in all other situations.
STEM/STEAM Participant
  • Report the code value selected for STEAM/STEM Participant? on Enrollment.
  • Report N if NULL.
Migrant Program Participant
  • Report the code value selected for Migrant Indicator on Enrollment.
  • Report if NULL.
Environment Code

Note: The most recent Homeless record always takes priority for reporting purposes.

  • Report 4 if the student has a Homeless record with Unaccompanied Youth = Yes that overlaps their primary enrollment.
  • Report 3 if the student has a Homeless record that overlaps their primary enrollment.
  • Report the code value selected on Environment on Enrollment.
  • Do not report if NULL.
Pre-K Program
  • Report the code value selected for Pre-K Program Code on Enrollment if the student is in a grade level mapped to the state code "PK".
  • Do not report in all other situations.
CTAE Employability / Soft Skills Seal
  • Report Y if Diploma Seal on Graduation is set to code: CE: CTAE Employability/Soft Skills.
  • Report N if the student does not have this seal.
  • Report D if the student has this seal AND the Method is set to code: D.
CTAE Pathway Skills Seal
  • Report Y if Diploma Seal on Graduation is set to code: CP: CTAE Pathway Skills.
  • Report N if the student does not have this seal.
  • Report D if the student has this seal AND the Method is set to code: D.
CTAE Leadership Skills Seal
  • Report Y if Diploma Seal on Graduation is set to code: CL: CTAE Leadership Skills.
  • Report N if the student does not have this seal.
  • Report D if the student has this seal AND the Method is set to code: D.
Diploma TypeReport the code value selected for Diploma Type on Graduation.
Report Type
  • Report S if Special Ed Status on Enrollment is set to Y: Yes.
  • Report R if Special Ed Status on Enrollment is set to N: No or NULL.
IEP Services
  • Report Y if the student has a SPED State Reporting tab record that overlaps their enrollment where "Receives All IEP" is set to Y: Yes.
  • Report S if the student has a SPED State Reporting tab record that overlaps their enrollment where "Receives All IEP" is set to S: Student is receiving service plan services.
  • Report N if the student has a SPED State Reporting tab record that overlaps their enrollment where "Receives All IEP" is set to any other value not mentioned above including NULL.
  • Do not report if the student does not have a SPED State Reporting tab record that overlaps their enrollment.

Capstone Project:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Capstone Project

Alternate Math Sequence:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Alternative Math Sequence

CCAE Participant:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > CCAE

Career Technical Instruction:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > CTI

STEM/STEAM Participant:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > STEAM/STEM Participant?

Migrant Program Participant:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Migrant Indicator

Environment Code:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Environment

Pre-K Program:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Pre-K Program Code

CTAE Employability / Soft Skills Seal:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Seal

CTAE Pathway Skills Seal:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Seal

CTAE Leadership Skills Seal:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Seal

Diploma Type:
Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Type

Report Type:
Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Status

IEP Services:

Capstone Project:

Alternate Math Sequence:

CCAE Participant:

Career Technical Instruction:

STEM/STEAM Participant:

Migrant Program Participant:

Environment Code:

Pre-K Program:

CTAE Employability / Soft Skills Seal:

CTAE Pathway Skills Seal:

CTAE Leadership Skills Seal:

Diploma Type:

Report Type:

IEP Services:


Indicates the first language in which the student has demonstrated proficiency for the BI-LITERACY LANGUAGE SEAL.

Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Bi-Lit Language 1on Enrollment.
  • These mappings are done automatically in the code. If an override is specified in Resource Preferences, the override is used.
CEnrollment > Bi-Lit Language 1EnrollmentGA.biLitLanguage1

Indicates the second language in which the student has demonstrated proficiency for the BI-LITERACY LANGUAGE SEAL.

Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Bi-Lit Language 2on Enrollment.
  • These mappings are done automatically in the code. If an override is specified in Resource Preferences, the override is used.
CEnrollment > Bi-Lit Language 2EnrollmentGA.biLitLanguage2

Indicates the third language in which the student has demonstrated proficiency for the BI-LITERACY LANGUAGE SEAL.

Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Bi-Lit Language 3on Enrollment.
  • These mappings are done automatically in the code. If an override is specified in Resource Preferences, the override is used.
CEnrollment > Bi-Lit Language 3EnrollmentGA.biLitLanguage3

Indicates Code for the Georgia county the student resides in while attending public school.

Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Resident Countyon Enrollment.
  • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the default value of Resident County, if applicable.
MEnrollment > Resident CountyEnrollmentGA.residentCounty

Indicates the status of an EL student who is not in ESOL program.

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Service Typeon EL Services.
    • The EL Service record MUST overlap the reporting enrollment to be able to report.
  • Do not report if the student does not have a Service Type mapped to a valid Ed-Fi Code.
CProgram Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service TypeLepService.lepServiceTypeID

Indicates the language preference of the parent for communication between the school and the student's parent. Blank is not allowed.

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code associated to the value selected for Home Primary Language on the student's Guardian with the highest Emergency Priority.
    • If the Guardian with the highest Emergency Priority does not have a Home Primary Language, use the Guardian with the next highest Emergency Priority.
    • If no Guardians have an Emergency Priority listed, loop through the Guardians based on Person ID using the Guardian with the lowest Guardian ID first.
    • Report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the default value of Home Primary Language, if applicable.
    • If no Guardians can be found with a saved value for Home Primary Language, report default LanguageDescriptor#008 (English)
  • Do not report if no guardians exist.

Census > People > Relationships > Guardian, Emergency Priority

Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language




This indicates the date the student was identified as a student needing an alternate assessment for the ALTERNATE CONTENT STANDARDS (ACS).

  • Report the Start Date of the most recent SPED State Reporting tab record with GAA (ACS) = Y: Yes.
  • Do not report if no ACS records exist for the student.
CSpecial Ed > General > State Reporting > Start Date, GAA (ACS)




Indicates the date the student no longer qualifies for the ALTERNATE CONTENT STANDARDS (ACS).

  • Report the End Date of the most recent SPED State Reporting tab record with GAA (ACS) = Y: Yes.
  • Do not report if no ACS records exist for the student.
CSpecial Ed > General > State Reporting > End Date, GAA (ACS)SpecialEdState.endDate

Code for the Georgia system where the student resides while attending public school. Or the SYSTEM CODE from the district or state the student was displaced due to natural disaster.

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code associated with the value selected for Resident District on Enrollment.
  • If Resident District is NULL, report the Ed-Fi Code associated to the default value for the Resident District attribute.
MEnrollment > Resident DistrictEnrollment.residentDistrict


Click here to expand...


Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Physical Home AddressPhysical Home Addressuri:// Home Address


Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description


Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
PNative Hawaiianuri:// Hawaiian
IIndian Americanuri:// American


Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
PMild Intellectual Disabilityuri:// Intellectual Disability
QModerate Intellectual Disabilityuri:// Intellectual Disability
RSevere Intellectual Disability  uri:// Intellectual Disability  
SProfound Intellectual Disabilityuri:// Intellectual Disability
TEmotional / Behavioral Disorderuri:// / Behavioral Disorder
USpecific Learning Disability    uri:// Learning Disability    
VOrthopedic Impairment          uri:// Impairment          
WHearing Impairment              uri:// Impairment              
XDeaf                            uri://                            
YOther Health Impairment        uri:// Health Impairment        
ZVisual Impairment              uri:// Impairment              
1Blind                          uri://                          
2Deaf and Blind                  uri:// and Blind                  
3Speech / Language Impairment    uri:// / Language Impairment    
6Autism                          uri://                          
7Traumatic Brain Injury          uri:// Brain Injury          
8Significant Developmental Delayuri:// Developmental Delay


Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
1Parent refusal - indirectly serveduri:// refusal - indirectly served
2Language support provided in special educationuri:// support provided in special education
3Language support by non-ESOL endorsed/certified teacheruri:// support by non-ESOL endorsed/certified teacher
4Language support via a non-state approved modeluri:// support via a non-state approved model
5No language supporturi:// language support


