Special Education Summary (Delaware)

Tool Search: Special Education Summary

The Special Education Summary tool allows users to view student Special Ed data without having tool rights access to their Plans/Evaluations. Users can enter some data for State Reporting purposes.

The list screen displays all Special Education Summary records for a student. 

Screenshot of the Special Education Summary list screen with one record displayed.

Select an existing record or click New to open the Special Education Summary Detail Screen. The Detail Screen consists of the Plan Information, Evaluation Information, State Reporting, Funding Needs, and Consent to Evaluate sections.

See the Tool Rights section below for additional information.

Plan and Evaluation Information

This section is read-only. The information displayed in the Plan and Evaluation Information section is pulled from the student's most recent, locked Plan and Evaluation. 

Screenshot of the read-only section of the special education summary detail screen.Special Education Summary Detail - Read-only Section

Plan Information Fields

The following table lists all the fields in the Plan Information section and from where that field pulls data. The following plan types can be pulled in:

Field Description Location
Plan The name of the plan. Special Ed Documents tool > Plan Name
Initial IEP Date The first day of the student's first plan. Plan Header > IEP Initiation Date when Initial IEP or Initial IEP/Initial Eligibility Determination is selected as the Plan Type.
IEP Type The type of plan. Plan Header > Plan Type
Annual IEP Meeting Date The day of the meeting. Plan Header > Meeting Date
IEP/ISP Initiation Date The first day of the plan. Plan Header > IEP Initiation Date
IEP/ISP End Date The last day of the plan. Plan Header > IEP End Date
IEP Amendment Date The day the plan was amended. Review Amendment > Amendment Start Date
Transfer IEP Date The temporary placement date. Plan Header > Temporary Placement Date
Diploma The type of diploma the student receives or will receive after completing their coursework. Secondary IEP > Post-High School Goals > The student plans to exit school with
Transfer of Rights Date The day the student turned 18 and their rights were transferred to them. Secondary IEP > Educational Representative After Attainment of Age 18 > Date of Certification

Evaluation Information Fields

The following table lists all the fields in the Evaluation Information section and from where that field pulls data. See the Delaware Evaluation article for additional information.

Field Description Location
Evaluation The name of the evaluation. Special Ed Documents tool > Evaluation Name
Eligibility The eligibility determination. Section D: Eligibility Determination > Meets OR Does not Meet checkbox
Last Evaluation Summary Report Date The latest evaluation summary report date. Evaluation Header > Eligibility Date
Initial Evaluation Summary Report Date The first evaluation summary report date. Evaluation Header Eligibility Date when Initial is selected as the Evaluation Type
Primary Disability The student's first disability. Section D: Eligibility Determination > Primary Educational Classification of Disability
Start Date The day the student was determined to have this disability. Evaluation Header > Eligibility Date
Secondary Disability The student's second disability. Section D: Eligibility Determination > Secondary Educational Classification of Disability
Start Date The day the student was determined to have this disability. Evaluation Header > Eligibility Date

State Reporting

The State Reporting section is used to enter data for Ed-Fi Reporting. These fields are only available on this tool and do not pull in from any special education documents.

Screenshot of the State Reporting section of the Special Education summary tool.Special Education Summary - State Reporting Section

The following table lists all the fields available in the State Reporting section.

Field Description Validation
Start Date
The first day of the state reporting record. Overlapping dates are not allowed.
End Date The last day of the state reporting record. Overlapping dates are not allowed.
Special Ed Pre-Referral Indicates the student has been pre-referred for special education eligibility. Options are Yes or No. N/A
Eligible Not Receiving Services Indicates the student is eligible for special education but is not receiving services. N/A
Do Not Count for December 1 Indicates this student should not count for December 1 reporting. N/A
Exit Date The day the student left special education services.  N/A
Reason Exited
The reason the student left special education services. Click the expand link to view available options.
Click here to expand...
  • A Transferred to Regular Education
  • B Graduated with Diploma
  • C Graduated with a Certificate of Performance
  • CW Initial Eval Not Completed-Consent Withdrawn
  • D Reached maximum age
  • DAS Graduated with Diploma of Alternate Achievement Standards
  • DNQ Did Not Qualify
  • E Death
  • ERS Initial Eval Completed-Eligible-Rec Services
  • F Moved/transferred, known to be continuing
  • G Moved not known to be continuing
  • H Dropped out
  • LOP Initial Eval Not Completed-No Parent Par-Birth-5
  • NE Initial Eval Completed-Not Eligible
  • NRS Initial Eval Completed-Eligible-Not Rec Services
  • NS Eligible Not Receiving Services
  • SW Initial Eval Not Completed-Std Withdrawn
*This field is required when the Exit Date is populated.

The values available in this field are stored in the Attribute Dictionary > SpecialEDState > Reason Exited.
Other Calendar Programs Indicates any other program in which the student participates. Options include:
  • Alternative School
  • Early Childhood Program
  • ICT - Interagency Collaborative Team Placement
  • Special Programs
  • Home School
  • Parentally Placed Private School
  • Not Applicable
The values available in this field are stored in the Attribute Dictionary > SpecialEDState > Other Calendar Programs.

Funding Needs

The Funding Needs section allows users to add multiple funding needs category records.

Screenshot of the funding needs section of the special education summary tool.Special Education Summary - Funding Needs Section

Select an existing record or click Add to open the Funding Needs Side Panel.

Field Description Validation Image
Click to enlarge
Funding Needs Category
The area in which the student qualifies for federal special education funding. Options include:
  • 1: Basic
  • 2: Complex
  • 3: Intense
  • 4: K-3
  • 5: Pre K
  • 6: Speech Only (4-12)
The values available in this field are stored in the Attribute Dictionary > SpecialEDStateFundingNeeds > Funding Needs Category. Screenshot of the Funding Needs Side-Panel.
Funding Needs Side-Panel
Start Date
The first day of the funding eligibility. N/A
End Date
The last day of the funding eligibility.  N/A

Consent to Evaluate

The Consent to Evaluate section allows users to add multiple evaluation date records.

Screenshot of the consent to evaluate section oof the special education summary tool.Special Education Summary - Consent to Evaluate Section
Select an existing record or click Add to open the Consent to Evaluate Side Panel. Click on the side panel image to enlarge it.

The Initial Consent to Evaluate Date is the only field available on the side panel, and it is required. Enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format, or click the calendar icon to select the day, then click Save. The new record displays in the Consent to Evaluate table.
Screenshot of the consent to evaluate side-panel.
Consent to Evaluate Side-Panel

Tool Rights

Tool Search: User Account

See this Tool Rights article for additional information.

Screenshot of the Special Education Summary tool rights and subrights located at Tool Rights, Student Information, Special Ed, Special Education Summary.Special Education Summary Tool Rights Located at Tool Rights > Student Information > Special Ed > Special Education Summary
Right or Subright Read Write Add Delete
Special Education Summary View the list screen. Edit existing records, including the State Reporting, Funding Needs, and Consent to Evaluate sections. Add new records, including the State Reporting, Funding Needs, and Consent to Evaluate sections. Delete records.
Plan Information View the read-only Plan Information section on the detail screen. N/A N/A N/A
Evaluation Information View the read-only Evaluation Information section. N/A N/A N/A