Individual Learning Plan Addendum (Kentucky)

Tool Search: ILPA Documents

The ILPA tools are used only in Kentucky.

The editors available on the Individual Learning Plan Addendum allow team members to compile an ILPA to record student participation in an alternative education program. Editors are listed below. Included here are descriptions and any specific instructions for entering data into Campus.

Screenshot of the ILPA Plan editors.ILPA Plan Editors

Editor names which appear in bold indicate that information has been entered and saved in that editor.

Personal Plan Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Personal Education Plan, a Description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editor Name

DescriptionSpecial Considerations or Instructions

Plan Information

The Plan Information editor includes important dates of the plan and general information, including location and placement details.This editor must be saved before proceeding to other editors in the plan.

Student Information

The Student Information editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic information and student and school address.Clicking Refresh Student Information will synchronize information in the editor with the most recent information entered for the student from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tabs.

Parent/Guardian Information

The Guardian Demographics editor populates based on the established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tab or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tab. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.Clicking Refresh Guardian Information will synchronize information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tabs.

District/School Information

The District/School Information editor records information about the District and School from which the student is transferring.District and School names are populated with hard-coded values.

Transition Information

The Transition Information editor reports the Anticipated Date of transition from the Plan Information editor and the criteria the student will need to meet to re-enroll in the original school setting.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next to the Comments area.

Student Records

The Student Records editor lists the other types of records available regarding the student.N/A

Strengths and Needs

The Strengths and Needs editor records the student's current strengths and needs.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next to the appropriate headers.

Goals and Objectives

The Goals and Objectives editor lists the goals the student is working towards within the time frame of the ILPA and the objectives identified to achieve those goals.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next to the appropriate headers.

Team MeetingThe Team Meeting editor records the team meeting(s) held regarding the student's ILPA.Team Members must be linked on the Team Members (ILPA) tab in order to appear in the Attendance editor. For the meeting to appear in the printed ILPA, Print in Plan must be selected.  Meetings must have at least a Date, a Location or Print in Plan selected to be saved. Individuals must have the Invited or Attended checkbox marked in order to appear in the printed document.