Tool Search: Enrollments
The Enrollment tool displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Because this is an historical view, this list could be long.
By default, enrollments are first sorted by grade level and sorted by enrollment start date second. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.
See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.
General Enrollment Information
The General Enrollment Information section lists the calendar of enrollment, grade level, start and end date, the type of enrollment, the start and end status of enrollment, and any enrollment comments that have been entered. Options available in fields such as start status, end status and service type vary by state.
General Enrollment Information Editor
The following fields provides definitions for each data element on the General Enrollment Information editor.
Local Start Status
A code that indicates the circumstances under which the student entered membership in the school.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website. See the Enrollment Start Status Setup article for additional information.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
E099 | Entry into ISAEP | Entry into an Individualized Student Alternative Education Program (ISAEP) - A student who has entered an ISAEP for the first day of the new school year. A student in an ISAEP shall be counted in the membership and average daily membership (ADM) of the local education agency. |
E104 | Transfer-private, non-religious school-local | Transfer from a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in the same local education agency - A student who transfers from a private school (operated by a non-governmental, non-religious group or organization) that is located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency, including hospital teaching programs. |
E105 | Transfer-private non-religious school-same state | Transfer from a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in a different local education agency in the same state - A student who transfers from a private school (operated by a non-governmental, non-religious group or organization) that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state, including hospital teaching programs. |
E106 | Transfer-private non-religious school-other state | Transfer from a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in a different state - A student who transfers from a private school (operated by a non-governmental, non-religious group or organization) that is located in another state, including hospital teaching programs. |
E107 | Transfer-private religious school-local | Transfer from a private, religiously-affiliated school in the same local education agency - A student who transfers from a private school (affiliated with and operated by a non-governmental, religious group or organization) that is located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency, including hospital teaching programs. |
E108 | Transfer-private religious school-same state | Transfer from a private, religiously-affiliated school in a different local education agency in the same state - A student who transfers from a private school (affiliated with and operated by a non-governmental, religious group or organization) that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state, including hospital teaching programs. |
E109 | Transfer-private religious school-other state | Transfer from a private, religiously-affiliated school in a different state - A student who transfers from a private school (affiliated with and operated by a non-governmental, religious group or organization) that is located in another state, including hospital teaching programs. |
E110 | N/A | Inactive. |
E111 | Transfer-state operated institution | Transfer from a state-operated institution - A student who transfers from a state-operated institution that has an educational program. This includes mental health institutions, correctional institutions, juvenile service agencies, care shelters, and detention facilities. |
E112 | Original entry of a DJJ student into a juvenile detention facility - A student who has been placed into the custody of Department of Juvenile Justice's (DJJ) but resides in a juvenile detention facility with an educational program (State Operated Programs (SOP's). These students are referred as Community Placement Program (CPP), Central Administrative Processing (CAP) and Re-Entry. For State Operated Programs use only | |
E113 | Transfer-home schooling | Transfer from home schooling - A student who transfers from a period of instruction in a home environment for reasons other than health. |
E119 | Original entry into US school | Original entry into a United States school - A student already residing in the United States enters a school for the first time in the United States or an extra-state jurisdiction. On the first day of school for each and every school year, this code may be used for all students. |
E120 | Original entry into US-uninterrupted | Original entry into a United States school from a foreign country with no interruption in schooling - A student who has recently moved from a foreign country where he or she had been enrolled in a school that is not a United States overseas dependents school (includes private and public school systems) and enters a school in the United States or an extra-state jurisdiction for the first time. |
E121 | Original entry into US-interrupted | Original entry into a United States school from a foreign country with an interruption in schooling - A student who has recently moved from a foreign country where he or she had not been enrolled in a school that is not a United States overseas dependents school (includes private and public school systems) and enters a school in the United States or an extra-state jurisdiction for the first time. |
E203 | Transfer-public school-other state | Transfer from a public school in a different state - A student who transfers from a public school that is located in another state, from a United States overseas dependents school, or from a DOD (Department of Defense) school. |
E204 | In out-of-state schl bf 10/1,in VA schl after 10/1 | Transfer from a public school in a different state - A student was enrolled in a public school in another state before 10/1 and then re-enrolled in a Virginia public school after 10/1. |
R111 | Re-entry from state-operated institution | Re-entry from a state-operated institution - A student who re-enters from a state-operated institution that has an educational program. This includes mental health institutions, correctional institutions, juvenile service agencies, care shelters, and detention facilities. |
R112 | Re-entry of a DJJ student into a juvenile detention facility - A student that transfers or re-enters into a juvenile detention facility with an educational program (State Operated Programs (SOP’s). These students are referred as Community Placement Program (CPP), Central Administrative Processing (CAP) and Re-Entry. For State Operated Programs use only | |
R115 | Re-entry from the same school with no interruption | Re-entry from the same school with no interruption of schooling - A student who had previously entered any class in a school and then continues his or her membership in the same school from one term to the next because of a promotion or demotion, or who transfers from one homeroom or class to another during a regular school session. |
R201 | Transfer-public school in the same local agency | Transfer from a public school in the same local education agency - A student who transfers from a public school that is located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency. |
R212 | Transfer- charter school in the same local agency | Transfer from a charter school in the same local education agency- A student who transfers from a charter school, operated in accordance with state regulations, that is located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency. |
R214 | Matriculation | Matriculation from another school within the same local education agency - A student who enters a school within the same local education agency after successful completion and promotion from the highest instructional level of another school to enter the next higher level. |
