Individual Education Plan (Kentucky)

Tool Search: Special Ed Documents

The Individual Education Plan is used to capture student special education plan information and match the required documentation provided by the state of Kentucky. This document describes each editor, each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions. For information on general functionality, navigation, and additional plan and evaluation features, see the core Plan and Evaluation Information article.

The current format of this document is the KY IEP 2023. Plan formats are selected in the Special Ed Plan Types tool.

Screenshot of the list of editors in the IEPEditor Home

Education Plan

The Education Plan editor includes the various dates associated with the plan, why the IEP meeting was held, and how student progress is reported.

This editor must be saved before entering data into other editors. This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Education Plan editor.Education Plan Editor

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Field Description Ad Hoc Validation
The type of plan. Options include: 
  • Initial
  • Annual
  • Transferred
Meeting Date
The day the IEP meeting took place. N/A N/A
Start Date
The day on which the plan begins for the student. Learner Planning > Learning Plans > planStartDate

This field auto-populates to the same date as the Meeting Date, but can be modified. This date must be after the Meeting Date.

End Date
The day on which the plan ends for the student. Learner Planning > Learning Plans > planEndDate This auto-populates to be one year minus one day from the Start Date, but can be modified. This field cannot be longer than one year minus one day from the Start Date.
Date of Eligibility Determination
The date the student was deemed eligible to receive special education services.  N/A This field auto-populates from the most recent, locked Evaluation.

When a new Evaluation is locked after a Plan is created, the new Evaluation date is pulled into the Plan and the following message displays, "The Date of Eligibility Determination has changed since this Plan was last saved. Save this editor to ensure the updated information displays on the printed document."

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Student Information

The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor. 

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Information section for additional information.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Student Information editor. Student Information Editor

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Field Description Database/UI Location (when Refresh is clicked)
Last Name The student's last name.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First Name The student's first name.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Middle Name The student's middle name.

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


Suffix The student's suffix.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


Gender The student's gender.

Census > People > Demographics > Gender


Birthdate The student's birthdate.

Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date


Age The student's age. Census > People > Demographics > Age
Race, Ethnicity The student's race/ethnicity. Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity

Home Primary Language The student's language they speak at home. Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language


The student's address.

This field becomes a dropdown when more than one address exists for the student. The primary household displays by default.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;

Student Number The student's identification number. Census > People > Demographics > Student Number
State ID The student's state identification number. Census > People > Demographics > State ID
Case Manager Information
These fields are read-only.
Name The first and last name of the team member. Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Name
Title The role of the team member. Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Title
Phone The phone number of the team member. Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members > Case Manager Work Phone

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Enrollment Information

The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment record. This editor is read-only.

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. The Refresh button must be clicked before the editor can be placed in a Complete status.

See the General Information section for additional information.

The Primary Disability field must be populated from the locked Evaluation to place this editor in a Complete status.

Screenshot of the Enrollment Information editor. Enrollment Information Editor

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Field Description Database/UI Location (when Refresh is clicked) Validation
Primary Disability The student's primary disability. Enrollment.disability1 This field is read-only and is pulled from the most recent, locked evaluation. When there is no locked evaluation, this value is pulled from the student's enrollment record.

The Primary Disability field must be populated from the locked Evaluation to place this editor in a Complete status.
Special Ed Status
The student's special ed status. Options include:
  • A: Active
  • AR: Active/Referred
  • ER: Eligible - Parents refused
  • I: Inactive


Special Ed Setting

The student's special ed setting.


Preschool Settings (PreK) display when the student is age four (4) or younger any time between the Start Date of the plan, which can include 12/1, until the next 12/1.

School Age Settings display when the student is age six (6) or older any time between the Start Date of the plan, which can include 12/1, until the next 12/1.

All Settings display when the student is age five (5) any time between the start date of the plan, which can include 12/1, until the next 12/1.

Grade The student's current grade.

Enrollment > Grade


This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
District of Residence The student's district of residence. Ad hoc Filter Designer > Student > Learner Planning > Learning Plans > residentDistrictNumber This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
School of Attendance The student's school of attendance. Ad hoc Filter Designer > Student > Learner Planning > Learning Plans > Enrollments > residentSchool

This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
School of Attendance Phone The student's school of attendance phone number. Ad hoc Filter Designer > Student > Learner Planning > Learning Plans > School > Phone
This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
District Information
District Number The district number associated with the Enrolled school. System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
District Name The district name associated with the Enrolled school. System Administration > Resources > District Information > Name This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
District Address The district address associated with the Enrolled school. System Administration > Resources > District Information > Address This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
District Phone The district phone number associated with the Enrolled school. System Administration > Resources > District Information > Phone This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
District SPED Address The district special education address associated with the Enrolled school. System Administration > Resources > District Information > SPED Address This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
District SPED Phone The district special ed phone number associated with the Enrolled school. System Administration > Resources > District Information > SPED Phone This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.

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Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian. 

The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the IEP. 

The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This also returns any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields do not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Parent/Guardian Information editor. Parent/Guardian Information Editor

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Field Description Database/UI Location (when Refresh is clicked) Validation
Last Name The last name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
First Name The first name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Middle Name The suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Suffix The suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Relationship The relation of the parent/guardian to the student. Census > People > Relationships This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Print Sequence The print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the IEP. N/A When no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. When any Sequences are selected, only parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number prints in the order defined.
Address The parent/guardians' address.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;

This field populates from Census. 

