Student School Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new enrollment is saved for a student.  A record will report for each distinct enrollment in a School and Enrollment Start Date.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same School, Calendar & Schedule Structure with the same start date, report from the enrollment service type in the following order:
    1. P: Primary Enrollment
    2. S: Partial/Ancillary
    3. N: Special Ed Services
  • When an enrollment with a higher priority is deleted, the enrollment with lower priority will post a new record.
  • Do not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude, No Show, or WISE Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude, Summer School, or in a School marked Exclude.
  • If Ed-Fi Configuration Profile = Choice + Opt in report a record for all eligible students if Choice = Yes or No on the student's enrollment.
  • If Ed-Fi Configuration Profile = Choice AND Choice = No on Student enrollment, do not report a record.

When the start date for an enrollment is changed.

  • When an enrollment with a lower priority is changed, data will not send.

When a State Enrollment Type is updated for a student.


When an enrollment is deleted.


When the start date of an enrollment is changed.

DeleteWhen the State Exclude, No Show, or WISE Exclude check box is checked.

Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the Resource Toggle and Trigger logic of this object.


Business Rule

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
PutIf the natural key of the Calendar Reference is changed, a put will be done to update the Calendar Reference even if the Student School Association resource is turned 'OFF'
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Business Rule


Natural Key changes:  

  • If the School ID changes, all data will remain under the old number and a resync will need to be completed to populate data under the new number.  The delete tool would need to be used to remove all data from the old School ID.   If an Ed-Fi ID changes, this will happen with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
  • If the enrollment start date changes, all dependent resources will be deleted and reposted.   If a dependent resource is turned off, all dependent resources will be deleted and not reposted.

Cascading Deletes:  If the Student School Association is deleted, all dependent resources will be deleted.

  • Student Parent Associations, Student Education Organization Associations, Student Section Associations, Graduation Plans, Student Program Associations, Student CTE Program Associations, Student Special Education Program Associations, Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations, Student Academic Records, Course Transcripts, Grades, Student Discipline Incident Associations, Discipline Actions, Student Cohort Associations, Student School Attendance Events, Student Section Attendance Events

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

The record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.


Object Key Data Source


Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus Table

Ed-Fi Action




The primary table used for sending data for this resource

personPost/DeleteStudent ID in Student Reference
graduationPutClass of School Year Type Reference
programsPutGraduation Plan Reference
programparticipationPutGraduation Plan Reference

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student School Association resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path



 The unique identifier of the resource. 


entryDate   The month, day, and year on which an individual enters and begins to receive instructional services in a campus.   

Report the enrollment start date.

MStudent Information> General> Enrollments> Start Dateenrollment.startdate
calendarReferenceA reference related to the Calendar resource.
  1. If the School Override field is NOT NULL on the Enrollment, select an arbitrary Calendar record from the Override School in the current configuration year to report
    1. If School Override is NULL or '0', report the calendarID from the Enrollment.
  2. If the School Override field on the Enrollment is NOT NULL report the Ed-Fi School Number from the School that is populated.
    1. If School Override is NULL or '0', report from the Enrollment school

Calendar>Calendar Information

Enrollments>State Reporting Fields>School Override

School>School Detail>Ed-Fi School Number

Calendar. calendarID

ErollmentWI. schoolOverride

School. entityID

 The year the student is expected to graduate. 

This is optional, does not report.


graduationPlanReferenceA reference to the related GraduationPlan resource.

This is optional, does not report.


schoolReference   A reference to the related School resource. 
  1. Report School Ed-Fi Number first from the School Override on Enrollment
    • If School Override is NULL, report from the Enrollment school
  2. Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School resource


Enrollments>State Reporting Fields>School Override

School>School Detail>Ed-Fi School Number

ErollmentWI. schoolOverride

School. entityID

The school year the student is being reported in.

This is optional, does not report.


studentReference   A reference to the related Student resource. 

Report the reference for the student being reported.


educationPlans  An unordered collection of studentSchoolAssociationEducationPlans. This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled. 

This is optional, does not report.


 An individual who is a paid employee or works in his or her own business, profession, or farm and at the same time is enrolled in secondary, postsecondary, or adult education. 

This is optional, does not report.


 The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session. 
  1. Report the Ed-Fi Code from the Grade Level mapping for the grade selected on the student's enrollment.
  2. If a mapping is not available, the record will error.
MStudent Information> General> Enrollments> Grade
 A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 

This is optional, does not report.


entryTypeDescriptor  A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 

This is optional, does not report.


exitWithdrawDate  The month, day, and year of the first day after the date of an individual''s last attendance at a campus (if known), the day on which an individual graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school. 

Report the enrollment end date.

