Instruction Mode (Massachusetts)

Tool Search: Instruction Mode

The Instruction Mode tool allows districts to manage student instruction modes and pass this information to the State via the SIF StudentEnrollment object.

Screenshot of Instruction Mode.Instruction Mode

Read - View MA Instruction Mode records.
Write - Update existing MA Instruction Mode records.
Add - Create new MA Instruction Mode records.
Delete - Remove MA Instruction Mode records.

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see this Tool Rights article.

Add the Instruction Mode for a Student

You can add an Instruction Mode record for a student via the MA Instruction Mode tool.

Screenshot of creating a new Instruction Mode.Creating a new Instruction Mode

To create an Instruction Mode record:

  1. Navigate to Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > MA Instruction Mode
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the Start Date and Instruction Mode.
  4. Click Save. A new Instruction Mode record now exists for the student within Infinite Campus.

Adjust the Instruction Mode for an Individual Student

To adjust the Instruction Mode record for an individual student via the MA Instruction Mode tool, you should first end date the current record and then create a new Instruction Mode record. 

Step 1. End Date the Existing Instruction Mode Record

Screenshot of End Date the existing Instruction Mode record.End Date the Existing Instruction Mode Record

The first step is to End Date the existing Instruction Mode record:

  1. Navigate to Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > MA Instruction Mode
  2. Select the existing Instruction Mode record.
  3. Enter an End Date.
  4. Click Save

Screenshot of End Dated Instruction Mode Record.End Dated Instruction Mode Record

Step 2. Add a New Instruction Mode Record

Screenshot of adding a New Instruction Mode Record.Add a New Instruction Mode Record

Now that the old record is End Dated, you should now add a new Instruction Mode record:

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the Start Date and Instruction Mode.
  3. Click Save

A new Instruction Mode record now exists for the student within Infinite Campus.

Screenshot of new Instruction Mode record.New Instruction Mode Record

Add or Adjust the Instruction Mode En Masse

You can use the Federal/State Program Updater to run an Ad hoc filter that allows you add or adjust the Instruction Mode for students en masse. 

See the Assign and Adjust the Instruction Mode for Students in Blended Learning Groups article for detailed information about this process.