Tool Search: Digital Repository Preferences
Digital Repository Preferences allow you to control which tools have document upload functionality, modify the cache, and limit the file size allowed for uploads. They also provide a detailed breakdown of your district's cost (based on total usage) and a useful pie chart to better understand your district's usage per Infinite Campus location.
TIME-SENSITIVE: With the July 2025 release, the CDR off-premise repository will become the sole option for CDR storage and the current on-premise solution will be deprecated.
Failure to change repositories before the July 2025 release will interrupt your access to CDR features and uploaded files. In this case, CDR will remain inactive until the new terms are accepted.
No action is required if you are a district that participated in the off-premise pilot or first enabled CDR while on Campus.2411 or greater. Switch to CDR Off-Premise
Click here to learn more about our off-premise CDR storage.
Enable Campus Digital Repository
To begin using Campus Digital Repository functionality, authorized district personnel can select the Enable CDR button.
The Acceptance of CDR editor will appear, requiring you to click View Terms and read all terms and conditions, mark all three checkboxes indicating you agree to each of the terms listed for each checkbox, and select the I Accept button.
Enabling CDR allows your district 1MB of storage space per student at no cost. The student count used is your state-reported student number. Read the Terms of Service to see additional costs for using space beyond your free amount.
Please allow up to 24 hours for your free storage allocation to be calculated.
Understand the Cost Calculation
The Cost Calculation section details your district's current cost per gigabyte per year, your estimated billable usage, your remaining non-billable allotment, your total space usage across all of Infinite Campus, and a display of the calculation (using real-time numbers) of how Infinite Campus determines your Estimated Billable Usage for the year.
Usage by Location
The Usage By Location pie chart displays how much space is being used by uploaded files per area of Infinite Campus. This chart is useful for understanding where the most data is being used and can serve as guidance on potential cleanup when needing to free up space.
File Upload Preferences
The Cache Size is the amount of space available on the district's local repository instance, and the setting is used to support system performance. Five GB is the recommended Cache Size, but options are 1, 5, and 10. Contact Infinite Campus Support if your district's needs exceed the allowed amount.
The Max File Size field allows you to control the maximum size allowed per uploaded file. This field allows for a range between 1 - 100mb.
Common File Sizes
The following information can be used as a reference for common file sizes. Files that include images are commonly larger than those that don't.
- 1000 KB = 1 MB
- 1000 MB = 1 GB
File Type |
Size |
2-page Word document |
Less than 20 KB |
20 slide PowerPoint |
Roughly 1 MB |
25 page PDF |
Roughly 2 MB |
1 MP3 |
Roughly 3-6 MB |
Enable Campus Digital Repository Per Module/Tool
Use the table below to better understand how each Digital Repository preference functions within Infinite Campus.
Module | Toggle and Explanation |
School Store | Enabling this option allows you to upload images for display of each item within a School Store.
Infinite Campus highly recommends enabling this option when using the School Store. ![]() |
Survey | Enabling this option allows files (such as images, signatures, etc) to be uploaded to surveys via the Survey Designer tool.
NOTE: Survey Designer options that utilize file upload capabilities are part of the Campus Analytics Suite ![]() |
Staff Evaluation | Enabling this service allows you to enable and disable the document upload feature in the Staff Evaluations module. After the service is turned on, administrators can select the option to allow uploading files on evaluation templates.![]() |
Behavior |
Enabling these options adds a Manage Files button to behavior events and incidents, allowing behavior administrators to attach files to them. See this document for more information. This does NOT add a documents button to the top of any Behavior tools.
To enable document attachment functionality, mark the Enable checkbox, mark the checkbox next to each tool that should allow files to be attached, and click Save.
File attachments can be added to student behavior records in the following tools: |
Human Resources |
Enabling these options allows documents to be attached to specific tools within the Human Resources module.