R216 | Re-entry into a school from Homebound education | Re-entry into a school from Homebound education. |
R217 | Re-entry into Homebound education | Re-entry into Homebound education within the same local education agency. |
R218 | Re-entry into a school from Home-based education | Re-entry into a school from Home-based education. |
R219 | Re-entry into Home-based education | Re-entry into Home-based education within the same local education agency. |
R298 | Re-entry into a school from an ISAEP | Re-entry into a school from an Individualized Student Alternative Education Program (ISAEP) - A student who re-enters a school after a period of time in an ISAEP. |
R302 | Transfer-public school in different agency | Transfer from a public school in a different local education agency in the same state - A student who transfers from a public school that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state. |
R312 | Transfer-charter school, same state | Transfer from a charter school in a different local education agency in the same state - A student who transfers from a charter school, operated in accordance with state regulations, that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state. |
R402 | N/A | Reserved for local use. Do not report on the Student Record Collection |
R403 | N/A | Reserved for local use. Do not report on the Student Record Collection |
R415 | Re-entry-orig. school after out of state transfer | Re-entry into original school after transferring out of Virginia public education - A student who had previously entered any class in a school in Virginia and then re-enters the same school after he or she transferred to a school out of the Virginia public school system during the regular school session. This includes a student returning from a private, an out of state, an out of country, or from home school. |
R416 | Re-entry- different school, out of state transfer | Re-entry into a different school after transferring out of Virginia public education - A student who had previously entered any class in a school in Virginia and then re-enters a different Virginia public school after he or she transferred to a out-of-state school during the regular school session. This includes a student returning from a private, an out of state, an out of country, or from home school. |
R417 | Re-entry after a voluntary withdraw | Re-entry after a voluntary withdraw - A student who had previously entered any class in a school and then re-enters the same school after he or she has left school for voluntary reasons (e.g., prolonged illness, temporary disability, or dropping out) during a regular school session. |
R418 | Re-entry after an involuntary withdraw | Re-entry after an involuntary withdraw - A student who had previously entered any class in a school and then re-enters the same school after he or she has left school for involuntary reasons (e.g., expulsion) during a regular school session. |
R099 | Entry into ISAEP | Entry into an Individualized Student Alternative Education Program (ISAEP) - A student who has entered an ISAEP. A student in an ISAEP shall be counted in the membership and average daily membership (ADM) of the local education agency. |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core Elements > activeEnrollment.localStartStatusTypeID
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Local Exit/Withdrawal Code
A code that indicates the circumstances under which the student last exited from membership in the school.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website. End Statuses are setup using the End Status Type tool.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
W016 | Withdrawn to enter ISAEP | Withdraw to enter Individualized Student Alternative Education Program (ISAEP) - A student who withdraws from school and enrolls in a GED preparation program as a part of an ISAEP as defined in Code of Virginia § 22.1-254.D and Board of Education guidelines. A student in an ISAEP will maintain this withdraw code until he or she exits the program. A student in an ISAEP shall be counted in the membership and average daily membership (ADM) of the local education agency. |
W115 | Transfer to another room in the same school | Transfer to another room in the same school - A student who transfers to another room within the same school. |
W118 | Transfer to special ed from regular ed-same school | Transfer to a special education program from regular education program within the school - A student who transfers to a special education program within the same school from a regular education program during the school year. |
W119 | Transfer-regular ed from special ed, same school | Transfer to regular education program from special education program within the same school - A student who transfers during the school year to a regular education program from a special education program within the same school. |
W201 | Transfer-public school, local | Transfer to a public school in the same local education agency - A student who transfers to a public school that is located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency. |
W212 | Transfer-charter school, local | Transfer to a charter school in the same local education agency - A student who transfers to a charter school, operated in accordance with state regulations, within the same local education agency. |
W214 | Matriculation to another school in same district | Matriculation to another school within the same local education agency - A student who enters another school after successful completion and promotion from the highest instructional level of the current school to the next higher level. |
W217 | Transfer-homebound | Transfer to homebound instruction - A student who transfers to a period of homebound instruction provided by the local education agency. |
W218 | Transfer-special ed from regular ed, same agency | Transfer to a special education program from regular education program that is located within the same local education agency - A student who transfers to a special education program that is located within the same local education agency. |
W219 | Transfer-regular ed from special ed, local | Transfer to regular education program from special education program that is located within the same local education agency - A student who transfers during the school year to a regular education program from a special education program within the same local education agency. |
W221 | Transfer from ISAEP | Transfer from an Individualized Student Alternative Education Program (ISAEP) to a regular education program in a school within the same local education agency - A student who discontinues involvement in an ISAEP and transfers to a regular education program in a school within the same local education agency. |
W222 | Transfer to home-based instruction | Transfer to home-based instruction - A student who transfers to a period of home-based instruction provided by the local education agency. |
W304 | Transfer-private, non-religious-local | Transfer to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in the same local education agency - A student who transfers to a private school (operated by a non-governmental, non-religious group or organization) that is located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency, including hospital teaching programs. |
W305 | Transfer-private, non-religious-same state | Transfer to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in a different local education agency in the same state - A student who transfers to a private school (operated by a non-governmental, non-religious group or organization) that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state, including hospital teaching programs. |
W306 | Transfer-private, non-religious-different state | Transfer to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in a different state - A student who transfers to a private school (operated by a non-governmental, non-religious group or organization) that is located in another state, including hospital teaching programs. |