When there are multiple addresses for a person, a drop down with an option to select which address displays. When there is only one address, the drop down has one option. The populated address is the one marked Primary.

Home Phone The home phone number of the parent/guardian. Census > People > Demographics > Household Phone This field populates from Census.
Work Phone The work phone of the parent/guardian. Census > People > Demographics > Work Phone This field populates from Census.
Cell Phone The cell phone of the parent/guardian. Census > People > Demographics > Cell Phone This field populates from Census.
E-mail The primary email address for the parent/guardian. Census > People > Demographics > Email This field populates from Census.

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Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

The Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance editor provides a summary of the student's current achievement in school. This editor includes areas for parent and student input and a description of various kinds of assistance the student could receive.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Present Levels editor. Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Editor

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Field Description Validation
Communication Status A description of the student's communication status. N/A
Performance commensurate with similar age peers Indicates the student's communication performance is commensurate with similar age peers. Either this checkbox or the above text field are required in order to mark the editor as Complete.
Academic Performance A description of the student's academic performance. N/A
Performance commensurate with similar age peers Indicates the student's academic performance is commensurate with similar age peers. Either this checkbox or the above text field are required in order to mark the editor as Complete.
Health, Vision, Hearing, Motor Abilities A description of the student's health, vision, hearing and motor abilities. N/A
Not an area of concern at this time Indicates the student's health, vision, hearing and motor abilities are not an area of concern at this time. Either this checkbox or the above text field are required in order to mark the editor as Complete.
Social and Emotional Status A description of the student's social and emotional status. N/A
Performance commensurate with similar age peers Indicates the student's social and emotional performance is commensurate with similar age peers. Either this checkbox or the above text field are required in order to mark the editor as Complete.
General Intelligence A description of the student's general intelligence. N/A
Performance commensurate with similar age peers Indicates the student's general intelligence performance is commensurate with similar age peers. Either this checkbox or the above text field are required in order to mark the editor as Complete.
Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment A description of the student's functional vision/learning media assessment. N/A
Not an area of concern at this time Indicates the student's functional vision/learning media assessment is not an area of concern at this time. Either this checkbox or the above text field are required in order to mark the editor as Complete.
Functional Hearing, Listening, & Communication Assessment A description of the student's functional hearing, listening, and communication assessment.  N/A
Not an area of concern at this time Indicates the student's functional hearing, listening, and communication assessment are not an area of concern at this time. Either this checkbox or the above text field are required in order to mark the editor as Complete.
Transition Needs

Not an area of concern at this time 

Indicates transition needs are not an area of concern at this time. When this is marked, the multiple checkboxes below and the Comments text box are grayed out.

This checkbox OR at least one of the Check all areas... checkboxes are required in order to mark the editor as Complete.

Check all areas of need as identified by the Admissions and Release Committee

The areas of need identified. Options include:

  • Instruction
  • Related Services
  • Community Experiences
  • Employment
  • Daily Living Skills
  • Post School Adult Living Objectives
  • Functional Vocational Evaluation
When any of these are marked, the "Not an area of concern at this time..." checkbox above is grayed out. Multiple checkboxes can be marked.
Comments Any additional comments. N/A

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Transition Service Needs (14)

Screenshot of the Transition Service Needs (14) editor. Transition Service Needs (14) Editor

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Field Description Validation

What transition assessments were used to determine the student's preferences and interests?


Which transition assessment were conducted to determine the student's preferences and interests. Options include:

  • Student Interview
  • Student Portfolio
  • Interest Inventory
  • Career Awareness
  • Individual Learning Plan
  • Student Survey
  • Vocational Assessments
  • Parent Interview
  • Career Aptitude
  • Other
Specify Other
Any other transition assessments.  *This is available and required when Other is selected above.

Needs Related to the Course of Study


Indicates the Course of Study is included in this plan. Options include:

  • The Multi Year Course of Study is included with this IEP.
  • The Multi Year Course of Study has been uploaded and attached.

Only one option may be selected.

Do transition service needs focus on the child's course of study and are they addressed in the Present Levels?

Indicates transition services need to focus on the student's course of study and whether or not they are addressed in the Present Levels. Options are No or Yes.


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Postsecondary Goals and Services

The Postsecondary Goals and Services editor details a student's postsecondary goals in education/training and employment or independent living skills.

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Postsecondary Goals and Services List Screen

Screenshot of the Postsecondary Goals and Services editor. Postsecondary Goals and Services List Screen

Column Name Description
Padlock Icon The user currently editing the Postsecondary Goal and Services record.
Postsecondary Goal Relation The area of the goal. 
Postsecondary Goal The postsecondary goal.

Postsecondary Goals and Services Detail Screen

Click New or an existing record to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Postsecondary Goals and Services detail screen.Postsecondary Goals and Services Detail Screen

Field Description Validation
Postsecondary Goal(s) related to Education/Training, Employment, and if needed, Independent Living.
Postsecondary Goal Relation

The area of the goal. Options include:

  • Education/Training & Employment
  • Independent Living
Options are hard coded.
Postsecondary Goal Timeframe

The timeframe for the goal. Options include:

  • After high school
  • After graduation
  • Upon completion of high school
Options are hard coded.

