Tool Search: Enrollments
The Enrollment tool displays all student enrollment occurrences in the district. Because this is an historical view, this list could be long.
Enrollments are sorted by grade level first and then by enrollment start date second. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date, or End Date.
See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.
General Enrollment Information
The General Enrollment Information editor describes the calendar, schedule, grade, start/end date, and reason for creating or ending the enrollment record. Both the Start and End Status fields are unique to the state of Oregon. Oregon reporting also relies heavily on Service Type when populating reports. These fields are further described below. All other fields in General Enrollment Information do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Enrollments article.
General Enrollment Information Editor
Start Status
Start Status indicates the reason for beginning the student enrollment, whether entering the school or district or continuing on from another grade.
Only enrollment start statuses that are mapped to a State Start Status Code report in state extracts.
Districts can map local enrollment statuses to state enrollment statuses when local statuses are very specific to a situation or to that district but still need to be included in state reports. For districts that use very granular enrollment statuses, this lets the district continue to use those values but still report the state-mandated enrollment statuses. This is done in the Enrollment Start Status Setup tool.
The Start Date indicates the start date of the enrollment record. When creating an enrollment for a student, students must have a Start Date and a Start Status. An enrollment cannot be saved without an entry in these fields.
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Code |
Description |
01 |
From public school in the same LEA |
02 |
From public school in a different LEA, same state |
03 |
From public school in a different state |
04 |
From private non-religious school in the same LEA |
05 |
From private non-religious school in a different LEA, same sate |
06 |
From private non-religious school in a different state |
07 |
From private religious school in the same LEA |
08 |
From private religious school, different LEA, same state |
09 |
From private religious school in a different state |
10 |
From a school outside of the country |
11 |
From an institution |
12 |
From a charter school |
13 |
From home schooling |
14 |
Re-entry from the same school with no interruption |
15 |
Re-entry after a voluntary withdrawal |
16 |
Re-entry after an involuntary withdraw |
17 |
Original entry into a United States school |
18 |
Original US school entry from abroad, no interruption |
19 |
Original US school entry from abroad, school interrupted |
99 |
Other |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > startStatus (activeEnrollment.startStatus)
Cumulative ADM Report
English Learner Report
Recent Arriver Report
End Status
The End Status indicates the reason the student has not or is not enrolled in the current school year. All students with an end-dated enrollment must also have an End Status assigned to the end-dated enrollment.
Only enrollment end statuses that are mapped to a State End Status Code report in state extracts.
Like the Start Status, districts can map local enrollment statuses to state enrollment statuses when local statuses are very specific to a situation or to that district, but still need to be included in state reports. For districts that use very granular enrollment statuses, this allows the district continue to use those values, but still report the state mandated enrollment statuses. See Enrollment End Status Setup for more information.
When a student has completed high school, be sure to select the proper completer End Status. Users are not allowed to save an end-dated enrollment without an assigned End Status. However, this condition does not apply when the No Show checkbox is marked. When the No Show checkbox is marked, you can enter an End Status without an End Date.
When the End Status field is populated, an End Date must also be entered. When an End Date is entered, the End Status field must be populated.
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Code |
End Status Description |
State Description |
1A |
Same School and Program |
Use this code for students who did not earn all the required credits for a high school diploma when they are expected to return for an additional year. |
1B |
Different School within Same District |
1C |
Same District - No Particular School |
Students are in the same district and receiving education services, but not assigned to a particular school. |
1D |
Same District - School Not Specified |
Students are in the same district, but no specific school information was available. |
2A |
Enrollment in Another District |
Students are enrolled in another public degree-granting school district or public agency in the same sate.
This code is only used when the district has documentation that the student enrolled in another Oregon school that offers a program culminating in the award of a high school diploma. |
2B |
Enrolled in a Non-Public School or Setting |
Students are enrolled in a non-public K-12 school or setting in the same state.
Students must be enrolled in an Oregon private school that culminates in the award of a regular diploma or be Oregon home schooled students registered with the ESD.
This code may only be used when the district has documentation the student has enrolled in a non-public school setting. |
2C |
Enrolled in Another State our Country |
Students are enrolled in a public or non-public school in another state or outside the United States.
The school or program must be one that culminates in the award of a regular diploma. For students documented as leaving the US, official documentations of enrollment is not required.
This code may only be used when the district has documentation that the student has enrolled in another state or country. |
2D |
Enrolled in a public agency |
This code includes students who have transferred to juvenile detention education (JDEP) programs and long-term care and treatment (LTCT) programs (if such programs are providing education but not degree-granting). It does not include students who are transferred to federal programs, such as Job Corps. |
3A |
Withdrew for Personal or Academic Reasons |
Use this code for students who are not expected to return. This status requires a Withdrawal Factor Code. |
3B |
Exceeded Age Requirements |
Students exceeded age requirements, including any religious or cultural age limits recognized by state law or policy. |
3C |
Removed for Reasons Other than Health |
This includes students removed by court order or placed in facilities where educational services are not provided. Permanently expelled students are included in this category. |
3D |
Enrolled in Adult Education |
Students enrolled in adult education or some type of education program that does not lead to a diploma or other credential recognized by the state.
