Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations (Wisconsin v3.6)

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

Relationship Associations are reported from the Enrollment and locked IEPs. This is to identify any relationships a student may have with an organization outside the enrollment.

This resource is only available for Public Only configurations and the 2022-23 school year and later.

Object Triggering Logic

The tables below describe the logic for triggering syncing of this object. Expand one of the areas below to see full requirements:

PostWhen an Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation Type = Initial  is created and saved for a student who has an enrollment record in the config year with 'Eval Only Student' is checked.
  • The Consent Date of the locked Eligibility Report Eval must overlap the enrollment.
  • If the student has an enrollment marked as State Exclude or WISE Exclude and the 'Eval Only Student' is checked, report a record

    NoteIf neither State or WISE Exclude are checked, a Student School Associations resource will send.

  • If the Ed-Fi Configuration Profile is Choice OR Choice + Private Opt In, do not send a record.
  • Do not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude or WISE Exclude UNLESS the 'Eval Only Student' checkbox is checked.
  • If the enrollment record is marked State Exclude or WISE Exclude, but 'Eval Only Student' is checked, send a Student Special Education Program Eligibility Associations record along with a Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations record.

    Note: This is for students who are technically not enrolled or attending the district. This includes homeschooled, private school students, and 0-3 yr old students who are just being evaluated.

  • Do not send a record if the enrollment record is marked No Show.

  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude or Summer School or if the calendar is in a School marked Exclude.

PostWhen an Enrollment record is added for a student in the config year with 'Eval Only Student' checked and does not have a locked Initial Eligibility Report Eval.

Note: Record will send with a beginDate based on Enrollment Start Date instead of Consent Date from the Eval.

Post/DeleteWhen a locked Eligibility Report Eval is edited and re-locked with a change to any of the fields not part of the natural key.
Post/DeleteWhen a School Override is set on Enrollment.
DeleteWhen an Eligibility Report Eval is deleted for a student.
DeleteWhen an Eligibility Report Eval is unlocked for a student.

When an enrollment is deleted or the enrollment is marked No Show or the 'Eval Only Student' is unchecked:

  • DELETE on /studentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation
    Then DELETE on /studentSpecialEducationProgramEligibilityAssociation
  • LEAs should not be able to delete SEORA when there is a SSEPEA and no other SSA in the LEA.

DeleteIf the Eligibility Report Eval Consent Date or the Enrollment Start or End Dates have been updated so the locked Eval and Enrollment no longer overlap, delete the record if one was created.

Scope Year

Business Rules
When a new Eligibility Report Eval is created and locked, the record will report in the Scope Year that the Consent Date overlaps with:
  • The Consent Date of the locked Eligibility Report Eval must be on or before the School Year End Date.
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
When the record is triggered from enrollments with 'Eval Only Student' checked, the record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with:
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi. Expand one of the areas below to see full requirements:

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementLocalized LogicM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
id The unique identifier of the resource.

beginDateThe date the educational organization was responsible for the student.
  1. Report the Consent Date for a locked Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation. Type of Initial.
    • If the Consent Date is null, do not report a record.
  2. Otherwise, if a locked Eligibility Report Eval with an Evaluation Type of Initial does not exist, report the enrollment Start Date for the enrollment that falls within the configuration year for the student if 'Eval Only Student" is checked
    • If multiple enrollments exist with 'Eval Only Student' checked, report from the earliest enrollment.

WI locked Eligibility Report Eval > Evaluation Editor > Consent Date


Student Information> General> Enrollments> Start Date



Indication of an education organization's responsibility for a student.

Always report 'SIE'.


A reference to the related Education Organization resource.
  1. If School Override is populated, report the school Ed-Fi number.
  2. If School Override is NULL, report the School Entity ID for the enrollment school.

System Administration> Resources > School editor > Entity ID

school.entity id
studentUniqueIdThe WISEid for the student who is evaluated by an LEA. This is often their resident district. Students could be enrolled, unenrolled, private schooled or home-schooled.

Report the student's Ed-Fi ID.


endDateThe date the educational organization is no longer responsible for the student.

This field is optional and does not report.

