Digital Learning Dashboard (North Carolina)

Tool Search: Digital Learning

The Digital Learning Dashboard allows schools to track digital devices and internet availability for students. More than one record can be added, but records cannot overlap.

Screenshot of the Digital Learning Dashboard.Digital Learning Dashboard

Read - View Digital Learning records.
Write - Modify existing Digital Learning records.
Add - Add new Digital Learning records.
Delete - Permanently remove Digital Learning records.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Use the Federal/State Program Updater tool to import Digital Learning information to this tool.

Add a Digital Learning Record

Fields in red with an asterisk are required.

  1. Click the New button. A Digital Learning Dashboard Detail editor displays.
  2. Enter the applicable information for the student.
  3. Click the Save icon when finished. The saved record displays in the Digital Learning Dashboard Summary.

Print a Summary Report of Digital Learning Records

A Summary Report of a student's Digital Learning records can be generated by clicking Print Summary Report.

Screenshot of the Digital Equity Print Summary PDF.Digital Learning Print Summary


Click Documents to add or view Digital Learning documents for the student. See the Student Person Documents article for more information.

Screenshot of uploading a document to the Digital Learning Dashboard.Upload a Document

Digital Learning Dashboard Field Descriptions

All Digital Learning data syncs from District Edition to State Edition. 

Start Date

Indicates the first date the student participated in the program. This is a required field.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > startDate (digitalEquity.startDate)

End Date

Indicates the last date the student participated in the program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > endDate (digitalEquity.endDate)

Learning Device Provider

Indicates who provides the primary learning device used by the student.

  • YS: Yes, provided by school
  • YHF: Yes, provided by home/family
  • YSHF: Yes, provided by school/home/family
  • NO: No
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDNA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > learningDeviceProvider (digitalEquity.learningDeviceProvider)

Home Provided Digital Device

Indicates the device the student most often uses to complete school work at home.

  • AD: Apple Desktop
  • AL: Apple Laptop
  • CB: Chromebooke
  • WD: Windows Desktop
  • WL: Windows Laptop
  • AKT: Android/Kindle Tablet
  • IPAD: iPad
  • WT: Windows Tablet
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDTA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > digitalDevice (digitalEquity.digitalDevice)

Reason for No Home Device Access

Indicates the reason a student does not have a Home Device Access.

  • DNPD: A device is not provided by the school
  • DTE: A device is too expensive to purchase
  • LOI: Lack of internet to use device at home
  • FCNPD: Family chooses to not purchase a device
  • BDO: Broken, damaged, or outdated device(s)
  • OTHER: Other
  • NA: N/A
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDNA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > deviceAccess (digitalEquity.deviceAccess)

No Home Device Access (Other)

Indicates the reason a student does not have Home Device Access for 'Other'  in the Reason for No Home Device Access field.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > deviceAccessOther (digitalEquity.deviceAccessOther)

Internet Performance

Describes the quality of the internet at the residence - Can the student stream a video on their primary learning device without interruption?

  • YES: Yes
  • ST: Sometimes
  • NO: No
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer 
  • PDNT: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:

digitalEquity. internetPerformance

Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > internetPerformance (digitalEquity.internetPerformance)

Internet Barriers in Residence

Indicates any barriers to accessing the internet within the residence.

  • NAH: Not available where the home is located
  • IAND: Internet available but not dependable
  • IANA: Internet available but not adequate
  • IATE: Internet available but too expensive
  • NAS: No alternatives provided by school
  • NCS: No cell signal, hotspots do not work
  • FNI: Family chooses not to have internet
  • BOE: Broken or outdated equipment
  • NA: N/A
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDTA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > internetBarrierInResidence (digitalEquity.internetBarrierInResidence)

Internet Access in Residence

Indicates the internet connection type at the residence.

  • BDSL: Broadband/DSL
  • FIBER: Fiber
  • SAT: Satellite
  • DU: Dial-Up
  • HSD: Hotspot device
  • PHCP: Personal Hotspot from cell phone
  • OTHER: Other
  • NA: N/A
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDNA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > internetAccessInResidence (digitalEquity.internetAccessInResidence)

Internet Access in Res. (Other)

Indicates the internet connection type at the residence for 'Other' in the Internet Access in Residence field.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > internetAccessInResidenceOther (digitalEquity.internetAccessInResidenceOther)

Outside Res. Internet Access Type

Indicates the internet connection type used outside of the residence.

  • ISPL: Internet in school parking lot
  • HSS: Hotspot provided by the school
  • HSH: Hotspot provided by the home
  • IH: Internet at another home
  • IPL: Internet at the public library
  • IC: Internet within the community
  • IPR: Internet at a park and ride
  • ISB: Internet on a school bus
  • OTHER: Internet at other community location
  • NO: No regular and reliable internet
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDNA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > internetAccessType (digitalEquity.internetAccessType)

Outside Res. Internet Access Type (Other)

Indicates the internet connection type outside of the residence for 'Other' in the Outside Res. Internet Access Type field.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > internetAccessTypeOther (digitalEquity.internetAccessTypeOther)


Lists any comments related to the student's participation in the program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > comments (digitalEquity.comments)

Download Speed

Indicates the download speed of the student's internet.

  • NA: N/A
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDNA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > downloadSpeed (digitalEquity.downloadSpeed)

Download Speed Opt Out

  • NA: N/A
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDNA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > downloadSpeedOptions (digitalEquity.downloadSpeedOptions)

Upload Speed

Indicates the upload speed of the student's internet.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > upSpeed (digitalEquity.upSpeed)

Upload Speed Opt Out

  • NA: N/A
  • PNTA: Prefer not to answer
  • PDNA: Parent did not answer

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > Digital Equity > uploadSpeedOptions (digitalEquity.uploadSpeedOptions)