W307 | Transfer-private, religious-local | Transfer to a private, religiously-affiliated school in the same local education agency - A student who transfers to a private school (affiliated with and operated by a non-governmental, religious group or organization) that is located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency, including hospital teaching programs. |
W308 | Transfer-private, religious-same state | Transfer to a private, religiously-affiliated school in a different local education agency in the same state - A student who transfers to a private school (affiliated with and operated by a non-governmental, religious group or organization) that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state, including hospital teaching programs. |
W309 | Transfer-private, religious-different state | Transfer to a private, religiously-affiliated school in a different state - A student who transfers to a private school (affiliated with and operated by a non-governmental, religious group or organization) that is located in another state, including hospital teaching programs. |
W310 | Transfer to a school outside of the country | Transfer to a school outside of the country - A student who transfers to a school outside the country that is not a United States overseas dependents school (includes private and public school systems). Students who leave the United States are not considered dropouts. Pursuant to 34 C.F.R. §200.19(b)(1)(ii)(B), a school must have written confirmation that a student has emigrated to another country, but need not obtain official written documentation. |
W311 | Leaves school under the authority of a US government agency | Leaves school under the authority of a US government agency – A student who leaves a Virginia Public School under the authority of a United States federal government agency. This code does not include students incarcerated in federal prison. It also does not pertain to students of military families who transfer into Department of Defense schools or who relocate due to a parent’s military duty. |
W312 | Transfer-charter school - same state | Transfer to a charter school that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state- A student who transfers to a charter school, operated in accordance with state regulations, that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state. |
W313 | Transfer to home schooling | Transfer to home schooling - A student who transfers to a period of instruction in a home environment for reasons other than health. |
W314 | Transfer to Job Corps | Transfer to Job Corps/Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Youth Academy - A student who withdraws to enter these public educational and vocational training programs and is not concurrently enrolled in a school in the local education agency. |
W321 | Trans, FT, bacc. or assoc.defree to postsecondary institution | Transfer to a full-time, baccalaureate or associate's degree seeking program at an accredited postsecondary institution - A student, who is fully prepared for postsecondary education, transfers to an accredited postsecondary institution of higher education to enter into a full time program leading to a baccalaureate or associate's degree. This code can only be used for the student who has left Virginia public schools without a credential and is enrolled full-time at an accredited postsecondary institution in a program of study that leads to a baccalaureate or an associate's degree. |
W400 | Summer wd from ed component/state-operated program | Summer withdrawal from the educational component of a state-operated program. |
W402 | Transfer-public school-same state | Transfer to a public school in a different local education agency in the same state - A student who transfers to a public school that is not located within the administrative boundaries of the same local education agency but is in the same state. This DOES NOT include correctional institutions operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice (formerly Department of Correctional Education schools). |
W411 | Transfer to a state-operated institution | Transfer to a state-operated juvenile detention center institution - A student who transfers to a state-operated institution that has an educational program. This ONLY includes juvenile service agencies and detention facilities. |
W412 | Transfer-out of state institution | Transfer from a State Operated (SOP’s) educational program to the same or different SOP with an educational program and are referred as Community Placement Program, Central Admission and Placement (CAP) and Re-Entry. For State Operated Programs use only |
W415 | Transfer to state-operated hospital | Transfer to a state-operated hospital institution - A student who transfers to a state-operated institution that has an educational program. This ONLY includes hospital education programs, mental health institutions and care shelters. |
W423 | Transfer from VA public school to DJJ | Transfer into an institution operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice |
W503 | Transfer-public school in a different state | Transfer to a public school in a different state - A student who transfers to a public school that is located in another state, to a United States overseas dependents school, or to a Department of Defense (DOD) school. |
W650 | Death | Death - A student whose membership is terminated because he or she died during or between regular school sessions. |
W730 | Graduated with diploma | Graduated with diploma - A student who has received a standard, advanced studies, International Baccalaureate or other type of diploma upon completion of state and local requirements for both coursework and assessment. |
W731 | Completed school with other credentials | Completed school with other credentials - A student who has received a GED, certificate of completion, or other credential in lieu of a high school diploma. |
W732 | Leaves school, non-terminal diploma or cert. of completion | Leaves school after earning a non-terminal diploma or certificate of completion in a previous school year – A student with an IEP who returns for eligible services after completing high school in a previous school year. |
W870 | Discontinued school/Incarceration | Discontinued schooling - A student who stops attending school because of incarceration, who is sentenced to serve time in a local, regional, or adult jail (regardless of the state or country of imprisonment) or federal prison. Do not use this code for youth adjudicated in state operated programs. |
W880 | Discont-stopped attending school(dropout) | Discontinued schooling - A student who stops attending school. For students in K-12, this is considered to constitute "dropping out." |
W960 | Withdrawn-absent 15+ days for illness | Withdrawn after being absent fifteen (15) consecutive days for extended illness - A student who left school for an indefinite period of time because of a physical, extended illness and is expected to return to school. |
W961 | Suspension exceeding 15 days | Suspension exceeding 15 days - A student who left school involuntarily due to a school-approved suspension that exceeded 15 days and is expected to return to school. |
W970 | Withdrawn after being absent for 15 days | Withdrawn after being absent fifteen (15) consecutive days - A student who has been absent for fifteen (15) consecutive days who is expected to re-enter school. At the end of the school year, a student who has not returned to school should be recoded to the appropriate exit/withdraw type. |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core Elements > activeEnrollment.localEndStatusTypeID
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
State Start Status
A code that indicates the circumstances under which the student entered membership in the school.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core Elements > activeEnrollment.startStatus
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
State Exit/Withdrawal Code
A code that indicates the circumstances under which the student last exited from membership in the school.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core Elements > activeEnrollment.endStatus
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
State Reporting Fields
The State Reporting Fields editor contains data elements used in state reporting extracts and federal reporting. Fields on this editor vary by state.