Ed-Fi Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
601Appling Countyuri:// County
602Atkinson Countyuri:// County
603Bacon Countyuri:// County
604Baker Countyuri:// County
605Baldwin Countyuri:// County
606Banks Countyuri:// County
607Barrow Countyuri:// County
608Bartow Countyuri:// County
609Ben Hill Countyuri:// Hill County
610Berrien Countyuri:// County
611Bibb Countyuri:// County
612Bleckley Countyuri:// County
613Brantley Countyuri:// County
614Brooks Countyuri:// County
615Bryan Countyuri:// County
616Bulloch Countyuri:// County
617Burke Countyuri:// County
618Butts Countyuri:// County
619Calhoun Countyuri:// County
620Camden Countyuri:// County
621Candler Countyuri:// County
622Carroll Countyuri:// County
623Catoosa Countyuri:// County
624Charlton Countyuri:// County
625Savannah-Chatham Countyuri:// County
626Chattahoochee Countyuri:// County
627Chattooga Countyuri:// County
628Cherokee Countyuri:// County
629Clarke Countyuri:// County
630Clay Countyuri:// County
631Clayton Countyuri:// County
632Clinch Countyuri:// County
633Cobb Countyuri:// County
634Coffee Countyuri:// County
635Colquitt Countyuri:// County
636Columbia Countyuri:// County
637Cook Countyuri:// County
638Coweta Countyuri:// County
639Crawford Countyuri:// County
640Crisp Countyuri:// County
641Dade Countyuri:// County
642Dawson Countyuri:// County
643Decatur Countyuri:// County
644DeKalb Countyuri:// County
645Dodge Countyuri:// County
646Dooly Countyuri:// County
647Dougherty Countyuri:// County
648Douglas Countyuri:// County
649Early Countyuri:// County
650Echols Countyuri:// County
651Effingham Countyuri:// County
652Elbert Countyuri:// County
653Emanuel Countyuri:// County
654Evans Countyuri:// County
655Fannin Countyuri:// County
656Fayette Countyuri:// County
657Floyd Countyuri:// County
658Forsyth Countyuri:// County
659Franklin Countyuri:// County
660Fulton Countyuri:// County
661Gilmer Countyuri:// County
662Glascock Countyuri:// County
663Glynn Countyuri:// County
664Gordon Countyuri:// County
665Grady Countyuri:// County
666Greene Countyuri:// County
667Gwinnett Countyuri:// County
668Habersham Countyuri:// County
669Hall Countyuri:// County
670Hancock Countyuri:// County
671Haralson Countyuri:// County
672Harris Countyuri:// County
673Hart Countyuri:// County
674Heard Countyuri:// County
675Henry Countyuri:// County
676Houston Countyuri:// County
677Irwin Countyuri:// County
678Jackson Countyuri:// County
679Jasper Countyuri:// County
680Jeff Davis Countyuri:// Davis County
681Jefferson Countyuri:// County
682Jenkins Countyuri:// County
683Johnson Countyuri:// County
684Jones Countyuri:// County
685Lamar Countyuri:// County
686Lanier Countyuri:// County
687Laurens Countyuri:// County
688Lee Countyuri:// County
689Liberty Countyuri:// County
690Lincoln Countyuri:// County
691Long Countyuri:// County
692Lowndes Countyuri:// County
693Lumpkin Countyuri:// County
694Macon Countyuri:// County
695Madison Countyuri:// County
696Marion Countyuri:// County
697McDuffie Countyuri:// County
698McIntosh Countyuri:// County
699Meriwether Countyuri:// County
700Miller Countyuri:// County
701Mitchell Countyuri:// County
702Monroe Countyuri:// County
703Montgomery Countyuri:// County
704Morgan Countyuri:// County
705Murray Countyuri:// County
706Muscogee Countyuri:// County
707Newton Countyuri:// County
708Oconee Countyuri:// County
709Oglethorpe Countyuri:// County
710Paulding Countyuri:// County
711Peach Countyuri:// County
712Pickens Countyuri:// County
713Pierce Countyuri:// County
714Pike Countyuri:// County
715Polk Countyuri:// County
716Pulaski Countyuri:// County
717Putnam Countyuri:// County
718Quitman Countyuri:// County
719Rabun Countyuri:// County
720Randolph Countyuri:// County
721Richmond Countyuri:// County
722Rockdale Countyuri:// County
723Schley Countyuri:// County
724Screven Countyuri:// County
725Seminole Countyuri:// County
726Griffin-Spalding Countyuri:// County
727Stephens Countyuri:// County
728Stewart Countyuri:// County
729Sumter Countyuri:// County
730Talbot Countyuri:// County
731Taliaferro Countyuri:// County
732Tattnall Countyuri:// County
733Taylor Countyuri:// County
734Telfair Countyuri:// County
735Terrell Countyuri:// County
736Thomas Countyuri:// County
737Tift Countyuri:// County
738Toombs Countyuri:// County
739Towns Countyuri:// County
740Treutlen Countyuri:// County
741Troup Countyuri:// County
742Turner Countyuri:// County
743Twiggs Countyuri:// County
744Union Countyuri:// County
745Thomaston-Upson Countyuri:// County
746Walker Countyuri:// County
747Walton Countyuri:// County
748Ware Countyuri:// County
749Warren Countyuri:// County
750Washington Countyuri:// County
751Wayne Countyuri:// County
752Webster Countyuri:// County
753Wheeler Countyuri:// County
754White Countyuri:// County
755Whitfield Countyuri:// County
756Wilcox Countyuri:// County
757Wilkes Countyuri:// County
758Wilkinson Countyuri:// County
759Worth Countyuri:// County
761Atlanta Public Schoolsuri:// Public Schools
762Audit Systemuri:// System
763Bremen Cityuri:// City
764Buford Cityuri:// City
765Calhoun Cityuri:// City
766Carrollton Cityuri:// City
767Cartersville Cityuri:// City
769Chickamauga Cityuri:// City
771Commerce Cityuri:// City
772Dalton Public Schoolsuri:// Public Schools
773City Schools of Decatururi:// Schools of Decatur
774Dublin Cityuri:// City
776Gainesville Cityuri:// City
777Georgia Virtual Schooluri:// Virtual School
779Jefferson Cityuri:// City
781Marietta Cityuri:// City
784Pelham Cityuri:// City
785Rome Cityuri:// City
786Social Circle Cityuri:// Circle City
789Thomasville Cityuri:// City
791Trion Cityuri:// City
792Valdosta Cityuri:// City
793Vidalia Cityuri:// City
800out of stateuri:// of state
930South Carolinauri:// Carolina


