NMPREK (New Mexico)

Tool Search: NMPREK

The NMPREK tool is used to track Preschool information for students.

Screenshot of the NMPREK program record. NMPREK Record

Read - Access and view the NMPREK tool.
Write - Modify existing NMPREK records.
Add - Add new NMPREK records.
Delete - Permanently remove NMPREK records.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Use the Federal/State Program Updater to import existing NMPREK student records or update records for multiple students.

Enter/Modify NMPREK Records

  • Overlapping records are not allowed.
  • When a new record is added before an existing record has an end date, a warning message displays. Enter an End Date on the existing record before adding a new record.
  • When a new record is added with a start date that is between the start and end dates of a historical record, a warning message displays. Verify the entered date on the new record is correct.

Enter NMPREK Records

  1. Click New. A Program Information editor displays.
  2. Enter the appropriate information for the fields in the editor.
  3. Click the Save icon when finished. The new record is visible in the NMPREK Editor.

Modify NMPREK Records

  1. To modify a NMPREK record, select it from the editor and enter the new information (end date, new comments, etc.).
  2. When a student is no longer considered in the program, edit the record and enter an End Date.
  3. When a record was entered in error, click the Delete icon to remove it completely.

NMPREK Field Descriptions

Start Date

Indicates the date the student starts a Pre-K Program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > NMPREK > nmprek.startDate 

End Date

Indicates the date the student ended a Pre-K program.

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > NMPREK > nmprek.endDate 

NM Pre-K Program

Indicates the Pre-K program the student is participating in.

  • NMPreK Program - Participation Code 450HR
  • NMPREK 3 Year Old Full-Day Student
  • NMPREK 4 Year Old Full-Day Student
  • NMPREK Mixed Age Full-Day Student
  • NMPREK 3 Year Old Extended Full-Day Student
  • NMPREK 4 Year Old Extended Full-Day Student
  • NMPREK Mixed Age Extended Full-Day Student

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > NMPREK > nmprek.nmPrekProgram


Lists any additional information added to the record. 

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Database Location:


Ad hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > State Programs > NMPREK > nmprek.comments