State Reporting Fields Editor
SRC No Show
Marking this checkbox indicates this student was meant to return to the district but did NOT return.
Note: As of the 2019-2020 school year, the SRC No Show and No Show checkboxes do NOT have separate functionality. Students marked as SRC No Show are searchable, display on Rosters and Ad Hoc, and have specific report logic for reporting on the Student Record Collection.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.srcNoShow
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Indicates the student is an immigrant.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting Elements > activeEnrollment.immigrant
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Indicates student receives Medicaid services.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.medicaid
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Military Compact Kindergarten Elig
A flag used to indicate an underage student can attend kindergarten in Virginia under the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.militaryCompactStatute
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Indicates the student is involved in temporary assistance for needy families services.
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.tanf
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Truancy Conference
Identifies a truancy conference was held with the student’s parent after the student had accumulated six unexcused absences during the school year.
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.truancyConference
Military Connected Code
A code identifying uniformed-services students to provide support services to students during all stages of transition and deployment and provide localities with reliable and accurate data to seek grant funding.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
1 | Student is not military connected | Student is not military connected |
2 | Active Duty Forces (full time) Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard | Active duty; student is a dependent of a member of the Active Duty Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force, the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Services) |
3 | Reserve; dependent of a Reserve Forces member (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) | Reserve; student is a dependent of a member of the Reserve Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) |
5 | National Guard: active | Active Service; student is a dependent of a member of the full time National Guard |
6 | National Guard: reserve | Reserve; student is a dependent of a member of the National Guard |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.militaryConnected
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Gifted Referral
Indicates the student is referred to a gifted/talented program.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.giftedReferral
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
The gifted program area of the student.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
1 | General Intellectual Aptitude | General Intellectual Aptitude only |
2 | Specific Academic Aptitude | Specific Academic Aptitude only |
3 | Visual/Performing Arts | Visual/Performing Arts only |
4 | Career/Technical | Career and Technical only |
12 | General Intellect and Specific Academic Apt | General Intellectual Aptitude & Specific Academic Aptitude |
13 | General Intellectual Apt & Visual/Performing | General Intellectual Aptitude & Visual/Performing Arts |
14 | General Intellectual Apt & Career/Technical | General Intellectual Aptitude & Career and Technical |
23 | Specific Academic Apt & Visual/Performing Art | Specific Academic Aptitude & Visual/Performing Arts |
24 | Specific Academic Apt & Career/Technical | Specific Academic Aptitude & Career and Technical |
34 | Visual/Performing & Career and Technical | Visual/Performing Arts & Career and Technical |
123 | GIA, SAA and VPA | General Intellectual Aptitude, Specific Academic Aptitude, and Visual Performing Arts |
124 | GIA, SAA and CT | General Intellectual Aptitude, Specific Academic Aptitude, & Career and Technical |
234 | SAA, VPA and CT | Specific Academic Aptitude, Visual/Performing Arts, & Career and Technical |
1234 | GIA, SAA, VPA and CT | General Intellectual Aptitude, Specific Academic Aptitude, Visual/Performing Arts & Career and Technical |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.gifted
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Title 1 Code
The code associated with the Title 1 program.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Definition The Campus and State Definitions are the same. |
01 | Reading |
02 | Math |
03 | Reading & Math |
04 | Math & Health |
05 | Reading & Health |
06 | Reading, Math & Health |
07 | Math & Support Services |
08 | Reading & Support Services |
09 | Reading, Math & Support Services |
10 | Reading, Math, Support Services & Health |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting Elements > es.title1
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
AP Exam
A code to identify that student is enrolled in one or more AP courses and/or student has taken the Advanced Placement test.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
1 | Student enrolled in AP class | Student enrolled in AP class |
2 | Student enrolled in AP class and took AP exam | Student enrolled in AP class and took AP exam |
3 | Student met criteria for 1, 2 or 3 | Student took AP exam |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.apExam
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Virtual Program
A code to identify the student enrolled in a full course of study for all educational services in a virtual program.