Ed-Fi Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
601Appling Countyuri:// County
602Atkinson Countyuri:// County
603Bacon Countyuri:// County
604Baker Countyuri:// County
605Baldwin Countyuri:// County
606Banks Countyuri:// County
607Barrow Countyuri:// County
608Bartow Countyuri:// County
609Ben Hill Countyuri:// Hill County
610Berrien Countyuri:// County
611Bibb Countyuri:// County
612Bleckley Countyuri:// County
613Brantley Countyuri:// County
614Brooks Countyuri:// County
615Bryan Countyuri:// County
616Bulloch Countyuri:// County
617Burke Countyuri:// County
618Butts Countyuri:// County
619Calhoun Countyuri:// County
620Camden Countyuri:// County
621Candler Countyuri:// County
622Carroll Countyuri:// County
623Catoosa Countyuri:// County
624Charlton Countyuri:// County
625Savannah-Chatham Countyuri:// County
626Chattahoochee Countyuri:// County
627Chattooga Countyuri:// County
628Cherokee Countyuri:// County
629Clarke Countyuri:// County
630Clay Countyuri:// County
631Clayton Countyuri:// County
632Clinch Countyuri:// County
633Cobb Countyuri:// County
634Coffee Countyuri:// County
635Colquitt Countyuri:// County
636Columbia Countyuri:// County
637Cook Countyuri:// County
638Coweta Countyuri:// County
639Crawford Countyuri:// County
640Crisp Countyuri:// County
641Dade Countyuri:// County
642Dawson Countyuri:// County
643Decatur Countyuri:// County
644DeKalb Countyuri:// County
645Dodge Countyuri:// County
646Dooly Countyuri:// County
647Dougherty Countyuri:// County
648Douglas Countyuri:// County
649Early Countyuri:// County
650Echols Countyuri:// County
651Effingham Countyuri:// County
652Elbert Countyuri:// County
653Emanuel Countyuri:// County
654Evans Countyuri:// County
655Fannin Countyuri:// County
656Fayette Countyuri:// County
657Floyd Countyuri:// County
658Forsyth Countyuri:// County
659Franklin Countyuri:// County
660Fulton Countyuri:// County
661Gilmer Countyuri:// County
662Glascock Countyuri:// County
663Glynn Countyuri:// County
664Gordon Countyuri:// County
665Grady Countyuri:// County
666Greene Countyuri:// County
667Gwinnett Countyuri:// County
668Habersham Countyuri:// County
669Hall Countyuri:// County
670Hancock Countyuri:// County
671Haralson Countyuri:// County
672Harris Countyuri:// County
673Hart Countyuri:// County
674Heard Countyuri:// County
675Henry Countyuri:// County
676Houston Countyuri:// County
677Irwin Countyuri:// County
678Jackson Countyuri:// County
679Jasper Countyuri:// County
680Jeff Davis Countyuri:// Davis County
681Jefferson Countyuri:// County
682Jenkins Countyuri:// County
683Johnson Countyuri:// County
684Jones Countyuri:// County
685Lamar Countyuri:// County
686Lanier Countyuri:// County
687Laurens Countyuri:// County
688Lee Countyuri:// County
689Liberty Countyuri:// County
690Lincoln Countyuri:// County
691Long Countyuri:// County
692Lowndes Countyuri:// County
