Release Pack Campus.2439 - September 2024

This article is in draft status and will be published in its entirety when 2439 is Generally Available. These release notes are subject to change. Article links will be added at GA.

Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications, and regulated changes prior to accepting an updated. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate district staff to changes in Campus. 

The Release Information article lists the approximate release date of all Campus releases. 

Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support.


> Campus.2439



See the Supported Platforms article for more information about supported technologies. 

Note: The earliest version of release notes documents such as this one is now made available two days later, on the Friday prior to Limited Availablity instead of Wednesday. This change makes this document more accurate and complete from the time of its initial availability as well as helps to streamline our internal processes. 

Update Manifest

ComponentCase NumberDescription
Academic PlanningSIS-180910Academic Planning Update
Academic PlanningSIS-180911Academic Program Automatic Assignment Process
AccessibilitySIS-177722Improved accessibility of droplists and multi-selects
AccessibilitySIS-181311Accessibility – First Focus to Invalid Form Fields on Submit
Activity RegistrationSIS-179085Activity Dashboard Fix
Activity RegistrationSIS-180517Copy Activity Fix
Activity RegistrationSIS-181525Activity Transfer Bug Fixes
Activity RegistrationSIS-181526Activity Registration Maintenance
Activity RegistrationSIS-181644Activity Transfer Pending Signature
Activity RegistrationSIS-173651Pass-Through SQL Query Updates
AttendanceSIS-61164Multiple Schedule Structures
BehaviorSIS-181678Behavior Status Filter Bug Fix
Campus InstructionSIS-181713Grades Tool in Instruction - View as Student
Campus LearningSIS-178947Progress Monitor - Cumulative Grading
Campus LearningSIS-180518Quiz Improvements
Campus LearningSIS-181226Discussions Tool Right in Classic Campus
Campus LearningSIS-181987Digital Learning Partner List
Campus Student & ParentSIS-181170Campus Student/Parent - Security Improvements
Campus Student & ParentSIS-181484Contact Information Search Priority
Campus Student & ParentSIS-181903Campus Student & Parent - Account Linking Updates
Cross-Site EnrollmentSIS-181045Cross-Site Enrollment Fixes for Campus Student & Parent
Cross-Site EnrollmentSIS-181481Cross-Site Grades - Performance Improvements
CustomSIS-181782SSRS Server Configuration Test
Data UtilitiesSIS-169416Data Extract Utility Server field character limit updated to 100 characters
Data UtilitiesSIS-172368Data Extract Utility – Passwords Longer than 50 Characters Truncated Upon Save
Data UtilitiesSIS-175521In SFTP mode: DEU error ""KeyExchangeFactories not set"" appears for every extract
DIS/SIFSIS-174240Military Connections Records Not Syncing to State for Previously Not Enrolled Students
DIS/SIFSIS-180259SIF Data Tools
DIS/SIFSIS-180981SIF v3 RefId Update
DIS/SIFSIS-181915Active Database Type Pool Setting Set for DIS Connection Pool
Ed-FiSIS-181548Ed-Fi Error Message Update
FeesSIS-181314Optional Fee Purchase via ESS
Food ServiceSIS-156015Household Food Service Deposit Distribution Percentage
Food ServiceSIS-179384Quick Serve Fix
Food ServiceSIS-180008Parent Portal Food Service Alert Update
Food ServiceSIS-180011Parent Portal Food Service Accessibility Enhancements
Food ServiceSIS-180127Food Service Deposit Year Fix
Food ServiceSIS-181491Tally Meal Action Buttons
Food ServiceSIS-182066Application Manager Expand Toggle and Layout Label
Food ServiceSIS-182176POS Version 2.23.9 Update
FormsSIS-181712Custom Form Setup State Edition Update
FRAMSIS-180576Eligibility Start and End Dates
FRAMSIS-180855Meal/Educational Benefits Application Type
FRAMSIS-181066FRAM Letter Batch Report Time Frame
FRAMSIS-181430FRAM Communication Letter Loading
FRAMSIS-181480FRAM Application Instructions Translation
FRAMSIS-181483FRAM Online Application Processing Expiration Date
FRAMSIS-181503FRAM Eligibility Record
FRAMSIS-181597Backdating Food Service Transactions
FRAMSIS-181650Household Applications Tool Rights
FRAMSIS-181718FRAM Eligibility Import Error Log
Grade ReportingSIS-179209Grades Report Performance Update
Grade ReportingSIS-181963Serving School Added to the Report Card
Grading SetupSIS-176029Grade Calc Options - Validation Screen
HealthSIS-181649Immunization Compliance Database Update+
InfrastructureSIS-170893Entering a Partial Year in Datepicker Defaulting to First Century
InfrastructureSIS-179144Main Menu Flyout Button Not Functional if Logging into Campus with Half Sized Screen
InfrastructureSIS-181092Campus Login Screen Not Centered in Safari Browser When SSO Login is Present
InfrastructureSIS-181648Campus Version Type Incorrectly Being Set to Test
Learner PlanningSIS-181309Special Ed Process Alert Rules Fix
MessengerSIS-179723Prompt Preferences Fix
MessengerSIS-181038Footer Added to Messenger Emails
MessengerSIS-181180Saved Message Templates
MessengerSIS-181934Email Database Connection Fix
MessengerSIS-182054Online Payment and School Store Notifications
Online PaymentsSIS-181505Split Transaction/Service Fee Fix
Online PaymentsSIS-181586Payments Reporter Inventory Fix
ProgramsSIS-181035Program Participation - Migrant Missing Print Button In Some States
ProgramsSIS-181294Programs - Alternative Education Program Missing Custom Attribute In Some States
Records TransferSIS-181010NRE Better Error Message When Setup Is Incorrect
SchedulingSIS-177572Walk-In Scheduler - Term, Period Dropdowns Not Displaying Options
SchedulingSIS-179745Requests and Rosters Updates
SchedulingSIS-180861Walk-In Scheduler - Requests Not Loading when Course Does Not have Terms/Schedules/Periods Populated
SchedulingSIS-181429Walk-In Scheduler - Drop Date Display
SecuritySIS-158747Staff Getting Calendar Security Error when Logging in via SSO
SecuritySIS-180405Security Updates
SecuritySIS-181835Users Unable to Sign into Infinite Campus When Two or More SSOs are Active
Staff EvaluationsSIS-181439Human Resources and Staff Evaluations Deprecation
Student LocatorSIS-171832Error When Checking for Person Match During Enrollment
TranscriptsSIS-181819Student Status Selection Only Displays Active Status Options

