Tool Search: Special Education State Reporting
The Special Education State Reporting allows users to store and manage student Special Education state reporting data. This tool removes the legal burden of having a Special Education team meeting to amend the setting for age-based changes, such as an early childhood student aging out.
This tool consists of two sections: State Reporting and SPED Flags.
See the core Special Education State Reporting article for information on necessary tool rights, SPED Flags functionality, and guidance on adding SPED State Reporting or Setting records.
Special Education State Reporting List Screen
Select an existing record or click New to view the detail screen.

Special Education State Reporting Detail Screen
The following fields are available on the SPED State Reporting Detail Screen.
Use the Federal/State Program Updater tool to import SPED State Reporting information to this tool.
Field | Description | Additional Information | Report(s) |
Start Date | The start date of the Special Ed State Reporting record. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.startDate
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.startDate |
End Date | The end date of the Special Ed State Reporting record. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.endDate
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.endDate | |
Disability | The student's primary disability. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.primaryDisability
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.primaryDisability | |
Secondary Disability | The student's secondary disability. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.secondaryDisability
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.secondaryDisability |
KIAS Extract |
SPED Status | Indicates the student's Special Education Status. This list includes the student's Current Status (Active Status) when a record is submitted and the student's Inactive Status (Exit Status) when a Special Education record ends.
See the SPED Status section below for available options. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.specialEdStatus
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.specialEdStatus |
N/A |
Special Ed Setting | Indicates the type of school setting in which the student receives Special Education services.
See the Special Ed Setting section below for available options. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.specialEdSetting
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.specialEdSetting |
N/A |
Special Ed Funding Source Code |
Indicates how the student's special education services are funded. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.spedFundingCode
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.spedFundingCode |
N/A |
Special Ed Service Code |
Indicates what type of service the student receives. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.spedService
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.spedService |
N/A |
Special Ed Transportation Provided |
Indicates whether the student is provided transportation to/from special education services. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.specialEdTransportation
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.specialEdTransportation |
N/A |
SRS, JJA, Parental Placement |
Indicates the person who or the authority that places the student into special education services - Social and Rehabilitation Services, Juvenile Justice Authority, or Parents/Guardians. |
Database Location: SpecialEDState.spedPlacement
Ad hoc Inquiries: Student > Special Ed State > specialEDState.spedPlacement |
N/A |
Codes and Descriptions
SPED Status
Click this SPED Status link to return to the field description table.
Code | Name | Active or Exit Status | Description |
A | Action Initiated Withdraw | Exit | Action initiated Withdrawn from Special Education – by parent or student to cease IEP servicesby an act taken by parent or student (without written revocation of services) and the LEA hasevidenced the student is continuing/participating in the general education environment. Includes students who exit SPED services for Home Schooling, enroll in a private/parochial or virtual school, and NO Special Ed services are provided. |
B | Transition from Part C to Part B | Active | Children age 3 who transition from Part C services to Part B by their 3rd birthday. |
C | Continuing Student | Active | Continuing Student from previous school year. Served continuously by the responsible LEA last school year. |
D | Dropped Out of School | Exit | Students who were enrolled at the start of the reporting period, were not enrolled at the end of the reporting period, and did not exit special education through any other basis listed below. This includes but not limited to; dropouts, runaways, status unknown, students who moved (not known to be continuing in another educational program), and Revocations required as part of the formal drop out process. Reported to OSEP as a Drop Out. |
E | Entering From Another District or Agency | Active | Entering from another District, Agency, State or Country – from outside the catchment area, this school year. |
G | Graduation with Diploma | Exit | Students who meet the same graduation standards and
receive a high school diploma identical to that which students without disabilities are eligible. |
H | Has Earned GED | Exit | Has earned, is enrolled or participating in a GED program Including Revocations required as part of the formal process of transferring to a to GED program. |
I | Reinitiation of Services | Active | IDEA Students who have had all of their services revoked by the parent or self (if 18 years of age or older) and services have been restarted this school year. |
K | Under Expulsion |
L | Left State | Exit | LEA has obtained evidence student is continuing in General or Special Education in an LEA outside the state of Kansas |
M | Maximum Age Reached | Exit | Student reaches age 21 in the current school year |
N | New Referral | Active | Students who are referred for special education services the first time in their life under Part B of IDEA or as Gifted by the Part B agency. Gifted only students who are later found eligible under IDEA, are New Referrals the first school year served as an IDEA student. |
O | Objectives Completed | Exit | Student no longer meets eligibility criteria and does not qualify as achild with a disability |
Q | Under Long Term Suspension |
R | Returning to a Special Education Program | Active | Returning to a Special Education Program: Students who previously received special education services at some point in their life; completed objectives, dropped out or left services without a written revocation are reported as R in the school year they returned to services. |
T | Moved, known to be continuing | Exit | Students who moved outside of the responsible LEA’s catchment area and the LEA has obtained evidence student is continuing/participating in a General or Special Education in another Kansas district or agency during the same school year. |
U | Moved, not known to be continuing | Exit |
W | Written Revocation of Services | Exit | Written revocation of services by parent or by student (if 18 years of age or older) and the LEA has evidenced the student is continuing/participating general education after the
revocation. |
X | Deceased | Exit |
Special Ed Setting
Click this Special Ed Setting link to return to the field description table.
