Tool Search: ISEE Extracts
The Staff Demographics extract reports demographic data on a staff level for staff with an active district assignment during the selected date range. Data for many fields in the Staff Demographics Extract are not currently stored in Infinite Campus and will have to be merged into the extract from an HR system.
Staff Type | Description |
Active | Any staff person with an active District Employment and an active District Assignment with a Type that is not null. The District Employment and District Assignment must be active at some point during the extract date range. |
Exiting | Any staff person whose District Employment ends during the reporting period. |
Previously Exited | When a Previous Submission Date is selected on the report editor, any staff with an ended District Employment any time from the Previous Submission Date entered to the start of the date range report. |
Inactive | Any Staff Person with an Active District Employment for the entire Date Range but who does not have an Active District Assignment for the entire Date Range. |

Staff Demographics Extract Logic
- All district-employed staff must have an active District Employment to report unless a Previous Submission Date is entered on the editor.
- For teaching staff not employed by the district who do not have a District Employment record but do have a District Assignment with a Contract Type of AR, R, or NE and 'Teacher' marked, a record reports per staff member regardless of the number of active teaching assignments that meet reporting criteria.
- Staff must have an active District Assignment (with a Type that is not null) unless they are Exiting, Previously Exited, or Inactive.
- Staff must have a Staff State ID to report.
- Staff report only one record unless they have multiple District Employment records eligible to report. In that situation, one record reports for each District Employment.
Report Editor Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Report Type | Select Staff Demographics. The following ISEE extract types are also available: |
Start Date | The earliest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Not required if Previous Submission Date is entered) |
End Date | The latest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Required) |
Exclude Cross-Site Data | Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
Previous Submission Date | To report Staff who have exited over the summer, enter a date in the Previous Submission Date field. Any staff who have ended District Employment at any time from the Previous Submission Date entered to the start of the date range report. |
Format | The format in which the report will be generated. Options include CSV (State Format) and HTML. |
Batch Queue | Users can submit a District Calendar report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. |
Staff Demographics Extract Layout
Column | Description & Format | Campus Location |
idStaffID | The staff member's unique Idaho Staff Identification Number. Numeric, 9 digits | Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID Person.staffStateID |
lastName | The staff member's last name. Reports the Legal Last Name if entered. Alphanumeric, 35 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name Identity.lastName |
firstName | The staff member's first name. Reports the Legal First Name if entered. Alphanumeric, 35 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name Identity.firstName |
middleName | The staff member's middle name. Reports the Legal Middle Name if entered. Alphanumeric, 40 characters | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name Identity.middleName |
suffix | An appendage, if any, used to denote the staff member's generation in their family or title; e.g., Jr., Sr., III, PhD. Alphanumeric, 8 characters | Census > Demographics > Person Information > Suffix Identity.suffix |
formerName | Any names that were used in the past by the employee. Reports the First, Middle, Last Name and Suffix from an earlier Identity, if applicable. Alphanumeric, 50 characters | Census > People > Identities Identity.firstName |
birthDate | The month, day, and year on which the staff member was born. Date Field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY | Census > People > Identities Identity.birthDate |
gender | A person's gender. Reports M (male) or F (female). Reports the Legal Gender if entered. M or F, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender Identity.gender |
hispanic | Indicates whether the staff member is Hispanic or Latino. Hispanic or Latino means a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Y or N, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Hispanic/Latino Identity.hispanicEthnicity |
asian | Indicates whether the staff member is Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines. Y or N, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Asian Identity.raceEthnicity |
indian | Indicates whether the staff member is a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment. Y or N, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > American Indian or Alaska Native Identity.raceEthnicity |
black | Indicates whether the staff member is a person who has origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. Y or N, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American Identity.raceEthnicity |
islander | Indicates whether the staff member is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander meaning having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. Y or N, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Identity.raceEthnicity |
white | Indicates whether the staff member is White or Causasian meaning having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Y or N, 1 character | Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > White Identity.raceEthnicity |
