Online Registration - New Configuration Prep Checklist



Campus Location

OLR Standard

OLR Prime 

For the configuration that you will use to copy forward, review any warnings present in the OLR Information Center. If applicable, fix relevant warnings. 


When you copy forward a configuration, the warnings will also be copied forward.  

System Settings > Online Registration Setup > OLR Information Center 


Create a new configuration  

You can work on setting up the next configuration before rolling forward Calendars or Enrollments, so long as you do not intend to open this configuration before those items are rolled forward.  

System Settings > Online Registration Setup > OLR Setup


If your district uses the OLR System Setting “Use School Registration Windows for Registration,” you will want to update the dates for each school window.  


When the configuration is rolled forward and this setting is enabled, the dated windows for each school are rolled forward as well. However, the dates do not automatically update to correlate with the new school year. Update these dates to ensure parents will see the application in the Parent Portal when they are designated.  


An OLR Window is referencing the OLR date range the application type is open.

System Settings > Online Registration Setup > Registration Window By School



Make appropriate changes to the OLR Fields in your new configuration.  


New Registration Year can mean new requirements for the application. Make sure to review the application and make any changes to the fields present before the OLR Window becomes open.  


If any of the OLR Lists need to be updated, make sure that it is completed before the OLR Registration Dates are active.  


An OLR Window is referencing the OLR date range the application type is open. 

System Settings > Online Registration Setup > OLR Builder 

System Settings > Online Registration Setup > OLR List Bank Replacer

If you have any school year-specific text within these two areas, it would be copied forward. 


Ensure you make any wording changes in the OLR Literals Bank and/or OLR List Bank. 

System Settings > Online Registration Setup > OLR Literals Bank  


System Settings > Online Registration Setup > OLR Lists Bank 

Review OLR Letters and OLR Status 


If you have any school year-specific text within these letters, it would have copied forward. 


Ensure the wording and content of your letters is correct for the upcoming school year. 


Make sure the correct letters are attached to the correct OLR Status.

Reporting > Ad Hoc Reporting > Letter Designer 


System Settings> Online Registration Setup> OLR Status 

Review OLR Notifications 


Review Notification Text to ensure that if any school year text is listed it is updated. Create any new or update existing notifications as needed.  

System Settings > Online Registration Setup > OLR Notification Editor 


Exclusions for Grade Levels, School Enrollments, Medications, or Health Conditions from pulling on the Annual Update and exclusions to the school list are made here. Check this area to make sure all exclusions selected are intended.  

System Settings > Online Registration Setup > OLR Configuration List Editor 


Create Next School Year  


To complete steps 10 and 11, a School Year needs to be created.  

Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > School Year Setup 


Roll Forward Calendars with the appropriate Grade Levels 


For OLR to pull schools in the School List, Calendars must be created for the school year in which you intend to collect applications. 

Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Wizard


Roll Forward Enrollments  


Enrollments are only required for the Annual Update. Make sure enrollments are rolled forward before the Annual Update Window opens.  


If the Portal-New Student Registration Dates are active and enrollments for students are not rolled over, students will see this application within the Student Portal.  

Student Information > General Student Administration > Enrollment Roll Forward Wizard


Set Start/End Dates for Each Application Type

Parents will be able to begin an application in the Portal or through the Email/Kiosk Links on or after the start date.  


If you need to test the application before opening the windows, open the Email/Kiosk Window to start an application. Once the application has been started, you can close the window and continue to find the application through Staff Processing.  

System Settings> Online Registration Setup> OLR Setup