Clearing the checkbox next to the tool disables users' ability to attach documents and hides the Attach Files button. Unchecking the checkbox next to a tool only disables the user's ability to add additional documents. Previously uploaded documents are NOT removed. ![]() |
Campus Communicator | Enabling Inbox / Email - Inline Images allows users to embed images directly into the message body in Messenger 2.0. ![]() |
Person |
Enabling these options allows documents to be attached to various person-related tools, including Custom Tabs.
To give users access to the document upload feature, mark the Enable checkbox and then mark the checkbox next to the tool(s) where the Documents button should appear, and click Save.
All documents uploaded via any of the Person tools listed are visible in Person Documents.
To use the Document feature, users must have tool rights to the tool in which the Documents button appears. Read/Write (RW) rights allow users to view the document, edit details (description and file name), and replace a file. Add (A) rights allows the user to upload a new document and Delete (D) allows the user to delete a document. Clearing the checkbox next to the tool disables the user's ability to upload documents and hides the Documents button. Previously uploaded documents are NOT removed. Removing document attachment functionality only disables the user's ability to add additional documents. |
Meetings | Enabling this option allows counselors to attach files to meetings.
![]() |
Campus Learning | |
Discussion | Enabling this option allows moderators to set up discussions that allow participants to attach files to their posts.
![]() |
Instruction/Curriculum |
When this option is enabled for a school, teachers have the option to allow students to submit assignments via the Campus Student Portal.
If you are a teacher, see the Enabling Submissions article for directions about using the repository to create assignments for submission on the portal, viewing student submissions, and responding to student submissions.
Marking the Staff File Uploads checkbox allows staff to upload files within Instruction/Curriculum tools. ![]() |
Switch to CDR Off-Premise
Customers who have already enabled and are using Campus Digital Repository services now have the option to change their hosting from on-premise to off-premise. Off-premise hosting provides numerous benefits, including:
- File replication across multiple geographically distant availability zones.
- 99.99999999999% durability.
- 99.99% availability.
Switching to off-premise hosting does not change or modify the user experience within Campus. This switch is FREE, does not require you to do anything, and seamlessly migrates your files without impacting or interrupting your CDR services. You simply agree to switch, accept the new terms, and Infinite Campus takes care of the rest.
To make the switch, click the Change CDR Hosting button, agree to the terms, and get started! To learn more, click here.
If you do not see the Change CDR Hosting button, your district already uses off-premise CDR hosting.
NOTE: Off-premise hosting is not available for BIE customers.
Supported File Types
Digital Repository allows for the upload of all file types except for the extensions listed below.
You cannot upload a document with a file name containing one or more of the following illegal characters: | . , [ ] { } ( ) ! ; " * ? < > : / Tab, LF, CR
The following file types cannot be uploaded to the Digital Repository:
Excluded File Types |
_exe, a6p, ac, acr, action, air, apk, app, applescript, application, awk, bas, bat, bat, bin, cgi, chm, class, cmd, com, cpl, crt, csh, dek, dld, dll, dmg, docm, dotm, drv, ds, ebm, elf, emf, esh, exe, ezs, fky, frs, fxp, gadget, gpe, gpu, hlp, hms, hta, hta, icd, iim, inf, ins, inx, ipa, ipf, isp, isu, jar, java, js, jse, jsp, jsx, kix, ksh, lib, lnk, mam, mcr, mel, mem, mpkg, mpx, mrc, ms, msc, msi, msp, mst, mxe, obs, ocx, pas, pcd, pex, pif, pkg, pl, plsc, pm, potm, ppam, ppsm, pptm, prc, prg, pvd, pwc, pyc, pyo, qpx, rbx, reg, rgs, rox, rpj, scar, scf, scpt, scr, script, sct, seed, sh, shb, shs, sldm, spr, sys, thm, tlb, tms, u3p, udf, url, vb, vbe, vbs, vbscript, vdo, vxd, wcm, widget, wmf, workflow, wpk, ws, wsc, wsf, wsh, xap, xlam, xlm, xlsm, xltm, xqt, xsl, zlq |