Code | Campus Definition |
1 | Participates from home |
2 | Participates from home-homebound |
3 | Participates from home-expulsion or suspension |
4 | Participates from home-short-term suspension |
5 | Participate from public school facility |
6 | Participate from private school facility |
7 | Participates from another location |
8 | Participates in the full-time Virtual Virginia Program |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.virtualProgram
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment
Identifies whether a kindergarten student who turns 5 between October 1 and December 31st was administered a readiness assessment prior to the student’s first day of kindergarten.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.kgReadinessAssessment
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Single Parent
Indicates the student is a single parent.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Localized Elements > activeEnrollment.singleParent
Displaced Homemaker
Indicates the student is a displaced homemaker.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Localized Elements > activeEnrollment.displacedHomemaker
Unaccompanied Homeless Youth
Indicates the student is an unaccompanied homeless youth.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Localized Elements > activeEnrollment.mvUnaccompaniedYouth
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Primary Nighttime Residence
The code associated with the location of the student's nighttime dwelling.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
Blank | Blank | Student not identified a homeless child or youth |
1 | Unsheltered | Unsheltered. Children and youth living in abandoned buildings, campgrounds and vehicles, space not meant for habitation, trailers or FEMA trailers, cars, bus and train stations, and abandoned in the hospital. Unsheltered may include substandard or inadequate housing that does not easily fit into any category as it is not governed by a specific definition and is judged on a case-by-case basis. An inadequate dwelling may shelter but it is not adequate housing. |
2 | Shelter | Shelters. Children and youth living in shelters and transitional housing programs (homeless and domestic violence programs). Children and youth awaiting foster care placement. |
3 | Doubled Up | Doubled-up. Children and youth (including runaway youth or unaccompanied youth) who live with relatives or friends due to being homeless. |
4 | Hotel/Motel | Hotels/motels. Children and youth living in hotels/motels due to a lack of alternative adequate accommodations. |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.primaryNighttimeResidence
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Responsible Division-School
The school where the student resides, attends, or where the student's tuition is waived.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.responsibleDivSchool
Master Schedule Report (Virginia)
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Resident Division
The state-assigned division number where the student resides.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting Elements > activeEnrollment.residentDistrict
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Foster Care Extracts (Virginia)
Student Behavior and Administrative Response Collection (SBAR) (Virginia)
Tuition Paid
A code used to indicate tuition is paid/received for the student.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
2 | Paid tuition to State supported institution | Paid tuition to a State-Supported Institution |
3 | Paid tuition to private institution | Paid tuition to a Private Institution (does not include students funded with CSA funds) |
4 | Regional Center (full-day or half-day programs) | Regional Center (full-day or half-day programs: governors, CTE, special education or alternative) |
5 | Received tuition in excess of the Serving Division | Received tuition in excess of the Serving Division’s local share from another school division in Virginia (LEA) |
7 | Served through CSA | State’s share of tuition was paid by the Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) |
9 | Tuition from inter-state compact placement | Tuition received from an Inter-State Compact Placement agreement |
10 | Contiguous Out-of-State Stu w/ same att privileges | Contiguous Out-of-State Students: with same attendance privileges |
11 | Contiguous Out-of-State Stu w/o same att privilege | Contiguous Out-of-State Students: without same attendance privileges |
12 | Non-Contiguous State or Territory outside of US | Non-Contiguous State or Territory outside of the United States |
13 | Excess Local Share/Contiguous Out-of-State w/att | Tuition in Excess of the Local Share Received from Contiguous Out-of-State Students : same attendance privileges |
15 | Tuition paid to a school outside of Virginia | Tuition paid to a school outside of Virginia |
16 | Tuition waived-served through school choice | Tuition waived; student served through Public School Choice agreement |
17 | Waived-Fairfax/Falls Church DJJ/SVCS BD | Tuition waived; applicable only to Fairfax/Falls Church DJJ and Community SVCS BD students |
18 | Waived-Full time virtual program | Virtual program (full-day or part-day programs, Virtual Virginia (full-day) or Approved MOP (full-day or part-day)) |
19 | Local Center within a Public School Division | Local Center within a Public School Division (full day or half-day programs: CTE, STEM, Health, special education or alternative) |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State LocalizedElements > es.tuitionPaid
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Foster Care Extracts (Virginia)
Serving Division-School
The state-assigned school number and name that identifies the school that provides services to the student.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.servingDivSchool
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
DCV Extract (Virginia)
Foster Care Extracts (Virginia)
Master Schedule Report (Virginia)
Student Behavior and Administrative Response Collection (SBAR) (Virginia)
Non-Public Student FTE
A code to identify the FTE membership of a part-time student who is attending school to take one (.25) or two (.5) courses.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
10 | Student takes one or more courses NOT approved for SOQ reimbursement | Student takes a course NOT approved for SOQ reimbursement |
25 | Student takes 1 course appv for SOQ reimbursement | Student takes 1 course approved for SOQ reimbursement |
50 | Student takes 2 or more courses appv for SOQ reimb | Student takes 2 or more courses approved for SOQ reimbursement |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.nonPublicFTE
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
W8 Reason Code
The reason the student dropped out of school.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | Reason | State Definition |
10 | Achievement problems | Achievement | Achievement problems (low achievement, low motivation, low interest) |
20 | Behavioral difficulties | Behavioral | Behavioral difficulties (suspension or expulsion, incarceration, runaway, truancy, poor relationships with peers or adults) |
30 | Health problems | Health | Health problems (physical or mental illness, injury, substance abuse) |
40 | Family | Family Reasons | Family (pregnancy, parenthood, marriage, needed at home, religious reason) |
41 | Parental privilege | Parental Privilege | Age/maturity (for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten only) |
42 | PK Student | PK Student | Non-applicable (PK Students only) |