OStudent Information> General> Enrollments> End Dateenrollment.enddate
 A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 
  1. Report the Ed-Fi Code Value from the End Status selected.
  2. If blank, do not report.
OStudent Information> General> Enrollments> End Statusenrollment.endstatus
primarySchool  Indicates if a given enrollment record should be considered the primary record for a student. If omitted, the default is true. 
  1. Report 'True' if State Enrollment Type = P "Primary".
  2. Otherwise, if Service Type = P: Primary.
  3. Else, report 'False'.

Student Information> General> Enrollments> State Enrollment Type

Student Information> General> Enrollments> Service Type



Indicates whether or not a student completed the most recent school term.
  1. For the enrollment that determines the entry date.
  2. If State Enrollment Type is NOT = Primary, do not report.
  3. Otherwise, if State Enrollment Type = Primary, continue to calculate.
  4. If the enrollment is ended prior to the last day of the school year.
    • AND end Status = HSC: High School Completion, report TRUE
    • AND end status is any other status, report FALSE
  5. If the current date is after the last day of the school year.
    • AND the enrollment end date is on or after (= >) the last day of the school year, report TRUE
    • AND if the enrollment end date is blank, report TRUE
  6. Otherwise, report FALSE.
CStudent Information > General > Enrollment > End Dateenrollment.endDate
 An indicator of whether the student is enrolling to repeat a grade level, either by failure or an agreement to hold the student back. 
  1. Do not report for students Enrolled in a School with Ed-Fi Reporting Option of Choice ONLY or Choice + Private Opt In.
  2. If students are enrolled in a school with Ed-Fi Reporting Option = Public.
    • If State Enrollment Type = Primary.
    • AND If the End Action = Retain on the Enrollment determining reporting, report TRUE.
      1. Otherwise, report FALSE.
    • If State Enrollment Type is NOT Primary, do not report.
OStudent Information > General > Enrollment > End Actionenrollment. endAction
fullTimeEquivalencyThe full-time equivalent ratio for the student s assignment to a school for services or instruction.

Report for Public Profile only.

Statuses have special FTE rules. Only report for students with State Enrollment Type = P (Primary), M (Membership), or C (Coursework Only)

  1. If student has a Pupil Count record with Program = 5YB, report NULL/blank.
    • If multiple Pupil Count records exist for the student for the config year, report based on the most recent with a Start Date on or prior to current date.
  2. If student is enrolled in a grade with a Kindergarten Schedule (system admin > calendar > calendar > grade levels > grade level detail > Kindergarten Schedule) = E3,E4, or E5, report .5 FTE (Sped Preschool codes).
  3. If student is enrolled in a grade with Kindergarten Schedule (system admin > calendar > calendar > grade levels > grade level detail > Kindergarten Schedule) K4a, 50K4N, or 50K4, report .5 FTE (4YK 437 Hour codes).
  4. If student is enrolled in a grade with Kindergarten Schedule (system admin > calendar > calendar > grade levels > grade level detail > Kindergarten Schedule) K4b or 60K4 report .6 FTE (524 Hour codes).
  5. If student is enrolled in a grade with Kindergarten Schedule (system admin > calendar > calendar > grade levels > grade level detail > Kindergarten Schedule) KGd or 50KG report .5 FTE (Half Day codes).
  6. If student is enrolled in a grade with Kindergarten Schedule (system admin > calendar > calendar > grade levels > grade level detail > Kindergarten Schedule) KGc or 60KG report .6 FTE (5YK 3 days codes).
  7. If student is enrolled in a grade with Kindergarten Schedule (system admin > calendar > calendar > grade levels > grade level detail > Kindergarten Schedule) KGb or 80KG report .8 FTE (5YK 4 days codes).
  8. If student is enrolled in a grade with Kindergarten Schedule (system admin > calendar > calendar > grade levels > grade level detail > Kindergarten Schedule) KGa or 100KG report 1.0 FTE (5YK 5 days codes).
  9. Resident students with the following Census Statuses (Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting) will report 1.0 FTE: YA, 8, PS
    • If Resident District (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting) = Null or reporting district, student = resident OR a Pupil Count record exists within the config year with a value of R.
      • If multiple Pupil Count records exist for the student for the config year, report based on the most recent with a Start Date on or prior to current date.
  10. Students with the following Residency/Census Status codes (Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Pupil Count) will report 1.0 FTE.
    • NR-66.0301, NR-CESA, NR-CCDEB, NR-OE, NR-TW, NR-TP, NR-9-18ST, NR-T, NR-CH, NR-JUV.
    • If multiple Pupil Count records exist for the student for the config year, report based on the most recent with a Start Date on or prior to current date.
  11. Resident students with State Enrollment Type = Membership with Residency/Census Status values = R-OUTSIDEAGE or NR-OUTSIDEAGE, report 1.0 FTE
    • If multiple Pupil Count records exist for the student for the config year, report based on the most recent with a Start Date on or prior to current date.
  12. If student has a Pupil Count record with a start date that falls within the config year, Residency Status = R and Program = CA (Challenge Academy), report 1.0 FTE.
    • If multiple Pupil Count records exist for the student for the config year, report based on the most recent with a Start Date on or prior to current date.
  13. If student has State Enrollment Type = Coursework with Residency/Census Status values = R-Home, NR-Home, or R-Private, report .25 per course up to 2 courses with total FTE<=.50.
    • If multiple Pupil Count records exist for the student for the config year, report based on the most recent with a Start Date on or prior to current date.
    • If student is not enrolled in any classes, report Null.
  14. If none of the above scenarios apply, then:
    • If student is enrolled in grade 01-12, report 1.0 FTE.
    • If student is in a grade level other than those mentioned above (except grade levels with a Kindergarten Schedule), report blank.

