NV ALP Credit Report (Nevada)

Tool Search: NV ALP Credit Report

The NV ALP Credit Report indicates if:

  • 8th grade students met specified credit requirements
  • 9th grade students met specified credit requirements
  • middle school students had an academic learning plan

Image of the ALP Credit Report Editor.ALP Credit Report Editor

Report Logic

  • This report includes students with enrollment in the selected calendars, including future calendars, when they have the selected Enrollment Start Statuses, Grades, and primary enrollment on the Effective date.
    • Since the report logic includes future calendar enrollments, you must roll your calendars forward and create future student enrollments for the full report logic to work.  
  • Students with multiple enrollments in the same school only report one record, but their total enrolled days include all enrollments.
  • The student’s active school enrollment reports based on the Effective Date selected on the extract editor.
  • If a school is marked as CEP, all students are counted as FRL = Y in the report regardless of their active FRAM record.
  • If a school is marked as Provision II and the calendar(s) end year in the report is greater than one year from the provision base year (System Administration > Resources > School > Provision > Provision II / Provision Base Year ), all students are counted as FRL = Y in the report regardless of their active FRAM record.
  • For all Transcript grade level considerations, Campus considers the NCES Grade first. If the NCES Grade is NULL, the Grade is considered. If both fields are NULL, Campus ignores the record.
  • A cross-site section does NOT count toward attendance when the student’s section is marked as cross-site, and the Exclude Cross-Site Data checkbox is marked on the extract editor.

Report Editor


Effective Date

To report, students must have a primary enrollment on the Effective Date.
  • CSV
  • HTML
Enrollment Start StatusesSelect the Enrollment Start Statuses to include in the report to narrow report results.
GradesTo narrow report results, select the Grades to include in the report.
ALP CriteriaChoose whether to report from the student’s Academic Plans, Flags, or Both.
Ad hoc FilterSelect a Student Ad hoc Filter to narrow down the report results further.
Filter By

The following options are available to filter the report.

  • Calendar
  • School
  • District

District filtering does not allow you to select individual calendars or schools. It is better to use District filtering instead of selecting all Schools or all Calendars for a given year.

Exclude Cross- Site DataCross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report.
  • Cross-site enrollment functionality must be enabled at the district level for the checkbox to display.
  • Defaults to checked.
Select CalendarsAllows you to select which Calendar(s) should be included in the report when Calendar is selected in the Filter By field. Calendars can be sorted by active year, school, or year.

Generate Extract

Submit to Batch

The report will appear in a separate window in the designated format.

Submit to Batch This allows larger reports to be generated in the background without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Layout

Data Element




The number assigned by the state to identify the school district.

School & District Settings > District > District Information > Master District Code



The name of the school district.

School & District Settings > District > District Information > Name


The unique identifier assigned to the reporting school.

  • Reports the State School Number if the State School Number is at least 5 characters.
    • Inside space counts as a character. Leading and trailing spaces do not count. 
    • Example:
      • "123 5" and "12345" are considered 5 characters.
      • " 1234" and "1234 " are considered 4 characters.
  • Reports the concatenation of the Master District Code and the State School Number if the State School Number is fewer than 5 characters.
    • Example: If Master District Code = 03 and State School Number = 1234, then the SchoolCode = 031234.

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > State School Number


School & District Settings > District > District Information > Master District Code



The name of a school within a district.

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Name


The student's Sate ID.

Demographics > Student State ID


The student's last name.

Demographics > Last Name


The student's first name.

Demographics > First Name


The student's grade level.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade

System Administration > Calendar > Grade Levels > State Grade Level Code



The student's primary race.

  • A - Asian or Pacific Islander
  • B - Black    
  • C - Caucasian
  • H - Hispanic    
  • I - American Indian or Alaska Native
  • M - Two or more races
  • P - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Demographics > State Race Ethnicity


The student's gender.

Demographics > Gender


The student's IEP status. A student is considered a Special Education student if they have an active and locked IEP as of the Effective Date.

Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Education Plan > IEP

The student's EL status. A student is considered EL if they have an active EL Program Status of EL as of the Effective Date.

English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status AND Identified Date AND Program Exit Date
EL Four Years
Exited <= 4 Years

Indicates whether the student exited EL less than or equal to four years ago.

Y reports if the Effective Date is greater than the Program Exit Date AND less than or equal to the 4th year Monitoring Date on the student’s most recent EL record. Otherwise, reports.

English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status AND Identified Date AND Program Exit Date

Reports the student’s Free and Reduced Lunch Status.

  • If the school is marked as CEP under Provision, Y reports regardless of existing FRAM records.
  • If the school is marked as Provision II under Provision Y reports regardless of existing FRAM records.
  • If the school is neither AND the student has a FRAM record with an Eligibility of Free or Reduced, Y reports.