Student's goal is to...

A description of the student's goal. The helper text changes based on the Postsecondary Goal Relation selection.

to be able to...

A continuation of the student's goal. This field is only available when Education/Training & Employment is selected from the Postsecondary Goal Relation field.
Student's Postsecondary Goal The read-only text of the student's goal spelled out.

This field is read-only. It displays as the following:

  • <Timeframe field>, <Student Name's> goal is to <education/training field> to be able to <employment field>.
  • <Timeframe field>, <Student Name's> goal is to <independent living field>.
Transition Services and Agency Responsibility
Transition Service
The name of the transition service to be provided to the student.

The Template Bank for this field is called KY IEP: Agency Responsibilities.

Agency Responsible The agency responsible for the transition service.

The Template Bank for this field is called
KY IEP: Agency Responsible.

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Course of Study

The Course of Study editor lists the proposed courses the student is recommended to complete to meet established post secondary goals.

Only 8 Grade cards can be included on this editor.

Screenshot of the Course of Study editor. Course of Study Editor

Field Description Validation
Proposed courses of study to assist the student in reaching the measurable postsecondary goals.

The grade level. Options include: 

  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 14
The values available are hard-coded.
Subject(s) The subjects related to the course of study. Multiple subjects may be selected.

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Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority

The Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority editor details that when the child is 17 during the course of his or her IEP, the child and parent(s) have been informed of the transfer of rights when the child reaches the age of 18.Screenshot of the Transfer Rights at Age of Majority editor. Transfer of Rights at Age of Majority Editor

Field Description Validation
If applicable, one year before the student reaches age 18 the student and parent have been informed of the student's rights under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, if any, that will transfer on reaching the age of majority.
Date Student was Informed
The date the student was informed of their transfer rights.  *This field is required when the student is 16 or older during the life of the plan.

This field pulls in from the most recent, locked plan when available.

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Special Factors

The Special Factors editor identifies additional steps required to address the student's needs.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Special Factors editor. Special Factors Editor

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Field Description Validation
Considerations of Special Factors for IEP Development
The ARC MUST address each question below and consider these issues in the review and revision of the IEP.
Does the child's behavior impede his/her learning or that of others?

Indicates the student's behavior impacts their learning or the learning of others. Options include Yes or No.

If yes, consider, if appropriate, strategies, including positive behavioral intervention strategies and supports to address that behavior.
A description of strategies for positive behavior intervention and supports to address the behavior.

* This field becomes available and is required in order to Complete the editor when Yes is selected above.

Does the child have limited English proficiency?

Indicates the student has limited English proficiency. Options include Yes or No.

If yes, what is the relationship of language needs to the IEP?
A description of the language needs.

* This field becomes available and is required in order to Complete the editor when Yes is selected above.

Is the child blind or visually impaired?

Indicates the student is blind or visually impaired. Options include Yes or No.

If yes, the IEP Team must consider
Is instruction in Braille needed?

Indicates instruction in Braille is needed. Options include Yes or No.

Is use of Braille needed?

Indicates the use of Braille is needed. Options include Yes or No.


Will Braille be the student's primary mode of communication?

Indicates Braille is the primary mode of communication. Options include Yes or No.


For Math & Science, student will need


The student's braille needs for instruction in math and science. Options include:

  • Unified English Braille (UEB) only
  • Unified English Braille (UEB) w/Nemeth Code
*This field is required when any of the above three Braille questions are answered Yes.
Does the child have communication needs?

Indicates the student has communication needs. Options include Yes or No.

If yes, specify below

The specific communication need of the student. Options include:

  • See Present Levels for Communication Status
  • Other
Only one option can be selected.
Specify Other
A description of the student's other communication needs.

* This field becomes available and is required in order to Complete the editor when Other is selected above.

Is the child deaf or hard of hearing?

Indicates the student is deaf or hard of hearing. Options include Yes or No.

If yes, the IEP Team must consider
1. The child's language and communication needs; Describe

A description of the student's language communication needs. Options include:

  • See Present Levels for Communication Status and Functional Hearing, Listening and Communication Assessment
  • Other
Only one option can be selected.
Specify Other
A description of the student's other communication needs. 

* This field becomes available and is required in order to Complete the editor when Other is selected above.

2. Opportunities for direct communications with peers and professional personnel in the child's language and communication mode, academic level and full range of needs; Describe A description of any opportunities for direct communications with peers and professional personnel in the child's language and communication mode. N/A
3. Any necessary opportunities for direct instruction in the child's language and communication mode. Describe A description of any necessary opportunities for direct instruction in the child's language and communication mode. N/A
Are assistive technology devices and services necessary in order to implement the child's IEP?

Indicates assistive technology devices and services necessary in order to fulfill the student's IEP. Options include Yes or No.

If yes, include appropriate devices in the Statement of Devices/Services below A description of the appropriate devices. N/A

Statement of Devices/Services

If the ARC answers Yes to any of the questions above, include a statement of services and or devices to be provided to address the above special factors.