50 | Financial hardship | Financial Hardship | Financial hardship (extreme poverty, working to support self or family) |
60 | Employed | Employment | Employed (took a job, joined armed forces) |
70 | Moved | Moved Away | Moved (no longer resides in the area and current status is unknown after appropriate investigation by attendance officer) |
80 | Reached maximum age | Maximum Age | Reached maximum age to receive qualified educational services |
81 | Personal choice (over 18) | Personal Choice | Over 18, but still eligible for qualified services |
82 | Post graduate | Post Graduate | Discontinued program (post graduate only) |
90 | Expulsion | Expulsion | Left school involuntarily due to an expulsion approved by appropriate school authorities |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.w8Reason
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
PK Experience
A state-assigned code to identify the current or most recent PK experience of PK and kindergarten students.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
1 | Head Start | The preschool classroom for at-risk four-year-olds is funded by the federal Head Start grant in a community-based organization. |
2 | Public Preschool | A preschool program operated in the public school. This would include VPI, VPI+, Title I, ECSE, and Head Start programs – both in the public school and if the public school is the fiscal agent; and locally funded public preschool program. |
3 | Private Preschool/Daycare | The student is served by a preschool, child daycare, or other program provided by a private provider. This includes programs for-profit and non-profit providers, including faith-based programs and commercial daycare centers. |
4 | Department of Defense Child Development Program | A preschool program operated by the Department of Defense on a military installation. |
5 | Family Home Daycare Provider | The student was served by a preschool or child daycare provided in a home. |
6 | No Preschool Experience | The student has not had a formal classroom preschool experience. The student was at home with a parent, family member, caregiver, nanny, etc. |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.pkExperience
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
PK Weekly Time
A state-assigned code to identify the current or most recent PK experience of PK and kindergarten students.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Definition |
0 | No time in PK program | No time in a formal or institutional PK program |
1 | Less than 15 hours/week | Less than 15 hours per week |
15 | 15-29 hours/week | 15 hours or more but less than 30 hours per week |
30 | 30+ hours/week | 30 or more hours per week |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.pkWeekly
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
PK Funding Code
A state assigned code to identify the funding sources of public PK students. This includes all PK students whose placement (public or private) is paid for with public funds.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Campus Definition | State Description | State Definition |
1 | Head Start | Head Start | Select Head Start as the funding source code if the student slot is fully funded with federal Head Start funds administered by the school division as the Head Start grantee. |
3 | VPI | Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI – Four Year Old Students) | Select VPI 4 year old program as the funding source code if the student slot is fully funded by the state Virginia Preschool Initiative (state/local match). |
5 | Special Education Preschool | Special Education Preschool (Part B, 619) | Select Special Education Preschool as the funding source code if the student slot is fully funded with federal Special Education Preschool funds. This code may apply to students with Individualized Education Programs who receive special education and related services in a public special education early childhood classroom, regular early childhood program, or in a service-provider location (e.g., therapist’s office). This code may also apply to students in a private community-based program if services are funded with federal Special Education Preschool funds. This funding code is not be used if the student slot is funded by Head Start, VPI, or VPI+. |
7 | Title 1 | Title I Preschool | Select Title I Preschool as the funding source code if the student slot is fully funded with federal Title I, Part A funds, not mixed with state or other funding sources. Ex. A student slot funded with VPI state funds in a classroom where the teaching assistant’s salary is paid out of Title I funds would not be labeled with this funding code because the student slot is not fully funded by Title I. Instead, the slot would receive a #3 funding code as a VPI state funded slot. |
8 | Local Funding/VPI Placement | Local Funding for VPI Placement | Select local funding for VPI student placement if a student is in a VPI classroom but is funded locally. This funding code is typically used when a school division has been allocated state VPI funds for less than a full classroom of 18 students. Ex.The division may be allocated 11 VPI funded slots. In order to maximize services for students, the school divisions places 7 more students in the room and provides local funds to account for the additional student slots. Seven students would be coded #8 in this scenario. |
10 | Local Funding/Other Public Preschool Prog | Local Funding for Other Public Preschool Program | Select local funding that supports any other public preschool program not identified in this list. |
12 | VPI (Pilot for Three-Year-Old Students) | Virginia Preschool Initiative (Pilot for Three Year Old Students) | Select VPI 3 year old program as the funding source code if the student is a part of the VPI Pilot for 3s and is not 4 but turns 3 by September 30 and the slot is fully funded by the state Virginia Preschool Initiative (state/local match). |
13 | Mixed Delivery Grant Prog (admin by VECF) | Mixed Delivery Grant Program (administered by VECF) | Select Mixed Delivery Grant if the student is participating in a Mixed Delivery Grant program administered by the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation (VECF) |
14 | Special Education Funding for VPI Placement | Special Education Funding for VPI Placement | Select special education funding if a student with an IEP is placed in a VPI classroom but is funded through special education funds (618 or 619) and is not reported as one of the division’s state allocated VPI slots (Funding Code #3) or allocated VPI Pilot for Three-Year-Olds slots (Funding Code #12). This funding code is typically used when a school division places a child with an IEP in a VPI classroom and the child is not funded by an allocated VPI slot, Head Start, or local funds. This funding code is not to be used if the student slot is funded by VPI or Head Start. |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.pkCode
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Head Start Provider
The assigned code identifying the student as a Head Start Provider.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.headStartProvider
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Regional Student Percent of Time
The overall percentage of time that the student spends throughout the school year in a regional or local center.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.regionalPercentofTime
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Special Education Fields
The Special Education Fields editor lists those items that need to be reported for state reporting relative to students determined to be special education students.
