These cases are included in the Campus.2247 release pack.
Data Definition Language Scripts (DDL)
This section lists data structures that were created, altered, or dropped, based on the vocabulary used to define data structures in SQL Server.
New Tables
Case Number | Table | Description |
SIS-155023 | TermAndConditionAgreement | A record of a portal user accepts or declines to sign a document electronically on portal. one record per person per document. |
SIS-155023 | PlanESignPersonIDs | Linking table that associates plan to personIDs of selected guardians to eSign the plan. |
SIS-155023 | PlanESignature | Linking table that associates plan to eSignature. |
SIS-158336 | CustomPtech | User extended data on the ptech table defined by campusattributes. |
SIS-158336 | CustomSmartProgram | User extended data on the smart program table defined by campusattributes. |
SIS-158336 | Ptech | Ptech related data. |
SIS-158336 | PtechCriteria | Ptech criteria multi-select related data. |
SIS-158336 | SmartProgram | Smart program related data. |
SIS-158336 | SmartProgramCriteria | Smart program criteria multi-select related data. |
Modified Tables
Case Number | Table | Column | Description |
SIS-155023 | DocumentFile | isEsign | Indicates whether this document is an esign copy |
SIS-155023 | DocumentFile | eSignedBy | Current name of the esign user |
SIS-155023 | ESignature | description | Description of the additional data |
SIS-155023 | ESignature | eSignField | Identifier of esignfield for documents with multiple esign fields |
SIS-155023 | ESignature | fontSize | Font size of the esignature |
SIS-155023 | ESignature | payload | Additional data associated with the esignature |
SIS-155023 | Plan | submittedFromPortal | Indicates if document is signed or declined and submitted by portal user when not locked --nv only. |
SIS-155023 | Plan | sentForEsignTimestamp | The timestamp when the status of sentforesign was last toggled. --nv only |
SIS-155023 | Plan | sentForEsign | Indicates if document is sent to portal for esignature when not locked --nv only. |
SIS-155023 | PlanEditorStatus | eSignField | Name of the corresponding esign field. |
SIS-155023 | PlanEditorStatus | validationCompletePendingEsign | Indicates the editor will be valid when esigned. |
SIS-155023 | PortalDisplayOptions | documentsIEPeSign | Flag to display ieps should be available for esignature on the portal. --nv only |
SIS-157530 | EarlyLearning | elProgramAddress | Early learning program address, hi |
SIS-157530 | EarlyLearning | attended | Indicates wheather student attended an early learning program, hi |
SIS-157530 | EarlyLearning | programCode | Dictionary code of an early learning program, hi |
SIS-157530 | EarlyLearning | elProgramName | Custom early learning program name, hi |
SIS-157530 | EarlyLearning | noProgramStartAndOrEnd | Indicates when no program start and/or end date was provided |
SIS-157530 | EarlyLearning | nameNotProvided | Indicates when no early learning program name was provided, hi |
SIS-157530 | EarlyLearning | addressNotProvided | Indicates when no early learning program address was provided, hi |
SIS-158074 | EnrollmentIN | dualEnrollmentInstrMin | Indicates how many instructional minutes a day the dual enrolled student receives. |
SIS-158381 | PACTE | baccaDegreeAwarded | Indicates if a bacca degree was awarded |
SIS-158381 | PACTE | certificateOfApprenticeshipPre | Indicates if a certificate of apprenticeship pre was awarded |
SIS-158381 | PACTE | adultCumulativeCreditEquiv2 | Indicates that adult cumulative credit was awarded |
SIS-158381 | ProgramParticipationCTE | baccaDegreeAwarded | Indicates if a bacca degree was awarded |
SIS-158381 | ProgramParticipationCTE | certificateOfApprenticeshipPre | Indicates if a certificate of apprenticeship pre was awarded |
SIS-158381 | ProgramParticipationCTE | adultCumulativeCreditEquiv2 | Indicates that adult cumulative credit was awarded |
SIS-159802 | SEPTestAccommodationsWI | varChar5 | Generic field for comment text. |
SIS-160204 | RecordsTransfer | homelessServDocumentXML | Xml representation of the released student's homeless services documents. |
SIS-160204 | RecordsTransfer | homelessServDocumentFOP | The homeless services rendering object intended to be used in conjunction with the associated xml data. |
SIS-160408 | PlanState | editorRefreshed | Bit field to track if the refresh button has been pressed on the editor. |
Case Number | Table | Column | Description |
SIS-160583 | AdHocFilter | text | Deprecated: stores the text representation of the filter elements selected by the user defining the filter |
SIS-160583 | AdHocFilter | sectionID | Deprecated: never used. reference to the section table for filter use by teachers |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | staffName | Deprecated: name of staff involved |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | teacher | Deprecated: indicates if violence was directed at teacher(s) in a behavior event. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | other | Deprecated: indicates if violence was directed at other person(s) in a behavior event. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | student | Deprecated: indicates if violence was directed at student(s) in a behavior event. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | offenderReferral | Deprecated: text field indicating the referral of the offender. was used in ks. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | victimReferral | Deprecated: indicates whether behavior event was a violence indication. was used in ks |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | incidentDescription | Deprecated: lists the details of the incident. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | staff | Deprecated: indicates if violence was directed at non-teaching staff in a behavior event. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | referralDate | Deprecated: the values have been moved to behaviorincident.referraltimestamp. