Staff Assignment (ISEE Extracts) (Idaho)

Tool Search: ISEE Extracts

The Staff Assignments extract reports Staff Assignments for active Staff of all Types: Administrative, Certified, Classified, and Paraprofessional. Certified Staff can report from "non-teaching" District Assignments (Teacher is not marked) and active teaching assignments during the date range selected on the extract editor. Staff members who are teaching report one record for each section they are teaching. The reported data comes from the courses they teach during the selected date range. Administrative and Classified Staff will report one record from each active District Assignment with Teacher marked. The FTE for the particular assignment should be entered. 

Screenshot of the ISEE  Extract Editor with Staff Assignment report type selected.
ISEE  Extract Editor

Staff Assignment Extract Logic

All staff employed by the district must have a District Employment record to report. Non-teaching staff report a record for each District Assignment where Teacher is NOT marked. All teaching staff must be linked to a reportable section via Section Staff History to report a record per reportable section. Non-employed or Retired Teaching staff do not need a District Employment record and must have a Contract Type of R, RA, or NE marked on their District Assignment.

All Staff must have:

  • A Staff State ID.
  • An active District Assignment with a value entered in Employment Type and Assignment Code for all or part of the Date Range.
    • "Non-teaching" District Assignments do not have Teacher marked and report one record for each active District Assignment. This District Assignment should have a Type and the actual FTE entered. 
    • District Assignments marked Exclude do not report.
  • "Teaching" District Assignments have Teacher marked and report a record for each section the individual teaches within the Date Range. The total FTE of all teaching assignments should be entered in this District Assignment.

Teaching staff report one record per reportable section.  

  • The teacher must have an active District Assignment linked through the Section Staff History tool.
  • The Teaching Role selected on Section Staff History must not be blank or N: Not State Reported.
  • Active courses must have a State Code.
  • Reportable Sections must:
    • Have at least one student rostered during the reporting range.
    • Be actively scheduled at least one instructional day during the reporting range.
      • If a class is taught as one section spanning two terms only one record reports. 
      • Two records report if a class is taught in two sections, one in only the first term & the second section is taught in the second term.
      • If a teacher has multiple sections skinnied into one period, a record reports for each section.
    • Be in a Course flagged as Active.
    • Have at least one student (who is not marked State Exclude) with a roster record active at some point within the extract date range.
      • With a Student State ID,
      • Enrolled in a grade level mapped to a State Grade Level of NG, PK, KG, or 01-12.
      • Whose roster record is active at some point within the section's schedule placement.

Special logic applies in addition to the rules above for reporting a Teacher of Record during a Long Term Sub assignment.

  • The Teacher of Record must be entered as a Primary Teacher and must remain active on Section Staff History.
  • The Long Term Sub must be assigned to the same section as a Teacher with a Role of L: Long Term Substitute.
    • Enter the Start Date of the Long Term Sub assignment.
    • Add an End Date to the Long-Term Substitute in the Staff History tool section once they no longer actively teach the class.
  • The Primary teacher's assignment record reports an End Date of the first instructional day before the Long Term Sub's Start Date, as long as the Long Term Substitute remains actively teaching the class during the reporting date range.
    • The Primary Teacher’s End Date reports as blank should the reporting end date either fall before the Long Term Substitutes Start Date, or if the reporting end date falls after the Long Term Substitute’s End Date.

Report Editor Field Descriptions



Report Type

Select Staff Assignment. The following ISEE extract types are also available:

Start Date

The earliest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Required)

End Date

The latest date from which data is pulled for the report. (Required)

Exclude Cross-Site Data
Cross-site section enrollment data is not included in the report when checked.
  • Cross-site enrollment functionality must be enabled at the district level for the checkbox to display.
  • Defaults to checked.
Report FTE as 0 Assignment Override FTE field reports as 0 if the value(s) entered in this field matches a Course State Code for the teacher's class assignment being reported. Multiple numeric values can be entered, separated by a comma with no spaces.
Course/Section Ad hoc Filter Limits records reported to teaching assignment records in a course that matches filter parameters. 
Census/Staff Ad hoc Filter Limits records reported to staff records that match filter parameters. 


The format in which the report will be generated. Options include CSV (State Format) and HTML.

Batch Queue

Users can submit a District Calendar report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Staff Assignment Extract Layout


Description & Format

Campus Location


The employee's unique Idaho Staff Identification Number.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Staff State ID



This is the SDE assigned district number in the Idaho Education Directory.

Numeric, 3 digits

School & District Setup > School > School Detail > State School Number



The number of the contract associated with this assignment. Reports the default value selected in the Attribute Dictionary if available, or as the value selected: 1: First Contract, 2: Second Contract, or 3: Third Contract.  

Numeric, 1 digit

Census > Staff > District Assignments > Contract Number



A unique identifier of that describes the course section. Reports the concatenated names of all periods in which the section is scheduled, separated by a space. 

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Section Information > Section Schedule Placement


Reports the Campus-generated sectionID. 

Numeric, 15 digits

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Section Information > SectionID


sectionAlias Reports the concatenated value of Course Name - Section Number

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course > Name; Section > Number

Section Number


The code that best describes the particular teaching, support, and/or administrative position.