693Lumpkin Countyuri:// County
694Macon Countyuri:// County
695Madison Countyuri:// County
696Marion Countyuri:// County
697McDuffie Countyuri:// County
698McIntosh Countyuri:// County
699Meriwether Countyuri:// County
700Miller Countyuri:// County
701Mitchell Countyuri:// County
702Monroe Countyuri:// County
703Montgomery Countyuri:// County
704Morgan Countyuri:// County
705Murray Countyuri:// County
706Muscogee Countyuri:// County
707Newton Countyuri:// County
708Oconee Countyuri:// County
709Oglethorpe Countyuri:// County
710Paulding Countyuri:// County
711Peach Countyuri:// County
712Pickens Countyuri:// County
713Pierce Countyuri:// County
714Pike Countyuri:// County
715Polk Countyuri:// County
716Pulaski Countyuri:// County
717Putnam Countyuri:// County
718Quitman Countyuri:// County
719Rabun Countyuri:// County
720Randolph Countyuri:// County
721Richmond Countyuri:// County
722Rockdale Countyuri:// County
723Schley Countyuri:// County
724Screven Countyuri:// County
725Seminole Countyuri:// County
726Griffin-Spalding Countyuri:// County
727Stephens Countyuri:// County
728Stewart Countyuri:// County
729Sumter Countyuri:// County
730Talbot Countyuri:// County
731Taliaferro Countyuri:// County
732Tattnall Countyuri:// County
733Taylor Countyuri:// County
734Telfair Countyuri:// County
735Terrell Countyuri:// County
736Thomas Countyuri:// County
737Tift Countyuri:// County
738Toombs Countyuri:// County
739Towns Countyuri:// County
740Treutlen Countyuri:// County
741Troup Countyuri:// County
742Turner Countyuri:// County
743Twiggs Countyuri:// County
744Union Countyuri:// County
745Thomaston-Upson Countyuri:// County
746Walker Countyuri:// County
747Walton Countyuri:// County
748Ware Countyuri:// County
749Warren Countyuri:// County
750Washington Countyuri:// County
751Wayne Countyuri:// County
752Webster Countyuri:// County
753Wheeler Countyuri:// County
754White Countyuri:// County
755Whitfield Countyuri:// County
756Wilcox Countyuri:// County
757Wilkes Countyuri:// County
758Wilkinson Countyuri:// County
759Worth Countyuri:// County
761Atlanta Public Schoolsuri:// Public Schools
762Audit Systemuri:// System
763Bremen Cityuri:// City
764Buford Cityuri:// City
765Calhoun Cityuri:// City
766Carrollton Cityuri:// City
767Cartersville Cityuri:// City
769Chickamauga Cityuri:// City
771Commerce Cityuri:// City
772Dalton Public Schoolsuri:// Public Schools
773City Schools of Decatururi:// Schools of Decatur
774Dublin Cityuri:// City
776Gainesville Cityuri:// City
777Georgia Virtual Schooluri:// Virtual School
779Jefferson Cityuri:// City
781Marietta Cityuri:// City
784Pelham Cityuri:// City
785Rome Cityuri:// City
786Social Circle Cityuri:// Circle City
789Thomasville Cityuri:// City
791Trion Cityuri:// City
792Valdosta Cityuri:// City
793Vidalia Cityuri:// City
800out of stateuri:// of state
930South Carolinauri:// Carolina