The statement of devices and services for the student. Options include:

  • See Specially Designed Instruction
  • See Supplemental Aids and Services
  • See Behavior Intervention Plan
  • Other

*When at least one drop down from the following equals Yes from above, these question is required:

  • Does the child's behavior...
  • Does the child have limited English...
  • Is the child blind...
  • Does the child have communication...
  • Is the child deaf...
  • Are assistive technology...
Specify Other
Any other statement of devices/services.

*This field becomes available and is required in order to Complete the editor when Other is selected above.

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Goals and Objectives

The Goals and Objectives editor lists goals designed to measure the student's progress in general education curriculum. Each goal includes how the goal is measured and how success is determined.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status. At least one record must be saved in order to mark this editor as "Complete."

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Goals and Objectives List Screen

Click the plus (+) icon to view any objectives associated with the goal from the list screen, when applicable.

Screenshot of the Goals and Objectives list screen.Goals and Objectives List Screen

Column Name


Padlock Icon The user currently editing the Goal and Objective record.
Sequence The sequence number of the goal.
Annual Goal The name of the goal.

Goal Detail Screen

Select an existing record or click New to view the Goal detail screen.

Screenshot of the Goal detail screen.Goals Detail Screen

Field Name





The sequence number of the goal. This field cannot be zero. The number is automatically populated based on the next available number and must be unique.
Area The area of concern addressed by the goal.

Annual Goal


The description of the student's academic and/or functional goals.


Methods of Measurement  The description of the method in which the student is evaluated toward reaching the goal. Options include:
  • Authentic Assessment
  • Curriculum Based Measures
  • Direct Measures
  • Indirect Measures
Specially Designed Instruction A description of any specially designed instruction for the student. The template bank for this field is KY IEP Goal: Specially Designed Instruction.
For the IEP to be in effect by the child's 16th birthday and thereafter
This annual goal will reasonably enable the student to meet the student's postsecondary goal in the area(s) of The postsecondary area the goal addresses. Options include: 
  • Education/Training
  • Employment
  • Independent Living
At least one of these must be marked when the student is 16 or older during the life of the plan. A message displays when the student is not 16, "One or more postsecondary goal area(s) must be marked for students age 16 and over."

Objective Detail Screen

Select the plus (+) icon or click Add to view the Objectives detail screen.

Screenshot of the Objective detail screen.Objectives Detail Screen

Field Name



The sequence number for the objective.



A description of the student's objective.

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Reporting Progress

The Reporting Progress editor defines how often progress towards a measurable annual goal is reported per academic year.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Reporting Progress editor.Reporting Progress Editor

Field Description Validation
Reporting Progress

The reporting progress for reporting the student's progress toward their goals. Options include:

  • Concurrent with the issuance of Report Cards
  • Other
Only one option can be selected.
Specify Other
A description of an other frequency for reporting progress.

*This field becomes available and is required in order to Complete the editor when Other is selected above.

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Supplementary Aids and Services

The Supplementary Aids and Services editor lists additional supports provided to the student that are necessary to measure the academic achievement and functional performance of the student on State, District-wide, and classroom assessments.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Supplementary Aids and Services editor.Supplementary Aids and Services Editor

Field Description
Statement of Supplementary Aids and Services, to be provided to the child or on behalf of the child A description of the supplementary aids and services to be provided to the student.

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Accommodations for State/Classroom Assessments

The Accommodations for State/Classroom Assessments editor indicates whether the student requires accommodations or alternative assessments to take standardized tests.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Accommodations editor.Accommodations for State/Classroom Assessments Editor

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Field Description Validation
Accommodations for Administration of State Assessments and Assessments in the Classroom
ARC determined no accommodations needed Indicates no accommodations are needed for the student. When this is marked, the rest of the fields are not available.

In order to justify appropriateness of accommodations for any state mandated tests, the testing accommodations must be used consistently as part of routine instruction and classroom assessment as well as meet all additional requirements established by the Inclusion of Special Population in the State-Required Assessment and Accountability Programs, 703 KAR 5:070 document.

Note: The Kentucky Administrative Regulations regarding accommodations on state testing dictate whether a student may use a particular accommodation during the administration of state tests. Any IEP test accommodation that the regulations determine will invalidate a particular test or type of test shall not be utilized in administration of such test to the student.


The accommodation to be provided to the student. Click the Click to expand link to view options available.

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  • Paraphrasing
  • Scribes
  • Manipulatives
  • Use of Technology
  • Braille
  • Large Print
  • Reinforcement and behavior modification strategies
  • Extended Time (select one)
    • Time and a Half
    • Double Time
  • Readers (select one)
    • Online / Text Reader
    • Human Reader
  • Calculator (select one)
    • Online Calculator
    • Handheld Calculator
    • Special Calculator
  • Interpreters (select one)
    • American Sign Language
    • Other Language
  • Other

When the following are marked, another text field displays and is required:

  • Special Calculator
    • Specify Special Calculator
  • Other Language
    • Specify Other Language
  • Other
    • Specify Other

Either the ARC determined no accommodations needed checkbox OR one of these Accommodations checkbox is required.

Specify Special Calculator


A description of the special calendar. *This field displays and required when Special Calculator is marked above.

Specify Other Language


A description of the other language. *This field displays and required when Other Language is marked above.