Code | Name | Description |
A | Home-Based | The delivery of any direct special education service provided
in a home environment, for students of any age who are not “Homebound” (P) or “Home Schooled”(O). A Home-based setting may include but is not limited to, the delivery of early childhood services in the child’s home, a relative’s home, a non-licensed child care/babysitters’ home, or virtual school students who receive services at home. |
B | Early Childhood Locations | Includes programs for preschoolers or (dual-program) kindergarteners with disabilities that receive special education or related services in educational programs designed primarily for students without disabilities. Also, includes district-run universal preschools offering early childhood programming to 3, 4, and 5-year-olds. Matching Directory program types are HeadStart, Preschool age at risk, all other district sponsored preschool. |
C | Special Ed Services in a General Ed Classroom | Includes locations where students with disabilities are educated with typically developing peers, this includes but is not limited to general education classrooms, lunch room/cafeteria, recess, passing periods, and nurse or counselor office. “C” may be used Gifted services in any location. |
D | Non-School Settings | Includes locations for students who receive special education or related services in non-school or off-campus centers, such as Public libraries, doctor offices, rehabilitation centers, private speech pathologist/related service provider facility or office, church facilities, community centers, KDCF Group Home, public parks, recreational centers, locations on school property typically not used, etc. For children age 3, 4, 5 include service provider locations that thestudent is brought to for the child’s only special education or related service. |
E | Community Based Direct Instruction | Includes the actual off-campus locations in which students develop skills where they will ultimately be performed. Service locations include but are not limitedto job sites, work study, life skills programs in business, shopping centers or restaurants and other organizations or establishments within the community. |
F | Early Childhood Special Education Classroom |
G | Special Ed Services in a Special Ed Classroom | Locations where students with disabilities or giftedness are removed from the general education environmentor preschool classrooms or other programs for additional IEP support. Including resource roomsettings for preschool children who come to the elementary school on an itinerant basis. Note: Settings may also blend non-identified peers receiving similar support. |
H | Alternative School | A school/program that is nontraditional, especially in education ideals, methods of teaching. Include virtual school classrooms in district buildings |
I | Incarceration | Includes programs for students who are incarcerated in any facility under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system, including but not limited to local or County jails, juvenile or adult detention facilities, state penal institutions, PRTF or level 6 facilities. K.S.A. 72-8187 |
J | Special Day School | The delivery of special education services in a special purpose school, building or any segregated program that provides any of the following:
K | Early Childhood Without Services | The portion of the school day a child is not in special education and participates in a qualified in a regular early childhood program.These qualified programs may include: Head Start centers; community based or private preschools,group child development / child care centers, Preschool age at risk programs, district run universalpreschool programs, preschool classes offered to eligible pre-KG children by the public-school system.
K time programs not have to be publicly funded to qualify as regular early childhood program. The amount of K time is limited to the class minutes of the program the student participates in. Note: Ktime only applies to the calculation of OSEP environment (Indicator 6) category using only servicesintersecting December 1 and are measured by participation in a qualified program based a 600 min./10 hours per week threshold. Informal settings do not qualify for K time participation minutes. |
L | Hospital | For students confined to hospitals or convalescent homes for psychiatric or medical treatment on an in-patient basis and receive their special education services in this location. |
M | Residential Setting | Placement in residential setting means a facility where students receive IEP services in educational programs and live at the facility during the school week. Includes any facility, which provides living accommodations and is considered the domicile or temporary sojourn of the students attending and receiving services at the facility. |
O | Home School | For students who receive their general education and special education services in the home school environment. Neighborhood and attendance buildings are listed as home. |
P | Homebound | Homebound instruction" means the delivery of special educational services in the home of a child whose health conditions (physical or mental) are so serious that school attendance isimpossible. Students receiving special education services at home because of suspension or expulsion do not meet the definition of Homebound instruction. |
R | Integrated Special Education Setting (3-5) | Includes locations for preschoolers or (dual-program) kindergarteners with disabilities who receive their special education and related services in programs designed primarily for students with disabilities, and may be integrated with non-IEP peers at a ratio from 0% to no more than 50%. Matching Directory program type is Integrated. |
S | Extended School Year Setting |
T | Extracurricular | Includes locations for students who receive their special education or related services to support participation in school sponsored activities outside of the accredited school day. These locations may include; counseling or health facilities, athletics, supported transportation (outside of school hours), recreational activities, special interest groups or clubs, music programs, theatrical presentations, etc., sponsored by the public agency. |
U | Under Suspension/Under Expulsion | Includes locations for students who receive special education or related services in non-school locations or Interim Alternative Educational Settings (IAES) due a disciplinary removal by district administrators. |
W | Reverse Mainstream ECSE | SPED programs for preschoolers or (dual-program)kindergarteners with disabilities age 3, 4, 5 who receive special education or related services in
special education locations attended by children without disabilities at a ratio of 50 % or more. Matching Directory program type is Reverse mainstream. |
X | Indirect Services | When special education personnel deliver services to a student through another person, meaning the student is not physically present or there is no interaction/contact with thestudent. This includes but is not limited to services such as brailing, scribing etc. or consultation between service providers, service providers and administrators, parents, employers etc. Classroom/curriculum/teacher preparation time or teacher training are not considered an indirect service. |
Y | Juvenile Correction Facility | For students receiving special education services in schools operated at
a state juvenile correction facility. Including the Lawrence Gardner School Topeka. |