An indication of the location of a persons legal residence relative to (within or outside of) the boundaries of the public school attended and its administrative unit.

This is optional, does not report.


 schoolChoiceTransfer  An indication of whether students transferred in or out of the school did so during the school year under the provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1116. 

This is optional, does not report.


Aggregate value that captures the actual days in attendance for a student.See actualDaysAttendance in Appendix B below for reporting logic.O

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Attendance Override


Calculated from:

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Level > Standard Day

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods

Student Information > General > Schedule

Student Information > General > Attendance

Aggregate value that capture the possible days in attendance for a student.See possibleDaysAttendance in Appendix B below for reporting logic.O

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Membership Override


Calculated from:

Student Information > General > Schedule

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Level > Standard Day

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods

Extensions (Wi_student
An unordered collection of student School Association Wisconsin Ext Receiving Services.See Receiving Services in the Array section below for reporting logic.O

Indicates whether or not a student completed the school term during the school enrollment period. It is collected for every student enrollment record and is not related to graduation. A student could have more than one enrollment record for a school year.

Report Null.


A reference to the related EducationOrganization
  1. If State Enrollment Type is NOT = Primary, do not report.
  2. Otherwise, if State Enrollment Type = Primary, continue to calculate.
  3. If Transfer District field is not Null on the most recent enrollment in the school, report the code value of the Transfer District.
  4. Otherwise, report blank.
OStudent Information > General > Enrollment > Transfer DistrictenrollmentWI.transferDistrict
Extensions (expected
A reference to the related School resource.
  1. If State Enrollment Type is NOT = Primary, do not report.
  2. Otherwise, if State Enrollment Type = Primary, continue to calculate.
  3. If Ed-Fi Transfer School ID is not Null on the most recent enrollment in the school, report the value entered in the field.
  4. Otherwise, report blank.
OStudent Information > General > Enrollment > Ed-Fi Transfer School IDenrollmentWI.edfiTransferSchool
Indicates whether a student is a
choice student or not.
  1. Report from the Enrollment generating the record.
    • If the enrollment generating the record is in a school where Ed-Fi School Population is marked Choice or Choice + Private Opt in.
    • If Choice student = Y: Yes, report TRUE.
  2. Otherwise, report FALSE.
OStudent Information > General > Enrollment > Choice StudentenrollmentWI.choiceStudent
Extensions (enrollment

Indicates how a student is enrolled at a school.

For Config Years 2022-23 and earlier:

  1. If Profile = Public Report the mapped value from the State Enrollment Type
  2. If Profile = Choice or Choice + Private Opt In, always report P:  Primary
MStudent Information > General > Enrollment > State Enrollment Type
Indicates how a student is enrolled at a school.

For Config years 2023-24 and later:

  1. If Profile = Public Report the mapped value from the State Enrollment Type
  2. If Profile = Choice or Choice + Private Opt In, always report P:  Primary

MStudent Information > General > Enrollment > State Enrollment Type
Extensions (residencyPeriods)
An indication of the location of a persons legal residence relative to (within or outside of) the boundaries of the public school attended and its administrative unit.

For Public Profile Only in Config years 2023-24 and later

See array section for details.


Instructional minutes for up to two classes for part-time students.Report the total instructional minutes for the student (up to 2 classes/day) for the current date:
  1. Residency/Census Status code = R-Home, NR-Home, or R-Private
  2. State Enrollment Type = Coursework Only
  3. Student is scheduled in no more than 2 class periods per day
  4. Instructional Time = (Period length - lunch time). Non-instructional periods do not count
    • Only count days marked in Calendar > Days as School Day, Attendance, AND Instruction (all 3).
    • If current date is non-instructional (holiday, no attendance, etc), report based on the next closest instructional/attendance day
    • Examples: 
      1. Class 2 - minutes = 45 minutes/day x 89 days = 4005 minutes
      2. Class 3 - minutes = 75 minutes/day x 89 days = 6675 minutes




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Receiving Services

Accountability Reporting (3FS and O1)

  1. If a student has a State Enrollment Type of PPP and is a sped student (locked iep), they should only report O1
  2. If student has a State Enrollment Type of Primary and they are not a sped student (locked iep), report 3FS only.
  3. If student has a State Enrollment Type of Primary and they are a sped student (locked iep), report both 3FS and O1.
  4. If student has a State Enrollment Type of Coursework only, do not report.

