Course Standards Report

Tool Search: Course Standards Report

The Course Standards Report lists standards of learning assigned to the courses in the selected calendar. It can be generated one of four ways:

  • Standards assigned to each course
  • Courses offering each standards
  • Standards that are NOT assigned to courses
  • Courses that are NOT assigned standards

Screenshot of the Course Standards Report, located at Grading & Standards, Reports. Course Standards Report

Report Logic

Course standards are created and managed in the Standards Bank and attached to a course on the Courses Standards tool. The report is generated based on the Year and School selected in the Campus Toolbar.

The report options refer to certain selections on the standard, like the Power Standard and Archived checkboxes.  

Screenshot of a Standards in the Standards Bank highlighting the Power Standard field. Standards Editor - Power Standard, Archived Standard

Course GPA Weight is entered on the Course Information editor (or the Course Master Detail if using Course Masters). 

Screenshot of the Course Information tool highlighting the GPA Weight field. Course GPA Weight

Report Editor



Report Type

Standards offered for each Course

This report lists each of the standards assigned to an active course in the selected calendar that has at least one Standards assigned to it. 

Courses offering each Standard

This report lists any Standard associated with an active course in the selected calendar. Standards are sorted based on the order in which they were added to the Course Standards tool.

Standards not associated with Courses

This report lists any active Standards that are not currently assigned to any active Courses but are aligned to the School selected in the Campus toolbar.

Courses without associated Standards

This report lists any active courses that do not have Standards assigned.

Other Options
These options are optional and vary depending on the Report Type selected.
Only Display Power Standards
When selected, only those standards marked as Power Standards in the Standards Bank are included.

This option is available when the selected Report Type is:
  • List Standards Offered for Each Course
  • List Courses Offering Each Standard
  • List Standards Not Associated with Courses
Include Course GPA Weight
When marked, the GPA Weight value assigned on the Course editor prints.

This option is available when the selected Report Type is:
  • List Standards Offered for Each Course
  • List Courses Offering Each Standard
Include Archived StandardsWhen marked, standards that are marked as Archived in the Standards Bank are included, in addition to Standards not marked as Archived.

This option is available when the selected Report Type is List Standards Not Associated with Courses.
Courses Without Power StandardsWhen marked, courses that do not have any Power Standards assigned are included.

This option is available when the selected Report Type is List Courses without Associated Standards.
Report Format
The report can be generated in either PDF or DOCX format.

Generate the Course Standards Report

  1. Select which Report Type to generate.
  2. Select which Other Options to include on the report, if desired.
  3. Select the desired Report Format - either PDF or DOCX.
  4. Click Generate Report to generate the report.

Screenshot of an example of the Course Standards report showing the standards offered for each course.Course Standards Report - Standards Offered for Each Course, No Other Options Selection

Screenshot of an example of the Course Standards report showing the courses linked to each standard.Course Standards Report - Courses Listing Each Standard - Includes Course GPA Weight

Screenshot of an example of the Course Standards report just listing standards.Course Standards Report - Standards without Courses
Screenshot of an example of the Course Standards report just listing courses.Course Standards Report - Courses without Standards