Students have not completed an approved program of study, and the district no longer funds, monitors, and takes responsibility for the students' education. |
3E |
Not Enrolled - Status Unknown |
Students are not enrolled and their status is unknown (including students dropped from the rolls for excessive truancy).
This code should only be used when no other End Date Code applies. |
3F |
Not Enrolled |
Students who did not re-enroll on or before October 1 as expected after completing the prior school year.
This code indicates the student completed a previous school year and did not re-enroll as of the first school day in October. This code may only be reported during the Cumulative ADM Exit Adjustment Window or after October 1 of the following school year. |
| Not Attending for Transition Services without modified/extended diploma or Cert
| Indicates students who are no longer attending standard instruction to attend transition services without receiving a modified or extended diploma or certificate of attendance
4A |
Met Requirements for and was Awarded HS Diploma |
Only for students who have been awarded a regular diploma and are not expected to continue their enrollment, or who have been awarded a modified, extended, or adult high school diploma. |
4B |
Completed Diploma-Track Program and Did Not Meet Requirements for HS Diploma |
Use this code to report students who earned the credits to earn a regular high school diploma but did not fulfill all the requirements to graduate. |
4C |
Completed Non Diploma-Track Program and Received Certificate |
4D |
Completed Vocational Program and Received Certificate |
4E |
Received HS Diploma Equivalency Certificate (i.e., GED) |
4F |
Met Requirements for HS Diploma, not yet awarded |
Only for students who have met all diploma requirements but have been enrolled in high school for fewer than four years, and are continuing their enrollment. Must be followed by a 4A or 4G code indicating that the diploma was awarded. |
4G |
Met Requirements for and was Awarded a HS Diploma, continuing to Post Graduate Scholars Program |
Use this code when a student has met the requirements for a regular or modified diploma and has been in high school for four or more years, and qualifies for Post Graduate Scholars. This code indicates the student plans to participate in a Post Graduate Scholar Program for the next year. Using this code allows the school to claim state school funding for one school year of Post Graduate Scholars Program participation. |
5A |
Not Attending for Disciplinary or Other Eligibility Reasons |
Students are not attending for disciplinary or other eligibility reasons, but are eligible to enroll at a later date. |
5B |
Not Receiving Services due to Long Term Medical Condition |
Students have a long-term medical condition, or are in drug treatment or a rehabilitative center, that prevents them from receiving services, but are eligible to return to school.
Districts need to verify when their students have long-term medical conditions. Otherwise, use Code 3E. |
5C |
Enrolled in a Foreign Exchange Program |
Students are enrolled in a foreign exchange program and are eligible to return to school in the United States.
These are Oregon resident students attending school outside of the Untied States, not foreign students who attend school in Oregon.
This code may only be used when the district has documentation the student has enrolled in a foreign exchange program. |
5D |
Enrolled in an Early Admission College Program |
Students are enrolled in an early admission college program but are eligible to return to graduate (such students often re-enroll and graduate on the same day).
Includes students who transferred to a post-secondary program leading to a baccalaureate or associate degree. |
5E |
Withdrawn and Under Compulsory Attendance Age |
Students are under the age for compulsory school attendance and withdrawn from school (usually for reasons of immaturity), but are eligible to return.
This code may not be used for students who are 6 years old or older on September 1 of the current school year. it is intended primarily for Kindergarten students who are not yet ready for school. |
6A |
Died or Permanently Incapacitated |
This code may only be used when the district has died or is permanently incapacitated. |
6B |
Returned after Receiving Completion Credential and Exited Again |
The intent of this code was to ensure students who previously earned a credential are not counted as dropouts when they return and leave again.
Do not use this code for students previously reported with Code 4F. This code should be used for students who leave from subsequent enrollment after having received a credential, or students enrolled in Program Type 16 (Post Graduate Scholars).
Do not use this code for students who have exceeded age requirements and withdrawn. |
No Show
A no show student is defined as a student who is enrolled in the school but never attends class and does not officially withdraw from the school. These enrollment records are ended after a certain number of school days, depending on district and/or state policy.
When No Show is marked, the student's enrollment is not included in state reports. When a district wants to report No Show students, select Program Type 14: Student not enrolled, received credential/other outcome from the Program Type field.
Service Type
The Service Type is used to indicate the type of enrollment and the intended service the student receives. Service Types include: (P) Primary, (S) Partial, and (N) Special Ed Services.
When a student has multiple active or overlapping enrollments during a reporting period, state reports pull that student's data from the Primary Enrollment.