State-Specific Cases

StateCase NumberDescription
ArizonaSIS-176959Graduation (Year End Status) Field Removed
ArizonaSIS-179649Discipline Resources Updates for Incident Date, Resolution End Date
ArizonaSIS-180475Discipline Resources Only Sending when Offender Role Selected
ArizonaSIS-181506Tribal Affiliations on Student Education Organization Associations
ArizonaSIS-181570Student School Food Service Program Associations
ArizonaSIS-182163Vaccine Rule Updates
BIESIS-181191Enrollment and Graduation Fields Updated
CaliforniaSIS-176001Updates to MAR, MAS
CaliforniaSIS-180989CalGrant GPA Verification Updates
ColoradoSIS-178602NEW Student Interchange At Risk File
DelawareSIS-176614Student Early Childhood Program Associations Resource Activation
DelawareSIS-176636Ed-Fi-Restraint Seclusions Resource Implemented
DelawareSIS-176639Person Medical Alerts Resource Activation
DelawareSIS-180281Student Education Organization Associations Update
DelawareSIS-180806Ed-Fi Resource Updates
DelawareSIS-181254Ed-Fi-Discipline Actions and Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Updates
DelawareSIS-181551Trained in Technique Checkbox Added to Behavior Tool
DelawareSIS-181576Restraint Seclusions Update
DelawareSIS-181651Special Ed Summary Ad hoc Tool Rights Fix
DelawareSIS-181658Special Ed Documents Fixes
DelawareSIS-181746Staff-Related Resource Updates
DelawareSIS-181772CIP Course Code Update
DelawareSIS-181889Parents and Student Education Organization Associations Updates
DelawareSIS-181909Special Ed Summary Field in Ad Hoc Fix
GeorgiaSIS-177301Ed-Fi-Prior 10 Days Logic Update
GeorgiaSIS-178042ProgramEducationOrganizationID Logic Update
GeorgiaSIS-179548Ed-Fi-No Show Student Data Element Added to Student School Associations
GeorgiaSIS-180382Ed-Fi-Child Find Status Descriptor Added to Student School Associations
GeorgiaSIS-180383Ed-Fi-Gifted Served Descriptor Added to Student School Associations
GeorgiaSIS-180385Ed-Fi-Student Characteristics Descriptor Added to Student Education Organization Associations
GeorgiaSIS-180386Ed-Fi-Child Find Status Descriptor Added to Student School Associations
GeorgiaSIS-180895Ed-Fi-Enrollment Location Descriptor Added to Student School Associations
GeorgiaSIS-181126Programs and Student Program Associations Update
GeorgiaSIS-181250Gifted Service Updates
GeorgiaSIS-181880Section Student Detail Fields Update
IdahoSIS-1785832024-2025 Student Demographics and Person Address State Changes
IdahoSIS-181524On School Grounds Field Needed
IdahoSIS-181733Special Ed Evaluation Summary Report SLD Updates
IllinoisSIS-170784Student Course Assignment
IllinoisSIS-180745Seal of Biliteracy Update via ISBE
IndianaSIS-173746Ed-Fi-Multilingual Learner Logic Updates
IndianaSIS-179549Ed-Fi-Student School Attendance Events Updated for Missing Membership Days
IndianaSIS-181178Ed-Fi-Virtual Education Updates on Student Program Associations
IndianaSIS-181293Alternative Education Program Meeting Time Updates
IndianaSIS-181542Ed-Fi-Serving and Accountable Schools Update
IowaSIS-1802752024-25 Yearly Updates
IowaSIS-18201924-25 Yearly Updates Fix
KentuckySIS-180935Safe Schools
KentuckySIS-181027Custom Forms KY Reading Improvement Plan
KentuckySIS-181111Custom Forms EL
KentuckySIS-181136Special Ed IEP Enrollment Editor Update
MaineSIS-181627Special Ed Evaluations Updates
MassachusettsSIS-180114Special Ed Plan and Evaluation Updates
MichiganSIS-179197Ed-Fi-Kids Back on Track Program Added to Cohorts and Student Cohorts Associations
MichiganSIS-179919Course/Section 10/30 Extract Update
MichiganSIS-180465Ed-Fi-Title I Program Updates
MichiganSIS-181249Ed-Fi-Locator Updates
MichiganSIS-181777MSDS Request for UIC Updates
MinnesotaSIS-178170Ed-Fi MCCC
MinnesotaSIS-181177Ed-Fi Student Early Education Program Associations Resource
MinnesotaSIS-181296FSPU EE Auto-Ending Records on Failure
MinnesotaSIS-181312Pneumococcal Update
MinnesotaSIS-182113Ed-Fi Resync Logic on Course-Related Resources Incorrectly Deleting Records
MissouriSIS-177507Ed-Fi Resource Added
MissouriSIS-179272Ed-Fi Resource Update
MissouriSIS-179483Several SSRS Reports Experiencing Formatting Issue
MissouriSIS-179637Ed-Fi Resource Update
MissouriSIS-180759MOSIS Student Core Updates
MissouriSIS-181413Enrollment and Special Ed IEP Update
MontanaSIS-177867Data Imports Updates and New Extracts Created
MontanaSIS-177870Section Placement Upload and Extract Added
MontanaSIS-178577Home-Based Early Literacy Reporting and Uploading Updates
MontanaSIS-178932Enrollment Field Added
MontanaSIS-180297Course Information SCED Code Updates
MontanaSIS-180528Course Information Field Added
MontanaSIS-181277Data Imports Updates and New Extracts Created
MontanaSIS-181771Early Literacy Update
MontanaSIS-181855Requests & Rosters Available in MT Edition
NebraskaSIS-175563Ed-Fi Performance Updates
NebraskaSIS-181646Ed-Fi Resource Fix
NevadaSIS-179724Title I Program Tool Implemented
NevadaSIS-180003Chronic Absenteeism Report Attendance Code Updates
NevadaSIS-181124Enrollments Special Ed Exit Reason List Updated
NevadaSIS-181890Exclusion from Historical EL Record Cleanup Script
New HampshireSIS-181408iNHDEX-Extended Learning Opportunities Implemented
New JerseySIS-177561SCED Codes Updated
New JerseySIS-181680Student Programs Implemented
New MexicoSIS-179620Ed-Fi Student School Associations Updates for 2024-25 School Year
New MexicoSIS-179921Ed-Fi Student School Food Service Program Associations Updates for 2024-25 School Year
New MexicoSIS-179923Ed-Fi Student Special Education Program Associations Updates for 2024-25 School Year
New MexicoSIS-179951Ed-Fi Students Resource Updates for 2024-25 School Year
New MexicoSIS-180939New NMPREK Program
New MexicoSIS-181557Migrant Program Updates
New York SIS-180185SSEC Extract Logic Update
New York SIS-182011Vaccine Rule Update
North CarolinaSIS-178319NC Graduation Data Verification Extract
North CarolinaSIS-179784Term Type Field
North CarolinaSIS-180124Country of Birth Required for Students
North CarolinaSIS-180360SchoolNet Additional Roles Updates
North CarolinaSIS-180844Student Test Accommodations Updates
North CarolinaSIS-181318CPR Test on eTranscripts Reports as Pass/Fail
North CarolinaSIS-181378Data Change Tracker Setup Error Log
North CarolinaSIS-181446Immigrant Record now on Demographics
North CarolinaSIS-181574Diploma Types, Post Graduation Plans, Grade Level Updates
North CarolinaSIS-181585PMR Extract Updates
North CarolinaSIS-181645Report Card Batch Error
North CarolinaSIS-181729UNC Requirements Update
North CarolinaSIS-181882CTE Report - Potential Concentrator
North CarolinaSIS-181905Role Field on Section Staff History
North CarolinaSIS-181937PersonIdentity NullPointerException Error
North CarolinaSIS-182078PMR Report Updates
OhioSIS-182025Report Updates
OklahomaSIS-181274SIF 2.0/2.7 Updates-Phase 2
OklahomaSIS-181565State Grade Added to Several Vaccine Rules
OklahomaSIS-181730SIF 2.7 Updates
OklahomaSIS-181794SIF 2.7 Updates
OklahomaSIS-182152Special Ed State Reporting Tool Update
OregonSIS-181704Student Immunizations Updates
OregonSIS-181866Immunization Compliance Update
OregonSIS-181919Vaccine Updates
TennesseeSIS-18169Ed-Fi - Config Updates - Descriptors - Show and In All Descriptors
TexasSIS-179424Ed-Fi-Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Resource Implemented
TexasSIS-179660Ed-Fi-Associate Degree Indicator Descriptor Updates
TexasSIS-180656Ed-Fi-Student Parent Associations and Student Resources Updates
TexasSIS-180659Ed-Fi-Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations Update
TexasSIS-180660Ed-Fi-Student Special Education Program Associations Disabilities Array Update
TexasSIS-181544Ed-Fi-API Rate Limiter Accommodation
VermontSIS-181696Ed-Fi - Activate Discipline Actions
VirginiaSIS-180760Student Record Collection, Course, and Enrollment Updates
WisconsinSIS-174626Ed-Fi Student Special Education Program Associations Error Fix
WisconsinSIS-182052Special Ed IEP Amend Fix
WyomingSIS-179176WDE534 School Health Report Update

See the Campus Release Pack Enhancements article for a list of just enhancement release notes. 

Academic Planning

 Academic Planning Update (SIS-180910)

The Academic Program Detail editor now has a “Include in Automatic Assignment” checkbox. This option automatically assigns students enrolled in a qualifying course as a participant in the aligned Academic Program.

Path: Student Information > Program Administration > Academic Program Setup


 Academic Program Automatic Assignment Process (SIS-180911)

An automated process has been added to the Batch Program Assignment Wizard that automatically assigns students enrolled in a qualifying course as participants in the aligned Academic Program(s).

Path: Student Information > Program Administration > Batch Program Assignment Wizard


Improved accessibility of droplists and multi-selects (SIS-177722)

  • Added more prominent focus ring on multi-select.
  • Adjusted DOM order to be compatible with screen readers.

Path: N/A


Accessiblity – First Focus to Invalid Form Fields on Submit (SIS-181311)

Updates were made to the Campus Attribute, Confirm Input Validation, and Complex forms to focus first on invalid fields upon save.

Path: N/A

Activity Registration

Activity Dashboard Fix (SIS-179085)

Sporadic errors were occurring when updating information within an Activity. These have been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Activity Registration > Activity Dashboard


Copy Activity Fix (SIS-180517)

An error with character limits was preventing Activities from being copied. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Activity Registration > Activity Dashboard


Activity Transfer Bug Fixes (SIS-181525)

Multiple bug fixes were completed to improve Activity Transfer performance.

Path: Student Information > Activity Registration > Activity Monitor


Activity Registration Maintenance (SIS-181526)

The following updates have been made to the Activity Registration tool:

  • The Remove button would stay on the screen after an Activity became active. This has been corrected.
  • When Online Payments was disabled, Activity staff were still able to process payments and transfer students. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Activity Registration


Activity Transfer Pending Signature (SIS-181644)

An error occurred where an Activity Transfer would fail if a form with a required parent signature had not been signed. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Activity Registration > Activity Monitor

Ad hoc Reporting

Pass-Through SQL Query Updates (SIS-173651)

The Ad Hoc Pass-Through SQL Query functionality was updated to increase security and improve user experience:

  • FROM and WHERE sections now accept and save subqueries.
  • Semicolons are no longer allowed.

Path: Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer


Attendance - Multiple Schedule Structures (SIS-61164)

In a calendar with multiple schedule structures, student attendance totals were not displaying properly for selected structures. This has been corrected.

  • When a student is enrolled in multiple schedule structures within the same school and calendar, all attendance marks display within the same table when the schedule structure is set to All.
  • When a single schedule structure is selected, the summary table on the student Attendance tab only contains the attendance marks for that schedule structure.

Also, the query used to call student attendance has been optimized for increased performance.

Path: Student Information > General > Attendance


Behavior Status Filter Bug Fix (SIS-181678)

An issue where users were receiving an error on the Behavior Management tool when changing the Status Filter was fixed.

Path: Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Behavior Management


Behavior (SIS-181787)

An issue with the Behavior Response Type field has been resolved.

Path: Behavior Office > Behavior Management > Behavior Management

Campus Instruction

Grades Tool in Instruction - View as Student (SIS-181713)

Previously, some teachers could not use the View as Student option when viewing Grades tools in Instruction. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Teaching Center > click a section name > click Grades tab

Campus Learning

Progress Monitor - Cumulative Grading (SIS-178947)

Previously, users could not enter report card comments in the Progress Monitor for a task included in Cumulative Grading setup. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Grades > Progress Monitor > click task/standard heading > Report Card Comments


Quiz Improvements (SIS-180518)

The following improvements have been made to Quizzes in Instruction:

  • Teachers can allow reattempts on quizzes via the Quiz Settings screen. With reattempts, they can also indicate which score should be used in the Grade Book: the highest score among all attempts or the most recent.
  • Teachers can now edit quizzes after students have viewed them, making it possible to correct typos and change answers. Be aware that changing the scoring setup of a quiz may alter student scores if they've already taken the quiz.

Path: Instruction > Curriculum > Curriculum List > Add: Quiz


Discussions Tool Right in Classic Campus (SIS-181226)

Previously, teachers could not create discussions in Instruction if they did not have the Discussions tool right, which was only visible in Classic Campus. Tool right logic has been updated so that access to Discussions is correctly governed by the Enhanced Curriculum tool right.

Path: User Management > User Account Administration > User Account > Tool Rights


Digital Learning Partner List (SIS-181987)

The Digital Learning Applications Configuration tool has been updated to correctly list available Digital Learning partners according to Infinite Campus's vendor management system. Improvements have also been made so that if contact cannot be made with that vendor management system, access to Campus will no longer be interrupted.

Path: Instruction > Settings > Digital Learning Applications Configuration

Campus Student & Parent

Campus Student/Parent - Security Improvements (SIS-181170)

Security improvements have been made to Campus Student inbox messages.

Path: No specific path


Contact Information Search Priority (SIS-181484)

Previously, if a district modified their district-defined help in the Campus Parent or Campus Student app to include their phone number, Google searches prioritized that phone number over the number of Infinite Campus in search results, causing an increase in calls to the district. This has been corrected.

Path: System Administration > User Security > User Preference Management > Login Page Preferences


Campus Student & Parent - Account Linking Updates (SIS-181903)

Several minor updates have been made to the Manage Districts tool, including adding a link to additional help information. This tool allows users with Campus Student/Parent accounts in multiple districts to link their accounts together.

Note: The Manage Districts tool is only available in North Carolina and Delaware.

