Census (California)

The Census module tracks every person entry in Infinite Campus - parents, staff, students, emergency contacts, doctors, etc. Demographic data is used throughout Campus, utilizing historic details of each person. Some fields in the Census module are unique to each state. Other fields in the Census module do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Census page.


Tool Search: Demographics

The Demographics tool is the basic area for viewing general person information within Campus. All people for whom data is tracked, including students, staff, parents/guardians, household members, etc., have a Demographics record, which includes name and gender from the Identities record, student and staff identification numbers and contact information.

See the core Demographics article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Demographics records.

Screenshot of the Demographics editor, located at Census, People. Demographics Tool


A coded value representing the person's gender. Gender is a person's actual sex or perceived sex and includes a person's perceived identity, appearance or behavior, whether or not that identity, appearance, or behavior is different from that traditionally associated with a person's sex at birth. 

It is important to note that CALPADS does not currently accept non-binary genders. Students who identify as non-binary MUST have a Legal Gender of Male or Female entered in the Legal Gender field on the Identities record.
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Birth Country

A coded value representing the Country an individual was born in. A Country is the territory occupied by a nation. Please refer to the International Organization of Standards directory for more information on country codes.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > birthCountry


Birth Country is not a required field. If this field is left blank, a value of "US" reports.


Birth State

The State/Province where an individual was born. A State/Province is the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > birthState


Birth State is not a required field. Any data entered in the field is reported. If this field is left blank, the report also returns a blank value.


Date Entered US

Indicates the date the student entered the United States.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > dateEnteredUS


This information is NOT to be collected during the enrollment process. However, since this field is important for state reporting purposes, it should be collected once the enrollment process is complete.


CALPADS Student Information (SINF)

Date Entered US School

Indicates the date on which the student enrolled in a US school.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > dateEnteredUSSchool


This information is NOT to be collected during the enrollment process. However, since this field is important for state reporting purposes, it should be collected once the enrollment process is complete.


CALPADS Student Information (SINF)

Date Entered State School

Indicates the date on which the student enrolled in a California school.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > dateEnteredState

Birth Verification

Use this field to determine the document used to verify the student's birth date/age. Under California law, school districts are required to verify that a student meets the residency requirement for school attendance. [Note: This does not include a student who qualifies as a “homeless child or youth” under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, who shall be immediately enrolled in school notwithstanding the absence of any residency documentation.]  The Education Code requires school districts to accept “reasonable evidence” of residency from parents or legal guardians, and further provides a non-exhaustive list of the types of documents that can be used for that purpose.  Based on the DOJ/OCR guidance, California school districts may continue to require “reasonable evidence” of residency within district boundaries, but may not: a) require documents that would bar a student whose parents are undocumented from enrolling (e.g., voter registration record, state-issued driver’s license or identification card); or b) make inquiries about a student or parent’s citizenship or immigration status, since such status is irrelevant to establishing school district residency and it may discourage parents to enroll their children in public schools.

Similarly, California law requires school districts to collect proof of age from each child’s parent or guardian to verify that the child satisfies the minimum age requirements for admission to school. The Education Code grants school district governing boards the authority to determine the method for proof of age, and provides a non-exhaustive list of the types of documents that can be used.  As with residency verification, California school districts may continue to require proof of age documents to comply with state enrollment eligibility law, but districts may not require proof of age documents that prevent or discourage students from enrolling, such as a birth certificate, which an undocumented student may lack, or which may indicate a foreign place of birth.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Identity History > birthVerification

Home Primary Language

The Home Primary Language field allows a district to record the language spoken in the student's home, as determined by the student's Home Language Survey (language first learned, most frequently used at home, or more frequently spoken by parents/adults in the home). Please refer to the International Organization of Standards directory for more information on language codes.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > homePrimaryLanguage


Birth City

The formal name of the city or town in which a person was born.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > birthCity


Birth City is not a required field. Any data entered in the field is reported. If this field is left blank, the report also returns a blank value.


Name/Address Verification Date

The Name/Address Verification Date field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Custom Identity > nameVerificationDate

Other Birth Date Verification

The Other Birth Date Verification field is used to store a second birth verification. This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.

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Database Location: 

CustomStudent.value (Object: Identity Element: otherBirthVerification)

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Custom Identity > otherBirthVerification

Demographic Change Date

The Demographic Change Date field is used to indicate the date on which a change was made to a student's demographic data. Entering a date here allows the CALPADS Student Information (SINF) extract to determine the record from which to report.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Custom Identity > demographicChangeDate


CALPADS Student Information (SINF)

EL Enrolled Less Than 3 Years 

An indication of whether or not a student has been enrolled in a US school for less than three cumulative years. Checking this option indicates a student has been enrolled for less than three years.

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Database Location: 

CustomStudent.value (Object: Identity Element: schoolingUS)

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Custom Identity > schoolingUS


CALPADS Student Information (SINF)


This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.

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Database Location: 

CustomStudent.value (Object: Identity Element: veteran)

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Custom Identity > veteran

Birth Country-Special Circumstances

This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Custom Identity > birthPlaceSpecial


Users can mark this field if a student is native US citizen, but was born on foreign soil.

Education Level (for parent)

A coded value representing the Highest Educational Level for the parent/guardian. The Highest Educational Level is the highest level of education completed by an individual, including equivalency certificates. The reference set item values are ranked in order, from lowest to highest education level. Note: there are separate reference sets for Grade Level and Degree Type.

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10Graduate Degree or HigherAn individual received a Master's or Doctorate Degree.
11College GraduateAn individual attended a postsecondary education institution and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree.
12Some College or Associate's DegreeAn individual attended or is attending a postsecondary education institution but did not or has not yet graduated with a Bachelor's Degree. This includes a student who received an Associate's Degree.
13High School GraduateAn individual graduated from high school, met all state and local graduation requirements, and received a standard high school diploma.
14Not a High School GraduateAn individual did not meet all state and local graduation requirements and did not receive a standard high school diploma.
15Decline to StateAn individual declined to state his or her highest educational level. This is not the same as unknown (missing information).

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquireies:

Student > Demographics > Custom Identity > educationLevel


  • This is not a required field and may be left blank.
  • For multiple parent/guardian households, enter the education level for the parent/guardian with the highest education level. 
  • When the field is left blank, parent/guardian demographic records for the student are consulted. When there is no education level data for the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student, the report returns a blank value. 


CALPADS Student Information (SINF)

Physical Fitness Test

Primary Language Other

This field is used only for district-tracking purposes and is not used for state reporting.

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Database Location: 


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Demographics > Custom Identity > primaryLanguageOther


Tool Search: Identities

The Identities tool acts as an historical record of the person's demographic information. While the information on the Demographics tool is displayed on the Identities record, changes should be made here.

Types of changes include:

  • Name and Legal Name
  • Gender
  • Social Security number
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Nickname

Previous identity information is not lost when it is modified, but an end date is entered for the previous identity and a start date is entered for the new identity.

See the core Identities article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Identities records.

Legal Gender

Legal indication of whether person is male or female.

CALPADS does not currently accept non-binary genders. For students who identify as non-binary, users are REQUIRED to enter a Legal Gender of Male or Female.

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