Excuse Code Copier Wizard

Tool Search: Excuse Code Copier Wizard 

The Excuse Code Copier Wizard allows users to copy excuse codes to different calendars. Local attendance codes can be created in one school within a district and copied to other schools in the same district, allowing the district to quickly standardize codes across all schools.

Screenshot of the editor of the Excuse Code Copier. Excuse Code Copier

Attendance Code Copy

Before copying attendance codes from one calendar to another, verify that they have been created properly on the Attendance Codes page.

  1. Select the appropriate Source Calendar from the dropdown list. This is the school from which the codes will be copied.
  2. Select the appropriate Copy Method. See definitions of options below.
  3. Select the school Destination Calendar(s) that should receive the attendance codes from the Source Calendar.
  4. Click the Copy Codes button. The wizard copies the attendance codes into the appropriate school. You can verify the information by viewing the Attendance Codes in one of the destination calendars.

Copy Method


Update matching codes and insert missing ones

This option modifies the description, state code, status, and excuse based on a match to the Code field. Codes from the Source Calendar are inserted as additional attendance codes.

Full synchronization

This option copies all codes directly from the Source Calendar to the Destination Calendar. It removes any code from the Destination Calendar that does not match one in the Source Calendar and inserts any codes from the Source Calendar that are not currently in it.