Specify Other


A description of the other accommodation. *This field displays and required when Other is marked above.

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Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines

The Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines editor indicates whether the student meets the criteria for receiving alternative assessments to take standardized tests.

Screenshot of the Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines editor.Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines

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Field Description Validation
Kentucky Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines Documentation Form
**For further clarification of terms used in this worksheet, please refer to the Guidance for Admissions & Release Committee(ARCs) on Participation Decisions for the KY Alternate Assessment.
**All answers to Participation Criterion must be answered Yes in order to be eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment.

The parent was provided a copy of the Alternate Assessment Parent Guide with an opportunity to ask questions.

Indicates the parent was provided a copy Alternate Assessment Parent Guide. Options include Yes or No.

When Guide was Provided to Parents

An indication when the guide was provided to the parent. Options include:

  • Prior to Meeting
  • During Meeting
  • Other
Date Guide Provided to Parents The date the guide was provided to the parent. N/A
The Admissions and Release Committee has explained the difference between an Alternative High School Diploma (704 KAR 3:305) and a Regular High School Diploma to all members of the ARC.

Indicates the committee has explained the difference between an Alternate and Regular High School Diploma. Options include Yes or No.

Participation in the KY Alternate Assessment is stated in the IEP and based on the annual review.
Participation Criterion #1
Questions to determine eligibility.
1. Has the student been determined to be a student with a disability eligible to receive special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

Indicate the student is determined to have a disability and is eligible to receive services. Options include Yes or No.

2. Is a current Individual Education Program (IEP) in place or being developed for the student?

Indicates and IEP is in place or is developing for the student. Options include Yes or No.



Answer to Criterion

A response to the above two questions. Options include:

  • If NO to either question. Stop here. The student must meet Special Education Determination for Eligibility criteria in one or more disability categories defined in Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR). The student is not eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment. The ARC must determine state approved accommodations (as set forth in 703 KAR 5:070) in the general assessment, if any, refer to the accommodations and modifications form. Document on IEP and conference summary.
  • If YES to both. If the student meets the Special Education Determination for Eligibility criteria in one or more disability categories, continue to Criterion #2.

Only one option can be selected. 

When No is marked, the ARC Eligibility Determination section displays.

When Yes is marked, the Participation Criterion #2 section displays.

Sources of Evidence and Justification

Check and complete after sources have been reviewed and documented in the conference summary

Evaluation Data Indicates an evaluation was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the evaluation. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Disability Eligibility Determination Form  Indicates a Disability Eligibility Determination Form was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the form. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Individual Education Program Indicates a Individual Education Plan was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the IEP. Becomes available when corresponding checkbox is selected.
Other An other source of data was used. N/A
Specify Other A description of the other source of data. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Participation Criterion #2
1. The student's demonstrated cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior in the home, school and community environments are significantly below age expectations, even with program modifications and accommodations.

Indicates the student demonstrated cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior in the home, school and community environments are significantly below age expectations. Options include Yes or No.

2. ARC reviewed current and longitudinal data across settings (age appropriate home, school, and community environments) in all academic areas AND adaptive behavior(s), to inform the ARC decision.

Indicates the committee reviewed data across all settings to inform the decision. Options include Yes or No.



Answer to Criterion

A response to the above two questions. Options include:

  • If NO to either question. Stop here. The student does not have a significant cognitive disability. The student is not eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment. The ARC must determine state approved accommodations (as set forth in 703 KAR 5:070) in the general assessment, if any, refer to the accommodations and modifications form. Document on IEP and conference summary.
  • If YES to both. Continue to Criterion #3.

Only one option can be selected. 

When No is marked, the ARC Eligibility Determination section displays.

When Yes is marked, the Participation Criterion #3 section displays.

Sources of Evidence and Justification

Evaluation Data Indicates an evaluation was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the evaluation. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Individual Education Program Indicates an individual education plan was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the plan. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Previous IEP Indicates a previous individual education plan was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the previous plan. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Progress Monitoring Data  Indicates progress monitoring data was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Specify Progress Monitoring Data A description of the progress monitoring data. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Teacher Observations (optional) Indicates teacher observations were used as a source of evidence. N/A
Specify Teacher Observations A description of the teacher observations. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Other An other source of data was used. N/A
Specify Other A description of the other data used. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Supporting Comments (optional) Any additional comments needed. N/A
Specify Supporting Comments A description of the supporting comments. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Participation Criterion #3
1. Does the student require extensive individual direct instruction across multiple settings, utilizing intensive accommodations, modifications and assistive technology to access and make progress on the Kentucky Academic Standards and to maintain and generalize learning.

Indicates the student require extensive individual direct instruction across multiple settings. Options include Yes or No.

2. ARC reviewed current and longitudinal data across settings (age appropriate home, school, and community environments) to inform the ARC decision.

Indicates the committee reviewed data across setting to inform their decision. Options include Yes or No.



