READ Extract (Colorado)

Tool Search: READ Act Extract

The READ Extract reports all K-12 students from selected calendars who have an enrollment during the report start and end dates.

Screenshot of the READ ACT Extract, located at Reporting, CO State Reporting. READ Act Extract

Read - Access and generate the READ Act Extract.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article.

Report Logic

Data entered on the Student READ tool is used when reporting READ Plan Status, Summer School, Tutor and Intervention Services fields.

One record per student is reported from the most recent primary enrollment record within the entered start and end dates on the report editor. Only READ records tied to the reported enrollment are included. Active READ records from a previous year or from a calendar not included in the report are not reported.

  • If a student has more than one enrollment in the selected calendar, the primary enrollment is used.
  • If a student has more than one primary enrollment in the selected calendar, the enrollment with the latest end date is used.
  • If the student has more than one primary enrollment in the selected calendar with the same end date, the most recently created enrollment is used.
  • If the student has more than one applicable assessment, only the most recent record reports.
  • If the student has a READ record from a previous year, or from a calendar not included in the report, that record is not considered.

For students in grades K-3:

  • All applicable students report a record.
  • Students who have no applicable READ assessment within the reporting window report the default value for each field.

For students in grades 4-12:

  • The student must have a READ record within the reporting window to report.
  • The student must have an applicable READ assessment within the reporting window to report.

State Exclude logic is used in this report.

  • Students whose enrollment records are marked as State Exclude are not included.
  • Students enrolled in Grade levels marked as State Exclude are not included.
  • Students enrolled in Calendars marked as State Exclude are not included.

Students do not report when the following occurs:

  • The Enrollment End Date is before the date range entered on the Extract Editor.
  • The Enrollment Start Date is after the date range entered on the Extract Editor.
  • The Enrollment End Date is within the date range entered on the Extract Editor AND there is an Exit Status Code  assigned for that student.

Applicable assessments must contain a Result and one of the following State Codes:

  • READ03: PALS
  • READ04: Exception: English Language Learner
  • READ06: Exception: Student has part-time attendance status
  • READ07: Acadience Reading
  • READ08: aimsweb
  • READ09: Formative Assessment System for Teachers (FAST)
  • READ10: iReady
  • READ11: Istation
  • READ12: STAR Early Learning
  • READ13: Special Education Student
  • READ 14: ISIP Lectura Temprana
  • READ 15: PALS
  • READ 16: IDEL
  • READ 17: Student Met Fall Grade Level Competency
  • READ 18: aimswebPlus Spanish
  • READ 19: DIBELS (8th Edition)
  • READ 20: mClass Lectura (2022)
  • READ 21: STAR Early Learning (Spanish)

Non-Binary Gender Reporting

Schools can assign students a gender of M: Male, F: Female or N: Non-binary. This is done on the Identities tool and/or the Demographics tool. 

Data Pipeline Extracts and other required extracts use the Legal Gender field included in the Protected Identity Information to report student identity information.

To properly record a gender of N: Non-Binary, on the Identities tool:

  1. Assign the Gender of N: Non-Binary in the standard identify fields.
  2. Assign the Protected Identity Information Legal Gender field to M: Male, F: Female or N: Non-Binary.
  3. Save the record when finished.

Screenshot of the Gender and Legal Gender fields on the Census, People, Identities record. Gender and Legal Gender Assignment

Report Editor

Start DateBeginning date used to return assessment information. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
End DateLast date used to return assessment information. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
Grade LevelIndicates which grade levels are selected for inclusion in the report. This list includes all grade levels available in the district EXCEPT 002 (Infant) and 004 (PK).
Report Legal NameWhen marked, the student's name and gender report from the Protected Identity Information section on the student's Identities record.
FormatSelection determines whether the extract generates in the State Format (fixed width), CSV or HTML format.
File Revision NumberUsed in the extract file name. Users can enter up to two numeric characters (i.e., 01, 22, etc.) indicating how many times the extract has been submitted previously.
Ad hoc FilterWhen chosen, only those students included in the selected ad hoc filter are reported in the extract, if they meet the requirements of the extract.
Calendar SelectionAt least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate the report. Calendars can be selected by the active year, by school name or by year.
Report GenerationThe extract can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. Or, use the Submit to Batch button to select when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information on this functionality.