languageDescriptor / biliteracy1LanguageDescriptor / biliteracy2LanguageDescriptor / biliteracy3LanguageDescriptor / parentCommunicationLanguageDescriptor

Ed-Fi Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
1Ghanaian Languages (including Akan, Twi, Fante)uri:// Languages (including Akan, Twi, Fante)
2American Indian (except Cherokee, Mohawk)uri:// Indian (except Cherokee, Mohawk)
7Dutch / Flemishuri:// / Flemish
8English, Standard Americanuri://, Standard American
9Persian languages (including Farsi and Dari)uri:// languages (including Farsi and Dari)
14Creoles and pidgins - Haitian Creole (Patois)uri:// and pidgins - Haitian Creole (Patois)
19Khmer (including North, South, and Central Khmer, and Mon-Khmer)uri:// (including North, South, and Central Khmer, and Mon-Khmer)
22Philippine languages (including Cebuano, Filipino, Tagalog, and Visaya)uri:// languages (including Cebuano, Filipino, Tagalog, and Visaya)
31Other African languages (for example, Bariba Bassa, Berber, Fula, Mende, Nuer)uri:// African languages (for example, Bariba Bassa, Berber, Fula, Mende, Nu
32Other Asian language (for example, Kyrgyz)uri:// Asian language (for example, Kyrgyz)
33Other European languages (for example, Belarusian, Catalan, Faroese)uri:// European languages (for example, Belarusian, Catalan, Faroese)
34Other Indian languages (for example, Bangldeshi, Bhili, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Meituri:// Indian languages (for example, Bangldeshi, Bhili, Kannada, Kashmiri, 
35Central American Indian languages (including Mayan Languages such as K iche, Q eqchi, Mam, and Q anuri:// American Indian languages (including Mayan Languages such as K iche
46Romanian languages (including Moldovan, Romany)uri:// languages (including Moldovan, Romany)
52Creoles and pidgins (Other)uri:// and pidgins (Other)
53Creoles and pidgins - English based (including Jamaican, Krio, Sotho, Sranan Togo)uri:// and pidgins - English based (including Jamaican, Krio, Sotho, Srana
54Creoles and pidgins - French baseduri:// and pidgins - French based
55Creoles and pidgins - Portuguese-based (including Crioulo)uri:// and pidgins - Portuguese-based (including Crioulo)
61Albanian (including Gheg)uri:// (including Gheg)
63Bengali/Bangla languages (including Rohingya)uri:// languages (including Rohingya)
64Bantu languages (for example, Bemba, Bube, Bulu, Chichewa, Fang, Kirundi, Lingala, Nguni, Nyanji, Suri:// languages (for example, Bemba, Bube, Bulu, Chichewa, Fang, Kirundi, L
65Burmese, Hakha Chin languages (including Lai and Mizo)uri://, Hakha Chin languages (including Lai and Mizo)
74Gbe languages (including, Adja, Aja, Ewe, Mina)uri:// languages (including, Adja, Aja, Ewe, Mina)
88Malay (including Calypso Malay)uri:// (including Calypso Malay)
90Mande languages (including Bambara, Gio, Soninke)uri:// languages (including Bambara, Gio, Soninke)
91Micronesian and Polynesian languages (including Kosraean, Mokilese, Norfolk, Pohnpeian, and Tahitiauri:// and Polynesian languages (including Kosraean, Mokilese, Norfolk
96Middle Eastern languages (including Balochi)uri:// Eastern languages (including Balochi)
97Nigerian languages (including Bini, Bokyi, Edo, Gokana, Hausa, Igbo, Ogoni, Urhobo)uri:// languages (including Bini, Bokyi, Edo, Gokana, Hausa, Igbo, Ogoni,
98South American Indian languages (including Aymara, Guarani, and Ixil)uri:// American Indian languages (including Aymara, Guarani, and Ixil)
103Sign Languagesuri:// Languages
108Senegal Languages (including Fulani, Mandinka or Mandingo, and Wolof)uri:// Languages (including Fulani, Mandinka or Mandingo, and Wolof)
109Sudan Languages (including Kuku, Masalit, or Shilluk)uri:// Languages (including Kuku, Masalit, or Shilluk)
110Chad Languages (including Kaba, Sara)uri:// Languages (including Kaba, Sara)
111Karen languages (including Karenni)uri:// languages (including Karenni)
122Eritrean Languages (Including Kunama, Tigre)uri:// Languages (Including Kunama, Tigre)
123Ethiopian languages (including Oromo, Sidaama)uri:// languages (including Oromo, Sidaama)