Pupil Count Reporting (M-TFS, M-2FJ, M-1FM)

  1. Only report for Public Profile configurations.
  2. Only report for students with State Enrollment Type = Primary, Membership, or Coursework Only.
  3. Do not report for student with State Enrollment Type = PPP.

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


Count Date (3FS, O1):

  1. Report in the record that is active and of the highest order on the Count Date.
    1. Only report if State Enrollment type = Primary or PPP.
    2. If State Enrollment Type for the enrollment determining the record = Coursework only, do not add values to the array.
  2. If the date is on or after the third Friday in September add the Ed Fi value from the Count Date Name Type for 3rd Friday in September to the array if the student meets the following criteria:
    1. Report only for the record reporting Attendance.
    2. The enrollment determining the record is in a calendar in a school where Ed-Fi School Population = Public.
      1. And the student's enrollment is active on the third Friday in September (not JUST the effective date for determining attendance, the physical #3 Friday in September on the real calendar).
      2. And the State Enrollment Type for the student enrollment corresponding to the record = Primary.


  1. The enrollment determining the record is in a calendar in a school where Ed-Fi School Population = Choice OR Choice + Private Opt In.
    1. And the student's enrollment is active on the third Friday in September (not JUST the effective date for determining attendance, the physical #3 Friday in September on the real calendar).
    2. And the State Enrollment Type for the student enrollment corresponding to the record = Primary.
  2. Otherwise, do not add values to the array.
  1. If the date is on or after October 1st
    1. Add the Ed Fi value from the Count Date Name Type for October 1st to the array If the student meets all of the following criteria:
      1. the enrollment determining the record is in a calendar in a school where Ed-Fi School Population = Public.
      2. the student's enrollment is active on October 1st (10/01/XX).
      3. the State Enrollment Type = PPP and the student has an active, locked IEP for the enrollment determining the record.
      4. or State Enrollment Type = Primary and the student has an active, locked IEP for the enrollment determining the record.
    2. Otherwise, do not add values to the array.

Pupil Count/Membership:

  1. Report in the record that is active and of the highest order on the Membership Date.
    1. Only report for students with State Enrollment Type = Primary, Membership, or Coursework Only for Public profile only.
    2. Note: Do not report for students with State Enrollment Type = PPP.
  2. M-1FM
    1. If the date is on or after the 1st Friday of May, add the Ed Fi value from the Count Date Name Type for M-1FM to the array if the student meets the following criteria:
      1. Only show countDateNameDescriptor if entityID = 4387.
        1. If the Alternate Membership Count Date for 1st Friday of May for the configuration being reported is populated, report based on this date instead of 1st Friday of May.
      2. The enrollment determining the record is in a calendar in a school where Ed-Fi School Population = Public.
        1. And the student's enrollment is active on the 1st Friday of May or override date .
      3. Otherwise, do not add values to the array.
    2. M-3FS
      1. If the date is on or after the 3rd Friday of Sept, add the Ed Fi value from the Count Date Name Type for M-3FS to the array if the student meets the following criteria:
        1. If the Alternate Membership Count Date for 3rd Fri of Sept for the configuration being reported is populated, report based on this date instead of 3rd Friday of Sept.
      2. The enrollment determining the record is in a calendar in a school where Ed-Fi School Population = Public.
        1. And the student's enrollment is active on the 3rd Friday of Sept or override date .
      3. Otherwise, do not add values to the array.
    3. M-2FJ
      1. If the date is on or after the 2nd Friday of Jan, add the Ed Fi value from the Count Date Name Type for M-2FJ to the array if the student meets the following criteria:
      2. If the Alternate Membership Count Date for 2nd Friday of Jan for the configuration being reported is populated, report based on this date instead of 2nd Friday of Jan.
      3. The enrollment determining the record is in a calendar in a school where Ed-Fi School Population = Public.
        1. And the student's enrollment is active on the 2nd Friday of Jan or override date .
      4. Otherwise, do not add values to the array.


Count Date (3FS, O1)

  1. Report in the record that is active and of the highest order on the Count Date.
    1. Only report if State Enrollment type = Primary or PPP.
    2. If State Enrollment Type for the enrollment determining the record = Coursework only, do not add values to the array.