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the report.
  2. Select the desired Grade Level(s). 
  3. Mark the Report Legal Name, if desired.
  4. Select the desired Format for the report.
  5. Enter the correct File Revision Number.
  6. If desired, select an Ad hoc Filter.
  7. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  8. Click the Generate Extract button or use the Submit to Batch button. The extract displays in the selected format. 

Screenshot of an example of the READ Act extract in State format. READ Extract - State Format (fixed width)

Screenshot of an example of the READ Act extract in CSV format. READ Extract - CSV Format

Screenshot of an example of the READ Act extract in HTML format. READ Extract - HTML Format

READ Extract Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation

District Code

CDE-assigned four-digit number for each school district or BOCES.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 4 digits

District Information > State District Number


School Code

Four-digit number assigned to the school.

When a student has a Special Education Attendance Code of 31: Administrative Unit OR 32: State-Operated Program, the four-digit code reports from the Serving District field on the student' most recent enrollment record as of the entered effective date, the end date of report generation, or the most recent enrollment closest to the end date of report generation. 

For all other students, the student's latest enrollment where the Special Education Start Date is populated and at least one active Special Education date falls within the reporting period or the most recent enrollment closest to the end date of report generation. 

  • The Service Agency/Facility code reports, if populated.
  • If the Service Agency/Facility Code field is not populated, the School of Accountability reports, if populated.
  • If the School of Accountability field is not populated, the School Number of the student's most current enrollment or most recent enrollment as of the Effective Date or End Date of report generation.
  • If all of these fields are not populated, a value of 0000 reports.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District


Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Service Agency/Facility Code


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School of Accountability


School Information > State School Number



10-digit number assigned to each student by CDE.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Last Name Student

Student's legal last name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's last name reports from the Legal Name field in the Protected Identities Information section.

Default value: space fill

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


First Name Student

Student's legal first name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's first name reports from the Legal Name field in the Protected Identities Information section.

Default value: space fill

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Gender Student

Indication of the student being male or female. Reports as follows:

  • 01 - Female
  • 02 - Male
  • 03 - Non-binary

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's gender reports from the Legal Name field in the Protected Identities Information section.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 2 digits

Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Birth Date Student

Student's birth date.

Default value: zero fill

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Demographics > Person Information > Date of Birth


For any student identified with a significant reading deficiency (SRD) at any time (not just the end of year testing), a value of 0, 1 or 2 reports.

  • A value of 0 reports for any student who have an INACTIVE READ plan.
    • Inactive is determined by the READ Plan dates being outside of the dates entered on the extract editor, the READ Plan Start date is AFTER the extract editor End Date, or the READ Plan End Date is BEFORE the extract editor Start Date.
  • A value of 1 reports for any student who have an ACTIVE READ plan.
    • Active is determined by the READ Plan dates being within the dates entered on the extract editor, the READ Plan Start Date is ON or BEFORE the extract editor End Date, or the READ Plan End Date is ON or AFTER the extract editor Start Date.
  • A value of 2 reports for any student who has never been identified as having a SRD and does not have a READ Plan history. 
  • A value of 2 reports when the READ Plan is null.

Numeric, 1 digit

READ > READ Plan Type

Student Status READ

Reports the student's result from the assessment.

For Grades K-3:

  • And has a state coded test within the reports dates, reports from the Result Codefield.
  • And there is not a state coded test, reports a value of 0.
  • And the test is READ04 or READ06, reports a value of 0.

For Grades 4-12:

  • Reports 0.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 1 digit

Assessment > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Result



Reports the last two digits of the state code of the READ Assessment being reported.

