Physical Fitness Assessment (Connecticut)

Tool Search: Physical Fitness Assessment

The Physical Fitness Assessment extract is used to report student state physical fitness test results to complete the Connecticut state-defined report format.

Screenshot of the Physical Fitness Assessment extract editor.  Physical Fitness Assessment Editor

Report Logic

Students report when the following conditions have been met:

  • The student has an enrollment in the selected calendar and has a Physical Education Assessment with a Code of CPFA-SR: Sit and Reach, CPFA-CU: Curl Up, CPFA-PU: Push Up, CPFA-MR: Mile Run, CPFA-P20: 20m PACER, or CPFA-P15: 15m PACER. See Setting Up a Fitness Test Assessment for further instruction on setting up these codes.
  • The student assessment must have a Test Date within the Date Range on the extract editor.
  • The student assessment must have a Result code saved.
  • The assessment must report only for the student's enrollment that was active on the assessment Date.
    • When the student is enrolled into more than 1 enrollment on the assessment Date, report a single record for the enrollment prioritized by the following:
      • Primary enrollment
      • Latest Start Date
      • Latest enrollment ID
    • A student will never report more than 1 record per AssessmentType unless the student has more than 1 assessment instance of the AssessmentType on their Assessment tab.

Setting Up a Fitness Test Assessment

Screenshot of the Connecticut Physical Fitness Test Detail Editor.Connecticut Physical Fitness Test Detail Editor
  1. Go to Assessment Center and press New Test.
  2. Enter a Name for the assessment.
  3. In the Code field, enter the appropriate code. Be sure to setup an assessment for each of these codes:
    • CPFA-SR
    • CPFA-CU
    • CPFA-PU
    • CPFA-MR
    • CPFA-P20
    • CPFA-P15
  4. For each assessment, be sure to select the Date, Question CountResult, and Raw Score options.
  5. Users may also optionally mark the Teacher-Scored checkbox. With this option marked, the test is available to teachers to score as a grading task. When this option is marked, Date is required on the Parent Assessment. 
  6. Next, in the Result/Proficiency Statuses section, enter Result Codes and Labels for each assessment.
Screenshot of the Result/Proficiency Statuses Editor.Result/Proficiency Statuses Editor

    7. When finished, press Save.

Report Editor

Start DateThe first day of the reporting period.
End DateThe last day of the reporting period.
FormatThe format in which the report generates. Options include: Comma Separated (CSV) (State Format) and HTML.
Ad Hoc FilterSelect an Ad Hoc filter to further narrow report results.
Select CalendarThe calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.
Generate Extract OR
Submit to Batch
Users have the option of submitting the report to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter a Start Date for the report in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  2. Enter an End Date for the extract in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
  3. Select a Format for report generation.
  4. Optional: select an existing Ad hoc Filter.
  5. Select the appropriate Calendar(s) from which to include data on the extract.
  6. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button

Report Example

Physical Fitness Assessment State Format CSV Example

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
SASIDThe student's State ID number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Student State ID

Reporting DistrictThe State District Number for the district running the extract.

Numeric, 7 digits
School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number

District Student IDThe student's local student number.

Numeric, 20 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Local Student Number

Date of BirthThe student's birth date.

Date format, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)
Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date

School ProgramReports the Facility Code Override value.

When null, this field is calculated from the 3 digit State District Code PLUS the 2 digit State School Number PLUS the 2 digit Institution Code for the reporting school.

Alphanumeric, 7
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Facility Code Override

OR Calculated from School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School > State District Code, School Code, Institution Code
Assessment TypeThe last two characters of the assessment code.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Assessment Center > Test > Code

Assessment ResultThe result value of the assessment.

Student Information > General > Assessment > Test Score Detail > Result

End of RecordReports X.

Alphanumeric, 1 character