3FS Reporting:

  1. If the date is on or after the third Friday in September
    1. If the third Friday in September is an Instructional, School, Attendance day; use that date for the calculation.
    2. Otherwise, use the closest Instructional, School, Attendance day PRIOR to the third Friday in September.
  2. Determine if the student is reportable for 3FS.
    1. If the student is not enrolled on that date, do not add to the array
    2. Report only for the record reporting Attendance.
    3. If the enrollment determining the record is in a calendar in a school where Ed-Fi School Population = Public AND the student's enrollment sending the record has a State Enrollment Type = PPP, do NOT add to the array.
  3. Determine the student's attendance status for that date for 3FS.
    1. Report first from the 3rd Friday Count Date Override field;
      1. If not NULL, add the Ed-fi value for the value saved in the field to the array.
    2. Otherwise, if the 3rd Friday Count Date Override field is blank,
      1. If the student does not have a schedule in the enrollment calendar or their schedule was ended prior to the count date in all calendars, report 'A' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
      2. If the student has a schedule in the calendar, but their schedule does not meet on the count date, use the closest Instructional, School, Attendance day PRIOR to the count date where the student’s schedule meets.
      3. If the student has a schedule and has no attendance marks, report 'P' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
    3. If the student has a "regular" schedule and has attendance marks of Absent Excused or Absent Unexcused, calculate the total number of minutes present for the student (If a student's enrollment determining the record has Percent Enrolled of 51 -100, or NULL the student is considered a Full Schedule student).
      1. If the student is present 33% of their schedule minutes or more minutes, add 'P' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
      2. Otherwise, if the student has less than 33% minutes present but at least 1 minute or of Attendance on the count date, report 'A' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
    4. If the student has a "partial" schedule and has attendance marks of Absent Excused or Absent Unexcused, calculate the total number of minutes present for the student (If a student's enrollment determining the record has Percent Enrolled of 50 or less the student is considered a Partially Scheduled student).
      1. If the student is present 1 or more minutes, add 'P' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
    5. If the student is absent (with 0 minutes Present) on the Count Date, check the student's previous attendance in the current calendar.
      1. If the student has 0 minutes of present attendance on all prior days in the calendar, report 'A' and add the value to the array.
      2. If the student has at least 1 minute of present attendance on any date prior to the Count Date.
        1. If the the current date = the Count Date, report 'A' and add the value to the array.
        2. If the current date is AFTER the count date, if the student has at least 1 minute present attendance on any date after the Count date, update the array to report 'A'.

Oct 1 (O1) Reporting:

  1. If the date is on or after October 1st
    1. If the 10/1 is an Instructional school attendance date, use that date for the calculation.
    2. Otherwise, use the closest Instructional school attendance day PRIOR to 10/1 for attendance calculation only.
  2. Determine if the student is reportable:
    1. If the enrollment determining the record is in a calendar in a school where Ed-Fi School Population is marked Choice or Choice + Private Opt In, do not add a value to the array .
    2. If the Student does not have a locked IEP or ISP that overlaps the enrollment reporting.
      1. Or if the locked Plan and has Special Ed Status = No, do not add a value to the array.
    3. If the Student has a locked IEP that overlaps Oct 1 BUT has a SPED exit date before Oct 1, do not add to the array.
    4. If the Student has an active, locked IEP that overlaps Oct 1 and a State Enrollment Type = Primary, add a value to the array.
    5. Otherwise, continue the calculation to determine their status.
  3. Determine the student's attendance status for that date.
    1. If the student is not enrolled on Oct 1, do not add to the array.
    2. Report first from the Oct. 1 Count Date Override field;
      1. If not NULL, add the Ed-fi value for the value saved in the field to the array.
    3. Otherwise, if the Oct. 1 Count Date Override field is blank, determine if the student is Parentally Place Private.
      1. If the student's enrollment sending the record has a State Enrollment Type = PPP, report 'P' and add that value for the count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
    4. Otherwise, use their schedule to determine the value to report.
    5. If the student does not have a schedule in the enrollment calendar.
      1. OR their schedule was ended prior to the count date in all calendars.
      2. OR their schedule starts after the count date.
      3. THEN report 'A' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
    6. If the student has a schedule in the calendar, but their schedule does not meet on the count date, use the closest Instructional, School, Attendance day PRIOR to the count date where the student’s schedule meets. 
    7. If the student has a schedule and has no attendance marks, report 'P' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
    8. If the student has a "regular" schedule and has attendance marks of Absent Excused or Absent Unexcused, calculate the total number of minutes present for the student (If a student's enrollment determining the record has Percent Enrolled of 51 -100, or NULL the student is considered a Full Schedule student .
      1. If the student is present 33% of their schedule minutes or more minutes, add 'P' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
      2. Otherwise, if the student has less than 33% minutes present but at least 1 minute or of Attendance on the count date, report 'A' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
    9. If the student has a "partial" schedule and has attendance marks of Absent Excused or Absent Unexcused, calculate the total number of minutes present for the student (If a student's enrollment determining the record has Percent Enrolled of 50 or less the student is considered a Partially Scheduled student).
      1. If the student is present 1 or more minutes, add 'P' and add the value for count Date Receiving Service Type to the array.
    10. If the student is absent (with 0 minutes Present) on the Count Date, check the student's previous attendance in the current calendar.
      1. If the student has 0 minutes of present attendance on all prior days in the calendar, report 'A' and add the value to the array.
      2. If the student has at least 1 minute of present attendance on any date prior to the Count Date.
        1. If the the current date = the Count Date, report 'A' and add the value to the array.
        2. If the current date is AFTER the count date, if the student has at least 1 minute present attendance on any date after the Count date, update the array to report 'A'.

