ID History

Tool Search: ID History

The ID History tool is a read-only view of a person's ID history. Any change/creation within Campus which results in creation or change to a person's Local Student Number, Student State ID, Student NASIS ID, Local Staff Number or Staff State ID is recorded and displayed within this tool.

Screenshot of the ID History tab.ID History

See the ID History Tool Rights article for information about rights needed to use this tool.

ID Modifications

The ID History tool displays six fields for identifying what change was made, who made the ID change, when did it occur and which ID is currently active. 



ID Field (i.e., Student State ID, Local Student Number, etc)

Indicates the ID number for historical record. This allows users to identify how an ID has been modified over time as well as which ID is currently active. These fields display on the Demographics tool.

Start Date

The date in which the ID modification was made and became the person's active ID. This date along with the End Date allows users to determine the date range in which the ID was active.

End Date

The date in which the ID was ended. This date along with the Start Date allows users to determine the date range in which the ID was active.

Modified By

Indicates the Campus user who made the ID modification. This field allows users to track who made ID modifications within Campus.


Indicates which ID is currently active. This value is the same as active Person Identifier values (Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers).


Indicates how the ID modification occurred (i.e., Demographics tool, conversion script, Student Locator, etc).

ID Types

Local Student Number

All modifications to a student's Local Student Number are displayed on the ID History tool. The ID History tool tracks all Local Student Number changes regardless of the tool used to make the modification.

Student State ID

All modifications to a student's Student State ID are displayed on the ID History tool.

The ID History tool tracks all Student State ID changes regardless of the tool used to make the modification. Student State IDs are modified via the Demographics tool, imported data or the Combined Person tool (currently unavailable to users).

Districts linked to a State Edition cannot modify Student State IDs. Student State ID modifications must be made at the state level.

Student NASIS ID

All modifications to a student's Student NASIS ID are displayed on the ID History tool. Student NASIS IDs can only be modified at the state level.

This field is BIE-specific.

Local Staff Number

All modifications to a staff member's Local Staff Number are displayed on the ID History tool.

The ID History tool tracks all Local Staff Number changes regardless of the tool used to make the modification. 

Staff State ID

All modifications to a staff member's Staff State ID are displayed on the ID History tool.

The ID History tool tracks all Staff State ID changes regardless of the tool used to make the modification.