Terms of Employment Upload (Montana)

Tool Search: MT Data Upload

The Terms of Employment Upload allows districts to import staff employment and assignment data. It utilizes staff state ID numbers and demographics data to confirm identities. Acceptable import formats are .TXT and .TSV. This import allows for the creation of new records and updating existing records with a Primary Key match. See the MT Data Upload article for more information about this tool.

See the Terms of Employment Extract article for information on the matching report for this import.

Import Records

See the Uploading Files section of the MT Data Upload article for detailed information about importing records via the MT Data Upload tool.

The Retrieve New Student State ID File option is only relevant to Student Demographic uploads. Please ignore this option when uploading staff data.

Upload Logic 

This report can run against a district’s active year as well as any prior year and in both District Edition and State Edition against District Edition data.

Staff demographic data is compared to existing data to determine when to create a new staff demographic record.  An Employment Assignment Location record is created when importing Employment Assignments. 

Employment and assignment data can be imported for existing staff members. When a District Employment record exists for a staff member, data is imported/overwritten with a Primary Key match. Primary Key fields include fields 1, 2, 3, and 7 (District Number, Staff State ID, and District Employment Start Date). When fields 1, 2, 3, and 7 match AND the existing record District Employment End Date is null, fields 4, 5, 6, and 8 (Record Type, Last Name, First Name, Gender, and District Employment End Date) update.

When fields 1, 2, and 3 match, the existing record District Employment End Date is NOT null, AND when the import file Start Date is greater than the existing record End Date, a new district employment record is created. 

When fields 1, 2, and 3 match, the existing record District Employment End Date is NOT null, AND when the import file Start Date is less than the existing record End Date, the import errors.  

When the import file District Employment Start Date does NOT match, AND the import file End Date is less than the existing record Start Date, a new, historic District Employment record is created.

When the import file District Employment Start Date does NOT match, AND the import file End Date is null, the import errors.

Overlapping rosters are NOT allowed.

Upload Layout

#Data ElementDescriptionLocation
1Record TypeThe abbreviation for the type of file generated. This reports as TE.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters (TE)
2District NumberThe unique identifier assigned to the district by the OPI.

String, 4 digits
District Information > State District Number

3Staff State IDThe staff members unique statewide staff identification number.

String, 9 digits
Demographics > Staff State ID

4Last NameThe legal last name of the staff member.

Demographics > Last Name

5First NameThe legal first name of the staff member.

Demographics > First Name

6GenderThe gender of the staff member.

Alphanumeric, 1 character (M or F)
Demographics > Gender

7District Employment Start DateThe start date of the staff member in the district.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
District Employment > Start Date

8District Employment End DateThe end date of the staff member in the district.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)
District Employment > End Date
