Teacher Schedule Batch Report

Tool Search: Teacher Schedule Batch

The Teacher Schedule Batch Report batch prints teachers' schedules, one page per teacher. This report can be used to give to teachers letting them know when their course sections meet. Course sections print for the terms in which the teacher is the active Primary Teacher or Teacher, based on the start and end dates on the Section Staff History editor.

Screenshot of Teacher Schedule Batch print options.Teacher Schedule Batch

This is a very complex report. It is recommended that the number of teachers selected for the report is limited. Select teachers for the report in sets.

Report Editor

Term, Period Schedule, PeriodsLists the Term(s) (quarter, trimester, etc.), Period Schedule(s) and Period(s) included in the report.
Report LayoutDetermines the printed layout of the report - in a Table format or in a List format.

When using the Table format, the report is limited to nine course sections in a single period. If the schedule exceeds this limit, a warning message displays at the end of the period in question.
Group ByAllows the results of the report to be organized by Course or by Days. 
  • Grouping by Course lists the name of the Course first, and uses the teacher's Staff History record to determine in which term/period the course is listed.
  • Grouping by Day lists the name of Period Schedule first - A Day, B Day, etc.
When the Report Layout option is Table, the report can only be grouped by Days.
When the Report Layout option is List, the report can be grouped by either Course or Days. 
Display Options

When marked, the following prints on the Report:

  • Teacher Display Name - prints the name of the teacher as entered in the Teacher Display Name field on the Section Editor
  • Include Responsive Sections - Includes responsive offerings taught by the teacher to the printed report
OrientationIndicates the layout of the report - Portrait or Landscape.
School CommentAllows users to include a comment which displays at the top of all printed teacher schedules. School comments can be modified at any time and should be applicable to those people receiving the schedule.
Select Teachers

Lists the teachers for which teacher schedules can be printed.

Both active and inactive teachers are available for selection; inactive teachers display in red in the Select Teachers list.

Select DepartmentsLists the departments for which teacher schedules can be printed. Department, in this context, refers to the Department of the teacher, not the Department of the Course, and requires the Department field to be populated on the teacher's District Assignment record.
Sort OptionDetermines how the report sorts - by Department or by Teacher Name.

Teachers who are not assigned a Department on their District Assignment record print at the end of the report when choosing to sort by department.
Report FormatIndicates how the report generates - in PDF or DOCX format.
Report Generation

Two buttons are available for report generations:

  • Generate Report - displays the report instantly.
  • Submit to Batch - allows the user to choose when the report generates. This option is helpful when choosing many schedules to print.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Terms, Period Schedules and Periods to include in the report.
  2. Choose the desired Report Layout option.
  3. Select the desired Group by option.
  4. Mark the desired Display Options.
  5. Select the desired Orientation. 
  6. If desired, enter a School Comment.
  7. Select the Teachers and/or Departments to include on the report.
  8. Select the desired Sort Option.
  9. Select the desired Report Format.
  10. Click the Generate Report button to display the results of the report immediately, or click the Submit to Batch button to choose when the report generates.

The student count total is the number of students enrolled in the section on the last day of the term. The teacher name that prints on the report is the Teacher Display Name (assigned on the Section Staff History editor).

Screenshot of PDF Teacher ScheduleTeacher Schedule Batch - Table Layout, PDF Format 

Screenshot of DOCX Teacher Schedule.Teacher Schedule Batch - List Layout, DOCX Format 

Teacher Schedule Batch - List Format, Group by Courses

Screenshot of Teacher Schedule in List Format, grouped by day.Teacher Schedule Batch - List Format, Group by Days