ED400 Career and Technical Education (Connecticut)

Tool Search: ED400 Career and Technical Education

This extract reports the number of CTE students that meet specific criteria such as race, gender, EL, or migrant status.

This report includes the following four sections that are generated independently by selecting from the Assessment Type dropdown in the Extract Options:

  • Section I: Career Clusters
  • Section IIA: Total CTE Enrollment
  • Section IIB: Individual Cluster Enrollments
  • Section III: Placement

Screenshot of the ED400 Career and Technical Education report editor. ED400 Career and Technical Education Report Editor

Section I: Career Clusters

Section I: Career Clusters indicates which career clusters were offered during the school year.

The file name is ED400-SectionI.

Note: When the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox is marked, Cross-Site data is not included in the report.

Extract Options

Screenshot of the extract editor with Assessment Type of Section I: Career Clusters selected. ED400 Extract Editor for the Section I: Career Clusters Assessment

Report Example

Screenshot of a report example for Section I: Career Clusters.

ED400 Report Example of the Section I: Career Clusters Assessment

Report Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Location

District and School Information

District Name

The name of the district. Alphanumeric, 50 characters District.name School & District Settings > District > District Information > Name

District Code

The number assigned by a state to identify a school district. Numeric, 3 digits District.number School & District Settings > District > District Information > State District Number

School Name

The name of the school within the district. Alphanumeric, 40 characters School.name School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School Detail > Name

School Code

The state-assigned identification number for the school. Numeric, 7 digits School.number School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School > State School Number

Contact Person

The person who is responsible for this data. Alphanumeric, 50 characters N/A N/A


The phone number of the person who is responsible for this data Numeric, 15 digits N/A N/A
Cluster Codes

Career & Technical Education Clusters

Indicates which clusters where taught in the school calendar and year selected.

Reports an "X" in the applicable Cluster category when any active course in the calendar(s) and school(s) selected has a Perkins Code that is not null.

See the Career & Technical Education Clusters table.

Alphanumeric, 1 character CourseInfo.vocationalCode Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Perkins Code
College Career Pathways Clusters Only

Indicates which clusters where taught in the school calendar and year selected.

Reports an "X" in the applicable Cluster category when any active course in the calendar(s) and school(s) selected has a Perkins Code that is not null.

See the College Career Pathways Clusters Only table.

Alphanumeric, 1 character CourseInfo.vocationalCode Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Perkins Code

Section IIA, Section IIB and Section III Report Layout

  • Section IIA: Total CTE Enrollment
  • Section IIB: Individual Cluster Enrollments
  • Section III: Placemen
Assessment Type Description
Section IIA: Total CTE Enrollment

Section IIA: Total CTE Enrollment reports the number of students enrolled per grade level by gender and racial/ethnic designation.

The file name is ED400-SectionIIA.

Section IIB: Individual Cluster Enrollments

Section IIB: Individual Cluster Enrollments reports one Section IIB for each Career Cluster that is indicated in Section I for the calendar selected on the extract editor.

The file name is ED400-SectionIIB.

Section III: Placement

Section III: Placement reports the number of completers who graduated with a diploma.

The file name is ED400-SectionIII.

Extract Options

Note: When the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox is marked, Cross-Site Enrollment data is not included in the report.

 Screenshot of the extract editor with Assessment Type of Section IIA, Section IIB, and Section III selected. ED400 Extract Editor for the Section IIA, Section IIB, and Section III Assessments

Report Example

Screenshot of a report example.

ED400 Report Example

Report Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Location

School Name The name of the school within the district. Alphanumeric, 40 characters School.name School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > School Detail > Name
Career Cluster Title

Section IIB: Individual Cluster Enrollments Only

The Career Cluster name. A Section IIB is generated for each career cluster taught in the calendar and year selected.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters Course.vocationalCode Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Perkins Code
Career Cluster Code

Section IIB: Individual Cluster Enrollments Only

The Career Cluster code.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters Course.vocationalCode Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > Perkins Code
The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
AsianAmerican-Male The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
White-Male The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
White-Female The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
Hispanic/Latino-Male The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
TwoOrMoreRaces-Male The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
TwoOrMoreRaces-Female The total number of students who are enrolled in a CTE course, separated by grade level, gender, and racial/ethnic designation. Numeric, 5 digits Student.
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
The total number of students who are considered limited English proficient. Numeric, 5 digits




Student Information > English Learners > English Learners (EL) > Service Type, Start Date, End Date

The total number of students who are considered to have a disability. Numeric, 5 digits



Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Status

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Exit Date

The total number of students who are considered to have an economic disadvantage. Numeric, 5 digits





FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Editor > Eligibility

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Editor > School Year

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Editor > End Date

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility Editor > Start Date

SingleParents The total number of students who are single parents. Numeric, 5 digits CTE.singleParent Student Information > State Programs > CTE > CTE Programs > CTE Detail > Single Parent
Migrant The total number of migrant students. Numeric, 5 digits ActiveEnrollment.
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant
504 The total number of students who have a section 504 disability. Numeric, 5 digits




Student Information > General > Flags>Student Flag Detail>Flag

Student Information > General > Flags>Student Flag Detail>Start Date

Student Information > General > Flags > Student Flag Detail > End Date

Number of Completers Graduated with Diploma

Section III: Placement Only

The number of completers who graduated with a diploma.

Numeric, 5 digits CTE.postGradStatus Student Information > State Programs > CTE > CTE Programs > CTE Detail > Post-Grad Status
Post-Secondary Education

Section III: Placement Only

The number of completers who are participating in post-secondary education.

Numeric, 5 digits CTE.postGradStatus Student Information > State Programs > CTE > CTE Programs > CTE Detail > Post-Grad Status
Advanced Training

Section III: Placement Only

The number of completers who are participating in advanced training.

Numeric, 5 digits CTE.postGradStatus Student Information > State Programs > CTE > CTE Programs > CTE Detail > Post-Grad Status
Part-Time or Full-Time Employment

Section III: Placement Only

The number of completers who have part-time or full-time employment.

Numeric, 5 digits CTE.postGradStatus Student Information > State Programs > CTE > CTE Programs > CTE Detail > Post-Grad Status
Military Service

Section III: Placement Only

The number of completers who are participating in military service. 

Numeric, 5 digits CTE.postGradStatus Student Information > State Programs > CTE > CTE Programs > CTE Detail > Post-Grad Status

Section III: Placement Only

The number of completers who are participating in other areas. 

Numeric, 5 digits CTE.postGradStatus Student Information > State Programs > CTE > CTE Programs > CTE Detail > Post-Grad Status

Career & Technical Education Clusters

Code Description
01 Agriculture and Natural Resources
02 Construction
03 Manufacturing
04 Transportation and Distribution Services
05 Information Tech and Telecom Services
06 Wholesale, Retail Sales & Services
07 Financial Services
08 Hospitality and Tourism
09 Business and Administration Services
10 Health Services
11 Human Services
12 Arts and Communication Services
13 Legal and Protective Services
14 Scientific Research and Tech Services
15 Education and Training Services
16 Public Administration/Gov. Services

College Career Pathways Clusters Only

Code Description
23 Agriculture and Natural Resources
24 Construction
25 Manufacturing
26 Transportation and Distribution Services
27 Information Tech and Telecom Services
28 Wholesale, Retail Sales & Services
29 Financial Services
30 Hospitality and Tourism
31 Business and Administration Services
32 Health Services
33 Human Services
34 Arts and Communication Services
35 Legal and Protective Services
36 Scientific Research and Tech Services
37 Education and Training Services
38 Public Administration/Gov. Services