Path: Campus Student/Campus Parent > click the user menu > Manage Districts

Cross-Site Enrollment

Cross-Site Enrollment Fixes for Campus Student & Parent (SIS-181045)

The Schedule tool in Campus Student and Campus Parent has been updated to improve how Cross-Site courses are displayed when the Home school and Serving school don't have the same Instructional Days. Improvements have also been made to how attendance is displayed for Cross-Site courses for Kentucky.

Path: Campus Student/Parent > Schedule


Cross-Site Grades - Performance Improvements (SIS-181481)

Performance improvements have been made to the nightly Cross-Site sync for districts with a large number of Cross-Site courses at the Serving district.

Path: No specific path


SSRS Server Configuration Test (SIS-181782)

An error would occur when testing connections that would cause every test to fail. This has been corrected.

Path: System Settings > Custom Data and Links > SSRS Server Configuration

Data Utilities

Data Extract Utility Server field character limit updated to 100 characters (SIS-169416)

Data Extract Utility Server field character limit was 50. Request to update field to 100 characters completed.

Path: System Settings > Data Utilities > Data Extract Utility


Data Extract Utility – Passwords Longer than 50 Characters Truncated Upon Save (SIS-172368)

Users received a “Password authorization failed” error message when attempting to configure the Data Extract Utility with a password longer than 50 characters because the tool truncated the password. This issue was resolved, and the tool (as well as the Data Extract Zip Tool) now accepts passwords up to 100 characters in length.

Path: System Settings > Data Utilities > Data Extract Utility


In SFTP mode: DEU error "KeyExchangeFactories not set" appears for every extract. (SIS-175521)

A few districts are getting DEU error "KeyExchangeFactories not set" for every extract. It happens only in SFTP mode. A full tomcat restart should resolve the issue.

Path: System Settings > Data Utilities > Data Extract Utility


Military Connections Records Not Syncing to State for Previously Not Enrolled Students (SIS-174240)

A person who started as a person in the system and later received an enrollment record were missing their parent and/or guardian’s Military Connections record connection at the state level due to an issue with this information failing to sync. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


SIF Data Tools (SIS-180259)

The SIF Data and SIF Person Data tools have been enabled for the following states: Connecticut, Iowa, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration > SIF Data Tool, Census > People > SIF Person Data


SIF v3 RefId Update (SIS-180981)

The RefId attribute has been updated to include the ‘@’ sign in order to send correctly.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration


Active Database Type Pool Setting Set for DIS Connection Pool (SIS-181915)

The DIS connection pool has been set to use an active database type to prevent pool exhaustion.

Path: N/A


Ed-Fi Error Message Update (SIS-181548)

An error message for database triggers has been updated to include more detailed information.

Path: N/A


Optional Fee Purchase via ESS (SIS-181314)

An error occurred in ESS where the list of Fees did not update when the school selector was updated when adding Optional Fees. A fee could still be added to the cart when a payment could not be submitted. This has been corrected.

Path: My Account > Payments > My Accounts

Food Service

Household Food Service Deposit Distribution Percentage (SIS-156015)

An error occurred in Setup Deposit, preventing users from editing the Deposit % field. This has been corrected.

Path: Census > Households > Household Food Service Deposit


Quick Serve Fix (SIS-179384)

Quick Serve was showing student POS Accounts as Inactive on the last day of a calendar. This has been corrected.

Path: Food Service > Administration > Quick Serve


Parent Portal Food Service Alert Update (SIS-180008)

Updated an alert that appears when the Add to Cart button is used after nothing is added to the Amount fields.

Path: Parent Portal > Food Service


Parent Portal Food Service Accessibility Enhancements (SIS-180011)

Accessibility enhancements were made in the Parent Portal for Food Service.

Path: Parent Portal > Food Service


Food Service Deposit Year Fix (SIS-180127)

An error occurred where Food Service Deposits made before 6/30 were only displayed on the previous year, despite the current year's calendar and school year being active. This has been corrected.

Path: Census > People > Food Service Deposit


Tally Meal Action Buttons (SIS-181491)

An error occurred where Save, New, and Delete buttons would appear for users in Tally Meal Entry even though they did not have Write, Add, or Delete tool rights. This has been corrected.

Path: Food Service > Information > Tally Meal Entry


Application Manager Expand Toggle and Layout Label (SIS-182066)

Added an Expand All Applications toggle to the form and a NO SERVICE label to any service that does not have a saved service layout.

Path: My Account > Communication > Message Center


POS Version 2.23.9 Update (SIS-182176)

The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool:

  • POS version updated to 2.23.9.
  • An error occurred in Terminal Manager where selecting a School that had multiple Terminals caused Reload messages to be omitted by the terminal and the reload would not process. This has been corrected.
  • An error occurred where Terminal Manager reload/reboot requests were failing for POS versions 2.22.2 and above. This has been corrected.


Custom Form Setup State Edition Update (SIS-181712)

State Edition users can now publish Custom Forms with Database Tables to District Edition users. Users must save the Custom Form before the Publish to Districts checkbox displays. The database table must exist before the Custom Form can be published to districts. See the Custom Forms Setup article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > General Student Administration > Custom Form Setup


Eligibility Start and End Dates (SIS-180576)

An error occasionally caused the Eligibility start and end dates to display a day off. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Application Processing > Eligibility


Meal/Educational Benefits Application Type (SIS-180855)

Added a message to the first step of the Amend Application process which states:

"When amending or copying a Meal or Educational Benefits Application, the Application Type cannot be changed. If the Application Type must be changed, a new application must be processed."

Path: FRAM > Application Processing > Household Applications


FRAM Letter Batch Report Time Frame (SIS-181066)

An error would occur where the FRAM Letter Batch Report would not generate data if Day was selected as the Time Frame. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Reports > FRAM Letter Batch Report


FRAM Communication Letter Loading (SIS-181430)

An error occurred where FRAM Communication letters were not loading for some users. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Setup > FRAM Communication


FRAM Application Instructions Translation (SIS-181480)

An error occurred where a section of Step 3 in Application Instructions would not save any edits to the content. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Setup > FRAM Communication


FRAM Online Application Processing Expiration Date (SIS-181483)

Processing an online meal benefits application was, in some cases, not adjusting the existing eligibility correctly. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Application Processing > Eligibility


FRAM Eligibility Record (SIS-181503)

An error occurred that could cause the FRAM Eligibility record to appear blank when deleting an Online Application from Household Applications. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Application Processing > Eligibility


Backdating Food Service Transactions (SIS-181597)

Added auto backdating to Point of Sale transactions to the effective eligibility date when processing FRAM Household and Online Applications

Path: FRAM > Application Processing


Household Applications Tool Rights (SIS-181650)

An error occurred where Household Applications in FRAM would not load unless a user had Read tool rights to Online Applications. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > Application Processing > Household Applications


FRAM Eligibility Import Error Log (SIS-181718)

A FRAM Eligibility data error could cause district sites to go down. This has been corrected and an error log for FRAM Eligibility data has been added.

Path: FRAM > Application Processing > Eligibility

Grade Reporting

Grades Report Performance Update (SIS-179209)

There was an issue with the Grades Report query performing slowly, specifically for large districts during end-of-year grading. The query was updated to improve performance and user experience.

Path: Grading & Standards > Reports > Grades Report


Serving School Added to the Report Card (SIS-181963)

The name of the Serving School displays on the Report Card under the Course Name when a student takes a cross-site enrollment course.

Path: Student Information > General > Grades > Report

Grading Setup

Grade Calc Options - Validation Screen (SIS-176029)

As a result of specific Course Master setup and pushing for one-time tasks, users of the section-level Grade Calc Options were unable to get past the Validation screen. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Grades > Grade Book > Settings > Grade Calc Options


Immunization Compliance Database Update (SIS-181649)

The Immunization Compliance database table now updates immediately after saving an individual student's immunization record instead of waiting to update with the overnight script. This allows users to see in real-time the student's current immunization compliance status on the student Immunizations tool.

Path: Student Information > Health > Immunizations


Entering a Partial Year in Datepicker Defaulting to First Century (SIS-170893)

Entering a partial year in a date picker incorrectly defaulted the year to the first century. To correct this, entering a value of 45 or greater (not exceeding 99) will default the year to 1900 (plus the partial year entered) and 2000 (plus the partial year entered) for a value equal to or less than 44.

Path: N/A


Main Menu Flyout Button Not Functional if Logging into Campus with Half Sized Screen (SIS-179144)

Users could not access and use the Flyout Menu button if their screen was shrunk to half size or smaller when logging into Campus. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


Campus Login Screen Not Centered in Safari Browser When SSO Login is Present (SIS-181092)

The Campus login screen was appearing off-center in the Safari web browser if an SSO login button was present. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


Campus Version Type Incorrectly Being Set to Test (SIS-181648)

Changes made to the connection pool code were incorrectly setting the dbo.campusVersion.Type from production to test. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A

Learner Planning

Special Ed Process Alert Rules Fix (SIS-181309)

An issue with users missing values in the Event 1 dropdown on the Special Ed Process Alert Rules tool was fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed Administration > Special Ed Process Alert Rules


Prompt Preferences Fix (SIS-179723)

If a district has never saved Prompt Preferences, upon using Messenger to send email, the word “null” erroneously displayed in the Message Body. This has been corrected.

Path: Communication > Messenger Settings > Prompt Preferences


Footer Added to Messenger Emails (SIS-181038)

In response to recent email sender guidelines established by Google and Yahoo, a footer was added at the bottom of email communications, directing users why they are receiving the message, and to contact their school district for more information on the types of communications they receive.

Path: N/A


Saved Message Templates (SIS-181180)

When users accessed Message Builder, they did not see a list of their saved templates. This has been corrected.

Path: Communication > Messenger > Message Builder


Email Database Connection Fix (SIS-181934)

A server issue was causing emails to fail to send when database connection pools were limited. This has been corrected.

Path: N/A


Online Payment and School Store Notifications (SIS-182054)

An update to Messenger caused an issue with Payments and School Store Notifications. We have made adjustments to this update and the report notifications are now functioning correctly.

Path: System Settings > Payments

Online Payments

Split Transaction/Service Fee Fix (SIS-181505)

If split fees was enabled and a chargeback fee was being split across multiple funds, in some cases it was not being rounded to the full cent. This has been corrected.

Path: System Settings > Payments > Payments Reporter


Payments Reporter Inventory Fix (SIS-181586)

An issue occurred where the 'Return to inventory' checkbox was not available when refunding a product with inventory tracking on. This has been corrected.

Path: System Settings > Payments > Payments Reporter

Program Participation

Program Participation - Migrant Missing Print Button In Some States (SIS-181035)

The Print button was not displaying in the Migrant program tool for some states. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant


Programs - Alternative Education Program Missing Custom Attribute In Some States (SIS-181294)

It was discovered that for some states (GA, IN, MI, OK) Custom Attributes had not been enabled. AltProgram will display in the Screen Location droplist.