See the Virginia Individual Education Plan article for additional information.
Special Ed Fields Editor
Primary Disability
A code that identifies the primary disability type for a student who is eligible for special education services. The values here are pulled from the student's Individual Education Plan. See the Virginia Individual Education Plan article for more information.
Note: These code definitions come from the Virginia Department of Education website.
Code | Abbreviation | Description | State Definition |
3 | MD | Multiple disabilities | Are simultaneous impairments (such as intellectual disability with blindness, intellectual disability with orthopedic impairment), the combination of which causes such severe educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for one of the impairments. The term does not include deaf-blindness. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(7)) |
4 | OI | Orthopedic impairment | A severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a child's educational performance. The term includes impairments caused by congenital anomaly, impairments caused by disease (e.g., poliomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, etc.), and impairments from other causes (e.g., cerebral palsy, amputations, and fractures or burns that cause contractures). (34 CFR 300.8(c)(8)) |
5 | VI | Visual impairment (including blindness) | An impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child's educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(13)) |
6 | HI | Hearing impairment/ Deafness | An impairment in hearing in one or both ears, with or without amplification, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child's educational performance but that is not included under the definition of deafness in this section. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(5)) |
7 | SLD | Specific learning disability | A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell or to do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. Specific learning disability does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities; of intellectual disabilities; of emotional disabilities; of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage. (§ 22.1-213 of the Code of Virginia; 34 CFR 300.8(c)(10)) Dyslexia is distinguished from other learning disabilities due to its weakness occurring at the phonological level. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge. |
8 | ED | Emotional disability | A condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a child's educational performance: (34 CFR 300.8(c)(4)) |
9 | SLI | Speech or language impairment | A communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation, expressive or receptive language impairment, or voice impairment that adversely affects a child's educational performance. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(11)) |
10 | OHI | Other health impairment | Having limited strength, vitality or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli, that results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environment, that is due to chronic or acute health problems such as asthma, attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, diabetes, epilepsy, a heart condition, hemophilia, lead poisoning, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever, and sickle cell anemia and Tourette syndrome that adversely affects a child's educational performance. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(9)) |
12 | DB | Deaf-blindness | Are simultaneous hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(2)) |
13 | AUT | Autism | A developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences. Autism does not apply if a child's educational performance is adversely affected primarily because the child has an emotional disturbance. A child who manifests the characteristics of autism after age three could be identified as having autism if the criteria in this definition are satisfied. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(1)) |
14 | TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury | An acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. Traumatic brain injury applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognition; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities; psychosocial behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. Traumatic brain injury does not apply to brain injuries that are congenital or degenerative, or to brain injuries induced by birth trauma. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(12)) |
15 | 504 | Qualified individual with disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act | The qualified individual is a handicapped person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment. The qualified individual is a person with a disability who meets one of the following conditions: is of an age during which it is mandatory, under state law, to provide such services to persons with disabilities; is of an age during which persons without disabilities are provided such services; OR a person for whom a state is required to provide a free appropriate public education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). |
16 | DD | Developmental delay | A disability affecting a child ages two by September 30 through six, inclusive: (34 CFR 300.8(b); 34 CFR 300.306(b)) |
19 | ID | Intellectual Disability | Has formerly been known as "mental retardation" and means significantly sub average general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period that adversely affects a child's educational performance. (34 CFR 300.8(c)(6)) |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner Planning > Learner Plans > learningPlan.disability1
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Foster Care Extracts (Virginia)
DCV Extract (Virginia)
Primary Percent of Day
The percent of the day that the student receives services for their primary disability.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > VA Special Ed Elements > enrollmentSpedVA.primaryPCT
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Primary Division-School
The serving division and school of the primary disability.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > VA Special Ed Elements > enrollmentSpedVA.primarySchool
Secondary Disability
A code to identify the additional disability determined by the eligibility committee.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner Planning > Learner Plans > learningPlan.disability2
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Secondary Percent of Day
The percent of the day that the student receives services for a secondary disability.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > VA Special Ed Elements > enrollmentSpedVA.secondaryPCT
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Secondary Division-School
The serving division and school of the secondary disability.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > VA Special Ed Elements > enrollmentSpedVA.secondarySchool
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Tertiary Disability
A code to identify the additional disability determined by the eligibility committee.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner Planning > Learner Plans > learningPlan.disability3
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Tertiary Percent of Day
The percent of the day that the student receives services for a tertiary disability.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > VA Special Ed Elements > enrollmentSpedVA.tertiaryPCT
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Tertiary Division-School
The serving division and school of the tertiary disability.
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > VA Special Ed Elements > enrollmentSpedVA.tertiarySchool
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
SpedSys Exclude
Indicates the student should be excluded from Special Ed.