language | If this staff member is proficient in a language other than English, the code for that language. If the staff member is proficient in more than one other language, the most proficient language reports. Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Census > Staff > District Employment > Proficient Language Employment.proficientLanguage |
isCertified | Indicates whether the staff member has certified assignments or is on a contract. Reports Y if staff has an active District Assignment with Type: 02. Y or N, 1 character | Census > Staff > District Assignment > Type EmploymentAssignment.type |
isParaPro | Indicates whether the staff member is a paraprofessional working with students. Reports as Y if the staff person has a District Assignment active during the extract reporting window with a Type of 04. Otherwise reports as N. Y or N, 1 character | Census > Staff > District Assignment > Type EmploymentAssignment.type |
certificationYear | The date teachers or administrators first received certification, regardless of the state issuing the certification. Teaching Start Date reports for Type 02 staff. Date Field, 10 characters MM/DD/YYYY | Census > Staff > District Employment > Teaching Start Year Employment.teachingStartYear |
certificationState | Currently reports as blank. | Does not display |
highestDegree | The highest degree claimed by the employee for funding purposes. Reported for Type 02 Staff preferentially from the Education Credential checked as State Reported. Will report from District Employment with Education=OS if no Education Credential. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Census > Staff > Credentials > Credential Type > Education Level, State Reported EmploymentCredential.degreeType |
degreeYear | The year in which the highest degree being claimed was earned. Reported for Type 02 Staff preferentially from the Education Credential checked as State Reported. Will report Teaching Start Year from District Employment with Education=OS if no Education Credential. Date Field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY | Census > Staff > Credentials > Credential Type > Education > Date Credential Obtained |
claimDegreeInst | The name of the institution that granted the highest degree the employee has claimed for funding purposes. Reporting for Type 02 Staff from Education Credential checked as State Reported. Alphanumeric, 3 characters | Census > Staff > Credentials > Credential Type > Education > Degree Institution EmploymentCredential.campusCode |
claimDegreeState | The two character postal code where the Institution of claimed highest degree is based. Reporting for Type 02 Staff from Education Credential checked as State Reported. Numeric, 2 digits | Census > Staff > Credentials > Credential Type > Education > Degree State EmploymentCredential.eduState |
claimedMajor | The Major of the highest degree claimed for funding purposes. Reporting for Type 02 Staff from Education Credential checked as State Reported. Alphanumeric, 6 characters, NN.NNNN | Census > Staff > Credentials > Credential Type > Education > Major CIP Code EmploymentCredential.majorCipCode |
claimedMinor | The Minor (if any) of the highest degree claimed for funding purposes. Reporting for Type 02 Staff from Education Credential checked as State Reported. Alphanumeric, 6 characters, NN.NNNN | Census > Staff > Credentials > Credential Type > Education > Minor CIP Code EmploymentCredential.minorCipCode |
addlCredits | College transcript credit earned beyond the highest degree claimed. | Does not display. |
addlDegree1 | The first additional degree earned by this employee other than the one claimed for funding. Need not be earned prior to the claimed degree. | Does not display. |
degree1Year | Year that the first additional degree was earned. | Does not display. |
degree1Institution | The name of the institution that granted the first additional degree. | Does not display. |
degree1State | The two character postal code where the Institution of the first additional degree is based. | Does not display. |
degree1Major | The major area of study for the first additional degree. | Does not display. |
degree1Minor | The minor area of study for the first additional degree. | Does not display. |
addlDegree2 | The second additional degree earned by this employee other than the one claimed for funding. Need not be earned prior to the claimed degree. | Does not display. |
degree2Year | Year that the second additional degree was earned. | Does not display. |
degree2Institution | The name of the institution that granted the second additional degree. | Does not display. |
degree2State | The two character postal code where the Institution of the second additional degree is based. | Does not display. |
degree2Major | The major area of study for the second additional degree. | Does not display. |
degree2Minor | The minor area of study for the second additional degree. | Does not display. |
addlDegree3 | The third additional degree earned by this employee other than the one claimed for funding. Need not be earned prior to the claimed degree. | Does not display. |
degree3Year | Year that the third additional degree was earned. | Does not display. |
degree3Institution | The name of the institution that granted the third additional degree. | Does not display. |
degree3State | The two character postal code where the Institution of the third additional degree is based. | Does not display. |
degree3Major | The major area of study for the third additional degree. | Does not display. |
degree3Minor | The minor area of study for the third additional degree. | Does not display. |
addlDegree4 | The fourth additional degree earned by this employee other than the one claimed for funding. Need not be earned prior to the claimed degree. | Does not display. |
degree4Year | Year that the fourth additional degree was earned. | Does not display. |
degree4Institution | The name of the institution that granted the fourth additional degree. | Does not display. |
degree4State | The two character postal code where the Institution of the fourth additional degree is based. | Does not display. |