Georgia had been displaying SAAP instead of AltProgram. This has been corrected.

Note that MN is an exception and will continue to display SAAP.

Path: System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Custom Attribute/Dictionary > AltProgram

Records Exchange

NRE Better Error Message When Setup Is Incorrect (SIS-181010)

An update has been made to make the error message that displays when an issue with NRE setup occurs more descriptive, so users may more easily identify the issue that is occurring.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration > National Records Exchange


Walk-In Scheduler - Term, Period Dropdowns Not Displaying Options (SIS-177572)

The Term and Period dropdowns on the Requests: Search section were not always included in the Add Option list of fields. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Walk-In Scheduler


Requests and Rosters Updates (SIS-179745)

The following updates have been made to Requests & Rosters:

  • A warning message displays when the entered Start Date or End Date falls between the dates of the terms. This applies to the Course's Section dates and Batch Edit Student Roster. This is an informational message; users can still enter and save those dates when necessary.
  • An Expand/Collapse button has been added to the Course View.
  • Miscellaneous issues related to error messages clearing when the user takes another action when clicking X to clear a modal and when hovering over text that was not clickable. Also corrected were text wrapping with a longer team name and other minor text updates for accuracy and consistency.
  • The Max Seat Count Overload modal no longer displays when the Max Seat Count is not defined for the section and/or the course.
  • Several accessibility issues related to the behavior (display, acceptance, clearing, etc.) of modals.
  • Confirmation messages throughout the Requests & Rosters tool have been updated to clarify which students now have or no longer have a request for a course, and which students were added to or removed from a course roster. Updates to start/end dates or the repeat/no credit checkboxes are also included. The messages also note the total number of students or courses affected by the update.
  • Strict student constraints are now validated in the student grid of the Batch Edit Course Roster side panel and the Roster Builder. When a selected student has a strict student constraint with another selected student, those student rows are highlighted in red, along with an alert symbol next to the students' names. Users who have the appropriate tool rights can override the restriction.
  • Students enrolled in Cross-Site courses are now excluded from the Roster Builder. They are displayed in the Roster list for the Course Section with Cross-Site Enrollment icon next to their name.
  • An error was returned when using the Batch Edit Course Rosters option that indicated no values were selected. This has been corrected.
  • When the Max Students value was not populated, adding students through the Roster Builder returned an error. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Scheduling > Requests & Rosters


Walk-In Scheduler - Requests Not Loading when Course Does Not have Terms/Schedules/Periods Populated (SIS-180861)

Course requests were found to not be loading (error received) when the course did not have other Terms, Schedules, or Periods fields populated, but Sections were placed for the course. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Walk-In Scheduler


Walk-In Scheduler - Drop Date Display (SIS-181429)

When dropping a course as of today or a future date, the drop date was not displaying below the course name and was not greyed out as expected. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-In Scheduler


Staff Getting Calendar Security Error when Logging in via SSO (SIS-158747)

Staff users were encountering an error stating “Security: User does not have rights to selected Calendar” when logging in via SSO. They were also seeing a message of “undefined” where the Classic Campus index should exist. These issues were corrected.

Path: N/A


Security Updates (SIS-180405) (SIS-180398) (SIS-180397) (SIS-180399)

Updates were made to improve and strengthen system security.

Path: N/A


Users Unable to Sign into Infinite Campus When Two or More SSOs are Active (SIS-181835)

Users could not log into Infinite Campus if their system had two or more active SSO configurations. This issue was corrected.

Path: User Management > Settings > SAML – SSO Service Provider Configuration

Staff Evaluations

Human Resources and Staff Evaluations Deprecation (SIS-181439)

Human Resources (HR) and Staff Evaluations tools will no longer be available after June 30th, 2025.

Path: N/A

Student Locator

Error When Checking for Person Match During Enrollment (SIS-171832)

When using the Student Locator Wizard tool to check for a local match during enrollment, users encountered an error if they did not have calendar rights to the person's prior enrollment calendar. The error was generated even when a user had full tool rights to Census and the unfiltered search functionality. This issue has been resolved, and the Student Locator tool redirects to Enrollments as expected.

Path: Student Information > General > Student Locator Wizard


Student Status Selection Only Displays Active Status Options (SIS-181819)

The 'Student Status' droplist that displays when the 'Report CTE Program' option is selected as a Transcript Report Display Option only provides active student statuses. Inactive statuses are maintained for historical records and are indicated with "**". They cannot be selected for new reports or those that already have an active status.

Path: System Settings > System Preferences > Report Setup > Type = Transcript, Student Information > General > Transcripts > Reports

State-Specific Notes


Arizona - Graduation (Year End Status) Field Removed (SIS-176959)

The Graduation (Year End Status) field on the State Reporting Enrollment editor has been removed as it is no longer used for state reporting. It can still be included in Ad hoc reports using the field enrollment.yearEndStatus.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Graduation (Year End Status)


Arizona - Discipline Resources Updates for Incident Date, Resolution End Date (SIS-179649)

The Discipline Actions, Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations, and the Discipline Incidents Resources have been updated to report only when both the Incident Date and the Resolution End Date overlap the student's enrollment dates.

A resync of all discipline-related resources is needed as part of this update.

Path: Ed-Fi


Arizona - Discipline Resources Only Sending when Offender Role Selected (SIS-180475)

The Discipline Incidents, Discipline Actions, and Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Resources have been modified to only report for students who are considered the Offender in the Behavior record. Students listed as Victims, Witnesses, etc., do not report.

Mappings for the Discipline Incident Participation Code Descriptors for the Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Resource have been removed as they are no longer used in Arizona.

A resync of all discipline-related resources is needed as part of this update.

Path: Ed-Fi


Arizona - Tribal Affiliations on Student Education Organization Associations (SIS-181506)

The isEnrolled element was missing from the tribalAffiliations array on the Student Education Organization Associations Resource. This has been corrected.

A resync on the resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Ed-Fi


Arizona - Student School Food Service Program Associations (SIS-181570)

programName and programTypeDescriptor on the Student School Food Service Program Associations Resource now send as 'National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program' and 'NSLP/SBP', respectively.

A resync on the resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Ed-Fi


Arizona Vaccine Rule Updates (SIS-182163)

The Meningococcal vaccine compliance rules were updated. See the Arizona Immunization Rules article for additional compliance information.

Path: Student Information > Health Administration > Vaccine Setup

Bureau of Indian Education

BIE-Enrollment and Graduation Fields Updated (SIS-181191)

Following changes released in Campus.2431.6, the 'Post Grad Location' field on the Graduation tool was hidden and the 'Admission Status' field on the Enrollment record was designated as required for BIE users in North Carolina. These issues have been corrected. The 'Post Grad Location' field is now visible and users can save enrollments without indicating an 'Admission Status'.

The 'Admission Status' attribute was unlocked as part of this update.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments / Graduation


California - Updates to MAR, MAS (SIS-176001)

Updates have been made to the Monthly Attendance Register and the Monthly Attendance Summary. Both reports include an option to generate a Legacy Report (in the format currently available) or an Updated Report.

The Monthly Attendance Register Updated Report includes an option to exclude tardies from the attendance totals, and multiple enrollments are combined to report in one line.

The Monthly Attendance Summary Updated Report counts the total of unique enrollments, not just Beginning + Gains. Also, the Unexcused/Excused total no longer includes SSU/SSE counts.

Path: Reporting > CA State Reporting > Monthly Attendance Register, Monthly Attendance Summary


California - CalGrant GPA Verification Updates (SIS-180989)

The CalGrant Non-SSN and CalGrant Graduation reports, part of the CalGrant GPA Verification Extract, have been updated for the new 2025-26 format.

  • Two fields have been removed - SP_SCH_CMPS_CODE and CSAC_ID.
  • Character lengths for several fields have been updated to eliminate errors when submitting the file to the state.

Path: Reporting > CA Reporting > CalGrant GPA Verification


Colorado - NEW Student Interchange At Risk File (SIS-178602)

A NEW At Risk file is now available as part of the Data Pipeline Student Interchange Extract. The At Risk file reports student-level census block information needed to meet the new legislation measures for Total Program funding calculation of the Public School Finance Act.

Path: Reporting > CO Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > At Risk


Delaware Student Early Childhood Program Associations Resource Activation (SIS-176614)

The Student Early Childhood Program Associations resource has been implemented.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware-Ed-Fi-Restraint Seclusions Resource Implemented (SIS-176636)

Initial logic has been implemented for the Restraint Seclusions Ed-Fi resource in Delaware.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Delaware Person Medical Alerts Resource Activation (SIS-176639)

The Person Medical Alerts resource has been implemented.

Path: Ed-Fi


 Delaware Student Education Organization Associations Update (SIS-180281)

Pre-K data element logic has been added to the Student Education Organization Associations resource.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware Ed-Fi Resource Updates (SIS-180806)

The following updates have been made:

  • The "Behavior Descriptors" link that says "Discipline Incidents Resource Preferences" directs to the appropriate page for the Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations resource.
  • The "Performance Base Conversion Descriptors" section has been removed from the Grades resource.
  • The "Educational Environment Descriptors" section has been removed from the Sections resource.
  • The "Limited English Proficiency Descriptors" section has been removed from the Student Education Organization Associations resource.
  • Automapping for Infinie Campus codeS KG and KN have been updated to auto-map to State Code KN on the Grade Levels resource.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware-Ed-Fi-Discipline Actions and Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Updates (SIS-181254)

Reporting logic was updated on the Discipline Actions and Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations resources for "non-main" behavior descriptors, including:

  • Gang Related
  • Teen Violence
  • Bullying
  • Physical Restraint

A resync of the Discipline Actions and Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations resources is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Delaware-Trained in Technique Checkbox Added to Behavior Tool (SIS-181551)

A 'Trained in Technique' checkbox was added to the Participant(s) Details section of Behavior Response. The checkbox indicates whether the participant was trained in the technique administered during the behavior incident.

Path: Behavior Office > Behavior Management> Behavior Management > Behavior Response > Participant(s) Details


Delaware Restraint Seclusions Update (SIS-181576)

Logic for the staffProvidingRestraints data element has been updated in the Restraint Seclusions resource.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware Special Ed Summary Ad hoc Tool Rights Fix (SIS-181651)

An issue where the Special Ed Summary field, State Funding Category, was not reporting in Ad hoc even when the user had the appropriate tool rights was fixed.