Answer to Criterion

A response to the above two questions. Options include:

  • NO to either question. Stop here. The ARC determines that the student does not require direct instruction across multiple settings and/or accommodations, modifications, and supports that exceed what is allowed on the general assessments for students as described in the "Inclusion Document" and set forth in 703 KAR 5:070. The student is not eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment. The ARC must determine state approved accommodations (as set forth in 703 KAR 5:070) in the general assessment, if any, refer to the accommodations and modifications form. Document on IEP and conference summary.
  • Yes to both. The student requires extensive direct individual instruction in multiple settings and substantial supports to achieve measurable gains in the grade and age appropriate curriculum that do exceed what is allowed on the general assessments for students as described in the "Inclusion Document" and set forth in 703 KAR 5:070, Continue to Criterion #4.

Only one option can be selected. 

When No is marked, the ARC Eligibility Determination section displays.

When Yes is marked, the Participation Criterion #4 section displays.

Sources of Evidence and Justification
Evaluation Data Indicates an evaluation was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the evaluation. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Disability Eligibility Determination Form Indicates a disability eligibility determination form was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the form. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Individual Education Program Indicates an individual education program was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the program. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Assistive Technology Consideration Guide (optional) Indicates an assistive technology consideration guide was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the guide. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Documentation of Accommodations Determination Indicates a document of accommodations and determination was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the documentation. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Progress Monitoring Indicates progress monitoring data was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Specify Progress Monitoring A description of the progress monitoring data. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Parent Input Indicates parent input was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Specify Parent Input A description of the parent input. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Teacher Observations Indicates teacher observations was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Specify Teacher Observations A description of the teacher observations. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Other Indicates an other source was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Specify Other A description of the other source of data. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Participation Criterion #4

1. Did the ARC carefully consider each of these items

Indicates the committee considered the following. Options include:

  • Excessive or extended absences
  • Disability related to visual or auditory disabilities, emotional-behavioral disabilities, specific learning disabilities, speech and language impairment
  • Native language, social, cultural, and economic differences
  • Those identified as English Language Learners (ELL)
  • Pre-determined poor performance on the grade-level assessment
  •  The student displays disruptive behaviors or experiences emotional duress during testing
  •  Administrator decision
  • Educational placement or instructional setting
2. The ARC's decision for the student to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment is not primarily the result of any of the exclusions listed above.

Indicates the committees decision for the student to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment is not primarily the result of any of the exclusions listed above. Options include Yes (Agree) or No.



Answer to Criterion

A response to the above two questions. Options include:

  • If NO to either question. Stop here. Any criterion that is not checked means that the student is not eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment. The student is not eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment. The ARC must determine state approved accommodations (as set forth in 703 KAR 5:070) in the general assessment, if any, refer to the accommodations and modifications form. Document on IEP and conference summary.
  • If YES to both. All necessary exclusions were considered. Continue to ARC Eligibility Determination.

Only one option can be selected. 

When No is marked, the ARC Eligibility Determination section displays.

When Yes is marked, the ARC Eligibility Determination section displays.

Sources of Evidence and Justification
Supporting Comments (optional) Indicates supporting comments were used as the source of evidence. N/A
Specify Supporting Comments A description of the supporting comments. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
ARC Eligibility Determination

1. The student meets the participation guidelines for KY Alternate Assessment as a student with a significant cognitive disability and is eligible to receive instruction based upon alternate academic achievement standards and participate in the KY Alternate Assessment as indicated above.

All data sources referenced can be verified with supporting documentation.

Indicates the committee has decided the student meeting the criteria for a significant cognitive disability and  is eligible to receive instruction based upon alternate academic achievement standards and participate in the KY Alternate Assessment as indicated above. Options include Yes or No.



Answer to Eligibility Determination

A response to the above determination. Options include:

  • NO. Stop here. The student is not eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment. The ARC must determine state approved accommodations (as set forth in 703 KAR 5:070) in the general assessment, if any, refer to the accommodations and modifications form. Document on IEP and conference summary.
  • Yes. All participation Criteria #1 - #4 are answered Yes, the student may be eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment. Continue with documentation form below.

Only one option can be selected. 

When Yes is marked, the Documentation Questions section displays.

Statement of Eligibility
Supporting Comments  Indicates supporting comments were used as the statement of eligibility. N/A
Specify Supporting Comments A description of the supporting comments. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Documentation Questions
1. The ARC reviewed and completed the Learner Characteristic Inventory (LCI) for the individual student?

Indicates the committee used the LCI document for the student. Options include Yes or No.

2. Is receptive and expressive communication addressed in the IEP?

Indicates receptive and expressive communication is addressed in the IEP. Options include Yes or No.



Answer to Documentation Questions

A response to the above two questions. Options include:

  • If No to either. Stop here if the ARC has not reviewed or completed the LCI. The ARC must complete the LCI before completing this documentation form. If student is found eligible, an ARC must convene to develop a (or review current) communication plan as part of the student's IEP.
  • If Yes to both. Continue with documentation form below.
Only one option can be selected.
Sources of Evidence and Justification
Learner Characteristics Inventory Indicates a LCI document was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the documentation. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Individual Education Program Indicates an individual education plan was used as a source of evidence. N/A
Date The date of the plan. This is available when the corresponding checkbox is marked.
Additional Comments Here Any additional comments related to the sources of evidence. N/A

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Learner Characteristics Inventory

The Learner Characteristics Inventory editor details the area(s) of a student's disability and the student's learning characteristics.

