Behavior-Resolution Matrix

The Scanning toolset is part of the Campus Workflow Suite.

Tool Search: Behavior-Resolution Matrix

The Behavior-Resolution Matrix tool is used to create a set of rules to apply behavior resolutions to students under certain attendance conditions. This tool can be used in conjunction with the Hall Monitor and Tardy Scanning tools. 

  • Matrices are created per calendar, which means they need to be created each year.
  • The same matrix cannot be used every year and must be recreated each year.
  • You can have two or more matrices running simultaneously on a single calendar. Resolutions from matrices apply automatically when a student scans into a scanning location or when the Matrix Manual Run tool is run.
  • Matrices do NOT need to be inactivated at the end of the school year.

See the Behavior Management Tool documentation for additional information about behavior incidents and resolutions.

The tool lists the Statuses and Names of all existing matrices.

Image of the Behavior Resolution Matrix listBehavior-Resolution Matrix Tool

Select an existing matrix or click the the New button. The Behavior Matrix details display. Existing, locked matrices are read-only, except the Name, Display Name, and Active fields. Matrices become locked as soon as at least one student has received a behavior resolution from the matrix.

Image of the Matrix DetailsBehavior Matrix Details

Matrix Detail Fields

Matrix Options



The name of the matrix.

Display Name


The name of the behavior incident generated by this matrix.
ActiveIndicates this matrix can be run when marked.

Behavior Event


The behavior event assigned to the generated incident.



The scenario for how the attendance events will be counted for this matrix. Options include: 

  • Period Marks: This option looks only at the existence of an attendance event in a period for the student and provides a total number of periods in which a student has an attendance event.
  • Single Day Count: This option looks for any student attendance record matching the selected status/excuse combination either by Year or by Term. If a student has  one or more periods  with an attendance entry, the day counts towards the total number of qualifying events.

Attendance Type


The attendance code option, either Attendance Codes  or Status/Excuse values. Attendance Codes are assigned a status and excuse value, while Attendance Statuses and Excuses keep the values separate. 

For more information about Attendance definitions, see the Attendance Letters documentation.



The period of time across the school year for which the calculation applies. Options include Year or Term(s). If Term(s) is selected in this dropdown, the Term(s) and Total Across Terms fields display.



The term(s) that will be included in the matrix.
Total Across TermsWhen marked, all behavior events are considered across all selected terms. When unmarked, a student must meet qualification criteria within one of the selected terms to trigger a resolution.
Rule List

In order for a student to receive a behavior resolution, the student's attendance entries must meet or exceed the resolution threshold. This is done by adding the selected Status and Excuse counts that are multiplied by the entered weight, or the Attendance Code counts by the entered weight.

For example: If the resolution threshold is set to 4, and a student receives 4 tardies with a weight of 1, that student meets the threshold and will receive the corresponding behavior resolution.

Attendance Code or Status/ExcuseThe attendance incident Code or Status/Excuse.
Resolution List
Calendar CheckmarkUpon assigning this resolution, the Resolution Start Date automatically populates as the assignment date.
Threshold Start The attendance incident threshold the student must meet or exceed to receive the behavior resolution.
Threshold End The attendance incident threshold the student must be below or at to receive the behavior resolution.
DurationA Duration can only be applied to resolutions with a sub-type of Detention. This is in minutes.
ResolutionThe behavior resolution for meeting or exceeding the attendance incident threshold.

Create New Matrix

Matrix Options
  1. Enter a Name for the matrix.
  2. Enter a Display Name
  3. Mark the Active checkbox when the matrix is ready to be used.
  4. Select a Behavior Event from the dropdown.
  5. Select the Type: either Period Marks or Single Day Count.
  6. Choose the Attendance Type: either Attendance Code or Status/Excuse.
  7. Select the Interval: either Year or Term(s).
    • If Term(s) is selected, choose the Term(s) to include.
    • Optional: If Term(s) is selected, mark the Total Across Terms checkbox.
Rule List
  1. Click Add Rule.
  2. Enter a Weight.
  3. Select the Attendance Code or Status and Excuse.
Resolution List
  1. Click Add Resolution.
  2. Mark the Calendar Checkbox.
  3. Enter a Threshold Start and/or Threshold End.
  4. Enter a Duration (for Detention sub-types only).
  5. Select the behavior Resolution

Click Save to capture changes or Cancel to go back. A matrix can be modified or Deleted until it is run for at least one student.