Path: Reporting > Ad hoc Reporting > Filter Designer, Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Summary


Delaware Special Ed Documents Fixes (SIS-181658)

Two issues concerning Delaware's Special Ed Documents were fixed:

  • An issue with duplicate Evaluations displaying was fixed.
  • An issue where the incorrect Meeting Purpose was pulled into the Plan was fixed. This impacted all plan types.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Delaware Staff-Related Resource Updates (SIS-181746)

An issue resulting in multiple staff-related resources reporting only a single record on manual resyncs has been corrected. This has been corrected for the following resources:

  • Staff School Associations
  • Staffs
  • Staff School Associations
  • Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware CIP Course Code Update (SIS-181772)

CIP Course Codes have been updated. Another update will be made soon to remove inactive codes and to update the names of codes.

Path: Course/Section


Delaware Parents and Student Education Organization Associations Updates (SIS-181889)

The following updates have been made to the Parents and Student Education Organization Associations resources:

  • Logic has been added to the localeDescriptor data element.
  • A trigger for [Address].municipality has been added.

Path: Ed-Fi


Delaware Special Ed Summary Field in Ad Hoc Fix (SIS-181909)

An issue when adding the SpecialEDStateFundingNeeds.category field to an Ad hoc filter was fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Summary, Reporting > Ad hoc Reporting > Filter Designer


Georgia-Ed-Fi-Prior 10 Days Logic Update (SIS-177301)

Logic for the 'prior10Days' data element on the Student School Associations resource was updated:

  • Look at the 'Prior 10 Days Override' field on the Enrollment first:
    • Report 'True' if it is "Y: Yes - Present".
    • Report 'False' if it is "N: No - Not Present".
  • If the 'Prior 10 Days Override' is NULL:
    • Report 'True' if the current value in 'prior10DaysCalc' = 1'
    • Report 'False' in all other situations.

A resync of the Student School Associations resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Georgia ProgramEducationOrganizationID Logic Update (SIS-178042)

The Program EducationOrganizationID should be sending as the Ed-Fi District ID while the Program Association EducationOrganizationID should be sending as the Ed-Fi School Number. This logic update was made to the following resources:

  • Programs
  • Student Special Education Program Associations
  • Student Language Instruction Program Associations
  • Student Homeless Program Associations
  • Student Section 504 Program Associations
  • Student School Food Service Program Associations
  • Student Program Associations
    • Gifted and Talented
    • GNETS (02 Programs)
    • Career Academy 03 Programs
    • Graduation Program
    • Academic Programs
    • Flags
    • Programs

Logic has not been changed for the Alternative Education (01) program.

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia-Ed-Fi-No Show Student Data Element Added to Student School Associations (SIS-179548)

A new 'noShowStudent' data element was added to the Student School Associations resource:

  • Reports 'True' if the No Show checkbox is marked on the enrollment record.
  • Reports 'False' in all other situations.

A resync of the Student School Associations resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Georgia-Ed-Fi-Child Find Status Descriptor Added to Student School Associations (SIS-180382)

Logic for the 'childFindStatusDescriptor' data element was added to the Student School Associations resource. This element reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the value selected for Child Find. It does not report if the value is null.

A resync of the Student School Associations resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Georgia-Ed-Fi-Gifted Served Descriptor Added to Student School Associations (SIS-180383)

In the Campus.2435 release, a Gifted Service option was added to the Program Services tool for Georgia. It includes a required 'Gifted Served' field. Logic for the 'giftedServedDescriptor' has been implemented for the Student School Associations resource to report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to Gifted Served on the student's most recent Gifted Services record that overlaps the reported enrollment. The field does not report if NULL.

A resync of the Student School Associations resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Georgia-Ed-Fi-Student Characteristics Descriptor Added to Student Education Organization Associations (SIS-180385)

'Title I Targeted Assistance Participation' was added to the 'studentCharacteristics' array on the Student Education Organization Associations resource. It reports when the 'Nutrition' checkbox is marked on the Enrollment record. A trigger was added to 'EnrollmentGA.title1Nutrition' as part of this update.

A resync of the Student Education Organization Associations resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Georgia-Ed-Fi-Child Find Status Descriptor Added to Student School Associations (SIS-180386)

The Local Education Agency Statistics resource was updated to send 'educationOrganizationReference' instead of 'localEducationAgencyReference' to support the name change the Georgia Department of Education implemented.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Georgia-Ed-Fi-Enrollment Location Descriptor Added to Student School Associations (SIS-180895)

The 'iepInclusionTypeDescriptor' under the 'fteSegments' array on the Student School Associations resource was renamed 'enrollmentLocationDescriptor'. The reporting logic for 'iepInclusionTypeDescriptor' now applies to 'enrollmentLocationDescriptor'.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Georgia Programs and Student Program Associations Update (SIS-181126)

  • Triggering logic has been updated for Alternative Education (01_ Programs) for the Programs resource.
  • Alternative Education logic has been updated for the following data elements in the Programs resource:
    • programName
    • programTypeDescriptor
    • educationOrganizationReference
  • Logic for the following data elements in the Student Program Associations resource has been updated:
    • programReference
    • alternativeEducationOrganizationId

Path: Ed-Fi


Georgia-Gifted Service Updates (SIS-181250)

In the Campus.2435 release, a Gifted Service option was added to the Program Services tool for Georgia. It has been updated to include functionality in the following areas:

  • Ad Hoc Reporting
  • Custom Attributes/ District Defined Elements
  • Data Change Tracker
  • Federal/State Program Updater
  • National Records Exchange

The 'Gifted Program' hyperlink in the Gifted Service Detail view was updated to correctly link to the Gifted Program tool as part of this release.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Program Services


Georgia Section Student Detail Fields Update (SIS-181880)

The following data dictionaries have been updated in the Section Student Detail:

  • SPED Delivery Model
  • Gifted Delivery Model
  • ESOL Delivery Model
  • EIP Delivery Model

The Ed-Fi auto-mapping in Student Section Associations have been updated for the following categories:

  • SPED Delivery Model - Section Student Detail - specialEducationDeliveryModel
  • Gifted Delivery Model - Section Student Detail - giftedDeliveryModel
  • ESOL Delivery Model - Section Student Detail - esolDeliveryModel
  • EIP Delivery Model - Section Student Detail - eipDeliveryModelDescriptor

Path: Ed-Fi


Idaho - 2024-2025 Student Demographics and Person Address State Changes (SIS-178583)

The following updates have been made to the Student Demographics and Person Addresses extracts:

  1. Student Demographics field 21: econDisStatus logic has been changed to report D:Direct Cert Free or DCR:Direct Cert Reduced. Old code was D:Direct Cert (free or reduced).
  2. Student Demographics field 45: New field ""On School Grounds"" added to Enrollment tool. This field defaults to null. Options are Yes, No, Not Applicable. This field is used to indicate whether the majority of a student's instruction was received at a physical facility owned or leased by the reporting LEA.
  3. ISEE Person Addresses: addressLine1 now ignores field maxlength in order to allow reporting of a student's complete physical address as entered in Campus regardless of character length. Previously the max length was 60. Reporting more than 60 characters for addressLine1 will still generate a warning upon state submission but this is now acceptable/preferred to ID DOE.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollment > On School Grounds

Path: ISEE Collection > Person Addresses


Idaho - On School Grounds Field Needed (SIS-181524)

To accommodate changes to the Student Demographic Report, a new ""On School Grounds"" field has been added to the Enrollments tool. The field will default to null. Users may choose Y:Yes, N:No or X:Not Applicable when populating this field.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments


Idaho Special Ed Evaluation Summary Report SLD Updates (SIS-181733)

Several updates were made to the Evaluation Summary Report (Specific Learning Disability) for Idaho:

  • Two new fields, Early Childhood Referring Agency ID and Early Childhood Transition Date, were added to the Evaluation Information editor.
  • Hidden fields that only displayed when certain selections were made in other fields on the Summary of Evidence editor now always display.
  • Several new fields were added to the Summary of Evidence editor.
  • These fields were added for reporting purposes.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Illinois - Student Course Assignment (SIS-170784)

Corrections have been made so that withdrawn students report with code 17 in the extract.

Path: IL State Reporting > Student Course Assignment


Illinois - Seal of Biliteracy Update via ISBE (SIS-180745)

The list of available options in the Non-English Method and English Method droplists for the Illinois Seal of Biliteracy have been updated.

See for more information.

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation > State Seal Information


Indiana-Ed-Fi-Multilingual Learner Logic Updates (SIS-173746)

Logic was updated for reporting:

  • 'limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor' and 'ELLInstrumentUsedDescriptor' on Student Education Organization Associations.
  • EL Program on Student Program Associations.

A resync of the Student Education Organization Associations and Student Program Associations resources is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Indiana-Ed-Fi-Student School Attendance Events Updated for Missing Membership Days (SIS-179549)

The logic used for calculating membership days on the Student School Attendance Events resource was updated to count the student as 'present' if the total time the student is absent in a day is < 50%.

A resync of the Student School Attendance Events resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Indiana-Ed-Fi-Virtual Education Updates on Student Program Associations (SIS-181178)

Logic was updated on the Student Program Associations resource to consider the 'Reporting School' droplist field added to the Virtual Education tool in the Campus.2415 release:

  • DELETE/POST/PUT logic added to trigger on 'Reporting School'.
  • 'educationOrganizationReference'
    • Reports the school that the Virtual Education program reports under.
    • If 'Reporting School' is NULL or blank:
      • educationOrganizationId = 10 + State District Number + State School Number
      • Otherwise, educationOrganizationID = 10 + State District Number + Reporting School

A resync of the Student Program Associations resource is required as part of this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Indiana-Alternative Education Program Meeting Time Updates (SIS-181293)

There was an issue with the 'Program Meeting Time' not displaying data upon saving. This issue has been corrected. The Alternative Education 'Program Meeting Time' field was added to the Federal/State Program Updater as part of this update.

Path: Student Information > State Programs > Alternative Education


Indiana-Ed-Fi-Serving and Accountable Schools Update (SIS-181542)

The following school was added to the Enrollment section of the Core Attribute/Dictionary. The school now displays in the 'Serving School' and 'Accountable School' droplists in the State Reporting Fields section of the Enrollment record.

  • 0818: Silver Creek Primary School

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields


Iowa - 2024-25 Yearly Updates (SIS-180275)

The following updates have been made for the 2024-25 school year:

  • SIF logic update for the StudentSchoolEnrollment object for the SIF_ExtendedElement/LIEPPlacementDate element.
  • Attribute changes for the following: State Start Status, Accreditation Area, Current School Year, and Embedded Work-Based Learning.
  • Removed the SIF StudentSchoolEnrollment / SIF_ExtendedElement / TherProg and StudentSchoolEnrollment / SIF_ExtendedElement / TherProgRef elements.
  • Added five new elements for Industry Recognized Credential to the StudentSchoolEnrollment.SIF_ExtendedElement: SIF_ExtendedElement/IRC1, SIF_ExtendedElement/IRC2, SIF_ExtendedElement/IRC3, SIF_ExtendedElement/IRC4, and SIF_ExtendedElement/IRC5

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration


Iowa - 24-25 Yearly Updates Fix (SIS-182019)

Reactivate SIF Element TherProgRef that was deactivated in SIS-180275 has been reactivated.

