SIF Message History

Tool Search: SIF Message History

The SIF Message History tool allows users to generate a report which includes detailed information about messages sent for a specific SIF object within a specific time frame, agent, and zone. This report allows you to review recent SIF agent activity and is especially useful for troubleshooting errors to and from a SIF reporting entity. 

Screenshot of SIF Message History.SIF Message History

Read - Access and generate the report
Write - Provides no function for this tool
Add - Provides no function for this tool
Delete - Provides no function for this tool

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Generating the SIF Message History Report

Users can generate the SIF Message History Report to review recent SIF agent activity and diagnose SIF message errors which may be occurring from a SIF reporting entity. 

Screenshot of Generating the SIF Message History.Generating the SIF Message History

To Generate the SIF Message History Report

  1. Enter the Start Date. This is the first day in the date range of SIF messages included in the report.
  2. Enter the End Date. This is the last day in the date range of SIF messages included in the report.
  3. Select an agent from the Agent Selection dropdown list. Only SIF messages processed from this agent are included in the report.
  4. Select a zone from the Zone Selection dropdown list. Only SIF messages processed through this zone are included in the report.
  5. Select which SIF Objects will report message data. Select 'All Objects' to see all SIF messages within the timeframe of the zone and agent selected or select an individual (or more) SIF Object to see SIF message results for these specific objects. 
  6. Select the Report Format. Options include HTML or CSV.
  7. Select how the report will be generated. 
    • Click Generate Extract to view the report in the selected format or 
    • Click Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate. When submitting the report to batch, the report will appear within the Batch Queue List in a Status of Queued. Once complete, the Status will update to Completed and you can access the report by clicking the Get the report hyperlink (see image below).

      Screenshot of the Get the Report Link.Get the Report Link

Understanding the SIF Message History Report

Screenshot of an example of the SIF Message History Report.Example of the SIF Message History Report

The table below describes each column on the report.

Batch IDA unique identifier for the batch sync processed for that object in the identified agent and zone.
Batch GUIDA unique identifier for the batch sync processed for that object in the identified agent and zone.
Agent NameThe agent which processed the SIF messages.
Zone NameThe zone which processed the SIF messages.
NameThe name of the SIF object.
Records SentThe number of records sent during the batch sync.
Records ProcessedThe number of records successfully processed by the receiving SIF entity. If this number varies from the Records Sent number, this indicates errors occurred.
Records Error CountThe number of records that were not successfully processed by the receiving SIF entity. This indicates additional investigation might be necessary to identify the reason behind these errors.

The determined status of the batch sync.

  • 3 = Success
  • 4 = Fail
Start TimestampThe time in which the SIF request is received by the SIF reporting entity (this is not when Campus has responded).
End TimestampThe time in which the SIF message failed. This will only populate a value for failed messages. If the message was successful, this field reports as null.
PartialAlways reports as 0.
Triggered ByAlways reports blank.