When "No. Stop here." is selected from ARC Eligibility Determination Response Answer to Eligibility Determination within the Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines editor, this editor is NOT available for the user. 

When "Yes. All participation..." is selected from ARC Eligibility Determination Response Answer to Eligibility Determination within the Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines editor, this editor CANNOT be placed in a Not Needed status and must be completed by the user.

When this editor is Complete but data is then removed from the Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines editor, this editor is automatically placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Learner Characteristics Inventory editor.Learner Characteristics Inventory Editor

Click here to expand...

Field Description Validation
1. Student's primary IDEA disability label

The student's primary disability. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Deaf-Blindness
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Speech or Language Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
The values available are hard coded.
For students identified as Multiple Disabilities document the underlying disabilities below
Underlying Disability (A)

The student's underlying disability when Multiple Disability is listed as the Primary. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
The values available are hard coded.
Underlying Disability (B)

The student's underlying disability when Multiple Disability is listed as the Primary. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
The values available are hard coded.
Underlying Disability (C)

The student's underlying disability when Multiple Disability is listed as the Primary. Options include:

  • Autism
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
The values available are hard coded.
Underlying Disability (D)

The student's underlying disability when Multiple Disability is listed as the Primary.  Options include:

  • Autism
  • Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • Functional Mental Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Mild Mental Disability
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
The values available are hard coded.
2. Is your student's primary language a language other than English?

Indicates the student's primary language is a language other than English. Options are Yes or No.

3. What is the student's primary classroom setting?

The student's primary classroom setting. Options include:

  • Special School
  • Regular School, self-contained special education classroom, some special inclusion (students go to art, music, PE) but return to their special education class for most of school day.
  • Regular school, primarily self-contained special education classroom, some academic inclusion (students go to some general education academic classes (such as reading, math, science, in addition to specials ) but are in general education classes less than 40% of the school day).
  • Regular school, resources room/general education class, students receive resource room services, but are in general education classes 40% or more of the school day.
  • Regular school, general education class inclusive/collaborative (students based in general education classes) - at least 80% of the school day is spent in general education classes. 
Only one option can be selected.

4. Expressive Communication

Indicates how the student performs expressive communication. Options include:

  • Uses symbolic language to communicate: Student uses verbal or written words, signs, Braille, or language-based augmentative systems to request, initiate, and respond to questions, describe things or events, and express refusal. 
  • Uses intentional communication, but not as a symbolic language level: Student uses understandable communication through such modes as gestures, pictures, objects/textures, points, etc., to clearly express a variety of intentions. 
  • Student communicates primarily through cries, facial expressions, change in muscle tone, etc., but no clear use of objects/textures, regularized gestures, pictures, signs, etc., to communicate.  
Only one option can be selected.

5. Does your student use oral speech to communicate?

Indicates the student uses oral speech to communicate. Options are Yes or No.

6. Does your student use an augmentative communication system in addition to or in place of oral speech?

Indicates the student uses an augmentative communication system in addition to or in place of oral speech. Options include Yes or No.


7. Receptive Language

Indicates how the student performs receptive communication. Options include:

  • Independently follows 1-2 step directions presented through words (e.g. words may be spoken, signed, printed, or any combination) and does NOT need additional cues.
  • Requires additional cues (e.g., gestures, pictures, objects, or demonstrations/models) to follow 1-2 step directions.
  •  Alerts to sensory input from another person (auditory, visual, touch, movement) BUT requires actual physical assistance to follow simple directions.
  • Uncertain response to sensory stimuli (e.g., sound/voice; sigh/gesture; touch; movement; smell.) 
Only one option can be selected.

8. Motor

Indicates how the student performs motor functions. Options include:

  • No significant motor dysfunction that requires adaptations.
  • Requires adaptations to support motor functioning (e.g., walker, adapted utensils, and/or keyboard). 
  • Uses wheelchair, positioning equipment, and/or assistive devices for most activities.
  • Needs personal assistance for most/all motor activities.
Only one option can be selected.

9. Engagement

Indicates how engaged the student is in their classroom setting. Options include:

  • Initiates and sustains social interactions. 
  • Responds with social interaction, but does not initiate or sustain social interactions.
  • Alerts to others. 
  • Does not alert to others.
Only one option can be selected.

10. Health Issues / Attendance

Indicates the attendance percentage for the student based on health issues. Options include:

  • Attends at least 90% of school days. 
  • Attends approximately 75% of school days; absences primarily due to health issues.
  • Attends approximately 50% or less of school days; absences primarily due to health issues. 
  • Receives Homebound Instruction due to health issues. 
  • Highly irregular attendance or homebound instruction due to issues other than health.
Only one option can be selected.

11. Reading

Indicates how the student performs in reading. Options include: 

  • Reads fluently with critical understanding in print or Braille (e.g., to differentiate fact/opinion, point of view, emotional response, etc.) 
  • Reads fluently with basic (literal) understanding from paragraphs/short passages with narrative/informational texts in print or Braille. 
  • Reads basic sight words, simple sentences, directions, bullets, and/or lists in print or Braille.  
  • Aware of text/Braille, follows directionality, makes letter distinctions, or tells a story from the pictures that is not linked to the text.
  • No observable awareness of print or Braille.
Only one option can be selected.
12. Mathematics

Indicates how the student performs in mathematics. Options include:

  • Applies computational procedures to solve real-life or routine word problems from a variety of contexts. 
  • Does computational procedures with or without a calculator.
  • Counts with 1:1 correspondence to at least 10, and/or makes numbered sets of items.
  • Counts by rote to 5.
  • No observable awareness or use of numbers.
Only one option can be selected.