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > VA Special Ed Elements > enrollmentSpedVA.spedExclude
Student Placement
The location of the student's special ed instructional setting.
Code | Campus Definition |
1 | Public day school |
2 | Public sep school facility |
3 | Private sep school facility |
4 | Public resident facility |
5 | Private resident facility |
6 | Home based program |
7 | Hospital |
8 | Correctional facility |
17 | Regular early childhood program |
18 | Special Ed classroom |
19 | Special Ed sep school |
20 | Special Ed res. facility |
21 | Home |
22 | Service provider location |
23 | Private Parental Placement |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > State Localized Elements > es.studentPlacement
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Special Ed Status
Indicates the student has a disability and is in need of special education services. Options are Yes or No.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Special Ed Elements > activeEnrollment.specialEdStatus
Foster Care Extracts (Virginia)
Semester 1 Tuition Reimbursement
The Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement amount requested to be paid for the first semester.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.tuitionReimbursementSemester1
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Semester 2 Tuition Reimbursement
The Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement amount requested to be paid for the second semester.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.tuitionReimbursementSemester2
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Summer Tuition Reimbursement
The Special Ed Regional Tuition Reimbursement amount requested to be paid for the summer semester.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.summerTuitionReimbursement
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Sped Tuition Reimb Disability
The disability for which Regional Tuition Reimbursement is claimed.
- MD: Multiple disabilities
- HI: Hearing impairment
- ED: Emotional disturbance
- DB: Deaf-blindness
- AUT: Autism
- TBI: Traumatic brain injury
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.spedTuitionReimbursement
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Intensive Support Code
The code of the agency providing the intensive support to the student.
Code | Camus Definition | State Definition |
1 | Cooperative Centers for Exceptional Children | Cooperative Centers for Exceptional Children |
2 | Mid Peninsula Regional Special Ed Center | Middle Peninsula Regional Special Education Center |
3 | Laurel Regional Program | Laurel Regional Program |
4 | Northern Neck Regional Program | Northern Neck Regional Program |
5 | Northwestern Regional Education Program | Northwestern Regional Education Program |
6 | New Horizons Regional Education Center | New Horizons Regional Education Center |
7 | Piedmont Regional Education Center | Piedmont Regional Education Center |
8 | Shenandoah Valley Regional Program | Shenandoah Valley Regional Program |
9 | SE Cooperative Education Program (SECEP) | Southeastern Cooperative Education Program (SECEP) |
10 | Northern Virginia Regional Special Ed Program | Northern Virginia Regional Special Ed Program |
11 | Henry Co Public Sch/Martinsville Reg Program | Henry Co Public Schools/Martinsville Regional Program |
12 | Roanoke Valley Regional Board | Roanoke Valley Regional Board |
13 | Region I Consortium | Region I Consortium |
14 | Rockbridge Regional Partnership | Rockbridge Regional Partnership |
15 | Stafford/Fredericksburg Regional Partnership | Stafford/Fredericksburg Regional Partnership |
16 | Caroline/King George Regional Partnership | Caroline/King George Regional Partnership |
17 | Far Southwest Regional Partnership | Far Southwest Regional Partnership |
18 | Mid Southwest Regional Partnership | Mid Southwest Regional Partnership |
19 | Near Southwest Regional Partnership | Near Southwest Regional Partnership |
20 | Westmoreland Regional Partnership | Westmoreland Regional Partnership |
21 | Fairfax Regional Partnership | Fairfax Regional Partnership |
22 | Potomac Regional Partnership | Potomac Regional Partnership |
23 | Fauquier Regional Partnership | Fauquier Regional Partnership |
24 | Highlands Regional Partnership | Highlands Regional Partnership |
25 | Eastern Shore Regional Partnership | Eastern Shore Regional Partnership |
26 | St. Mary’s Infant Home | St. Mary’s Infant Home |
27 | Roanoke Collaborative Partnership | Roanoke Collaborative Partnership |
28 | Region 8 Quad County Regional Program | Region 8 Quad County Regional Program |
29 | Danville/Pittsylvania Sped Regional Program | Danville/Pittsylvania Sped Regional Program |
30 | Halifax/Mecklenburg Sped Regional Program | Halifax/Mecklenburg Sped Regional Program |
31 | N/A | Intensive Supports Needs Special Education Program (Bristol, Buchanan, Smyth, Washington, and Wythe) |
32 | N/A | Carroll-Grayson-Galax Special Education Regional Program |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > es.intensiveSupportCode
Student Record Collection (SRC) (Virginia)
Special Ed Exit Date
The day the student exited special education services.
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Special Ed Elements > activeEnrollment.spedExitDate
Foster Care Extracts (Virginia)
Special Ed Exit Code
The code aligned with the reason the student exited special education services.
Code | Campus Definition |
1 | Transferred to regular education |
2 | Reached maximum age |
3 | Died |
4 | Moved-known to continue |
6 | Dropped out |
7 | Grad- Adv Studies diploma |
8 | Grad-standard diploma |
9 | Grad-moderate standard diploma |
10 | Grad-special diploma |
11 | Rec'd Certificate of Completion |
12 | Rec'd GED Certificate |
Database Location:
Ad hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > customEnrollment.spedExitCode