WY CTE (Wyoming)

Tool Search: WY CTE

The WY CTE tool tracks student Career and Technology Education data in the state of  Wyoming. Information stored on this tool is accessed by the Vocational Student Report of  WY State Reporting .

Screenshot of the WY CTE editor.WY CTE Editor

Create a Record

  1. Click the Add CTE icon from the action bar.
  2. Select the School responsible for coordinating the student's involvement in the CTE program.
  3. Enter additional information and details, as necessary.
  4. Click Save to create the new CTE record.

The record will be saved under the appropriate school.

Field Definitions

Fields available on the CTE tool can be defined as follows: 




The school responsible for coordinating the student's CTE participation.

Start Date

The first day of student's participation in CTE activity.

End Date

The last day of student's participation in CTE activity.

Exclude from CTE reporting

Indicates the record should be excluded from CTE reporting purposes.

Vocational Participant

Indicates student has completed one or more courses in a CTE program sequence. These students have not met state requirements of CTE concentrator (Vocational Concentrator field).

Career Cluster Program Area

The specific program area to which the CTE record relates.

Individual Career Plan

Indicates CTE record is considered part of an individual career plan.

Cip Code

Classification of Instruction (CIP) code for career cluster pathway/program student is pursuing.

Vocational Concentrator

Indicates student has completed three or more courses in a CTE program, including students currently enrolled in the third course.

CTE Program Credits

Number of credits that should be awarded to student for CTE program participation.

Not currently in a CTE/Voc Course

Indicates student is enrolled in a CTE or Voc(ational) Course.

Vocational Completer

Indicates student completed a CTE vocational program.

Total CTE Credits

Total number of CTE credits student has.


Indicates student is a member of the Future Career and Community Leaders of America career and technical service organization.


Indicates student is a member of the FFA career and technical service organization (formerly known as Future Farmers of America).


Indicates student is a member of the Future Business Leaders of America career and technical service organization.


Indicates student is a member of the SIFE business or DECA marketing career and technical service organizations.

Skills USA

Indicates student is a member of the Skills USA career and technical service organization.

Job Shadowing

Indicates student gained work experience/job training through job shadowing.


Indicates student gained work experience/job training through mentoring.


Indicates student gained work experience/job training through apprenticeship.

Work Exp/Internship

Indicates student gained work experience/job training through work experience or internship.

School-Based Enterprises

Indicates student gained work experience/job training through school-based enterprises.

Community Service Learning

Indicates student gained work experience/job training through community service leadership.

Cooperative Education

Indicates student gained work experience/job training through cooperative education.


Indicates student gained work experience/job training through another experience not otherwise listed.


Indicates student did not gain work experience/job training.


Additional notes related to CTE record. (100 character limit)