Path: System Settings > Data Interchange Administration


Kentucky – Safe Schools (SIS-180935)

An issue with duplicates when running the Safe Schools report has been resolved. Also, issues with missing data related to SSP3 (out-of-school suspension) when there are Restraint/Seclusion responses present and Events V19 (Hazing 1st degree) and V20 (Hazing 2nd degree) have been resolved.

Path: Reporting>KY State Reporting>Safe Schools


Kentucky – Custom Forms KY Reading Improvement Plan (SIS-181027)

The KY Reading Improvement Plan settings have been updated so that the form will be shown on the Campus Parent App.

Path: Student Information > General Student Administration > Custom Form Setup > KY Reading Improvement Plan


Kentucky – Custom Forms EL (SIS-181111)

Multiple updates have been made to the Program Services Plan for English Learners form for the 2024-2025 school year, and the previous form has been end-dated.

Path: Student Information > General Student Administration > Custom Form Setup > Program Services Plan for English Learners


Kentucky Special Ed IEP Enrollment Editor Update (SIS-181136)

The logic for placing the Enrollment editor of the Individual Education Plan was updated to require the Primary Disability field be pulled in from a locked Evaluation.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Maine Special Ed Evaluations Updates (SIS-181627)

A new Hide Contact Information checkbox was added to the Parent/Guardian Demographics editor of the Maine Evaluation Summary Report, Referral, and Multi-Disc Team Evaluation documents. Marking this checkbox prevents the guardian's contact information from printing.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Massachusetts Special Ed Plan and Evaluation Updates (SIS-180114)

Several updates were made to the Massachusetts Individual Education Plan, including:

  • Several editors were renamed to include the associated grid in the name:
    • Consultation Services Grid A
    • Special Education Services Grid B
    • Related Services Grid C
  • All text fields on the PLAAFP editors have been updated to WYSIWYG text editors.

The following Meeting Types were added to the IEP:

  • Reconvene
  • Manifestation Meeting

On the Evaluation, the Findings field on the SLD Component 1 editor is now a WYSIWYG text editor.

The following Meeting Types were added to the Evaluation:

  • Three Year Reevaluation
  • Re-Convene

With this update, the Evaluation and IEP both have new print formats, IEP 2024.1 and ESR 2024.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Michigan-Ed-Fi-Kids Back on Track Program Added to Cohorts and Student Cohorts Associations (SIS-179197)

Logic was added to the Cohorts and Student Cohorts Ed-Fi resources to consider the 'Back on Track' program. The program tool was implemented as part of the Campus.2431 release to support data collection for the MI Kids Back on Track grant-funded program.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Michigan-Course/Section 10/30 Extract Update (SIS-179919)

The Course/Section 10/30 report logic was updated to exclude courses dropped before the count date designated on the extract editor. Only courses actively scheduled on the Count Date are included in the report.

Path: Reporting > MI State Reporting > 10/30 Extracts


Michigan-Ed-Fi-Title I Program Updates (SIS-180465)

Title I-related changes were made to the following Ed-Fi resources:

  • Student Title I TAS Program Associations: Updated to pull from core Title I programs.
  • Programs: POST logic updated to report when a student is associated with one or more Title 1 programs.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Michigan-Ed-Fi-Locator Updates (SIS-181249)

There was an issue with the Ed-Fi Student Locator tool generating errors and failing to search for students. JSON was updated to correct the '400 Bad Request- Invalid Identity Properties' error. Other changes were implemented as part of this update, including:

  • Suffix and Middle Name fields added to the search editor.
  • Search fields designated as 'read-only'.
  • Validation added to prevent the string 'undefined' from being sent.

Path: Demographics > Get Ed-Fi ID > Ed-Fi Locator


Michigan-MSDS Request for UIC Updates (SIS-181777)

The MSDS Request for UIC XML header and schema validation were updated for 2024-2025.

Path: Reporting > MI State Reporting > MSDS Extracts


Minnesota – Ed-Fi MCCC (SIS-178170)

Triggers and resync logic for Course and Course Course resources have been updated in order to correct a deletes issue. Courses with old college codes have been converted to the state's new codes. The error code for college code when invalid characters has been updated.

Districts should not turn on or resync these resources until an email communication is sent out.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-180269)

The Resource Mappings for the Early Education Program Type Code for the Courses resource has been updated. The list of Ed-Fi Codes has been updated to display all of the available Ed-Fi Early Education Program Type Codes including EE-ECFE, EE-SR, EE-ECSE, and EE-VPK. The programs element for the Courses resource has been updated to report the mapped value when EE program type = ECFE, SR, ECSE, or VPK.

A resync of the Courses resource is required.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Minnesota – Ed-Fi Student Early Education Program Associations Resource (SIS-181177)

An issue caused by a field type change for the membership and attendance fields on the Early Education state program tab when the Student Early Education Program Associations resource is triggered or a resync is run has been resolved.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Minnesota - FSPU EE Auto-Ending Records on Failure (SIS-181296)

The FSPU was able to auto-end old records although a new record was not created due to failure. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > Program Administration > Federal/State Program Update Wizard


Minnesota Pneumococcal Update (SIS-181312)

The Pneumococcal vaccine rules were moved from the PPV to the PCV folder in the Vaccine Setup tool. See the Minnesota Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > Health Administration > Vaccine Setup


Minnesota – Ed-Fi Resync Logic on Course-Related Resources Incorrectly Deleting Records (SIS-182113)

Running a resync for Course or CourseCourseAssociations was incorrectly causing courseCourse records to be deleted at the state, even records not tied to the syncing district. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


Missouri Ed-Fi Resource Added (SIS-177507)

The Course Transcript Ed-Fi resource was added for Missouri.

Path: No specific path


Missouri Ed-Fi Resource Update (SIS-179272)

The logic for reporting the programReference element on the Staff Program Association resource was updated to report the name of the CTE program instead of the code.

Path: No specific path


Missouri - Several SSRS Reports Experiencing Formatting Issue (SIS-179483)

The "CalendarID" parameter becomes problematic because of the capitalized "C." Fixed.

Path: NA


Missouri Ed-Fi Resource Update (SIS-179637)

The SpecialEducationMetDefinitionIndicator element within the Student Special Education Program Association resource was replaced by SPEDMetDefinition.

Path: No specific path


Missouri MOSIS Student Core Updates (SIS-180759)

Several updates were implemented for Missouri for the 24-25 school year, including:

  • The Secondary Disability element now reports on the MOSIS Student Core extract for Missouri.
  • The values available in several dropdowns on the KG Readiness tool were updated.
  • The values available in the Dual Credit Site Code dropdown on the Section Student Detail were updated.
  • The values available in the Industry Recognized Credentials and Stackable Credentials 1 and 2 dropdowns were updated on the Enrollment tool.

Path: Reporting > MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts, Student Information > State Programs > KG Readiness, Scheduling and Courses > Courses > Section Student Detail, Student Information > General > Enrollments


Missouri Enrollment and Special Ed IEP Update (SIS-181413)

A new field, Secondary Disability, was added to both the Enrollment tool and the Individual Education Plan Enrollment editor for Missouri. Logic was also added to populate the Secondary Disability field from the student's locked Evaluation document.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents, Student Information > General > Enrollments


Montana Data Imports Updates and New Extracts Created (SIS-177867)

The following imports were updated for Montana:

  • Roster Upload
  • Section Upload
  • Course Upload

The following new extracts were created for Montana to match the above imports:

  • Roster Extract
  • Section Extract
  • Course Extract

Path: Reporting > MT State Reporting > MT Extracts/MT Data Upload


Montana Section Placement Upload and Extract Added (SIS-177870)

A new import and matching extract, Section Placement Upload and Section Placement Extract, were added for Montana.

Path: Reporting > MT State Reporting > MT Extracts/MT Data Upload


Montana Home-Based Early Literacy Reporting and Uploading Updates (SIS-178577)

In a previous update, the Home-Base Early Literacy field was added to the Enrollment tool (SIS-178932). With this update, several Montana reports and imports were updated to accommodate and report this new field.

The following reports and matching imports now report or import this new field:

  • Fall Enrollment Count Extract and Fall Enrollment Count Upload
  • Spring Enrollment Count Extract and Spring Enrollment Count Upload

The following reports now exclude students marked as Home-Base Early Literacy from their report populations:

  • Count Date Attendance
  • Impact Aid Enrollment Count
  • EOY Attendance Totals

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments, Reporting > MT State Reporting > MT Extracts > Fall Enrollment Count Extract/Spring Enrollment Count Extract/Count Date Attendance/Impact Aid Enrollment Count/EOY Attendance Totals, Reporting > MT State Reporting > MT Data Upload > Fall Enrollment Count Upload/Spring Enrollment Count Upload


Montana Enrollment Field Added (SIS-178932)

A new field, Home-Based Early Literacy, was added to the Montana Enrollment tool. This allows the state to track student enrollments that must be excluded from attendance totals. This field is required for future reporting of the Count Date Attendance extract on September 1, 2024. This report will be updated in a future release.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments


Montana Course Information SCED Code Updates (SIS-180297)

The list of values available in the SCED Subject Area and SCED Course ID dropdowns on the Montana Course Information tool were updated for the 2024-2025 school year.

Path: Scheduling and Courses > Courses > Course Information


Montana Course Information Field Added (SIS-180528)

The Core Academic Class field was added to the Montana Course Information tool. This field can be used to track whether the course is designated as a MAST ELA or MAST Math course. See the Montana Course Information article for additional information.

Path: Scheduling and Courses > Course > Course Information


Montana Data Imports Updates and New Extracts Created (SIS-181277)

The following imports were updated for Montana:

  • Staff History Upload
  • Terms of Employment Upload

A new import, District Assignment Upload, was also created.

The following new extracts were created for Montana to match the above imports:

  • Staff History Extract
  • Terms of Employment Extract
  • District Assignment Extract

Path: Reporting > MT State Reporting > MT Extracts/MT Data Upload


Montana Early Literacy Update (SIS-181771)

The Screener Start Date field on the Montana Early Literacy tool was updated to the Record Entry Date field.

Path: Student Information > State Programs > Early Literacy


Montana - Requests & Rosters Available in MT Edition (SIS-181855)

Requests & Rosters is now available in MT Edition sites.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Scheduling > Requests & Rosters


Nebraska Ed-Fi Performance Updates (SIS-175563)

Performance was optimized for Nebraska's Student Education Organization Associations, Student School Attendance Events, and Student Section Association Ed-Fi resources.