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | civilProceedings | Deprecated: indicates whether civil proceedings resulted from the behavior event. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | referralName | Deprecated: name of referring staff |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorEvent | boardViolation | Deprecated: classifies behavior event as specific type of school violation. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorPreference | sped | Deprecated: displaying special ed option on reports setup. this is now a record with element='sped' |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorPreference | notify | Deprecated: default administrators to notify. this is now a record with element='notify' |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorPreference | calendarID | Deprecated: not used. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorPreference | gender | Deprecated: display gender option on reports setup. this is now a record with element='gender' |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorPreference | race | Deprecated: display race and ethnicity option on reports setup. this is now a record with element='race' |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorResolution | discAssignDate | Deprecated: date the resolution was assigned to the student. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorResolution | altPlacementSped | Deprecated: indicates the special education student was placed in an alternative setting as part of the behavior resolution. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorRole | medicalServiceProvided | Deprecated: indicates if medical service was provided as a result of this incident. |
SIS-160583 | BehaviorRole | campusIDofResponsibility | Deprecated: name of the school in which the student is enrolled. |
SIS-160583 | CampusAttribute | verticalAlignment | Deprecated: controls the vertical alignment of the label for this campus attribute inside of the campuside (top, middle, bottom) |
SIS-160583 | CampusAttribute | keepHistory | Deprecated: tells campus ide to keep record of all changes made to each corresponding campusattributevalue record |
SIS-160583 | CampusAttribute | planEnabled | Deprecated: this column is not currently being used, but will be implemented in future campus versions as part of the custom learner planning feature. |
SIS-160583 | CampusAttribute | key | Deprecated: name of the primary key of 'object' example:personid |
SIS-160583 | CampusAttribute | horizontalAlignment | Deprecated: controls the horizontal alignment of the label for this campus attribute of the campuside (left, center, right) |
SIS-160583 | ConstraintCourseRoom | minSections | Deprecated: unused. |
SIS-160583 | ConstraintCourseRoom | maxSections | Deprecated: unused. |
SIS-160583 | Course | lock | Deprecated: indicates the course is locked. |
SIS-160583 | Course | highlyQualified | Deprecated: designates the course as needing to be taught by a teacher who is considered highly qualified, based on employment credentials associated with the teacher. |
SIS-160583 | Course | pseoCredit | Deprecated: stores the pseo credit total for which the course is worth |
SIS-160583 | Course | standardsBased | Deprecated: indicates the courses uses standards as a measure of performance |
SIS-160583 | CoursePlan | alternateRank | Deprecated: replaced with courseplanalternate. |
SIS-160583 | EmploymentAssignment | schoolID | Deprecated: reference to the school table. moved to employmentassignmentlocation but this field is still populated for legacy purposes. |
SIS-160583 | EmploymentCredential | activeDuty | Deprecated: indicates if the staff person is active in the military full time |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | gradYear | Deprecated: this value has migrated to graduation.gradyear. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | diplomaPeriod | Deprecated: this value has migrated to graduation.diplomaperiod. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | lep | Deprecated: indicates the student is participating in lep programming. migrated to the el module (the lep tables). |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | diplomaDate | Deprecated: this value has migrated to graduation.diplomadate. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | postGradPlans | Deprecated: this value has migrated to graduation.postgradplans. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | englishProficiency | Deprecated: indicates the student becoming proficient in english. migrated to the el module (the lep tables). |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | childCountStatus | Deprecated: tracks child count levels. was used in wi and is used in co but stored in customstudent. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | language | Deprecated: notes the language most often spoken at home by the student and family. migrated to the el module (the lep tables). communication languages on identity. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | cohortYear | Deprecated: indicates the year in which the student's cohort began education, mostly indicated for 9th grade usage. migrated to graduation table. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | mealStatus | Deprecated: indicates whether the student receives free or reduced meals. migrated to poseligibility table and the fram(free reduced application management) tables. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | localStudentNumber | Deprecated: assigned when the enrollment record is created. school/district identifier for the student. this is on person.studentnumber. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | englishProficiencyDate | Deprecated: notes the date the student became proficient in english. migrated to the el module (the lep tables). |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | diplomaType | Deprecated: this value has migrated to graduation.diplomatype. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | esl | Deprecated: indicates the student is designated as english as a second language. migrated to the el module (the lep tables). |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | attendanceGroup | Deprecated: indicates student is in a special attendance group used to record attendance, was used in ky moved to enrollmentky, attendancegroupky |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | projectedGraduationDate | Deprecated: the date the student is expected to graduate. migrated to graduation table. |
