Read to Achieve (North Carolina)

The goal of Read to Achieve is to ensure that every student reads at or above grade level by the end of third grade and continues to progress in reading proficiency so that they can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success.

A student may only have one active At Risk record at any given time. Overlapping records are not allowed. 

Screenshot of the Read to Achieve editor, located at Student Information, State ProgramsRead to Achieve Editor

Read - Access and view the Read to Achieve tool.
Write - Modify existing Read to Achieve records.
Add - Add new Read to Achieve records.
Delete - Permanently remove Read to Achieve records.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Use the Federal/State Program Updater to import existing Read to Achieve records for students or to update records for multiple students.  

The Read to Achieve tool is available for both District Edition and State Edition users. In State Edition, it is read-only. 

Add a Read to Achieve Record

  1. Select a School Year from the dropdown list. 
  2. Click New in the action bar across the bottom. 
  3. Enter a Start Date for when the student began participating in the Read to Achieve program. Start dates must be BEFORE the end date. 
  4. Select the appropriate Grade Level for this student. 
  5. Select the appropriate Program Status for this student. 
  6. Select the appropriate Interventions for this student. More than one type can be selected. 
  7. Select the appropriate Support options for this student. More than one type can be selected. 
  8. Enter any Comments needed for this record.
  9. Enter the applicable options for the State Defined Elements.
  10. Click Save when finished. The new record is listed below the School Year field. 

To make changes to a Read to Achieve record, select the record by clicking anywhere in that row. Make any necessary changes and click Save when finished. 

End a Read to Achieve Record

  1. Click anywhere on an existing Read to Achieve record. The Program Information editor displays. 
  2. Enter an End Date for when the student ended participation in the Read to Achieve program. End dates must be AFTER the start date.
  3. Select an appropriate Program Exit Status
  4. Select an appropriate Exit Status Reason. 
  5. Enter any Comments needed for this record.
  6. Click Save when finished. The new record is listed below the School Year field. 
Screenshot of the Read to Achieve editor, highlighting the End Date, Program Exit Status and Exit Status Reason fields. Read to Achieve End Record Fields

Print a Report

Click Print to generate a PDF Summary of the student's Read to Achieve records. 

Screenshot of the Read to Achieve Print Summary Report. Read to Achieve Print Summary

Read to Achieve Fields

Start Date

Indicates the first date the student participated in the program. This is a required field.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > startDate (atRisk.startDate)

End Date

Indicates the last date the student participated in the program. 

When an End Date is entered, a value is required for both the Program Exit Status and Exit Status Reason fields in order to save. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > endDate (AtRisk.endDate)


Indicates the grade level of the student. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > grade (atRisk.grade)

Program Status

Lists the type of Program in which the student participates.

  • IRP: Individual Reading Plan
  • RRET: Reading Retained (end of 3rd grade)
  • GCE: Good Cause Exemption

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > programStatus (atRisk.programStatus)

Program Exit Status

Indicates the status of the student at the end of the Read to Achieve program. 

  • EXIT: IRP Exit
  • GCE: Promoted to 4th Grade
  • MYP: Mid-Year Promotion - RtA (by Nov 1
  • EYP: End-of-Year Promotion to 5th Grade - RtA (after Nov 1)

This is a required entry when the End Date is populated. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > exitStatus (atRisk.exitStatus)

Exit Status Reason

Indicates the reason the student exited the program. 

  • MET: Met Grade-Level Standards (IRP)
  • GCE1: State FDRA (725 L)
  • GCE2: State Alternative Assessment (725 L)
  • GCE3: Alternate Assessment (Charters)
  • GCE4: RtA Test
  • GCE5: RtA Reading Portfolio
  • GCE6: IEP with NCEXTEND1 and 2-yr Delay or IEP with 2-yrs Interventions
  • GCE7: Limited English Proficiency
  • GCE8: Previously Retained More than Once (K-3) and Literacy Intervention
  • EYP: End-of-Year Promotion to 5th Grade - RtA (after Nov 1)

This is a required entry when the End Date is populated. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > programStatus (atRisk.exitStatus)


Indicates any interventions taken to assist the student in this program. More than one can be selected.

  • COMP: Comprehension
  • FL: Fluency
  • PA: Phonological/Phonemic Awareness
  • PH: Phonics
  • VOC: Vocabulary

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > intervention (atRisk.intervention)


Indicates the area(s) in which a student is receiving support while in the program.

  • CORE: Differentiated Core
  • SUPP: Supplemental (Tier 2)
  • INT: Intensive (Tier 3)
  • TUT: Before/After School Tutoring
  • RC: RtA Summer Reading Camp

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Database Location:

Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > support (


Lists any comments related to the student's participation in the program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > comments (atRisk.comments)

State Defined Elements 

Attend Summer Reading Camp

Indicates whether the student attended a reading campus during the summer months. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > readingCamp (atRisk.readingCamp)

GCE Assessment Used

Indicates the assessment used on the student. This is a text field and is limited to 150 characters. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > assessmentUsed (atRisk.assessmentUsed)

Total Number of Days Present

Indicates the number of days a student participated in the summer reading camp.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries: 

Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > days (atRisk.days)