degree4Major | The major area of study for the fourth additional degree. | Does not display. |
degree4Minor | the minor area of study for the fourth additional degree. | Does not display. |
minCreditsDate | For non-certified paraprofessional instructional assistants, the date they met the NCLB minimum college credits threshold. | Does not display. |
minCreditsIHE | For non-certified paraprofessional instructional assistants, the institution granting the credits. | Does not display. |
minCreditsIHEState | For non-certified paraprofessional instructional assistants, the state where the institution that granted the credit is based. | Does not display. |
paraHSDiplomaType | For non-certified paraprofessional instructional assistants, indicates whether they received a regular high school diploma or a GED (or equivalent). For Type: 04 staff, the following codes report:
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Census > Staff > District Employment > Education Employment.educationLevel |
paraExamDate | For non-certified paraprofessional instructional assistants, the date they passed the ETS Paraprofessional Exam. | Does not display. |
paraExamScore | For non-certified paraprofessional instructional assistants, the score from the ETS paraprofessional Exam. | Does not display. |
paraPraxis | For non-certified paraprofessional instructional assistants, indicates whether they took the Praxis. | Does not display. |
paraExamOS | For non-certified paraprofessional instructional assistants, indicates whether the ETS paraprofessional exam was taken in another state. | Does not display. |
schoolId | This is the SDE assigned school number where the employee has their primary responsibility or where they receive their mail. Reports based on the District Assignment active on the extract End Date. If multiple District Assignments are active, reports the assignment with the largest FTE. If no FTE values are entered, reports the assignment with the earliest start date. Numeric, 4 digits | School & District Setup > School Information > School > State School Number; Census > Staff > District Assignment School.number |
transcriptYear | The year of the most recent transcript for the employee. | Does not display. |
idahoK12Experience | Years of prior teaching experience in an Idaho public PK-12 school. | Does not display. |
k12PublicExperience | Years of prior teaching experience in any public PK-12 school in any state (including Idaho). | Does not display. |
k12PrivateExperience | Years of prior teaching experience in any non-public PK-12 school in any state - private or parochial. | Does not display. |
idahoHEExperience | Years of prior teaching experience in any non-public PK-12 school in any state - private or parochial. | Does not display. |
HEExperience | Years of prior teaching experience in any institution of Higher Education in any state (including Idaho). | Does not display. |
hireDate | The date the employee was first hired by the school district Date Field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY | Census > Staff > District Employment > Employment Information > Start Date Employment.startDate |
yearsInDistrict | The number of years the employee has been employed by the school district. Calculated from District Employment Start Date to End Date of Date Range or End Date of District Employment, whichever is shorter. Reports rounded to the nearest whole number. Numeric, 2 digits, NN | Census > Staff > District Employment > Employment Information > Start Date Employment.startDate |
employmentStatus | The employee's employment status. The following values report:
Alphanumeric, 1 character | Census > Staff > District Employment, District Assignment Calculated, not dynamically stored |
contractType1 | Reports the first Contract Type entered for the staff of record. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Census > Staff > District Employment > Contract Type EmploymentAssignment. contractType |
baseSalary1 | For Certified staff, the base salary on the contract rounded to the nearest dollar. | Does not display. |
contractDays1 | For certified staff, the number of days based on a five day work week contracted in contract 1. | Does not display. |
contractHours1 | For certified staff, the hours contracted in contract 1. | Does not display. |
contractFTE1 | The full-time equivalent for this contract. | Does not display. |
c1fundSource1 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c1percentSource1 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c1fundSource2 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c1percentSource2 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c1fundSource3 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c1percentSource3 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c1fundSource4 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c1percentSource4 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
contractType2 | Reports the second Contract Type entered for the staff of record. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Census > Staff > District Employment > Contract Type EmploymentAssignment.contractType |
baseSalary2 | The base salary on contract 2, if any, rounded to the nearest dollar. | Does not display. |
contractDays2 | The number of days listed on contract 2, if any, based on a five day work week. | Does not display. |
contractHours2 | The total hours contracted in contract 2, if any. | Does not display. |
contractFTE2 | The full time equivalent for this contract. | Does not display. |
c2fundSource1 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c2percentSource1 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c2fundSource2 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c2percentSource2 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c2fundSource3 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c2percentSource3 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c2fundSource4 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c2percentSource4 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
