Individual Service Plan (Minnesota)

Tool Search: Special Education Document

The editors available on the Individual Education Plan provide all information required by the State of Minnesota. Editors are listed below. Included in this document are instructions on entering data into Campus and references to state-defined guidelines.

The current format of this document is the MN ISP 2023. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.

Image of the Minnesota ISP editors.Minnesota ISP Editors

Individual Service Plan Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Individual Service Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a Description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Fields that are included in any state reporting extract are required.

Editor Name

Printed Document Section


Special Considerations and Instructions

Education Plan

ISP Header information and Identifying Information

The Education Plan editor provides student summary information and lists the dates of the plan meetings.

This editor must be saved with the required fields before continuing to other areas of the plan.

Start Date will auto-populate to be ten days after the Meeting Date. End Date will auto-populate to be one year minus one day from the Start Date.

Enrollment Status

Identifying Information, For Agency User Only Footer

The Enrollment Editor provides a snapshot of the student's enrollment data when the plan is generated.

Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment synchronizes the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tool. District and School information does not populate automatically. When the plan is marked as Complete and is locked, Special Ed Status values will be updated in the enrollment based on the values selected in this editor.

When establishing the Plan Types in System Administration, three Enrollment editors are available. Users should chose the editor that best meets their needs. The above logic describes the third editor, which is the most commonly used.

Student Demographics

Identifying Information

The Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic information and student and school address.

Clicking Refresh Student Information synchronizes the information in the editor with the most recent information about the student, from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tools.

Parent/Guardian Demographics

Identifying Information

The Parent/Guardian Demographics Editor populates based on established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tool or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tool. The editor includes Demographics) information for the student's guardian.

Clicking Refresh Guardian Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tools.

Team Meeting

ISP Team

The Team Meeting editor lists who was in attendance at the last team meeting where decisions were made concerning the student's education plan.

Team members must be added in the Team Members tool before entering participants.

In order for the meeting information to print, the Print in Plan checkbox must be marked.

Progress Reporting

Progress Reporting

The Progress Reporting editor lists when and how the student's goals will be reported to the parents.

This is a text editor. If available, use the Template Bank option to enter skeleton text and modify specific areas for student needs.

Extended School Year

Extended School Year

The Extended School Year editor lists whether the student is receiving services outside of normal school year dates.

If marked Yes, additional text needs to be entered or attached to the ISP in additional documents.

Altered School Day

Altered School Day

The Altered School Day editor indicates whether the student's school day has been altered.

If marked Yes, additional text needs to be entered or attached to the ISP in additional documents.


Adaptations in General and Special Education

The Adaptations editor lists any situations where the student has been given alternatives to learning based on behavior, learning ability, etc.


TransportationTransportationThe Transportation editor is used to document any Transportation needs for the student.This editor only prints if data is saved within the editor.

Measurable Postsecondary Goals

Transition Services - Measurable Postsecondary Goals

The  Measurable Postsecondary Goals editor lists the goals the student has for education and training, employment and independent living.


Courses of Study

Transition Services - Courses of Study

The Courses of Study editor lists the school year, grade level and courses in which the student is enrolled.


Transition Services

Transition of Services - Transition Services

The Transition Services editor lists the service provided to the student, the activity and the agency providing the service in the areas of Instruction, Community Participation, Related Services, Employment and Adult Living objectives and Daily Living Skills.


Transfer of Rights

Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority

The Transfer of Rights editor lists the date the student was informed of his/her rights. 



Student Performance and Measurement of Progress

The PLAAFP editor lists the student's current performance information, the student's strengths and needs, parental concerns and any information provided by the student regarding interests and preferences.


Goals and Objectives

Measurable Annual Goals

The Goals and Objectives editor lists the student's goals and objectives for education and training, employment, recreation and leisure, home living skills and communication participation.



Services and Modifications

The Assistive Technology Instruction editor indicates the service provided to the student, name of the provider, location and how many service hours the student receives.

Each service should be entered separately.

Supplemental Services

Supplementary Aids and Services

The Supplementary Aids and Services editor indicates the service provided to the student, name of the provider, location and how many service hours the student receives. 

Each service should be entered separately.

Related Services

Related Services

The Related Services editor indicates the service provided to the student, name of the provider, location and how many service hours the student receives.

Each service should be entered separately.

Support School Personnel Services

Program Modifications and Supports for School Personnel

The Support School Personnel Services editor indicates the service provided to the student, name of the provider, location and how many service hours the student receives.

Each service should be entered separately.

Least Restrictive Environment

Least Restrictive Environment Explanation

The LRE editor lists the activities where the student is assimilated with general education students.


State Assessments

State Assessments for Accountability

The State Assessment editor lists the state assessments the student is planning on taking and whether the student will receive accommodations for these assessments. 

This editor always prints.

LEP State Assessments

Limited English Proficiency State Assessments for English Language Proficiency Accountability

The LEP State Assessments editor lists the state assessments the students is planning to take to assess the student's proficiency in English.


Diploma Requirements

Diploma Requirements

The Diploma Required editor lists the assessments required for graduation and whether the student will be receiving accommodations for those assessments.


Record of Proficiency

Record or Status of Proficiency in Meeting Diploma Requirements

The Record of Proficiency editor lists the assessment, score and the date the student passed the assessment.


District-Wide Assessment Determination

District-Wide Assessments

The District-wide Assessment Determination editor indicates whether the assessments are administered at the grade level covered in the ISP.

If yes, the District-wide Assessments editor must be completed. 


District-Wide Assessments

The District-wide Assessment editor lists the assessment and any accommodation the student receives for the assessment.


Parental Notification

Parental Notification of Alternate Assessment

The Parental Notification editor provides a statement indicating the student's achievement will be assessed using modifications.


ISP Signature Page

Public School ISP Signature Page

The ISP Signature Page editor indicates the parent was invited to participate in the ISP process.


Previous Versions

Individual Service Plan (Minnesota) [.2327 and previous]