Pupil Count/Membership:

  1. Only report for students with State Enrollment Type = Primary, Membership, or Coursework Only for Public profile only:
    1. Note: Do not report for students with State Enrollment Type = PPP.
    2. M-1FM
      1. If the date is on or after the 1st Friday of May, add the Ed-Fi value from the Count Date Name Type for M-1FM to the array if the student meets the following criteria: 
        1. Only show countDateNameDescriptor if entityID = 4387.
        2. If the Alternate Membership Count Date for 1st Friday of May for the configuration being reported is populated, report based on this date instead of 1st Friday of May
        3. If the student has a value selected for 1st Fri of May Ovrd - Milwaukee (Student Info > State Programs > Pupil Count), report the value
          1. Pupil Count record must overlap enrollment being reported.
        4. If the override field is blank:
          1. Report 'Not Receiving Services' if the student is absent on count date and has 0 attendance before count date for the config/school year
          2. Report student as 'Present' if all of the following are true and entityId = 4387 (Milwaukee):
            1. Student must be scheduled for at least one instructional period on the 1st Friday of May, and:
            2. The student is present in that period on the 1st Friday of May (a period with no absence).
              1. Absences with a Status of "Early Release" or "Tardy" or "Present" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences).
              2. Absences must have a Status of "A" on the effective date to count in this calculation.
              3. Absences with an Excuse of "Exempt" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences). All other Excuses are accepted.
          3. If the student is absent on count date but present for at least 1 day before count date for the school year and is a resident of the district (census status = any resident codes), report 'Absent'.
    3. M-3FS
      1. If the date is on or after the 3rd Friday of Sept, add the Ed Fi value from the Count Date Name Type for M-3FS to the array if the student meets the following criteria: 
        1. If the Alternate Membership Count Date for 3rd Fri of Sept for the configuration being reported is populated, report based on this date instead of 3rd Friday of Sept
        2. If student has a value selected for the 3rd Fri of Sept Mem Override (Student Info > State Programs > State Programs > Pupil Count), report the value
          1. Pupil Count record must overlap enrollment being reported
        3. If override field is blank:
          1. Report 'Not Receiving Services' if the student is absent on count date and has 0 attendance before count date for the config/school year
          2. Report student as 'Present' if all of the following are true and entityId = 4387 (Milwaukee):
            1. Student must be scheduled for at least one instructional period on the 1st Friday of May, and:
            2. The student is present in that period on the 1st Friday of May (a period with no absence)
              1. Absences with a Status of "Early Release" or "Tardy" or "Present" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences)
              2. Absences must have a Status of "A" on the effective date to count in this calculation.
              3. Absences with an Excuse of "Exempt" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences). All other Excuses are accepted
          3. If the student is absent on count date but present for at least 1 day before count date for the school year and is a resident of the district (census status = any resident codes), report 'Absent' 
    4. M-2FJ
      1. If the date is on or after the 2nd Friday of Jan, add the Ed Fi value from the Count Date Name Type for M-2FJ to the array if the student meets the following criteria: 
        1. If the Alternate Membership Count Date for 2nd Friday of Jan for the configuration being reported is populated, report based on this date instead of 2nd Friday of Jan
        2. If student has a value selected for the 2nd Fri of Jan Mem Override (Student Info > State Programs > Pupil Count), report the value
          1. Pupil Count record must overlap enrollment being reported
        3. If override field is blank:
          1. Report 'Not Receiving Services' if the student is absent on count date and has 0 attendance before count date for the config/school year
          2. Report student as 'Present' if all of the following are true:
            1. Student must be scheduled for at least one instructional period on the 2nd Friday of January, and:
            2. The student is present in that period on the 2nd Friday of January (a period with no absence).
              1. Absences with a Status of "Early Release" or "Tardy" or "Present" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences).
              2. Absences must have a Status of "A" on the effective date to count in this calculation.
              3. Absences with an Excuse of "Exempt" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences). All other Excuses are accepted.
          3. If the student is absent on count date but present for at least 1 day before count date for the school year and is a resident of the district (census status = any resident codes), report 'Absent'

Residency Period

For Public profile only

If a Pupil Count record does NOT exist for the student, they are considered a 'R - Resident' student and should report a record.