contractType3 | Reports the third Contract Type entered for the staff of record. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Census > Staff > District Employment > Contract Type EmploymentAssignment.contractType |
baseSalary3 | The base salary on contract 3, if any, rounded to the nearest dollar. | Does not display. |
contractDays3 | The base salary on contract 3, if any, rounded to the nearest dollar. | Does not display. |
contractHours3 | The total hours contracted in contract 3, if any. | Does not display. |
contractFTE3 | The full time equivalent for contract 3, if any. | Does not display. |
c3fundSource1 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c3percentSource1 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c3fundSource2 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c3percentSource2 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c3fundSource3 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c3percentSource3 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c3fundSource4 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
c3percentSource4 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
extraPay1 | The code for the special or supplemental duties performed which are not in the base pay. | Does not display. |
extraPay2 | The code for the special or supplemental duties performed which are not in the base pay. | Does not display. |
extraPayAmount2 | The amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | Does not display. |
extraPay3 | The code for the special or supplemental duties performed which are not in the base pay. | Does not display. |
extraPayAmount3 | The amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | Does not display. |
extraPay4 | The amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | Does not display. |
extraPayAmount4 | The code for the special or supplemental duties performed which are not in the base pay. | Does not display. |
ncfundSource1 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
ncpercentSource1 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
ncfundSource2 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
ncpercentSource2 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
ncfundSource3 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
ncpercentSource3 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
ncfundSource4 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
ncpercentSource4 | This field reports blank. | Does not display. |
terminationDate | The month, day, and year that the employee became or will become inactive or terminated. Reports District Employment End Date if the date falls within the extract Date Range. If a Previous Submission Date is entered and the District Employment End Date falls between the Last Submission Date and the Start Date of the date range, reports the End Date. To report the Teacher of Record as on leave, staff must:
If the above is true, reports the first instructional calendar day prior to the Start Date of the Role L Staff History record in the Primary Teacher's record. Otherwise reports as blank. Date Field, 10 characters, MM/DD/YYYY | Census > Staff > District Employment > End Date Employment.endDate |
terminationReason | The reason an employee reported last year is not reported this year. Reports District Employment Staff Exit Reason. Alphanumeric, 2 characters | Census > Staff > District Employment > Staff Exit Reason Employment.exitReason |
notes | Any comments or explanatory notes for the data in this record. Alphanumeric, 250 characters | Does not display. |
Credential Code List
Code | Name | Value reported |
HS | High School Diploma | HS |
GED | GED or Equivalent | G |
A | Associates | A |
AA | Associate of Arts (A.A.) | A |
AS | Associate of Science (A.S.) | A |
AAS | Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) | A |
B | Bachelors | B |
BA | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) | BA |
BS | Bachelor of Science (B.S.) | BS |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) | B |
BBA | Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) | B |
BED | Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) | B |
M | Masters | M |
MA | Master of Arts (M.A.) | MA |
MS | Master of Science (M.S.) | MS |
MED | Master of Education (M. Ed.) | M |
MBA | Master of Business Administration (MBA) | M |
EDD | Educational Doctorate (Ed.D) | ES |
EDS | Educational Specialist (Ed.S) | ES |
PHD | Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) | DR |
MD | Doctor of Medicine (MD) | DR |
PSD | Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D) | DR |
Institution Code List
Code | Name |
045 | Albion or Southern College of Idaho |
010 | Boise State University |
060 | BYU-Idaho |
055 | BYU - Utah |
020 | College of Idaho |
085 | College of Southern Idaho |
023 | College of St. Gertrude |
082 | Eastern Idaho Technical College |
000 | General Category - Out-of-State |
065 | Gooding College |
030 | Idaho State University |
075 | ISU/UI At University Place - Idaho Falls |
035 | Lewis-Clark State College |
080 | Magic Valley Christian College |
040 | North Idaho College |
050 | Northwest Nazarene College |
090 | Other Idaho College or University |
070 | University of Idaho |
Staff Exit Reason Code List
Code | Name |
01 | To work for another educational institution in ID |
02 | To work for another educational institution outside ID |
03 | Leaving the education profession |
04 | Returning to school |
05 | Spouse transferred |
06 | Retirement |
07 | Death |
08 | Reduction in force |
09 | Personal reasons |
10 | Involuntary termination |
11 | Leave of absence |
12 | Parental/Family obligation |
13 | Service in foreign country |
14 | Military |
15 | Contractor no longer paid on district payroll |
16 | Early retirement incentive prog (IC 33-1004G only) |
17 | Certificated to non-certificated |
18 | Non-certificated to Certificated |