District Literacy Instruction Information (Ohio)

Tool Search: District Literacy Instruction Information

District Literacy Instruction Information

The District Literacy Instruction Information tool allows users to indicate the core curriculum and instructional materials being used for English Language Arts for pre-kindergarten through grade five students, as well as the reading intervention programs being used for pre-kindergarten through grade twelve students.

Screenshot of the Ohio District Literacy Instruction Information editor. Ohio District Literacy Instruction Information Editor


To quickly search for a specific record, use the filters code. Users can filter record information by: Code, Type, Status, and Grade Levels. Users may fill in as many of the filter options as necessary to further narrow down the list of records.

Add a New Literacy Record

To add curriculum, instructional materials, or a reading intervention program, press New at the bottom of the screen. A screen opens to the right that allows users to enter the appropriate information. for more information on these fields, expand the District Literacy Fields section. When finished, press Save.

Screenshot fo the Add a District Literacry Record screen. Adding a District Literacy Instruction Record

District Literacy Fields

Click here to expand...


Use the Code drop-list to select the Curriculum or Instructional Materials for which you are creating a record. These codes are determined by the district. 


The Type field indicates the type of product being reported. 

BBothProduct is used for both English Language Arts and Reading Intervention.
CEnglish Language ArtsProduct is used only for English Language Arts.
RReading InterventionProduct is used only for Reading Intervention. 


Use the Status field to enter the current status of the product being reported.  

1ImplementedThis product has been implemented as in currently in use. 
2Implemented Current Year, Not Next YearThis product has been implemented and is currently in use, however, it has not been implemented for the next year. 
3Training, Not Yet ImplementedThe product is not yet implemented but training on the product is currently taking place. 
4Purchased, Not Yet TrainingThe product has been purchased, but is not yet implemented and training for the product has not occurred. 
5Adopted. Not Yet PurchasedThe product as been adopted for use but has not yet been purchased. 

Grade Levels

Use the Grade Levels field to select all the grade levels to which this product applies. 

Editing a Record

To edit a record, find the record you wish to edit and press Edit. Make any desired changes to the: Code, Type, Status, and Grade Levels. When finished, press Save

Deleting a Record

To remove a record, find the record you wish to remove and press Remove. At the prompt, press OK to delete the record or Cancel to keep the record and cancel the deletion.