EIS 031 Class Section Schedule Extract (Tennessee)

PATH: TN State Reporting > EIS Batch Transmission File

The 031 Class Section Schedule extract is used to upload period and duration information about specific sections to EIS. This extract is typically uploaded after the 030 Class Section extract.

See the EIS Batch Transmission article for an overview of the EIS Batch Transmission File, logic that applies to all extracts, and generation instructions.

Report Logic

A Primary School is a school whose calendar was selected in the extract editor. Students who have a Primary enrollment in the Primary School calendar with subsequent Partial enrollments in another school are considered students enrolled in a Service School.  

A record reports for each section in the selected calendar(s). To report, a section must be scheduled and the section's course must have a State Code entered.

A record reports for all classes in the Primary School that have a primary teacher assigned on the Section > Staff History tab. Additionally, records report for classes that have student who have primary enrollments in the Primary School and a subsequent partial enrollment in a Service School and are scheduled into courses in the Service School.  

Records are not reported for calendars or courses marked as Exclude. If a record was previously reported and then marked as exclude, a delete record will be sent to EIS for each record.

Warning records report for Sections associated with a Course that is marked as Exclude, Courses that have Type selected but no State Code, and Sections that have a Type Override selected but no State Code.

Sections that have not been uploaded to EIS via the EIS 030 Class Section Extract are not included in the extract.

The following students are excluded from reporting; these students' enrollments do not cause section records to report.  

  • Students without Student State IDs. 
  • Students with multiple Primary enrollments, with a Special Ed Services enrollment, or multiple enrollments in the same school. 
  • Students whose enrollments are marked as No Show or State Exclude, or who are enrolled in a Calendar or Grade Level marked as Exclude.
  • Students with two or more roster records in the same section with the same start date. 

Sections that do not have a primary teacher selected on the School History tab are included in the warning report.

The Record Key, which helps determine the Type of record sent (New, Edit, or Delete), is comprised of the Record ID, Record Version, District ID,  School ID, School Year, Instructional Program Number, and Local Class Number.

Recommended District Setup

Campus does not support reporting students who have Service School enrollments across districts. 

Districts should create placeholder courses in the Primary School to schedule students who are taking courses offered by a Service School to report correct ADM data. 

Districts may consider running a trial version of the 030 extract to identify exclusion conditions prior to creating an EIS Batch Transmission. 

031 Class Section Schedule Extract Layout

Element Name

Description & Format

Campus Location

Record ID

Identifies the extract - reports as "031"

Numeric (3)


Record VersionIdentifies the extract version - reports as "01"

Numeric (2)
Record Type

Identifies the type of extract:

  • N: New
  • E: Edit
  • D: Delete

Character (1)

FillerN/A. Reports as 00.
District IDReports the TN Department of Education assigned District Number of the Primary School's district.

Numeric (3)
System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

School IDReports the TN Department of Education assigned School Number of the Primary School.

Numeric (4)
System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

School YearReports the start year of the school calendar selected in the extract editor.

Date (CCYY)
System Administration > Calendar > School Years > Start Year

Instructional Program NumberReports the unique Instructional Program Number of the school, or as 99 if blank.

Numeric (2)
System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Instructional Program Number

Local Class NumberReports the local course identifier by concatenating the course Number and section Number. For Service Schools, a 'V' is added to the end of this number.

Character (15)
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Number; Courses > Section > Number



Monday DurationBased on the calendar tied to the section, indicates the length of time that the section meets on Mondays. Reports the duration in minutes based on the Schedule Placement of the section and the period Start and End Times entered for the calendar. May include lunch time for grades P3-8, but not for grades 9-12.

Numeric (3)
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Schedule Placement; System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Start Time, End Time

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Monday Assigned PeriodBased on the calendar tied to the section, identifies the period of the day that the section meets on Mondays. Reports the Sequence of the Period in which the section is scheduled.

Numeric (2)
System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Sequence

Tuesday DurationBased on the calendar tied to the section, indicates the length of time that the section meets on Tuesdays. Reports the duration in minutes based on the Schedule Placement of the section and the period Start and End Times entered for the calendar. May include lunch time for grades P3-8, but not for grades 9-12.

Numeric (3)
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Schedule Placement; System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Start Time, End Time

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Tuesday Assigned PeriodBased on the calendar tied to the section, identifies the period of the day that the section meets on Tuesdays. Reports the Sequence of the Period in which the section is scheduled.

Numeric (2)
System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Sequence

Wednesday DurationBased on the calendar tied to the section, indicates the length of time that the section meets on Wednesdays. Reports the duration in minutes based on the Schedule Placement of the section and the period Start and End Times entered for the calendar. May include lunch time for grades P3-8, but not for grades 9-12.

Numeric (3)
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Schedule Placement; System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Start Time, End Time

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Wednesday Assigned PeriodBased on the calendar tied to the section, identifies the period of the day that the section meets on Wednesdays. Reports the Sequence of the Period in which the section is scheduled.

Numeric (2)
System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Sequence

Thursday DurationBased on the calendar tied to the section, indicates the length of time that the section meets on Thursdays. Reports the duration in minutes based on the Schedule Placement of the section and the period Start and End Times entered for the calendar. May include lunch time for grades P3-8, but not for grades 9-12.

Numeric (3)
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Schedule Placement; System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Start Time, End Time

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Thursday Assigned PeriodBased on the calendar tied to the section, identifies the period of the day that the section meets on Thursdays. Reports the Sequence of the Period in which the section is scheduled.

Numeric (2)
System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Sequence

Friday DurationBased on the calendar tied to the section, indicates the length of time that the section meets on Fridays. Reports the duration in minutes based on the Schedule Placement of the section and the period Start and End Times entered for the calendar. May include lunch time for grades P3-8, but not for grades 9-12.

Numeric (3)
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Schedule Placement; System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Start Time, End Time

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Friday Assigned PeriodBased on the calendar tied to the section, identifies the period of the day that the section meets on Fridays. Reports the Sequence of the Period in which the section is scheduled.

Numeric (2)
System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Sequence

Saturday DurationBased on the calendar tied to the section, indicates the length of time that the section meets on Saturdays. Reports the duration in minutes based on the Schedule Placement of the section and the period Start and End Times entered for the calendar.

Numeric (3)
Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Schedule Placement; System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Start Time, End Time

Calculated, not dynamically stored
Saturday Assigned PeriodBased on the calendar tied to the section, identifies the period of the day that the section meets on Saturdays. Reports the Sequence of the Period in which the section is scheduled. May include lunch time for grades P3-8, but not for grades 9-12.

Numeric (2)
System Administration > Calendar > Periods > Sequence













