Tool Search: Student Immunization and Susceptibility Report
The Student Immunization and Susceptibility Report summarizes student vaccine compliance as part of Oregon's Immunization Primary Review Summary (Section B). The report can be used to identify students who may be susceptible to a specific disease during instances of outbreaks.
See the Oregon Immunization Rules article for vaccine compliance rules and requirements.

Extract Editor
Field | Description | Image Click to enlarge |
Calendar Selection | Determines which calendar(s) to include in the report. The calendar selection defaults to the calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. At least one calendar is required to generate the report. Calendars can be sorted by:
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Student Selection | Determines how students are included in the report. Options are:
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Grade | Limits the report results to students in the selected grade(s). The grade selection becomes available when the Grade radio button is marked. State grades listed come from a locked Attribute Dictionary:
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Ad Hoc Filter | Limits the report results to students included in a pre-saved Ad hoc Filter. The Ad hoc Filter selection becomes available when the Ad Hoc Filter radio button is marked. See the Filter Designer article for additional information. | |
Enrollments | The Enrollments section allows users to narrow the report results to students with primary enrollments or all students. The default option is Student with Primary Enrollments (Type is P). When All Students is marked, students with any enrollment (Type P, N, or S) report. Options include:
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Susceptible Students | Reports students who may be susceptible to certain diseases. When marked, students with the following compliance statuses report:
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Choose Vaccines | The Choose Vaccines selection is available when Susceptible Students is marked. This defaults to All. Options include:
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Sort Options | Determines how the report is sorted. This defaults to sorting the report by Student Name. Options include:
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Enrollment Date | Narrows the report results to students enrolled on this day. This date must be within the school year selected in the toolbar. | |
Generate Report | Generates the report in an HTML format. |
Report Population
Students report when:
- They are enrolled in the selected calendar on the Enrollment Date and are currently enrolled in the selected calendar. All enrollments end dated before the Enrollment Date are excluded.
- They are enrolled in the selected calendar on the Enrollment Date with a Service Type of P, S, or N and have a current enrollment in the selected calendar.
Students are excluded when:
- They are marked as No Show.
- They are in State Grade(s) UM, UE, and US.
Students with non-medical exemptions must be manually reviewed to confirm their susceptibility and completion status.
- Student information repeats for each student enrolled in the selected calendar on the Enrollment Date.
- A single record per student reports.
- Compliance data pulls in from the ImmComplianceStatus database table.
- The report can be run against a district's active year or prior years.
- The report generates in human-readable format (HTML).
Data Element Label | Description |
Calendar | Reports the calendar name selected in the extract editor. |
Report Date and Time | Reports the date and time the report was generated. MM/DD/YYYY 00:00:00 |
Infinite Campus | Reports as Infinite Campus. |
Student Immunization and Susceptibility Report | Reports as Student Immunization and Susceptibility Report. |
Enrollment Date | Reports the Enrollment Date selected on the extract editor. |
Total Students | Reports the number of students included in the report. |
Page | Reports the current page and total pages of the report. (X of X) |
Report Data Elements
Data Element Label | Description | Location |
Student Name | The student's first and last name. | Demographics > First Name, Last Name identity.firstName, identity.lastName |
Birthdate | The student's date of birth. | Demographics > Birth Date identity.birthDate |
Grade | The student's grade level. | Enrollments > Grade |
Teacher | Reports the student's homeroom teacher. The report first looks for courses marked as Homeroom in the student's Schedule. Otherwise, the report looks for courses marked as Advisory. | Student Information > Schedule Course Information/Section Information > Homeroom OR Advisory |
Parent/Guardian Information | This report includes information on the student's first parent/guardian, including their first and last name and address:
Guardians report when:
When more than two guardians meet the above criteria, the two guardians with the oldest person ID report. | Relationships > Guardian Household Information > Address Household Information > Phone |
Parent/Guardian Information | This report includes information on the student's second parent/guardian, including their first and last name and address:
Guardians report when:
When more than two guardians meet the above criteria, the two guardians with the oldest person ID report. | Relationships > Guardian Household Information > Address Household Information > Phone |
DTaP Status/Exemptions | Reports the student's compliance status or the exemption name and date for the DTaP vaccine. When multiple exemptions exist, the most recent exemption reports. | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
DTaP Shot Dates | Reports the seven most recent shot dates for DTaP or DT. For DTaP, only the dates report. When the student has DT shots, the date and the code of the vaccine report, such as 1/1/21 (DT). MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Tdap Status/Exemptions | Reports the student's compliance status or the exemption name and date for the Tdap vaccine. When multiple exemptions exist, the most recent exemption reports. | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Tdap Shot Dates | Reports the seven most recent shot dates for Tdap or Td. For Tdap, only the dates report. When the student has Td shots, the date and the code of the vaccine report, such as 1/1/21 (Td). MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Polio Status/Exemptions | Reports the student's compliance status or the exemption name and date for the Polio vaccine. When multiple exemptions exist, the most recent exemption reports. | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Polio Shot Dates | Reports the seven most recent shot dates for Polio (IPV, IPV/OPV). MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Varicella Status/Exemptions | Reports the student's compliance status or the exemption name and date for the Varicella or MMRV vaccine. When multiple exemptions exist, the most recent exemption reports. | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Varicella Shot Dates | Reports the seven most recent shot dates for Varicella or MMRV. MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
MMR Status/Exemptions | Reports the student's compliance status or the exemption name and date for the MMR vaccine. Exemptions for Measles, Mumps, or Rubella report here as well. When multiple exemptions exist, the most recent exemption reports. | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
MMR Shot Dates | Reports the seven most recent shot dates for MMR, MMRV, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. For MMR or MMRV, only the dates report. When the student has Measles, Mumps, or Rubella shots, the date and the code of the vaccine report, such as 1/1/21 (Measles). MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Hepatitis-B Status/Exemptions | Reports the student's compliance status or the exemption name and date for the Hepatitis B vaccine. When multiple exemptions exist, the most recent exemption reports. | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Hepatitis-B Shot Dates | Reports the seven most recent shot dates for Hepatitis B. MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Hepatitis-A Status/Exemptions | Reports the student's compliance status or the exemption name and date for the Hepatitis A vaccine. When multiple exemptions exist, the most recent exemption reports. | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Hepatitis-A Shot Dates | Reports the seven most recent shot dates for Hepatitis A. MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Hib Status/Exemptions | Reports the student's compliance status or the exemption name and date for the Hib vaccine. When multiple exemptions exist, the most recent exemption reports. | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Hib Shot Dates | Reports the seven most recent shot dates for Hib. MM/DD/YYYY | Student Information > Health > Immunizations |
Overall Status | Reports Students Overall Compliance Status for the state-required vaccine (DTaP, Tdap, Polio, MMR, Hep B, Hep A, and Hib)
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Parent/Guardian Signature on File | This is marked when "Parent/Guardian Signature on File" is marked on the student Immunizations tool. | Immunizations > Parent/Guardian Signature on File |
Tool Rights
Read - Generate the report.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A
For additional information, see the Individual User Tool Rights article.