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Code |
Description |
Notes |
P |
Primary |
This type of enrollment is a student's primary enrollment. This is the school the student attends all or most of the time. System settings determine whether a student can have multiple active primary enrollments at one time. |
S |
Partial |
A partial enrollment indicates a student attends a school part of the time. One example might be a middle school student who attends a high school class and has a partial enrollment at the high school. |
N |
Special Ed Services |
A Special Education enrollment indicates the student ONLY attends the school to receive special educations services. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > serviceType (activeEnrollment.serviceType)
Cumulative ADM Report
State Reporting Fields
section of the Enrollments tool are unique to the state of Oregon and may directly affect the way students are reported to the state department of education.
Updates to State Reporting fields overwrite previously entered data. To preserve this historical information, create a new Enrollment record when changes are needed. Deleting an Enrollment record is NOT recommended.
State Reporting Fields Enrollment Editor
State Exclude
When marked, this option excludes a student from reporting on Oregon state reporting extracts.
Foreign Exchange Student
When marked, indicates the student is a foreign exchange student.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > foreignStudent (
Recent Arriver
Withdrawal Factor
Indicates in further detail the reason a student withdrew from school. Select a withdrawal factor when reporting students who withdrew from school for Personal or Academic Reasons (State End Status Code 3A).
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Code |
Description |
00 |
Not Applicable |
11 |
Pregnant or student parent |
12 |
Working more than 15 hours/week |
19 |
Attended 3 or more schools |
35 |
Frequent discipline referrals |
45 |
Too Far Behind |
53 |
Substance Abuse |
64 |
Peer Pressure |
69 |
Lack of Parental Support |
71 |
Dysfunctional Home |
73 |
Other Factor |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > withdrawFactor (es.withdrawFactor)
Cumulative ADM Report
Indicates the student's Full Time Equivalency of enrollment.
- 00: N/A
- 05: 0.5 Part Time
- 10: 1.0 Full Time
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > FTE (es.FTE)
Cumulative ADM Report
Tuition Type
Type of tuition the student is enrolled under during the reporting period.
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Code |
Name |
Description |
S |
State Funded |
Average Daily Membership (ADM) funds go to the resident district. |
P |
Paid Tuition |
Tuition for the student is page from a source other than the state school fund (Tuition Type Codes S or F). |
F |
Fully State Funded |
Funds for the student placement in the program are provided directly to the contractor operating the program by ODE. Fully state funded programs are Long Term Care and Treatment (LTCT) Facilities, Hospital Programs, OSB and OSD. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > tuitionPaid (es.tuitionPaid)
Cumulative ADM Report
Distance Learning
When marked, indicates the student received education away from school.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > distanceLearning (es.distanceLearning)
Cumulative ADM Report
Home School
When marked, indicates the student is home schooled.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting Elements > homeSchooled (activeEnrollment.homeSchooled)
Cumulative ADM Report
Program Type
Identifies the attendance reporting group the student falls into in the enrollment. Different attendance reporting groups use different logic for calculating ADA and/or Hours.
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The Cumulative ADM Report returns the Default Value that is set in the Attribute/Dictionary, unless a different value is assigned on the student's Enrollment record. Follow the steps below to add a Default Value.
- In the Core Attribute/Dictionary, expand Enrollment.
- Select the Program Type attribute. A Campus Attribute Detail editor displays.
- Enter the Default Value. This is the value that reports when the student does not have a Program Type selected.

Attribute/Dictionary for Program Type
Code |
Program Type |
Description |
01 |
Regular Attendance |
Student attending full time (1.0 FTE) or half time (0.5 FTE) regular school classrooms or full time alternative programs.
Unless modified, this is the pre-set Default Value. |
02 |
ESL, English Learners |
Student participated in an English as a Second Language program during the reporting period.
