Recommended Resync Order (Indiana Ed-Fi v3.6)

The table below details the recommended resync order for Indiana Ed-Fi resources. 

# Category Resources
1 Schedule Information Calendars
Calendar Dates
2 Grade Information Grading Periods
3 Schedule Information Class Periods
4 Schedule Information Sections
Course Offerings
5 Student Information Students
Student School Associations
Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations

Student Education Organization Associations

Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations
6 Staff Information Staffs
Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations
Staff Education Organization Contact Associations
7 Parent Information Parents
Student Parent Associations
8 Program Information Programs
Student Alternative Education Program Associations
Student Program Associations
Student Special Education Program Association
Student Title I Program Association
9 Schedule Information Staff Section Associations
Student Section Associations
10 Attendance Information Student School Attendance Events
Note: For the first-ever Student School Attendance Event resync, it is recommended that you do the resync in smaller chunks using the Date Ranges.
11 Discipline Information Discipline Actions
Discipline Incidents
Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations
12 Grade Information Course Transcripts
Student Academic Records