  1. If multiple Pupil Count records exist and one record = R and the other does not, report both records.
  2. Only report residency periods that fall within the enrollment the studentSchoolAssociations record is reporting for.
Data Element LabelBusiness REquirementM, C or OData Source GUI PathDatabase Field



  1. Report the value selected in Resident District (Student Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District) if different than the reporting district (when only 1 credential exists for the configuration)
  2. If multiple credentials exist for the configuration for the config year and Resident District on enrollment is populated with a value that is different from the District Number in the Configuration > Credentials, report the entityID for the Resident District value on enrollment.
    • If the Resident District on enrollment is null, report the District Number from the Credentials area of the configuration.
    • If both Resident District and District Number on configuration are null, do not report the extended element.
CStudent Info > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District
  1. Report the Start Date of the Pupil Count record from the Pupil Count state program tab that falls within the config year.
CStudent Info > Program Participation > State Programs > Pupil Count > Start Date
residencyStatusDescriptorReport the value selected from the Residency/Census Status field on the new Pupil Count state program tab
  1. Student must have a record with a start date that falls within the config year.
    • If multiple records exist, report each record.
CStudent Info > Program Participation > State Programs > Pupil Count > Residency/Census Status
  1. Report the End Date populated for the Pupil Count record, if it exists
CStudent Info > Program Participation > State Programs > Pupil Count > End Date


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Appendix A: Object Triggering with Multiple Enrollments



Logic/ Conditions

Visualization(s)/ Results

1Deleting enrollments when there are multiple concurrent enrollments
  1. A Primary (P) and Special Ed (N) enrollment exist and an Ed-fi record posts with Attendance data.
  2. The Primary (P) enrollment is deleted.
  3. The Special Ed (N) enrollment is not changed or edited in any way.

Expected Results:

The StudentSchoolAssociationWIExt record with the start date of the Primary Enrollment is deleted when the Primary enrollment is deleted.

A new StudentSchoolAssociationWIExt record is created and attendance is recalculated based on only the remaining existing Partial enrollment.

Appendix B: Attendance Calculations

Data Element


  1. Report this element for only one (1) active record per school based on the highest order of enrollments.
    • Only report for enrollments where State Enrollment type is Primary.
    • When State Enrollment Type is PPP, report 0.
    • WhenState Enrollment Type is Coursework only, do not report attendance.
    • If there are multiple enrollments and the determining enrollment is ended, report in the next most recent by start date.
  2. Report an aggregate from all enrollments in the school the have the same start date.
  3. Report first from the Attendance Override field on Enrollment if entered on any of the enrollments fitting the requirements.
  4. Otherwise, if Membership Override is NULL/ blank on all reporting Enrollments, continue on to the calculation.
  5. Report using the calculation based on the Grade Level, Standard Day setting for the reporting enrollment's grade (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Level > Standard Day).
    • If a student's enrollment determining the record has a grade level where the standard day is 0.5, the student is considered a Partially Scheduled student and the Partially Scheduled Students calculation should be used to determine their Attendance.
    • If the Grade Level does NOT have a Standard day of 0.5, determine which calculation to use based on the student's Percent Enrolled.
  6. Report using calculation based on the student's Percent Enrolled:
    • If a student's enrollment determining the record has Percent Enrolled of 51 -100 or NULL, the student is considered a Full Schedule student.
    • If a student's enrollment determining the record has Percent Enrolled of 50 or less, the student is considered a Partially Scheduled student.
  7. Full Schedule Students calculation
    • For each day that meets the following where the student has a schedule:
      • Instructional, attendance, school date are checked.
      • Day event is NOT 99: Health Emergency.
    • If the student meets the above and has no attendance marks, add 1 to actual days of attendance for that date.
    • If the student meets the above has attendance marks of Absent Excused or Absent Unexcused, calculate the total number of scheduled minutes for the student and the total minutes present for the student on that day.
      • If the student's present minutes are 66% or more of the calculated minutes scheduled, add 1 to the actual days of attendance for that date.
      • If the student's present minutes are 33% or more but less than 66% time present, add a half day (0.5) to the actual days of attendance for that date.
      • If the student less than 33% time present, do not add any days (0) to the actual days of attendance for that date.
  8. Partially Scheduled Students calculation
    • For each day that meets the following where the student has a schedule:
      • Instructional, Attendance, School Date are checked.
      • Day event is NOT 99: Health Emergency.
    • If the student has no attendance marks, add 0.5 to actual days of attendance for that date.
    • If the student has attendance marks of Absent Excused or Absent Unexcused but is present 1 or more minutes, add 0.5 to actual days of attendance for that date.
    • If the student has attendance marks of Absent Excused or Absent Unexcused for the entire day with 0 minutes present, do not add any days (0) to the actual days of attendance for that date.

