District Assignments (California)

Tool Search: District Assignments

The District Assignments tab lists the location where the staff member is working. Users can view the school where the person works, the start date and title, type of employment and assignment code. District Assignments are used when assigning course sections to teachers. Only teachers in the selected school who are employed during the date range can be assigned to sections.

Essentially, a staff member’s employment record is broken down into two areas - the district of employment and the school(s) to which the person is assigned.

See the District Assignments page for information on entering assignment data.

Screenshot of the District Assignments editor, located at Census, Staff. Census District Assignments

Staff Type

The Staff Type identifies Certificates vs. Non-Certificated Staff. This selection is reported in the Community Day Attendance Report and the following CALPADS extracts. Descriptions are provided for those that are reported in CALPADS.

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Cert K12 Administrator

CALPADS Reported. An employee of the Education Service Institution in a position requiring certification but who is not required to provide direct instruction to pupils or direct services to pupils (services such as those provided by a pupil services employee. This category does not include mentor teachers.


Cert K12 Pupil Service

CALPADS Reported. An employee of an Educational Service Institution who is in a position requiring a standard designated services credential, health and development credential, or a library media teacher credential and who performs direct services to pupils (counselors, guidance and welfare personnel, library media teachers, psychologists, etc.). Program specialists as defined in Education Code Section 56368 are also to be reported as pupil service employees.


Cert K12 Teacher

CALPADS Reported. An employee of the Educational Service Institution who holds a position requiring certification or other state alternative and whose duties require direct instruction to the pupils in the school(s) of that district, including mentor teachers and in some cases, long-term substitute teachers.


Adult Ed Administrator


Adult Ed Pupil Service


Adult Ed Teacher






Other Classified Staff


Non-certified Administrator

CALPADS Reported. An employee of an Educational Service Institution at the administrative level (assistant, deputy or associate superintendent, or higher) who has been waived of the requirement of having to possess an administrative services credential.


Charter School Non-Certificated Teacher

CALPADS Reported. An employee of a charter school that is providing instruction in a non-core course (as defined in the school's charter) who has been waived of the requirement of having to obtain a teaching credential.


Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher

CALPADS Reported. An itinerant staff member assigned to more than one school site and/or a teacher who provides one-on-one or small group support or resource instruction by either pulling students out of the classroom, or coming into the classroom to provide the instruction.


Teacher In Training


Classified (Adult Education)


Title VI Administrator


Title VI Teacher


Title VI Teacher Aide


Title VI Non-Clerical Support Services


Title VI Clerical


Title VI Other


Migrant Education Administrator


Migrant Education Teacher


Migrant Education Teacher Aide


Migrant Education Clerical


Migrant Education Recruiter


Migrant Education Records Transfer


Migrant Education Counselor


Migrant Ed Linker Advocate


Migrant Education Support Services


Migrant Education Other

FTE of Assignment

FTE values are entered as percentages and indicates the amount of time, relative to a full-time position, that a staff person spends in a particular assignment. This value is reported on the CALPADS Staff Assignment Extract as a sum of FTE from all district assignments with the same type.

  • If not using Campus Human Resources, FTE is entered as a decimal on the District Assignments editor. 100% or 1.0 FTE is entered as 100 or 100.0.
  • If using Campus Human Resources, FTE is entered as a numeric value (e.g., 1 for full time) in the Position FTE field on the Work Assignments editor. 
    • Staff who have multiple work assignments should have a separate Work Location entry with the Percent field populated for how much FTE applies to that particular work assignment. The CALPADS Staff Assignment Extract reports from this field when it is populated (otherwise, it reports from the Position FTE field).

Non-Classroom Support Codes

A Non-Classroom Support Code describes the work of a Certificated staff person. There are seven fields for each staff person.

  • Any staff type can report Code 6018.
  • Type 10 or 25 staff only report codes 0100-0160, 0171, 0199, 0301-0302, 0307 or 0318.
  • Type 11 staff only report codes 0202-0226, 0228, 0400 or 0407.
  • Type 12, 26 or 27 staff only report codes 6006-6007, 6010-6011, 6014, 6017, 6019-6020 or 6099.

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6018Employee on Leave
6029Special Education Case Manager (non-instructional)
6028Teacher on Special Assignment
6030Program Coordinator - School Site Level
Type 10
0161Administrator - Program Coordinator

Type 10, 11
0229Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor

Type 10, 12, 27
0319Teacher Inducation Program Coordinator

Type 10, 25
0160Charter School Administrator or Director
0102Deputy or associate superintendent
0110Admin staff development
0302Vice Principal or assoc/asst admin
0137Administrator - Other

Type 11
0214Vision therapy
0215Rehabilitation Counselors
0205Social Worker
0218DIS, Medical/Nursing Services
0206School Nurse
0223Occupational Therapist
0209Other medical Professional
0225Orientation and Mobility Special
0211Speech-Language Pathologists
0226Deaf or Hard of Hearing Interpreter
0213Physical Therapist

Type 12, 26, 27
6010Mentor Teacher
6020Other Certif. non-inst assign
6011Peer Assistance Review
6027Non-Instructional Teacher Librarian
6014Day to Day Sub Teacher-perm emp
6099Department Chair

Staff Providing Services to EL

This field indicates the staff person is a California authorized teacher or paraprofessional providing instructional services to EL students. This data is currently not included in any State Reporting.

1Authorized TeacherAuthorized Teacher Providing Instructional Services to English Learners. Appropriately authorized teacher who is currently providing instruction to English learners through English language development (ELD) and/or instruction in language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies either through primary language instruction and/or Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).
3Bilingual ParaprofessionalBilingual paraprofessional who is providing primary language support to English learners. All paraprofessionals should meet district criteria that ensure paraprofessionals: 1) are able to speak, understand, read, and write English and the primary language of the ELs; and 2) are familiar with the cultural heritage of the ELs.