CATE (New Hampshire)

Tool Search: CATE

The CATE tool tracks data for Career Tech Education (CTE) students. After a record is saved, all fields remain editable. 

Screenshot of the Career and Technical Education (CATE) detail editor.CATE Editor

Read - View CATE records.
Write - Edit existing CATE records.
Add - Add new CATE records.
Delete - Remove CATE records.

See the Tool Rights article for more information about Tool Rights and how they function.


Lists all districts in the state. Select the district in which the student attends CTE programming.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.schoolID


CATE Student Course

Career and College Readiness

CATE Entry Date

The entry date indicates the day the student entered the CTE course or program. If the student enrolled, then exited, and is now re-enrolling, enter the date the student is re-enrolling in the CTE program. If a student exits a course or program and re-enrolls, you should submit two records for this student. This may be done during the B-O-Y, the M-O-Y, or the E-O-Y submissions.

The first record indicates the first date the student entered the CTE course or program, along with the first entry code. Also included in this record are the first exit date and exit code. The remaining fields for the submission should be based on these entry and exit dates – for example, the days in attendance should only include the number of days between the entry and exit dates.

The second record should indicate the entry date when the student re-entered the CTE course or program, along with the re-entry code. If applicable, an exit date and exit code may also be entered. The remaining fields should match the time period between the re-entry date and the exit date, especially the days in attendance.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.entryDate


For CATE BOY, MOY, EOY submissions:

  • Entry date must be greater than or equal to the opening date of the CTE center.
  • Entry date must be less than or equal to the end date of semester 1 for the CTE center.
  • Entry date must be prior to or equal to the exit date if both the entry date and exit date exist.

For CATE student course submissions:

  • Entry date cannot be later than the ending date of the course.
  • Entry date must be on or after the beginning date of the course.


CATE Entry Code

Indicates the code assigned to the student upon entry to the program.

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V1In-State TuitionedWhen a student enrolls in a program at a CTE Center, resides in a different New Hampshire district, and is enrolled in a high school that is not located in the same district as the CTE Center.
V2Out-of-State TuitionedWhen a student enrolls in a program at a CTE Center and resides in a district in a state other than New Hampshire
V3Not TuitionedA student is enrolled in a school in the same district where the CTE Center is located. If a student resides in a district with no high school and there is a tuition contract between the student's district of residence and a high school where a CTE Center is located, the student is "not tuitioned" to the CTE program. In this case, the student has the same status as any other student who receives their education at the high school where the CTE Center is located.
V4Not CTE StudentIn some cases, students who are not enrolled in an approved Career and Technical Education program for a CTE Center may be tracked on the CATE system. A student would have this entry code to indicate non-association with the CTE program.

Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.entryCode


CATE Exit Date

The exit date is the last day the student was enrolled in the CTE program or course. This may be the day the student completed the program, graduated high school without completing the program, or withdrew for any of the reasons listed on the Exit Codes list for CATE. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.exitDate


For CATE BOY, MOY, EOY submissions:

  • Exit date must be greater than or equal to the opening date of the CTE center.
  • Exit date must be less than or equal to the end date of semester 1 for the CTE center.

For CATE student course submissions:

  • Exit date cannot be later than the ending date of the course.
  • Exit date must be on or after the beginning date of the course.


CATE Exit Code

The CATE exit code denotes why the student exited a Career and Technical Education program or course If the student exits and re-enters the program, then multiple records will be submitted. Any time a student exits a program, a record should include both the entry and exit codes and respective dates.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.exitCode


When a record should exist with an exit code:

  • BOY and MOY records - Any time a student withdraws or completes a program or course between the entry date and before the end of the school year. Otherwise, the Exit Date and Exit Code are not required fields in the BOY or MOY.
  • EOY records - All EOY records must have an ExitDate and an ExitCode. Many students will continue in their programs in the following year. In this case, the Exit Code that is appropriate for “Student is Continuing” should be entered and the last day of School or the last day the course was offered should be entered for the Exit Date.
  • Anytime a student moves to a different school district, the student should be exited from the system and re-entered with a new Entry Code with the appropriate sending school information.
W6Student transferred to another public institution
W10Student is deceased
W31Student is continuing in CTE program
W32Student has completed the CTE program
W33Student completed high school, not CTE program
W34Student transferred to a non-CTE program
W35Student transferred to another high school
W36Student withdrew - unsatisfactory academics
W37Student withdrew - economic reasons
W38Student withdrew - reasons known
W39Student withdrew - unknown
W40Student transferred to a different CTE program