Path: No specific path


Nebraska Ed-Fi Resource Fix (SIS-181646)

An issue with the Student School Association not sending the FTE value was fixed.

Path: No specific path


Nevada-Title I Program Tool Implemented (SIS-179724)

The Title I program tool was implemented for Nevada. Users can identify students who live in locally operated institutions for neglected or delinquent children. The tool allows users to track:

  • Start Date (required)
  • End Date
  • Title 1-A Program (required)
  • Comments

Student records can be printed, and the Title I program fields are available in Ad hoc reporting and the Federal/State Program Updater.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Title I


Nevada-Chronic Absenteeism Report Attendance Code Updates (SIS-180003)

There was an issue with the NV Chronic Absenteeism Report considering attendance codes that were not mapped to State codes in a district's Attendance Excuse Detail. This issue has been corrected. The 'EdFactsDaysAbsent', 'NVStateDaysAbsent', and 'FederalDaysAbsent' data elements on the NV Chronic Absenteeism Report do not count attendance events if the associated attendance code is not mapped to a State code.

Path: Reporting > NV State Reporting > Chronic Absenteeism Report


Nevada Enrollments Special Ed Exit Reason List Updated (SIS-181124)

The list of values available in the Special Ed Exit Reason dropdown on the Nevada Enrollments tool was updated.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments, System Settings > Custom Data and Links > Attribute Dictionary


Nevada-Exclusion from Historical EL Record Cleanup Script (SIS-181890)

An issue was identified in which some students with multiple active EL records had a historical record without an end date. A query (SIS-174300) in the Campus.2435 release was implemented to isolate the records and change their status to 'Exited LEP'. This update EXCLUDES Nevada from the cleanup script.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners

New Hampshire

New Hampshire-iNHDEX-Extended Learning Opportunities Implemented (SIS-181408)

The iNHDEX reporting tool was implemented for New Hampshire. The update includes the Extended Learning Opportunities extract, which allows high schools to report data for students who participated in an extended learning opportunity (ELO) during the school year.

Path: Reporting > NH Reporting > iNHDEX

New Jersey

New Jersey-SCED Codes Updated (SIS-177561)

SCED Subject Area/Course Identifier codes were updated in the Attribute/Dictionary. The update includes the addition of new codes, inactivation of those no longer in use, and the following name changes:

  • 04102: 'Early U.S. History' changed to 'Early U.S. History (U.S. History I)'
  • 04103: 'Modern U.S. History' changed to 'Modern U.S. History (U.S. History II)'

Active codes are available for selection under the NCES Data section of the Course Information editor.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > NCES Data


New Jersey-Student Programs Implemented (SIS-181680)

The following student program tools were implemented in New Jersey to support future updates to state reporting requirements:

  • Alternative Program
  • Gifted & Talented
  • Migrant
  • Section 504
  • Title 1

Program fields are available in Ad hoc Reporting.

Path: Student Information > State Programs/ Participation Program

New Mexico

New Mexico - Ed-Fi Student School Associations Updates for 2024-25 School Year (SIS-179620)

The Student School Associations resource has been updated to report the Graduation Indicator element for the 2024-25 school year.

A resync on the Student School Associations resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


New Mexico - Ed-Fi Student School Food Service Program Associations Updates for 2024-25 School Year (SIS-179921)

The directCertificationStatusDescriptor in the Student School Food Service Program Associations resource has been updated for Free and Reduced for the Certified Type of Medicaid in the 2024-25 school year.

A resync on the Student School Food Service Program Associations resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


New Mexico - Ed-Fi Student Special Education Program Associations Updates for 2024-25 School Year (SIS-179923)

The ‘SO: Speech Only’ service code has been added to the SpecialEducationProgramServiceDescriptor in the Student Special Education Program Associations resource for reporting in the 2024-25 school year.

A resync on the Student Special Education Program Associations resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


New Mexico - Ed-Fi Students Resource Updates for 2024-25 School Year (SIS-179951)

The Multiple Birth field has been enabled on the Demographics and Identities tools.

The Students resource has been updated to report the generationCodeSuffix and multipleBirthStatus elements for the 2024-25 school year.

A resync on the Students resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: Census > People > Demographics/Identities, Reporting > Ed-Fi


New Mexico – New NMPREK Program (SIS-180939)

The NMPREK program has been enabled to track Preschool information for students.

Path: Student Information > State Programs > NMPREK


New Mexico - Migrant Program Updates (SIS-181557)

State defined elements have been added to the Migrant program to track additional details.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

New York

New York SSEC Extract Logic Update (SIS-180185)

Logic for reporting the z. Number of Student Targets/Victims element on the New York SSEC Extract was updated to report 1-5. Logic for reporting nn. Number of Unduplicated Student Offenders for Serious Incidents was updated to report 1-4.

Path: Reporting > NY State Reporting > SSEC Extract


New York Vaccine Rule Update (SIS-182011)

The Tdap immunization rules were updated for New York. See the New York Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > Health Administration > Vaccine Setup

North Carolina

North Carolina - NC Graduation Data Verification Extract (SIS-178319)

The NC Graduation Data Verification Extract is now available. This report includes student information, diploma information, and post-graduate intentions for graduating high schoolers. Five separate reports are available:

  • Student Detail
  • Certificates by Post Graduation Intention
  • Certificates by Course of Study
  • Diplomas by Course of Study
  • Diplomas by Post Graduation Intention

See the Knowledge Base for additional details on each.

Path: Reporting > NC State Reporting > NC Graduation Data Verification


North Carolina - Term Type Field (SIS-179784)

The Term Type field on the Term Setup tool is now located on the Course Information and Section Information tools. This field indicates the length of the course as defined by the state.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information/Section Information > Term Type Override


North Carolina - Country of Birth Required for Students (SIS-180124)

The Country of Birth field on the Demographics and Student Locator is required when creating new student records.

Path: Census > People > Demographics; Student Information > Student Information General > Student Locator


North Carolina - SchoolNet Additional Roles Updates (SIS-180360)

Two codes in the SchoolNet Additional Roles list were misspelled. These have been corrected.

Path: Census > Staff > District Assignments


North Carolina - Student Test Accommodations Updates (SIS-180844)

The following modifications have been made to the Student Test Accommodations tool:

  • IEP: Individualized Education Program and PSSP: Private School Service Plan types have been removed.
  • Type Code LEP: LEP Plan/Documentation has been renamed to EL: English Learner Plan/Documentation. A conversion has been done to reassign the LEP code to the EL code.
  • Test Accommodations fields have been added to Ad hoc Reporting for both District Edition and State Edition.
  • The Test Accommodations field now syncs to State Edition.

Path: Student Information > General > Test Accommodations


North Carolina - CPR Test on eTranscripts Reports as Pass/Fail (SIS-181318)

The CPR test now reports on the eTranscript XML when the Result on the student's Assessment record is P. Results of Pass, Fail, or F do not report.

Path: Student Information > General > Assessments; Grading & Standards > Reports > eTranscript Batch"


North Carolina - Data Change Tracker Setup Error Log (SIS-181378)

The Data Change Tracker was triggering on a table that was not enabled for tracking, causing a message to reappear every hour. This has been corrected.

Path: System Settings > Data Change Tracker > Data Change Tracker Setup


North Carolina - Immigrant Record now on Demographics (SIS-181446)

The Immigrant Record field on English Learners (EL) tool has been moved to the Demographics tool. When the Immigrant Record field is populated for a student, the Date Entered US School field needs to be populated.

The Ad hoc field for the Immigrant Record in EL (Student > Learner > EL > EL> immigrantMLLStatus) displays in red, indicating it is inactive but data can still be reported. Data is not being converted. It is now located in the following locations for Demographics:

  • Student > Demographics > Identity History or Person > Demographics > Identity History
  • Census > People > Demographics or Census > People > Identities

Path: Census > People > Demographics > Immigrant Record


North Carolina - Diploma Types, Post Graduation Plans, Grade Level Updates (SIS-181574)

The options for Graduation Diploma Type and Post Grad Plans have been updated, along with State Grade Levels, to meet current DPI requirements.

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation; Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Grade Level Setup


North Carolina - PMR Extract Updates (SIS-181585)

The following updates have been made to the NC PMR Extract:

  • The Generate Now Output Option has been removed; the only option for generating the PMR is to use *Submit to Batch*.
  • Validations for finding FATAL errors in the snapshot are queried and run in the background when the Generate and Review buttons are selected on the PMR Summary. The results of the validations display when there are no FATAL errors. When there are FATAL errors, a message displays indicating fatal errors were found and to review the validations again, correct the issue, and generate the PMR again.
  • When Review is selected on the PMR Summary and the validations have not completed, a message displays indicating that the validations need to complete before the report can be reviewed.

Path: Reporting > NC State Reporting > NC PMR Extract


North Carolina - Report Card Batch Error (SIS-181645)

Selecting the Report Card Batch resulted in an error message. This has been corrected.

Path: Grading & Standards > Reports > Report Card


North Carolina - UNC Requirements Update (SIS-181729)

A UNC Minimum Requirements checkbox is now available on the Course Masters/Course Information editors. When marked, it indicates the course is part of the minimum requirements for admission to UNC.

A UNC Minimum Requirements checkbox is now available on the student's Transcript record when viewing specific details about a course. Data from that field can also be included in Ad hoc Reporting filters.

When this field is marked on a Course/Course Master and scores from that course are posted to Transcripts, the field cannot be modified on the Transcripts (it's read-only). When a transcript record is manually entered, the UNC Requirements field can be marked (or unmarked) and saved.

When printing the NC Official Transcript, any course marked with the UNC Minimum Requirements checkbox displays with a UNC Minimum Requirements label below/after the Course Name. This applies only to courses that would already be displayed on the official transcript (Courses with an HS Credit Group, regardless of the grade in which the course was taken).

For core transcripts, when the Course College Code option on the Transcript Report Preferences is marked, UNC Minimum Requirement displays below/after the Course Name on the transcript for any Transcript Course record where the UNC Minimum Requirements is marked.

Path: Student Information > General > Transcripts > Additional Information; Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Information > UNC Minimum Requirements; Grading & Standards > Course Masters > Course Masters Informaiton > UNC Minimum Requirements


North Carolina - CTE Report - Potential Concentrator (SIS-181882)

The NC CTE Report has been modified to report CTE Status so a Program with only a Prerequisite and a Concentrator can have a CTE Status of Potential Concentrator.