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Supports and Modifications

The Supports and Modifications editor details the services or tools for school staff to assist them in providing special education services.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Supports and Modifications editor.Supports and Modifications for School Personnel Editor

Field Description Validation
Program Modifications/Supports for school personnel that will be provided A description of the supports and program modification for school personnel provided. N/A
Not needed at this time Indicates supports or program modifications are not needed. When marked, the above field is not available.

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Least Restrictive Environment

The Least Restrictive Environment editor details the amount of time and the extent to which the student spends with non-disabled same age peers during regular class time, extracurricular, and other nonacademic activities.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Least Restrictive Environment editor.Least Restrictive Environment Editor

Field Description
Explain the extent, if any, to which the student will not participate in general education A description of the extent to which the student won't participate in general education.

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Special Ed Services

The Special Ed Services editor lists services provided to the student in a Special Education setting based on the needs of the student.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status. At least one record must be saved in order to place this editor in a Complete status.

Click here to expand...

Special Ed Services List Screen

Screenshot of the Special Ed Services list screen.Special Ed Services List Screen

Column Name Description
Padlock Icon The user currently editing the Special Ed Services record.
Service Provided The name of the service.
Duration/Frequency The duration and frequency of service.
Start Date The first day of service.
End Date The last day of service. 

Special Ed Services Detail Screen

Select an existing record or New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Special Ed Services detail screen.Special Ed Services Detail Screen

Field Description Validation
The name of the service.

The options available are those services marked as Normal set up at System Administration > Special Ed > Services. The option Special Education always displays in this dropdown.

Service Position

The role of the person providing the service. Options include:

  • Bus Driver
  • Early Childhood Educator (IECE)
  • Hearing Impaired Teacher
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Orientation & Mobility Specialist
  • Physical Therapist
  • School Counselor
  • School Psychologist
  • Special Ed Teacher
  • Speech Language Pathologist
  • Visual Impairment Teacher

The values listed are in a locked attribute provided by the State. Districts can provide their own values under System Administration > Special Ed > Service Position, but those values display at the bottom of this list.

The location of the service. N/A
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of service.

This field auto-populates to the Start Date of the plan.

End Date
The last day of service.

This field auto-populates to the End Date of the plan.

Minutes per Service Frequency
The number of minutes per service frequency.

Limited to 4 characters. Only whole numbers allowed.

Service Frequency
The frequency amount.

Limited to 4 characters. Only whole numbers allowed.

Service Period

The service period. Options include:

  • Year
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day

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Related Services

The Related Services editor lists the services the student needs in order to succeed with his/her special education program and the details relevant to the selected service.

Click here to expand...

Related Services List Screen

Screenshot of the Related Services list screen.Related Services List Screen

Column Name Description
Padlock Icon The user currently editing the Related Services record.
Service Provided The name of the service.
Duration/Frequency The duration and frequency of service.
Start Date The first day of service.
End Date The last day of service. 

Related Services Detail Screen

Select an existing record or New to view the detail screen.

Screenshot of the Related Services detail screen.Related Services Detail Screen

Field Description Validation
The name of the service.

The options available are those services marked as Related set up at System Administration > Special Ed > Services.

Service Position

The role of the person providing the service. Options include:

  • Bus Driver
  • Early Childhood Educator (IECE)
  • Hearing Impaired Teacher
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Orientation & Mobility Specialist
  • Physical Therapist
  • School Counselor
  • School Psychologist
  • Special Ed Teacher
  • Speech Language Pathologist
  • Visual Impairment Teacher

The values listed are in a locked attribute provided by the State. Districts can provide their own values under System Administration > Special Ed > Service Position, but those values display at the bottom of this list.

The location of the service. N/A
Duration and Frequency
Start Date
The first day of service.

This field auto-populates to the Start Date of the plan.

End Date
The last day of service.

This field auto-populates to the End Date of the plan.

Minutes per Service Frequency
The number of minutes per service frequency.

Limited to 4 characters. Only whole numbers allowed.

Service Frequency
The frequency amount.

Limited to 4 characters. Only whole numbers allowed.

Service Period

The service period. Options include:

  • Year
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day

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Extended School Year

The Extended School Year editor indicates the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks, and the factors considered in this determination.

This editor cannot be placed in a Not Needed status.

Screenshot of the Extended School Year editor.Extended School Year Editor

Field Description
Are extended school year services required for this student?

Indicates extended school year services are required. Options include:

  • Yes
  • No
  • More Data Needed
If the ARC determines ESY services are to be provided, describe the service and indicate to which annual goal or goals the service is related. If the ARC determines no ESY services are to be provided, please document the reason(s) for this decision. A description of the service and to which goals the service is related, OR a description of reasons for the decision.

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Previous Versions

Individual Education Plan (Kentucky) [.2315 - 2339]
Individual Education Plan (Kentucky) [.2311 and previous]