Ed-Fi Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Correspondence languageCorrespondence languageuri:// language
Dominant languageDominant languageuri:// language
Home languageHome languageuri:// language
Native languageNative languageuri:// language
Other language proficiencyOther language proficiencyuri:// language proficiency
Spoken languageSpoken languageuri:// language
Written languageWritten languageuri:// language


Ed-Fi Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Parent in MilitaryParent in Militaryuri:// in Military
Student Support Team ParticipantStudent Support Team Participanturi:// Support Team Participant
Migrant Priority For ServicesMigrant Priority For Servicesuri:// Priority For Services
Single ParentSingle Parenturi:// Parent
Extended School Year ServicesExtended School Year Servicesuri:// School Year Services
Instructed using ACSInstructed using ACSuri:// using ACS
21st Century Served21st Century Serveduri:// Century Served
ESOL Student Served with Title III FundsESOL Student Served with Title III Fundsuri:// Student Served with Title III Funds
Parent in ReservesParent in Reservesuri:// in Reserves
Immigrant Program ParticipantImmigrant Program Participanturi:// Program Participant
Dexter Mosely HomeschooledDexter Mosely Homeschooleduri:// Mosely Homeschooled
US School Less Than 3 YearsUS School Less Than 3 Yearsuri:// School Less Than 3 Years
SB2 - Dual EnrollmentSB2 - Dual Enrollmenturi:// - Dual Enrollment
Dual ImmersionDual Immersionuri:// Immersion
Bi-Literacy Diploma SealBi-Literacy Diploma Sealuri:// Diploma Seal
Civic Engagement Diploma SealCivic Engagement Diploma Sealuri:// Engagement Diploma Seal
Fine Arts Diploma SealFine Arts Diploma Sealuri:// Arts Diploma Seal
International Skills Diploma SealInternational Skills Diploma Sealuri:// Skills Diploma Seal
Child FindChild Finduri:// Find


Ed-Fi Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description