Student who participated in an English Learners programs during the reporting period. |
03 |
Pregnant and Parenting |
Student who is a parent at some point during the reporting period and is receiving Pregnant and Parenting services. |
04 |
Large Group |
Instruction provided by an alternative program approved by the district to a class of 16 or more students. |
05 |
Case Management |
Time spent by an instructor working on behalf of a student in that program to obtain other educational or social services. These hours must be verifiable and permission to count them must be specifically authorized. |
06 |
Intermediate |
Instruction provided by an alternative program approved by the district to a class of 6-15 students. |
07 |
Small Group |
Instruction provided by an alternative program approved by the district to a class of 2-5 students. |
08 |
Employed Minors |
Student between the ages of 14 and 18 who is employed and enrolled in classes for employed children. |
09 |
Shared Time |
Instruction provided in a public school, or public or private alternative program, to supplement home or private instruction. |
10 |
Tutorial |
Instruction provided to one student by a certificated staff member in an alternative program approved by the school district. |
11 |
Expanded Options |
Student participation in coursework on a college campus or through college distance learning options through the Expanded Options program. |
12 |
College Coursework (Other) |
Student participating in coursework on a college campus or through college distance learning options through the Expanded Options program or the Post-graduate Scholars Program. |
13 |
Student enrolled, but membership data not available |
Student enrolled but membership data not available. |
14 |
Student not enrolled, received credential/other outcome |
Student not enrolled; received credential/other outcome. Used to report outcomes for students who are not currently enrolled in the district. Outcomes may include meeting credential requirements, receipt of a documented transfer out event, or for updating previously reported outcomes. There should be no more than one weekday between the ADM Enrolled Date and the ADM End Date. The session days, days present, days absent, FTE and hours of instruction fields should all be zero (0). Students reported as program type 14 must be reported with tuition type P. For this student to be reflected in graduation reporting, this should be the most recent record date. There should be no records after the Program Type 14 record in terms of enrollment and end date, unless the student re-enrolled for further education. For transfers, when the school receives the required official documentation within 30 days, the existing Cumulative ADM record should be updated to include the transfer outcome. After 30 days, a Program Type 14 record should be used to report the transfer. |
15 |
Half-day Kindergarten |
16 |
Post Graduate Scholars |
Student is participating in one year of college coursework through the Post Graduate Scholars program after completing diploma requirements and four years of high school enrollment. |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting Elements > programType (es.programType)
Cumulative ADM Report
CTE End of Year Status
Indicates the CTE Participant's status at the end of the school year.
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Code |
Name |
E |
Returning: Planning to return to school next year and is not a senior |
F |
Returning Senior: Planning to return to school |
A |
Graduating: Graduated or will be graduating |
D |
Transfer: Left school to transfer to another school |
B |
Job: Left school to take a job |
C |
Other: Left school for another reason |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > eoyCTEStatus (es.eoyCTEStatus)
Academically Disadvantaged
Indicates the student is Academically Disadvantaged by a qualified measure.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > State Localized Elements > disadvantaged (es.disadvantaged)
Special Ed Fields
The Special Ed Fields enrollment editor contains fields specific to a student's special education needs. State reports collect data from the Oregon Data Plan.
Special Ed Fields Enrollment Editor
Special Ed Status
Indicates whether the student is received special education services. When Yes, the selection is 1: Receiving Services.
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Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Special Ed Elements > specialEdStatus (activeEnrollment.specialEdStatus)
Cumulative ADM Report
Federal Placement
Indicates the setting in which an individual receives services that adapt the curriculum, materials or instruction for students identified as needing special education because of a disabling condition.
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Code |
Setting |
00 |
Not Specified |
10 |
EI - Program Designed for Typically Developing Children |
11 |
EI - Program Designed for Children with Developmental Delays or Disabilities |
12 |
EI - Hospital (Inpatient) |
13 |
EI - Service Provider Location |
16 |
EI - Residential Facility |
18 |
EI - Other Setting |
19 |
EI - Home |
20 |
ECSE - 50% or more of the Time in Early Childhood Program |
22 |
ECSE - Hospital |
23 |
ECSE - Less than 50% of the Time in Early Childhood Program |
24 |
ECSE - Separate School |
25 |
ECSE - Separate Class |
26 |
ECSE - Residential Facility |
27 |
ECSE - Service Provider Location |
28 |
ECSE - Other Setting |
29 |
ECSE - Home |
30 |
SA - 80% or more of the Day in Regular Class |
31 |
SA - 40% to 79% of the Day in Regular Class |
32 |
SA - Hospital |
33 |
SA - Less than 40% of the Day in Regular Class |
34 |
SA - Public Separate School |
35 |
SA - Private Separate School |
36 |
SA - Public Residential Facility |
37 |
SA - Private Residential Facility |
38 |
SA - Correctional Facility |
39 |
SA - Homebound |
40 |
SA - Parentally Placed in Private School |
41 |
SA - Home Schooled |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Special Ed Elements > specialEdSetting (activeEnrollment.specialEdSetting)
Cumulative ADM Report
Disability 1
Lists the student's primary disability.
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Code |
Name |
00 |
Not Applicable |
10 |
Intellectual Disability |
20 |
Deaf or Hard of Hearing |
40 |
Visual Impairment Including Blindness |
43 |
Deaf-Blindness |
50 |
Speech/Language Impairment |
60 |
Emotional Behavior Disability |
70 |
Orthopedic Impairment |
74 |
Traumatic Brain Injury |
80 |
Other Health Impairments |
82 |
Autism Spectrum Disorder |
90 |
Specific Learning Disability |
96 |
Developmental Delay 0-2 year |
98 |
Developmental Delay 3-9 year |
Database Location:
Ad Hoc Inquiries:
Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Special Ed Elements > disability1 (activeEnrollment.disability1)
English Learner Report