Tool Search: Section Roster
The Roster lists all students currently scheduled into the selected course section. Administrators are able to view student names, student numbers, genders, birth dates, home phone numbers and addresses.

Read - View a list of students scheduled into the selected course section and a PDF version of a locked Custom Form attached to student from the Roster.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A
Roster Navigation
The Section Roster is a read-only screen. Students cannot be entered into a course section from the roster; data cannot be modified from the roster. However, the user can view data about the students in the course section from the roster when appropriate tool rights are assigned.
The Roster displays students in three potential sections:
- Active Students - This is a list of students who are scheduled to attend the course and are not subject to a future start date that is after the first scheduled date of the section or a prior end date that is before the last scheduled date of the section.
- Incoming Students - This is a list of students who have a start date that is after TODAY and after the first scheduled date of the section.
- Dropped Students - This is a list of students who have an end date date that is before TODAY and before the last scheduled date of the section.
The following defines the fields on the Roster editor.
Data Element | Description |
Name | Lists the student's grade level, name (last, first and middle initial), and student number. An icon for the Grade Book also displays. |
Gender | Indication of the student's gender. Students with a gender not equal to M: Male or F: Female are counted as O: Other. This value only displays in states where gender codes other than M or F are available. At this time, this only displays for California districts. |
DOB | Student's date of birth in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
Start Date | The first date that the student is scheduled to attend this course. Students with a NULL start date are expected to be attending the course from the first scheduled date of the section. |
End Date | The last date that the student is scheduled to attend this course. Students with a NULL end date are expected to be attending the course through the last scheduled date of the section. |
Home Phone, Address and Guardian(s) | Lists the guardian phone number and guardian contact information based on the Guardian checkbox associated with the student's relationship to that guardian. |
Flags | Lists program flags associated with grades, emergency contact information and other flags that may be attached to the student. |
Health | Indicates the student has a health condition. This appears as an EMT symbol. |
IEP | Indicates the student has an active, locked Individual Education Plan (IEP). The staff person is able to select the IEP icon when they are an active member on the student's team. |
PLP | Indicates the student has a Personal Learning Plan. The staff person is able to select the IEP icon when they are an active member on the student's team. |
Documents | Indicates the student has a locked document attached. Multiple documents display as a stack of papers. A side panel listing all documents displays when the icon is clicked. Documents are grouped by module, i.e. Counseling, Special Education, etc. Select a School Year from the dropdown to view documents associated with a particular year. Click on an entry to view the file as a PDF. Only locked Custom Forms display in the Roster; uploaded documents cannot be displayed here. In addition to tool rights to the Roster, teachers must have Read tool rights for Student Information > General > Forms > (Module) > Custom Forms OR Student Information > (Module) > General > Documents > Custom Forms to view documents. See the Forms Tool Rights documentation for additional information. |
Roster Summary
A summary of the class appears above the list of students. This summary notes the total number of Active Students, the total number of students by gender and by grade level, and incoming and dropped students.

Blended Learning Summary
Also displayed is a Blended Learning Group Summary. This summary lists the names of the Blended Learning Groups assigned to the students in the section and the total number of students in the group, broken down by gender. See the Blended Learning Groups article for more information.

Student Data
Student names are hyperlinked for easy access to student data. When a student's name is selected, the Student Information toolset displays, depending on the user's tool rights. This information can be used to contact parents/guardians, review student's attendance in other classes, find the student's locker, etc.
Student Contact Information
The student's household information appears on the course section roster. This includes the guardian's phone number, address and additional phone numbers for each guardian included in the student's Census data. The information that displays here is based on the entered Census data.
Student Flags
The Section Roster displays a series of columns that displays flags that have been assigned to students. These include program flags, health flags alerting users to allergies or specific conditions, graduation and CTE flags, IEP and PLP document icons, and the Grade Book icon.
Comments associated with the flags also display when hovering over the flag. This provides more information on the flag and gives the teacher knowledge about the student.
Flags are created in the Flag Setup tool and assigned to individual students manually on the Student Flags tool or to multiple students using the Batch Program Assignment Wizard.
The following are the types of flags that can display on the Roster:
Flags | Description |
Flags | Indicates the student is involved in certain programs or the school has created flags to display next to the student's name for easy viewing. See the Student Flags article or the Program Admin Flags article for more information. |
Health Conditions | Indicates the student has a health condition that is marked as able to be flagged. A System preference needs to be turned on and the Health Condition needs to be marked as flagged for this symbol to appear on the roster. |
IEP | Indicates the student has an individual education plan. A staff member must have appropriate tool rights to see the IEP icon and must be a member of the student's education team in order to open the IEP. |
PLP | Indicates the student has a personal learning plan.A staff member must have appropriate tool rights to see the PLP icon and must be a member of the student's education team in order to open the PLP. |
Roster Print Options
The roster can be printed from here by selecting the Print Options icon at the top of the Roster tab. This displays the Roster Print Options editor, where the user can select appropriate settings for the printing of the roster.
Section Roster Print Options
This report can be generated for multiple sections from the Section Roster Report in the Scheduling module.
Roster Print Options
The Roster Print displays rosters for the course section selected. The following options can be marked for printing as needed.
Option | Description |
Effective Date | This date determines which students display on a roster. This fields displays the current date by default, but can be changed by entering a new date in mmddyy format or selecting the calendar icon to choose a date. Only active students currently scheduled into the selected course section on the entered date prints on the report. This is a required entry. |
Page Printing Options | Users can select which items to print for the Section Roster Report:
Display Options | Users can include the following course information:
Student Options | Users can include the following student information:
Blended Learning Groups use the following logic:
- When the Show Blended Learning Group Summary display option is marked, but no students in the section are assigned to a Blended Learning Group, that option does not print.
- When a student is not assigned to a Blended Learning Group but the Blended Learning Group Student Option is marked, the label prints next to the student's name with the words No Active Group Assignment.
An active group assignment is based on the student's roster start date in the section.
- When the roster start date is AFTER the current date, the roster start date is used to evaluate against Blended Learning Group Assignment Start/End Date to determine group membership.
- When the roster start date is BEFORE the current date, the current date is used to evaluate against Blended Learning Group Assignment Start/End Date to determine group membership.
See the Blended Learning article for more information.
Generate the Report
- Select the Print Options icon from the Section Roster tab.
- Enter the Roster Effective Date in mmddyy format.
- Select the desired Page Printing Options.
- Select the desired Display Options.
- Select the desired Student Options.
- Click the Generate Report button.
Only flags that are active as of the entered effective date display.
Section Roster Report - Simplified Print, No Gender Display