School & District Settings > Schools > School Information >  Provision > Select CEP


School & District Settings > Schools > School Information > Provision > Provision II / Provision Base Year


FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility > Start Date AND End Date

The total number of days the student has a course scheduled within the school.

Days scheduled are instructional days that take attendance.

If a student has multiple enrollments in the same school, this total includes all scheduled days across all enrollments.


The total number of days that the student is scheduled.

Days enrolled are instructional days that take attendance. A student with multiple enrollments in the same school only reports one record, but the total is all enrolled days across enrollments.


The total number of days the student is scheduled across all enrollments in the district.

Days scheduled are instructional days that take attendance where the student takes a course as noted on a student schedule.


The total number of days in which the student is scheduled across all enrollments that take place in the district. Days enrolled are instructional days that take attendance.


Identifies whether the student had an Academic Learning Plan during their enrollment.

Y reports if the student:

  • Had a program/flag on the effective date with the code MSC based on selections on the extract editor, and the State Reported checkbox is selected on the Flag or Program.
  • Has a Graduation Program and Academic Program where the code is not null, and the State Reporting checkbox is checked.

Otherwise, N reports.

Program Participation > Academic Planning

Flags > Code

Programs > Graduation Programs

Programs > Programs


Identifies whether students met their 8th-grade credit requirements based on their 7th and 8th-grade credits.

To report Y

  • Student must have transcript credits earned in Grade Level 07 OR 08 on or before the report Effective Date, AND
  • Student's enrollment in the selected calendar must be tied to State Grade Level Code 08 AND
  • Student must meet the following criteria on their transcript.
    • 1.5 total credits earned in English (SCED Subject Area 01: English Language and Literature)

    • 1.5 total credits earned in Mathematics (SCED Subject Area 02: Mathematics)

    • 1.0 total credits earned in Science (SCED Subject Area 03: Life and Physical Sciences)

    • 1.0 total credits earned in Social Studies (SCED Subject Area 04: Social Sciences and History)

If the student does not meet the above transcript credit criteria

  • but they have an active, locked IEP at some point during the reporting period,

  • Alternate Assessment is marked on their Enrollment,

  • they have a future enrollment tied to State Grade Level Code 09, then Y reports.

Course/Section > Course > SCED Subject Area

Transcript > NCES Grade

Transcript > SCED Subject Area and Credits Earned


Identifies whether a student met their credit requirement within their first year of high school.

If a student’s enrollment in the selected calendar is tied to State Grade Level Code 09 AND they have at least 5.0 transcript credits earned on or before the report Effective Date tied to State Grade Level Code 09, then Y reports. Otherwise, N reports.

Transcript > NCES Grade

Transcript > Credits Earned

Total Calendar Instructional DaysThe total number of days marked Instructional on the selected calendar. 

Calendar Setup > Day Setup > Day Detail > Instruction

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Prorated Days EnrolledDays Enrolled prorated to standard 180-day Calendar.Calculated, not dynamically stored
Prorated Days Scheduled Days Scheduled prorated to standard 180-day Calendar.Calculated, not dynamically stored
Prorated Days Enrolled District Sum of Prorated Days Enrolled across all enrollments. Calculated, not dynamically stored
Prorated Days Scheduled District Sum of Prorated Days Scheduled across all enrollments. Calculated, not dynamically stored
Year in School (YIS)

Report 'Y' if Prorated Days Enrolled >= 91

Otherwise, report ‘N’.

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Year in District (YID)

Report 'Y' if Prorated Days Enrolled  District >= 91

Otherwise, report ‘N’.

Calculated, not dynamically stored


Example 1: Single School On 4-Day Week

  • School Calendar = 144 Days
  • Student Enrolled/Scheduled = 82 Days
  • SCHOOL Prorated Equivalent Days enrolled/scheduled:
  1. (180/144) = 1.25
  2. 82 x 1.25 = 102.5 Days
  • In this case, a student is YIS/YID = 1/YES as the days are greater than or equal to 91
  • Example 2: Multiple Schools

    • School #1= 144 Days
    1. 180/144 = 1.25
    2. Student Enrolled/Scheduled = 54 Days
    3. SCHOOL Prorated Equivalent Days enrolled/scheduled:
    • 54 x 1.25 = 67.5 Days
    • YIS = 0/NO
  • School #2= 180 Days
    1. Student Enrolled/Scheduled = 24 Days
    2. YIS = 0/NO
  • DISTRICT Prorated Equivalent Days enrolled/scheduled.
    1. 67.5+24= 91.5 Days
    2. YID= 1/YES

    Example 3: Single School two calendars/programs with different calendars

    This example is treated the same as the YID example above (Example 2) but would be Calendar #1 and Calendar #2 instead of School #1 and School #2.