CATE Enrollment Status

Enrollment status must be entered for the time period for which a student is enrolled in a CTE course or program. This must be reported for each individual student. For example, a student may enter school on September 1, leave school on September 22, and then re-enter on November 14 for the rest of the school year. In this situation, two records will be submitted, and the enrollment status will correspond to the individual time periods.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.enrollStatus


  • Enrollment status must be numeric and cannot be blank.
  • Must be a valid enrollment status code.
4Home schooled student


Transportation Mode

A student is considered tuitioned when attending a Career and Technical Education program in a CTE Center, located in a district outside the district in which the student is enrolled in high school. When a student is tuitioned to a CTE Center, transportation charges may be eligible for reimbursement by the State to the sending district. Different rates apply to different forms of transportation. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.transportation


  • Must be numeric and cannot be blank.
  • Must be a valid transportation mode code.
2Student self-transport, $0.25/mile for the period of time for which the student is eligible to receive reimbursement. DOE pre-authorization is required.
6Standard per day rate -- $.10/mile.


Program Completer

A student is considered a program completer when that secondary student has completed 90% (or more) of the program competencies of a career and technical education (CTE) program at the level of proficient or better. This information must be included on the EOY. The BOY and MOY do not require this information. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.programCompleter


Industry Recognized Credential

Indicates in which assessment the student was evaluated. See the New Hampshire Department of Education website for a current list of credentials.

As part of the Consolidated Accountability plan required for the US Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the NH DOE needs to determine students' Career and College readiness based on their achievement on several indicators. The Career and College Readiness (CCR) Submission is required for all districts with a high school (grades 9 12). This includes charter school districts. The collection is due at the end of the school year to coincide with the EOY Enrollment Submission and must be certified by the Superintendent or other authorized official. Submit data for all 12th-grade students, regardless of school completion status. Students should be included in the CCR every year, in which they are reported as 12th graders, including special education students who remain as 12th graders until they have aged out of their special education program. Do not include students who completed high school before 12th grade (e.g., 11th graders who graduate early). A student's Career and College readiness includes their entire high school career. Districts may report a student's attainment of identified CCR indicators that occurred at any point during the student's high school tenure, from grade 9 through grade 12.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.industryRecognizedCred


Career and College Readiness

Career Pathways

Career pathways are an integrated collection of programs and services intended to develop students’ core academic, technical, and employability skills and provide them with continuous education. This records a student completing a career cluster program within the school. Completion of a career cluster program is different from and separate from completion of an industry-wide credential.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.careerPathway


Career and College Readiness

Apprenticeship Program Participation

Indicates a student's participation in an approved apprenticeship program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.apprenticeshipProgram


Career and College Readiness


A concentrator is a secondary student who is enrolled in the second half of a career and technical education (CTE) program. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.concentrator


CATE Student Course


If the student participates in a planned Career and Technical and/or Tech Prep Cooperative educational experience while in the Career and Technical and/or Tech Prep program. 

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Database Location:

Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE >



Sending SAU Number

The School Administration Unit Number for the district that is sending student data.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.sendingSAU


Career and College Readiness

Receiving SAU Number

The School Administration Unit Number for the district that is receiving student data. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.receivingSAU


Career and College Readiness

Classification of Instructional Program

Indicates which program the student is receiving instruction in. See the New Hampshire Department of Education website for current programs.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.primaryCIP



Sending District Number

Indicates the district number of the district sending student data.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.sendingDistrict



Receiving District Number

Indicates the district number of the district receiving student data. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.receivingDistrict


Primary CIP Enrollment

Program ID consists of six digits called the program's CIP (Classification of Instructional Program). Each student has a primary program in which the student's performance information will be reported. If a student has multiple programs of enrollment, the program in which the student is expected to continue should be entered here.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.primaryCIP



Sending School Number

Indicates the school number sending student data.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.sendingSchool



Receiving School Number

Indicates the school number receiving student data. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.receivingDistrict



Competencies Completed

Indicates the number of competencies the student completed. A student is considered a program completer when that secondary student has completed 90% (or more) of the program competencies of a career and technical education (CTE) program at the level of proficiency or better. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student >  Learner > CATE > cate.competenciesCompleted


CATE Student Course