  9. Report the total of all actual days of attendance from the beginning of the enrollment to the current date.

  1. Report this element for only one (1) active record per school based on the highest order of enrollments.
    • Only report for enrollments were State Enrollment Type is Primary.
    • When State Enrollment Type is PPP, report 0.
    • WhenState Enrollment Type is Coursework only, do not report attendance.
    • If there are multiple enrollments and the determining enrollment is ended, report in the next most recent by start date.
  2. Report an aggregate from all enrollments in the school the have the same start date.
  3. Report first from the Membership Override field on Enrollment if entered on any of the enrollments fitting the requirements.
  4. Otherwise if Membership Override is NULL/ blank on all reporting Enrollments, continue on to the calculation.
  5. Report using calculation based on the Grade Level, Standard Day setting for the reporting enrollment's grade (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Level > Standard Day).
    • If a student's enrollment determining the record has a grade level where Standard day is 0.5, the student is considered a Partially Scheduled student and the Partially Scheduled Students calculation should be used to determine their Attendance.
    • If the Grade Level does not have a Standard day of 0.5, determine which calculation to use based on the student's Percent Enrolled.
  6. Report using calculation based on the student's Percent Enrolled:
    • If a student's enrollment determining the record has Percent Enrolled of 51 -100, or NULL the student is considered a Full Schedule student.
    • If a student's enrollment determining the record has Percent Enrolled of 50 or less the student is considered a Partially Scheduled student.
  7. Full Schedule Students calculation
    • For each enrollment included in the record calculation from the enrollment start date to the current date, count the unique days of enrollment in each calendar for the days marked Instruction, School, and Attendance and the Day Event is not 99: Health Emergency.
      • If the student is not scheduled on that date, do not add any possible days of attendance for that date.
      • If the student is scheduled into Attendance taking courses, add 1 to the possible days of attendance.
  8. Partially Scheduled Students calculation
    • For each enrollment included in the record calculation from the enrollment start date to the current date, count the unique days of enrollment in each calendar for the days marked Instruction, School, and Attendance and the Day Event is not 99: Health Emergency.
      • If the student is not scheduled on that date, do not add any possible days of attendance for that date.
      • If the student is scheduled into Attendance taking courses, add 0.5 to the possible days of attendance.
  9. Report the total of all possible days of attendance from the beginning of the enrollment to the current date.


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Enrollment Type 

PrimaryEnrollment at the school that most directly supervises the PK-12 educational services.
ParentPlacedPrivateNon-primary enrollment in a public school providing special education services. If the private school providing primary education services is a Choice school, that school submits the student's enrollment as Primary.
CourseworkNon-primary enrollment for students taking courses at a school that is not their primary school.
MembershipPrimary enrollment submitted for students whose age is outside expected range that must be met for grade levels. This enrollment type is used to count pupils for membership reporting purposes only. This enrollment type should only be used by public schools.


Ed-Fi Code Value

Ed-Fi Short Description

Ed-Fi Description

3FS3rd Friday of September3rd Fri Sept
O1October 1stOct 1st
M-3FS3rd Friday of September for Membership
M-2FJ2nd Friday of January for Membership
M-1FM1st Friday of May for Membership (Milwaukee Only)


Ed-Fi Code Value

Ed-Fi Short Description

Ed-Fi Description

PPresent, receiving services on the count datePresent
AAbsent, receiving services on the count dateAbsent
NNot receiving servicesNot Receiving Services

Exit Withdraw Type Descriptors

 Code ValueShort DescriptionEd-Fi Description
BCABelow Compulsory AgeBelow Compulsory Age
INMInternational moveInternational move
ISMInterstate move. Move to another state within the country.Interstate move. Move to another state within the country. Not known to be continuing.
PCCPrior Completion CredentialPrior Completion Credential
TCContinuing in Current SchoolContinuing in Current School
TCTransfer to Another WI SchoolTransfer to Another WI School. Known to be continuing.
TNCTransfer to a school not covered by WSLSTransfer to a school not covered by WSLS. Known to be continuing.
TOSTransfer out-of-stateTransfer out-of-state. Known to be continuing.
ETCExpected transfer to another school covered by WSLSExpected Transfer to Another School Covered WSLS; Not known to be continuing.
HSCHigh School CompletionHigh School Completion
MAReached Maximum Age for ServicesReached Maximum Age for Services
ODOOther dropout or possible dropoutOther dropout or possible dropout