There were additional updates to the CTE Report:

  • The Calendar selected in the toolbar is now automatically selected in the Calendar picker on the Report editor.
  • The reported range is set to July 1, 20XX, to the entered Effective date. Previously, this was the Calendar Start Date to the Effective Date.
  • The list of grades is now automatically populated based on the selected calendars.
  • Records were duplicated when multiple calendars were selected. This has been corrected. Record duplication can occur when multiple calendars for multiple schools are selected.

Path: Reporting > NC Reporting > NC CTE Report


North Carolina - Role Field on Section Staff History (SIS-181905)

The Role field on the Section Staff History tool is now available. The option of SLT: Secondary Lead Teacher is available for selection.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Section Staff History


North Carolina – PersonIdentity NullPointerException Error (SIS-181937)

Resycing PersonIdentity records to the state was incorrectly causing NullPointerException errors. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


North Carolina - PMR Report Updates (SIS-182078)

The following updates have been made to the PMR Report:

  • PK ADA displays as N/A; previously, this reported as 0 (zero).
  • State Attendance Codes 1X, 1L, and 2L are no longer included in the report generation.
  • State Attendance Code 3 is now considered as an Excused Absence.
  • State Attendance Code 3A is now calculated as a regular Present code.
  • When generating the report, the specific Extract Type (PMR Summary, GRS Detail, etc.) is now listed in the Batch Queue list.
  • The following applies to the PMR Student Detail Report:
    • Legal First Name, Legal Last Name and Birth Sex now report when they are available for a student.
    • Columns E1 - W2T only look at the specific enrollment record referenced on the detail record, not the summary status totals.
    • The Enrollment Start Status now shows R5 or R6 when the enrollment record has that value.
    • The Enrollment Start Status now counts R5 or R6 when the enrollment record has that value as E1 or E2 when counting the start status totals.

Path: NC PMR Report


 Ohio Report Updates (SIS-182025)

The following values have been added to the Course Area for Credit on the Course tool:

  • DRI: Driver’s Education
  • ENE: English Counting as Elective Credit
  • MTE: Math Counting as Elective Credit
  • SCE: Science Counting as Elective Credit
  • SOE: Social Studies Counting as Elective Credit

The Student Graduation Core Summary (GC) and the Course Master (CN) reports have been updated to report the new values added to the Course Area for Credit field on the Course tool.

Path: Reporting > OH State Reporting > OH Extracts


Oklahoma-SIF 2.0/2.7 Updates-Phase 2 (SIS-181274)

SIF 2.0/2.7 updates were implemented for the following objects:

  • StaffAssignment
  • StaffSectionAssignment
  • AttendanceCodeInfo
  • TermInfo
  • SchoolCourseInfo
  • SectionInfo
  • LEAInfo
  • SchoolInfo
  • StudentPersonal
  • StaffPersonal
  • StudentSchoolEnrollment
  • CalendarDate

This update also includes corrections to SIF 2.0/2.7 Updates-Phase 1 (SIS-181179).

New State Grade Level Codes were added as part of this release.

  • IT - Infant/Toddler
  • PR - Preschool (NCES Grade = PK)
  • 13 - Grade 13 (NCES Grdae= 13, PESC Grade = Grade 13)

Path: SIF


Oklahoma State Grade Added to Several Vaccine Rules (SIS-181565)

The state grade, PR: Preschool, was added to the following vaccine rules:

  • DTaP - 4 doses OK
  • MMR - 1 MMR and 1 M,M,R
  • Polio - 3 doses PK and younger

See the Oklahoma Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > Health Administration > Vaccine Setup


Oklahoma SIF 2.7 Updates (SIS-181730)

The PromotionInfo element in the StudentSchoolEnrollment has been moved to the proper order location:

  • ExitDate
  • ExitStatus
  • ExitType
  • PromotionInfo
  • FTPTStatus (reports only for PK or KG)
  • ResidencyStatus

PromotionInfo logic has also been corrected, and the StudentSchoolEnrollment and CalendarDate header attribute order has also been adjusted.

Path: SIF


 Oklahoma SIF 2.7 Updates (SIS-181794)

The updates listed apply only to SIF 2.7:

  • The extended element tags in StudentParticipation have been updated.
  • The GiftedEligibilityCriteria extended element has been moved to display immediately below the ProgramType element
  • StudentParticipation/ProgramExitType has been updated for the following record types:
    • Bilingual
    • Indian Education
    • Section 504
    • Alternative Education
    • Migrant
    • Foster Care
    • Homeless
    • Gifted
  • Logic for Demographics/RaceList/Race/Code and Demographics/RaceList/Race/OtherCodeList/OtherCode on StudentPersonal and StaffPersonal has been updated
  • SchoolInfo logic has been updated for the following elements:
    • GradeLevels/GradeLevel/Code
    • GradeLevels/GradeLevel/OtherCodeList/OtherCode
    • CalendarySummary object
    • SchoolInfo/SchoolFocus
    • OperationalStatusDate
    • DailyPeriodCount
  • The StaffAssignment/JobFTE element has been removed from StaffAssignment
  • Logic for ProgramPlacmentReason has been updated on StudentParticipation
  • Logic updates have been made to SIF DisciplineIncident 2.7 only for the following data elements:
    • IncidentTime/Type
    • IncidentLocation/Type
    • IncidentReporter/Type
    • RelatedToList/RelatedTo
    • WeaponTypeList
    • WeaponTypeList/WeaponType
    • IncidentCategory/Code
    • IncidentCategory/OtherCodeList/OtherCode
    • OffenderList/Offender/Type
    • OffenderList/Offender/Injury
    • OffenderList/Offender/ActionList/Action
    • OffenderList/Offender/ActionList/Action/OtherCodeList/OtherCode
    • OffenderList/Offender/ActionList/Action/FullYearExpulsion
    • OffenderList/Offender/ActionList/Action/ShortenedExpulsion
    • ReasonForShortenedSuspension extended element
    • VictimList/Victim/Type
    • VictimList/Victim/Injury
    • IncidentReporter/Name Type
    • OffenderList/OffenderType/Name Type
    • VictimList/VictimType/Name Type
    • OffenderList/Offender/WeaponTypeList/Weapon

Path: SIF


Oklahoma Special Ed State Reporting Tool Update (SIS-182152)

All Special Ed fields were moved from the student Enrollment to the Special Ed State Reporting tool for Oklahoma. Historical data will be converted in an upcoming update to report these fields to the state.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > State Reporting Editor


Oregon Student Immunizations Updates (SIS-181704)

When users attempt to save shot doses out of chronological order on the student Immunizations tool, a warning message displays asking the user if they want to proceed. The record can be saved, but the shot doses remain out of chronological order.

The sequence of vaccines on the student Immunizations tool was changed to the following:

  • Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, combined [DTaP, DTP]
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis [Tdap]
  • Polio [IPV, OPV]
  • Varicella
  • Measles-Mumps Rubella [MMR]
  • Hepatitis B [Hep B]
  • Hepatitis A [Hep A]
  • Haemophilus influenza, type B [Hib]

Path: Student Information > Health > Immunizations


Oregon Immunization Compliance Update (SIS-181866)

A new Tdap rule was also added to match the state's requirements. See the Oregon Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > Health Administration > Vaccine Setup


Oregon Vaccine Updates (SIS-181919)

State Compliance labels were added to match the state's specifications. The existing Non-Compliant label is now mapped to the State Compliance label of Incomplete for all vaccines. See the Oregon Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > Health Administration > Compliance Labels


Tennessee Ed-Fi - Config Updates - Descriptors - Show and In All Descriptors (SIS-181693)

Configuration has been updated so that and namespaces appear in all descriptors.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Texas-Ed-Fi-Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Resource Implemented (SIS-179424)

The Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Ed-Fi resource has been implemented in Texas.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Texas-Ed-Fi-Associate Degree Indicator Descriptor Updates (SIS-179660)

Associate Degree Indicator Descriptor logic was updated on the Prior Year Leaver and Student Academic Record resources:

  • Report the mapped Associate Degree Earned Ed-Fi Code. If NULL, do not report.

The descriptor was also mapped to the 'Associate Degree Earned' Campus field in the Student Academic Record resource configuration.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Texas-Ed-Fi-Student Parent Associations and Student Resources Updates (SIS-180656)

Logic for Ed-Fi resources was updated for Texas:

  • Student Parent Associations: Error handling looks for a 409 error instead of a 400.
  • Students: Use Student State ID instead of Ed-Fi ID.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Texas-Ed-Fi-Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations Update (SIS-180659)

The Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations resource reported without referencing the student, resulting in a 400 error. The object triggering logic on the resource was updated to correct the issue, ensuring the reference to the student is not null when sending the object.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Texas-Ed-Fi-Student Special Education Program Associations Disabilities Array Update (SIS-180660)

The disabilities array on the Student Special Education Program Associations resource was updated to only report disabilities if they are mapped to an Ed-Fi Code.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Texas-Ed-Fi-API Rate Limiter Accommodation (SIS-181544)

Logic was updated to send requests below the threshold determined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) API rate limiter.

Path: N/A


Vermont Ed-Fi - Activate Discipline Actions (SIS-181696)

The Discipline Actions resource has been activated for Vermont.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Virginia Student Record Collection, Course, and Enrollment Updates (SIS-180760)

Several updates were made to the Virginia Student Record Collection report for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • A new element, Parent Opt-out Flag (field 136), now reports whether the student's parent has opted out of the military directory data exchange. Student data will not be shared with the military when this reports as Y.
  • The logic for reporting the Disadvantaged (field 20) element was updated not to report Y only because the school was marked as a CEP Provision School.
  • The logic for reporting the CTE Special Populations (field 41) element was updated to report in instances when more than one record is eligible to report, and one record has a special population, and one does not. The special population record reports, even when that record is older than the one without the special population.
  • The list of SCED Course Identifier codes on the Course Information tool was updated. The previous value, 03158, is now mapped to the 03071 code. Several missing codes were also added.
  • The list of values available in the Military Connected Code dropdown on the Enrollments tool was updated.

Path: Reporting > VA State Reporting > Student Record Collection (SRC), Student Information > General > Enrollments, Scheduling and Courses > Courses > Course Information


Wisconsin - Ed-Fi Student Special Education Program Associations Error Fix (SIS-174626)

An unknown transformation error that was occurring on the Student Special Education Program Associations resource has been fixed.

Path: Reporting > Ed-Fi


Wisconsin Special Ed IEP Amend Fix (SIS-182052)

Previously, users were receiving an error when attempting to amend the Education Plan editor of the Wisconsin Individual Education Plan. This was fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > Special Ed Documents


Wyoming - WDE534 School Health Report Update (SIS-179176)

The WDE534 School Health Report has been updated to correctly count the Daily Medication Orders and PRN Medication Orders.

Path: Reporting > WY State Reporting > WDE534 School Health Report