If this record is for a Teaching Assignment (Teacher=checked)

  • If the teaching assignment of record has Section.stateCode is NOT null, report alpha-numeric text as entered.
  • Otherwise, report the Course State Code  (due to cross file validation
    • Must be linked to the active District Assignment on Section > Staff History for the teacher/class record to report.

If this record is for a non-teaching District Assignment (Teacher=NOT checked)

  • Report the Assignment Code from the District Assignment of record.

Alphanumeric, 5 or 6 digits

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course > State Code

Census > Staff > District Assignments > Assignment Code

Course/Section > Section > State Course Code Override


For Teachers, the primary role they play in the classroom.

See the Teaching Role Code List following this table. For a Non-Teaching Assignment, the default value is blank unless the State Code is a value between 00001 and 29999 or between 50000 and 89999. Then, the default value is T.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > Role

SectionStaffHistory.role OR


The full-time equivalent status for this assignment.

Reports based on the District Assignment linked from Section Staff History.

For Non-Teaching Assignments, the full FTE is reported as entered on the linked District Assignment.

For Teaching Assignments that are active on the Last Friday in September, this field is calculated by dividing the FTE value as entered on the linked District Assignment by the total number of sections the teacher is actively teaching during the reporting period that are active on the Last Friday in September.

The reported FTE value does not change from one term to the next per class. For Example: Teacher has 1 FTE on their District Assignment, and that assignment is linked to 7 classes at the beginning of the school year (1.0/7) each class will report an FTE of 0.143. That same FTE value reports through to the end of the year per class record even after that section’s schedule placement has ended. Any new classes starting in the second Term will share the portion of FTE from ended classes after the first Term.  For instance: let’s say all 7 classes in our example are scheduled for the first half of the school year, and same the staff teaches 6 classes in the second half of the school year.  When generating the file at the end of the school year, you will see the original 7 classes report the Teacher FTE as 0.143 and second set of 6 classes (1.0/6) each report Teacher FTE as 0.166.  The length of periods is also considered when calculating FTE.

If the Teacher checkbox is marked and no FTE value is entered on the District Assignment, blank/null reports. These records should be corrected by entering a value in the FTE of Assignment.

If a value entered in the Report FTE as 0 Assignment Override matches the Course State Code of the course/section being reported, this field reports as 0. These sections are not included in the total number of sections taught. 

Numeric, 5 characters, N.NNN

Census > Staff > District Assignment > Employment Assignment Information > FTE of Assignment



The employee's rate of pay per hour.
This field reports blank.

Does not display.


Enter the number of hours that the employee works each week; e.g., a 40-hour week is reported as 40.
This field reports blank.

Does not display.


The number of weeks that the employee is scheduled to work during the fiscal year (rounded to the nearest whole week).
This field reports blank.

Does not display.


The start date of the district assignment. Reports the Start Date of the District Assignment if it falls on or after the Start Date of the calendar being reported. Otherwise, reports the Calendar Start Date.

Date field, 10 character, MM/DD/YYYY

Census > Staff > District Assignment > Start Date; Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Term Setup > Terms > Start Date

Calculated, not dynamically stored


The full-time equivalent status for this assignment.

Reports based on the District Assignment linked from Section Staff History.
For non-teaching assignments, the full FTE is reported as entered in the linked district assignment.

For Teaching Assignments that are active on the Last Friday in September, this field is calculated by dividing the FTE value as entered on the linked District Assignment by the total number of sections the teacher is actively teaching during the reporting period that are active on the Last Friday in September.

The reported FTE value does not change from one term to the next per class. For Example: Teacher has 1 FTE on their District Assignment, and that assignment is linked to 7 classes at the beginning of the school year (1.0/7) each class will report an FTE of 0.143. That same FTE value reports through to the end of the year per class record even after that section’s schedule placement has ended. The portion of FTE from ended classes after the first Term will be shared by any new classes starting in the second Term.  For instance: let’s say all 7 classes in our example are scheduled for the first half of the school year, and same the staff teaches 6 classes in the second half of the school year.  When generating the file at the end of the school year, you will see the original 7 classes report the Teacher FTE as 0.143 and second set of 6 classes (1.0/6) each report Teacher FTE as 0.166.  The length of periods is also considered when calculating FTE.

If the Teacher checkbox is marked and no FTE value is entered on the District Assignment, blank/null reports. These records should be corrected by entering a value in the FTE of Assignment.

If a value entered in the Report FTE as 0 Assignment Override matches the Course State Code of the course/section being reported, this field reports as 0. These sections are not included in the total number of sections taught. 

Numeric, 5 characters, N.NNN

Census > Staff > District Assignment > End Date; Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Term Setup >  Terms > End Date; Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Section > Staff History > End Date

Calculated, not dynamically stored


Any comments or explanatory notes for the data in this record.
This field reports blank.

Does not display.

Course Number - Section Number Reports the Course Number and the Section Number. This field will only report when the HTML format is generated, as this field is meant to aid in data review. This field will not appear in the State Format (CSV).

Numeric, 15 digits
Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course > Number; Courses > Section > Number


Teaching Role Code List








Lead Team Teacher


Assisting Teacher


Special Education Consultant


Long Term Substitute


Short Term Substitute


Not IURC Reported

T Teacher of Record

Previous Version