SIS-160583 | Enrollment | postGradLocation | Deprecated: this value has migrated to graduation.postgradlocation. |
SIS-160583 | EnrollmentIA | swvppHours | Deprecated |
SIS-160583 | FormDocument | active | Deprecated: historic flag to indicate this document is active. active is now calculated based on start and end date. use v_formdocument for active status. |
SIS-160583 | Graduation | followUpCourse | Deprecated: course number used in following up with student on graduation plan. |
SIS-160583 | Graduation | followUpZip | Deprecated: zip code of student's placement status. this is only collected for an adult student taking special adult programs. |
SIS-160583 | Graduation | followUpSection | Deprecated: section number used in following up with student on graduation plan. |
SIS-160583 | HealthContact | timestamp | Deprecated: not used |
SIS-160583 | HealthContact | referralID | Deprecated: not used |
SIS-160583 | HealthContact | initiatedPersonID | Deprecated: not used |
SIS-160583 | HealthContact | facilityID | Deprecated: not used |
SIS-160583 | HealthObservation | observationTypeID | Deprecated: use healthobservationtypeitem. |
SIS-160583 | HealthVisit | treatmentID | Deprecated: use healthvisit_treatment for a 1 to many. |
SIS-160583 | HouseholdMember | guardian | Deprecated: flag determines whether this member is a guardian of the household. moved exclusively to |
SIS-160583 | Identity | birthStateNoSIF | Deprecated: the state in which the person was born. |
SIS-160583 | ImmComplianceStatus | lastChecked | Deprecated. date when the table was last checked for compliance. populated after all other check/logic has been done |
SIS-158381 | PACTE | adultCumulativeCreditEquiv | Indicates that adult cumulative credit was awarded |
SIS-160583 | ProgramParticipation | elInstructionalSupport | Deprecated: indicates ell support as part of the program |
SIS-158381 | ProgramParticipationCTE | adultCumulativeCreditEquiv | Indicates that adult cumulative credit was awarded |
SIS-160583 | Request | teacherPreference | Deprecated: stores the student's preferred teacher in their schedule request |
SIS-160583 | Request | conflictReason | Deprecated: stores the reason code for a scheduling conflict |
SIS-160583 | Roster | stateUseFlag | Deprecated: checkbox for state use |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeType5 | Deprecated: type of grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeTypeHigh4 | Deprecated: type of high grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | School | aypStatus | Deprecated: indication of school's ayp school status |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeType2 | Type of grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeTypeHigh3 | Deprecated: type of high grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | School | eden | Deprecated: indicates school eden status. |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeTypeHigh5 | Deprecated: type of high grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeTypeHigh | Deprecated: type of high grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | School | alternateFramework | Deprecated: indicates if the school classifies as apf. |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeTypeHigh2 | Deprecated: type of high grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeType3 | Deprecated: type of grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | School | victory | Deprecated: indicates school victory status. |
SIS-160583 | School | gradeType4 | Deprecated: type of grade associated with school. not viewable in all states |
SIS-160583 | Section | lock | Deprecated:indicates the section is locked and cannot be modified. split into lockbuild, lockroster. |
SIS-160583 | SectionStaffHistory | sectionStaffID | Deprecated: links to sectionstaff |
SIS-160583 | UserAccount | allModules | Deprecated: being phased out. if flagged, checkbox indicates user has one or more security roles. |
SIS-160583 | UserAccount | hideBanner | Deprecated - was: if flagged, checkbox indicates user will see the banner in the browser. |
SIS-160583 | UserNotice | banner | Deprecated: was - banner option is turned on (1) or off (2). |
Data Manipulation Language Scripts (DML)
This section lists scripts to add, modify, query, or remove data from a SQL Server database.
Case Number | State | Description |
SIS-98647 | ME | Immunization Rule Update |
SIS-151226 | Added require DOB in student locator to preferences | |
SIS-156319 | IN | Created Resync Scheduled Task |
SIS-158074 | Converted dualEnrollmentInstrMin from CustomStudent to EnrollmentIN | |
SIS-158081 | NJ | EmploymentCredential license type conversion |
SIS-158616 | NM | Immunization Rule Update |
SIS-158675 | CA | Immunization Rule Update |
SIS-159092 | WY | Immunization Rule Update |
SIS-159316 | NV | Deleted from SCEDConcentrator table |
SIS-159409 | CO | Immunization Rule Update |
SIS-159642 | MN | Immunization Rule Update |
SIS-159643 | IL | Immunization Rule Update |
SIS-159660 | IA | District List Updated |
SIS-160204 | Added new Homeless Services form | |
SIS-160317 | MO | Immunization Rule Update |
SIS-160361 | NJ | Added District |
SIS-160503 | ID | SPED - Converted state reporting field to new location |
SIS-160535 | Removed special characters in CTPE |