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Core SIF - StaffSectionAssignment

Tool Search: SIF

The current version of SIF is v2.7.

This object contains information about a teacher's assignment in a section.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Object Triggering

AddStaff is assigned to a section with an existing roster.
AddWhen Course active checked.
ChangeA change is made to the Start Date and End Date fields in Scheduling>Courses>Course>Section>Staff History>Staff History Detail.
ChangeWhen District Assignment is added/deleted .
ChangeWhen District Assignment Start/End dates are changed.
Delete Staff is removed from a section.
DeleteWhen Course active unchecked.
DeleteWhen a section is removed.
DeleteWhen all the rosters are removed.

If the Exclude box is unchecked in the Assignment record and the Exclude is checked in District Assignment in Zone Option. 


If the Exclude box is checked in the Assignment record and the Exclude is checked in District Assignment in Zone Option.

Object Population and Business Rules

  1. Report an object instance for each staff who has a Staff History record on the section with a Start Date = Null or <= the current date.
    • Report an object for each of these staff records assigned to the course.
The Staff must have a StaffPersonal Record.

Do NOT report a record if any one of the following scenarios are true:  

  1. If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and the School is marked as Exclude.

  2. If Exclude checkbox is checked in Zone Option, exclude StaffPersonal whose District Assignments are Excluded.

The staff must be assigned to the section as a Primary Teacher OR a Teacher OR a Section Staff.

Note: if no students  are rostered into the course, staff section assignment will not pull.
The associated course must have Active = Checked.
The section must have a section placement.
Do not report when the Calendar > 'Exclude from SIF Exchange' is checked.

Object Data Elements

Data Element LabelDescriptionBusiness RuleData Source GUI PathDatabase LocationM, C, or O
@RefIdThe Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this StaffSectionAssignment entity.



StaffPersonalRefIdThe Id (GUID) of the teacher or educational staff to whom the assignment information applies.

SectionInfoRefIdThe Id (GUID) of the section in which this staff (teacher) is assigned.

Date span from when this section assignment is effective
  1. Report Start Date under Staff History. 
  2. If it is null, then report start date of the Calendar instead.
  3. If both dates come before the Term Start Date, then report the Term Start Date
  4. Report from EmploymentAssignment. startDate if after the term start date of a section and should be inclusive of the state and end date of the section coming from TermInfo

    • If the Exclude District Assignments are checked in Zone Options, only include District Assignments that are not excluded

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > Staff History Detail > Start Date

Sys Admin > Calendar > Calendar > Start Date

Sys Admin > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Start Date

Census > People > District Assignments





AssignmentEndDateDate when this section assignment comes to an end
  1. Report End Date under Staff History
  2. If it is null, then report end date of the Calendar instead.
  3. If both dates come before the Term End Date, then report the Term End Date
  4. Report from EmploymentAssignment.endDate if the district assignment has ended and is before the term end date of a section
    • If the Exclude District Assignments are checked in Zone Options, only include District Assignments that are not excluded.

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > Staff History Detail > End Date

System Admin > Calendar > Calendar > End Date

System Admin > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > End Date

Census > People > District Assignments





TeacherOfRecordIndicates if the staff is the Teacher of Record during this assignment.
  1. When this staff is the active Primary Teacher as of the current date (or was on the last day of the section when current date > course term end date) from (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > Staff History Detail), report "Yes".
  2. Otherwise, report "No".

RolesList of one or more Roles.

Roles/RoleOne of a set of possible enumerated Role values.
  1. When (Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > saved as = "New Primary Teacher", report "LeadTeacher".
  2. When "New Teacher", report "TeamTeacher".
  3. When "New Section Staff", report "ContributingProfessional".

Note: Database code for reference

New Primary Teacher" -> "P",

"New Teacher" -> "T",

"New Section Staff" -> "SS

Scheduling >Courses > Course >
Section >Staff History


PercentResponsiblePercentage of Responsibility of the Teacher of Record.Optional. Do Not Report.