The editors on the Texas State Reporting Special Ed Data Plan provide the information required by the State of Texas. Fields that are specific to the state of Texas are described below. See the Special Education Documents article for additional information.
The current format of this document is the TX SRSPD 20. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.
Texas Special Education Plan Editor
Individual Education Plan Editors
The following table lists the editors available on the student's Special Education Data Plan.
Editor Name | Description |
Education Plan | Includes the various dates associated with the plan. Texas-specific fields are outlined below. This editor must be saved before entering data into other editors. |
Settings and Disabilities | The student's disabilities and special education setting. |
Language Acquisition Services | The type, frequency, and time spent administering language acquisition services to the student. |
Language Acquisition | The tool or assessment used and the assessment results for the student's language comprehension. |
Hearing Amplification | The student's hearing assistive technology type, access, and average daily use. |
SPED Services | The services provided to the student for their special education needs, including Service Provider, Location, Session Length, and Frequency information. |
Related Services | The developmental, corrective, or other supportive services provided to the student for their special education needs, including Service Provider, Location, Session Length, and Frequency information. |
ESY Settings and Hours | The location and amount of time the student spends in an extended school year program. |
Texas Education Plan Editor
The following table lists the fields available for Texas users on the Education Plan section of a student's plan.
Field Name | Description |
Meeting Date | Date of the meeting being documented. |
Start Date | Indicates when the student's plan begins. |
End Date | Indicates when the student's plan ends. |
Consent to Eval Receive Date | Date when the Local Education Agency (LEA) received written consent for the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) from the student's parent. |
Parental Consent Date | Date when the student's parent / guardian provided consent for evaluation to determine eligibility services. |
Initial Eval Date | Date when the written full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) report was completed. |
Original ECI Services Date | Date when an infant or toddler, from birth through age 2, became eligible to participate in the early childhood intervention program. |
ECI Notification Date | Date when the LEA Notification of Potentially Eligible for Special Education Services was sent by the early childhood intervention (ECI) contractor to the local education agency (LEA) to notify them that a child enrolled in ECI will shortly reach the age of eligibility for Part B services and the child is potentially eligible for early childhood special education (ECSE) services under Part B. |
ECI Transition Conference Date | Date when the transition conference was held (for a child receiving early childhood intervention (ECI) services) among the lead agency, the family, and the LEA where the child resides to discuss the child’s potential eligibility for early childhood special education (ECSE) services under Part B. |
SPED Eligibility Determination Date | Date when the LEA held the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting regarding the child’s initial eligibility determination for special education and related services. An individualized education plan (IEP) would be developed and implemented for a child admitted into special education on this same date. |
SPED Eligibility Determination | Indicates whether or not the student was determined eligible and enrolled in special education and related services as a result of the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) report and the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting decision. |
Evaluation Delay Reason | The reason why the written full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) reports were completed beyond the required timeframe. |
Eligibility Delay Reason | The reason why the eligibility determination was completed beyond the required timeframe. |