Campus Instruction: Advanced Grade Book and Posting Grades - Study Guide

Campus Grade Book allows teachers to enter assignment scores and track student progress. This Study Guide will build off the basics of Grade Book and provide instruction on advanced Grade Book setup. These features include filtering student progress, analyzing student performance, posting student grades, and generating Campus Instruction reports.

Grade Book Review

Review Campus Grade Book

The Grade Book allows teachers to easily create assignments, enter scores, and track student progress. This document and video contain overview information about Campus Grade Book. If you are looking for a more basic overview of Campus Grade Book, please click here.


Advanced Grade Book Setup and Filtering

Filtering and Sorting the Grade Book

Filtering options determine which students and/or assignments will display in the Grade Book. Sorting determines the order in which assignments appear.



Manage Sections Groups

The Section Groups tool allows teachers to group similar course sections together to be accessed simultaneously in the Grade Book. Groups make scoring assignments easier by combining matching assignments into shared columns in the Grade Book. Section Groups are an optional Grade Book feature for teachers.



Using Student Groups

Teachers can use the Student Groups tool to sort students into smaller learning groups within a course section. Teachers can then assign an assignment to only students in a specific group. An assignment aligned to a Student Group will only count towards students in the group. All other students will be exempt from the assignment.



Copy Student Scores

Teachers can use the Score Copier tool to accept scores for student who have transferred into one of their course sections. Assignment scores that the transfer student received in a previous section can be copied to unscored assignments in the new section. For instance, teachers can use the Score Copier tool to copy student scores when a student transfers from their first period section into their fifth period section.



Analyze Student Performance

Scoring Analysis

Scoring analysis options in the Grade Book differ based on whether the task you're scoring uses Points/Marks or Rubrics. Standards can be scored with any of the three options, but grading tasks can only be scored with Points or Marks. The below documents describe the scoring analysis options for Traditional Grading and Standards-Based Grading.



View Students' Score Statistics

For each assignment, a diagram will appear in the Grade Book comparing a student's performance in relation to other students in the section. These examples include Sparkline Graphs and/or a Box and Whisker diagram. In addition, a calculation summary will display for all scored student assignments.


View Students' Score Trends

From the Grade Book, a Sparkline Graph displays next to each student's name showing his or her trend in the class. Depending on if a grading task or standard is selected, either a line graph or a bar graph will appear.


Post Grades via Grade Book

Post Grades and Standard Scores

From the Grade Book, teachers can post grades for grading tasks and/or standards for the course sections that they teach. Posting grades will copy the grades entered in the Grade Book to a student's Grades tab. Teachers will not always see the Post option in the Grade Book until the Grading Window is open.



Post Grades for Multiple Sections

The Multi-Post Grades tool allows teachers to post and update grades for multiple grading tasks or standards at the same time from multiple sections. This functionality can be accessed from the Post Grades tool, the Grade Book, and the Progress Monitor.



The Post Grades Tool

Post Grades and Standards Scores using the Post Grades Tool

From the Post Grades tool, teachers can manually enter and post all student grades without needing to use in progress grade calculations. Additionally, teachers can also enter percentages and report card comments.



Assignment Overview

View Assignments in Assignment Overview

From Assignment Overview, teachers can view and manage all assignments and categories within an assigned course section.




Generate Campus Instruction Reports

From Campus Instruction, teachers can generate many different reports to analyze, track, and summarize commonly used features such as Attendance, Planner, Roster and the Grade Book.