  • If the student is grades K-3: and has a state coded test within the reports dates, reports the Test Code.
  • If the student is grades 4-12, reports 00.
  • For all students in all grade levels, if the test is Null or if the Result is Null, reports 00.

Default value: 00 

Numeric, 2 digits

Assessment Center > Test Information > Name

Assessment > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Result

Score READ

Reports the Raw Score of the READ Assessment from the student's Assessment tool. Only the first four digits of the score in the Raw Score field report.

For Grades K-3:

  • If the State Test Code is READ13, reports a value of 8888.
  • If the State Test Code is READ04 or READ06, reports a value of 9999.
  • If the State Test Code is NOT READ04, READ06 or READ13, and the Raw Score contains a value, reports the Raw Score value.
  • If the State Test code is NOT READ44, READ06 or READ13, and the Raw Score is null, reports a value of 9999.

For Grades 4-12:

  • Reports a value of 9999.

Default value: 9999

Numeric, 4 digits

Assessment > Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Raw Score

Test Date READ

Reports the date of the READ Testing. If the test date is null, the end of the school year reports.

Default value: 0401YYYY

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Assessment >Test Scores > Test Score Detail > Date
Recommended Retention READ

Indicates whether the student advances to the next grade level due to a reading deficiency.

For Grades K-3:

When the student receives Special Education services (see note below), AND has a READ Assessment with a Test Code of READ13, a value of 2 reports.

  • When the student has a READ status of 0,1 or 4, a value of 2 reports.
  • When the Recommended Retention field on the enrollment record contains a value, that value reports.
  • When there is no value in the field, reports 0.

For Grades 4-12:

  • Reports a value of 2.

NOTE: A student is considered to be receiving special education services when:

  • The Effective Date of the report falls within the Special Education Start Date and End Date on the student's Enrollment record.
  • The student has an active and locked IEP on the Effective Date of the report.

Default value: 2

Numeric, 1 digit

READ > Recommended Retention

Retained READ

Indicates whether the student advances to the next grade level due to a reading deficiency.

For Grades K-3:

  • When the student is receiving Special Education services (see note below), AND the student has a READ Assessment with a Test Code of READ12, a value of 2 reports.
  • When the student has a READ status of 0,1 or 4, a value of 2 reports.
  • When the Retained field on the enrollment record contains a value, that value reports.
  • When there is no value in the field, reports 0.

For Grades 4-12:

  • Reports a value of 2.

NOTE: A student is considered to be receiving special education services when:

  • The Effective Date of the report falls within the Special Education Start Date and End Date on the student's Enrollment record.
  • The student has an active and locked IEP on the Effective Date of the report.

Default value: 2

Numeric, 1 digit

READ > Retained

Summer School READ

Indicates the student has a READ Plan Type of 01: Summer School within the selected calendar.

For Grades K-3:

  • Reports a value of 0 if the student does not have a READ Plan Type of 01: Summer School within the selected calendar.
  • Reports a value of 1 if the student has a READ Plan Type of 01: Summer School .

For Grades 4-12:

  • Reports a value of 0.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 1 digit

READ > READ Plan Type: 01

Tutor READ

Indicates the student has a READ Plan Type of 02: Tutoring (before/after school) within the selected calendar.

For Grades K-3:

  • Reports a value of 0 if the student does not have a READ Plan Type of 02: Tutoring (before/after school) within the selected calendar.
  • Reports a value of 1 if the student has a READ Plan Type of 02: Tutoring (before/after school),

For Grades 4-12:

  • Reports a value of 0.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 1 digit

READ > READ Plan Type: 02

Intervention Services

Indicates the student has a READ Plan Type of 03: Other (services received during the school day) within the selected calendar.

For Grades K-3:

  • Reports a value of 0 if the student does not have a READ Plan Type of 03: Other (services during the school day) within the selected calendar.
  • Reports a value of 1 if the student has a READ Plan Type of 03: Other (services received during the school day) 

For Grades 4-12:

  • Reports a value of 0.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 1 digit

READ > READ Plan Type: 03
